
Raising twins....DOUBLE TROUBLE!

"Umma! Jiyoon keeps crying", Jihoon yelled from the livingroom.

Who's Jiyoon? Hara had another baby girl and she is now 15 months old. Jiyeon and Jihoon are now 7 years old.

Hara was in the kitchen making a bottle for Jiyoon. "Wait honey, the bottle is almost done. Look after her for a minute.", she yelled out from the kitchen.

Jihoon gave Jiyoon Jiyeon's stuffed animal and she stopper crying. "Mom! I stopped her from crying!", he said excitedly.

"That's good Jihoon. You are a good brother.", Hara said while walking over to them with a bottle in her hand.

Jihoon smiled and stood up. "Now can I go outside and play with dad and Jiyeon?", he asked while running to the front door.

"Yes you may. Thank you.", she told him and she picked Jiyoon up from the cradle swing.

Jihoon hurriedly put on his tennis shoes and ran out of the house.

Hara fed Jiyoon the bottle of formula and rocked her.


Junhyung was out on the playground with Jiyeon and running around with her.

"Appa!", Jihoon yelled out while running towards the playground.

"Did mom finally let you out?", Junhyung asked him.

"Yeah. Probably because I stopped Jiyoon from crying.", Jihoon explained while running up the slides. Junhyung laughed and watched the kids run around. Junhyung never got along with kids before he married Hara and had children but now, Junhyung loved kids. He was glad.


30 minutes flew by and it was getting hotter. "Let's go home now.", Junhyung told the kids.

Jiyeon and Jihoon jumped down from the monkey bars and walked over to Junhyung.

"Appa. Can we go to Han River tonight?", Jiyeon asked while grabbing Junhyung's arm. Junhyung looked down at her. "Why do you wanna go?", he asked.

"Because I had fun last time. Remember when we went with Beast uncles? It was fun I wanna go again.", she replied.

Junhyung nodded and grinned. "We'll go if mom wants to.", he told her.

"Yay!", Jiyeon said excitedly.

Junhyung and the twins finally came back home. They all went in the bathroom and washed their hands and came back out to the living room.
Junhyung picked Jiyoon up and played with her so Hara could rest.

"Umma can we go to Han River tonight?", Jiyeon asked as soon as she sat on the couch.

Hara turned to Junhyung and gave him the confused look. "The Han River?", she asked. "Why do you wanna go all of the sudden?", she continued.

"Because it's fun.", she replied.

"Umm I guess we could if your dad wants to.", she told her.

Jiyeon looked at Junhyung. He nodded and Jiyeon smiled big.


It was 7:30 PM, the family finished dinner and was getting ready to head out. Hara dressed Jiyeon into tank top and shorts and she dressed Jihoon into a green shirt with gray shorts.

Meanwhile, Junhyung looked for Jiyoon's baby carrier. He finally found it and took it out to the livingroom. Jiyoon was in the high chair drinking her bottle. Junhyung waited for the kids and Hara to finish getting ready.
A few minutes later, they came out and were all ready to go.

"Get in the car.", Junhyung told Jihoon. He was fooling around in the parking lot. Jihoon was such a bright child. 
Jihoon heard him and jumped in the car. Hara put Jiyoon in her carseat and got in the front. Junhyung drove out of the neighborhood and started driving to Han River.

It was about a 30 minute drive from where they lived. Junhyung and Hara talked on their way their while the kids talked together. 

Finally they arrived and they hopped out of the car. Junhyung took out the baby carrier and Hara put it around her. 

"I can carry Jiyoon if you want.", Junhyung told Hara while taking Jiyoon out of her carseat.

"We can just switch off later.", Hara said while putting Jiyoon in the carrier. Junhyung nodded and closed the trunk. Jiyeon and Jihoon were running around chasing each other. They were at the Han River park. Junhyung locked the door and they started walking. There were lots of people at the park. Junhyung and Hara held hands and watched the kids run around and play. "Slow down. Don't go too far.", Hara yelled out. 

"Don't worry. I'm watching them.", Junhyung told her. Hara leaned her head on Junhyung and Junhyung put his arms around her. 


Junhyung played with the kids while Hara sat on the bench with Jiyoon. She watched them play and couldn't wipe her smile off her face. She was glad to have a husband like Junhyung. He was an amazing dad. Hara put Jiyoon out of the carrier and put her on her lap. "It feels nice outside right?", Hara told Jiyoon. 

A few minutes later, Jihoon walked over to where Hara was sitting. He was all sweaty and laughing. "Jihoon, you should rest. You are too sweaty..", Hara told him.

"I know I'm hot.", Jihoon said as he sat on the bench. Junhyung picked up Jiyeon and spun her around in circles. Jiyeon was laughing and having fun. 

"Be careful oppa.", Hara yelled out. 

Junhyung stopped spinning her and put her on the ground. "Gahhh appa is dizzy.", Junhung told Jiyeon. Jiyeon fell down because she was dizzy too but she was laughing. Junhyung helped her up and they walked over to the benches. Everyone was sweating. It was pretty dark but there were still people walking around. Junhyung held Jiyoon this time and they walked nearer to the river to get a better view. It was so pretty. A few minutes later, the Moonlight Rainbow Fountain came on. It is on the Banpo Bridge and the light show started. Pretty colored water shot out of the fountain and Jihoon and Jiyeon's eyes widened. "Oooooooo! Appa look!!", Jiyeon yelled out pointing to the show. 

"Oh wow, that is so cool. They have the light show once in awhile and we are actually here when they are having it!", Junhyung shouted. 

People gathered around and watched it altogether. The light show went on forever and people were starting to leave. It was almost 10 PM. Tomorrow was a Saturday so that was good. Jiyoon had fallen asleep in Junhyung's arms and the kids couldn't stop staring at the pretty water. Jihoon yawned and looked up at Hara. "Umma, I'm sleepy.", he told her. Hara looked at Junhyung. "Let's go home now~", Junhyung said. 

Hara held Jihoon and Jiyeon's hands while Junhyung held Jiyoon. They walked back to their car. Junhyung carefully put Jiyoon in her carseat and buckled her up. Jihoon and Jiyeon also got on and laid their heads back.


30 minutes later, they finally arrived. The kids woke up by the time they entered the neighborhood. Junhyung parked the car and everyone got out. They went up the elevator, into the house. Junhyung set Jiyoon on Hara&his bed and put blankets over her. Junhyung changed into his pajamas and went out of the room. Hara was helping them brush their teeth. Jiyeon got out of the bathroom and sat on the couch. 

"You aren't sleeping?", Junhyung asked while flipping through the channels.

"I'm not that tired anymore.", she answered. 

Junhyung smiled and finally stopped at channel. Jihoon also came back to the livingroom and sat on the floor. He took his legos out and started playing with it. Hara changed into pajamas and made a bottle for Jiyoon. After awhile, Jiyeon was laying on the couch with her eyes closed. Junhyung looked at her and laughed. He stood up and picked Jiyeon up from the couch. He took her into her room and put her on her bed. He put her pink blankets over her and fixed the pillows. Junhyung then kissed her forehead and her lamp. He turned off the lights and walked out of the room. 

Jihoon was now on the couch with Hara watching the show Junhyung was watching. Junhyung sat on the couch next to Hara.

"Is Jiyeon sleeping?", she asked while putting her head on Junhyung's shoulders.

"Yup.", Junhyung answered. 

"Jihoon, it's past 11. Why don't you go sleep?", Hara told Jihoon.

"Not yet.", he replied quietly. 

The three of them kept watching tv until it was finally 12 oclock. Hara glanced over at Jihoon. He was aslepp. She looked up at Junhyung. He looked at her and then looked at Jihoon. He automatically got up and picked Jihoon up. He walked into his room with Jihoon in his arms and put him down on his bed. He fixed his blankets for him and turned off his lights. Junhyung came out of the room and slumped onto the couch. Hara massaged his arms. 

After watching tv for a few more minutes, JunHara went into their room. Junhyung picked Jiyoon up and set her back down on the bed near the wall and put a big pillow on the wall so she doesn't hit her head or anything. Junhyung then laid beside Jiyoon and Hara laid beside Junhyung after turning off the lights. Hara scooted closer to Junhyung and Junhyung hugged her tightly.

Being parents of two 7 year olds and a year old at a young age was difficult. They were only in their early 30s. BUT, they always tried their best to be amazing parents to Jihoon, Jiyeon, and Jiyoon. They have gone through so much things together but they have never given up. They kept going. Now, there are no regrets of having kids nor being married. JunHara will always try and try to be good parents. 

"I love you oppa.", Hara whispered. 

"I love you more.", he whispered back. 



The end.



Thanks for reading my stories :) 

Remember to support JunHara forever and ever. 




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Chapter 3: such a daebak story ! <3
Hello there!
sorry to mess here,
check out my latest vampire love story
"Dear my Hara,don't come closer" its junhara <3 !
leave some comments as you wish,so i can improve :)
gomawo ^^
hara_ya #3
she act shy, but she really want him~
her mind keep blank, luckily, junhyung not give up on her so fast~
junhara clap2!!
--photogenic #4
It's so romantic~
I love it!
JunHara foreverrrrr
hara_ya #5
they so romantic till the end
hope jihoon will be good brother towrd his two sister
love junhara
hara_ya #6
yup~ this story is quite diff from other fic

that was really a great night for junhara family~ how i wish its all real~
luminatorr #7
omg this is actually one of my most favorite fan fic considering how it doesnt need to contain any special romance at all and just a family revolved story. love it!! cant wait for the upcoming chapters!
hara_ya #8
awwww~ jiyeon n jihoon really a fast learner~
when they start walk their own, its really tired to watch them all the time
they must be damn tired, hope the twins not so naughty~
hara_ya #9
i can totally imagine all of that~
coz my nephew just turned 1 year old yesterday~

i love how junhyung take care of his twin even his tired..not many man will become like that~ junhyung is so caring

he n hara got strength from their twin like how junhyung got strength from hara call
emilynad #10
this story so sweet i like it....