Chapter Two

Digging With A Stick

A/N: Thank you to all my subscribers so far and the comments for this story! You guys really make my day. I'm in a fantastic mood now. Thank you! XD And Taekon is a character I made and I just felt the need to put him in here, so don't worry you don't have to panic and wonder who I'm talking about, I just made him up. :p

Jongin sat in the uncomfortably hard seat, taking a sip of his possibly-too-hot-coffee. He placed the cup down and staring at his reflection in the window he fixed silky black hair. He groaned taking another sip of his coffee; if he took too long here he would be late for work. Being a businessman and Jongin could feel the stress aging him at only twenty-four.

"Excuse me, sir." Jongin twisted his head the direction of the barely audible voice. "I would like my coffee back," Jongin arched an eyebrow curiously. "With three sugars and two milks." The man behind the counter nodded and turned his back to him making the coffee. Within less than two minutes the coffee was in his hand and he was scanning the room for any empty seat. Finally, after a few seconds of what looked like pure torture for the man his eyes landed on Jongin and he smiled sauntering over to him. Jongin looked down quickly feeling suddenly nervous. His palms had gone slick with sweat and his bottom lip was tucked tightly between his teeth. "Is somebody sitting here?" Jongin looked up, making eye contact with the other man for the first time.

"No." Jongin whispered shaking his head. The man slid into the seat across from him. Jongin sipped his coffee awkwardly as the man looked at him with great interest.

"My name is Sehun. It's nice to meet you." Sehun put out his hand for a friendly shake. Jongin looked up from his coffee and took Sehun's hand.

"My name is Jongin. It's nice to meet you as well." After a few seconds of prolonged hand shaking on Sehun's part they broke apart.

"So, you're a businessman?" Sehun inquired sipping his black coffee a little too loudly.

"How'd you know?" Jongin asked skeptically making Sehun laugh at his serious face.

"Well you are wearing a suit." Sehun moved his finger up and down gesturing to Jongin's suit. "Don't worry I admire you for it. I think being a businessman would be cool, but I for one could never do it." Jongin raised an eyebrow curiously. Taking the hint Sehun continued. "I’m rarely serious, so I'd have to do a job that would be compatible with my personality." He reasoned.

"So, you're unemployed?" Jongin asked. Sehun laughed rather loudly before responding.

"No, I'm a comedian." Jongin's jaw dropped and his eyes widened.

"You're a what?"

"You know, I make people laugh. Haha's." Sehun laughed at Jongin's completely disbelieving face. "You should come see me sometime. I've just gotten a call from a TV agency; they want to make a special for me." Sehun chirped excitedly.

"That good, huh?" Jongin, still marveling at the rarity of the job, questioned.

"I guess so." The other rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Or, so I've been told." Jongin nodded dumbly. "So will you come?" Sehun sounded hopeful and Jongin thought to himself that he should probably get out some time, and a stand-up special would probably be just the thing to relieve some stress.

"How much does it cost?"

"I get to bring one person as a guest, so nothing." He smiled proudly.

"And you don't wanna bring a family member or a close friend, instead of some random person you just met?" Jongin frowned.

"Nah, they can pay for themselves." Sehun assured. Jongin smiled warily and nodded.

"Okay, when is it and where?" Jongin pushed a napkin towards Sehun who pulled out a pen. The latter scribbled something on the paper, cursing a few times when he tore the napkin. He looked up smiling brightly at Jongin.

"And there's my number," He pointed to the seven digit number with an area code on the napkin. "Call me sometime, okay? And hey, don't do that thing where people wait like weeks to call a person 'cause they don't want the other person to think their needy. I won't I just want to talk to you again. The gig is on Saturday at seven and I'll catch you after the show okay." Jongin blushed a bright red and Sehun smiled at the sight.

"See you then." Jongin gulped and stood up quickly. "I have to go to work." Jongin looked down at his watch and panicked. "Oh god, I'm gonna be late!" He rushed out of the coffee shop and into his car, putting the key in the ignition and driving off. He screamed angrily when his cup fell off the roof. Sehun, still sitting in the shop, laughed at Jongin's screw up.


Jongin pulled into the parking spot in front of the large, mostly glass, building. Unbuckling and grabbing his suitcase, Jongin scurried from the car, pushing the button on his key chain to make the car doors lock. Flinging open the front door of the building he mumbled a 'hey' as the doorman ran to greet him. The doorman frowned when Jongin continued walking without giving a proper hello.

He pushed the elevator button repeatedly looking up to the arrows above the steel doors. "Come on." He growled. The doors flew open and he ran inside, squeezing between two people he didn't recognize. After what felt like hours the doors opened again and he got off on his floor. He looked at his watch again and cursed noticing the meeting for a new joint company had already begun. Once reaching the meeting room doors, Jongin stomped in place childishly.

He pushed open the doors and deep voices greeted him. He bowed his head and walked towards his seat only to drop his briefcase, he whined. "So, I was thinking we could-" His boss stopped in the middle of his sentence watching as Jongin tried to compile all of his papers and fit them back into the case neatly. After a few minutes of almost absolute silence, only the sound of shuffling paper in the air, Jongin stood and continued on his trek.

"You forgot a paper." A man whispered to Jongin, making him look down in front of him. Though he had seen the paper he had no time to stop. Suddenly, his vision took to the ceiling and he swore his heart skipped a beat. He crashed to the ground groaning in pain. "Oh my god! Are you okay?" The man from earlier knelt down in front of him. "Here." He handed him the paper and Jongin leaned up on his elbows. He took the paper and sat up the rest of the way. Unhooking his briefcase he stuffed the paper inside and stood up.

His boss cleared his through and Jongin feared for his job. "I think you'd better go." Jongin frowned but did as he was told, leaving the room with a sigh of defeat.


Sehun checked his teeth in the mirror raising a hand to them. "Sehun-ah." Startled, Sehun swung around to face the other male.

"Taekon, Jesus, you scared the heck out of me!" Sehun panted. Taekon giggled and pointed to Sehun's face, who in turn clamped his mouth shut.

"Were you just checking your teeth?" Taekon laughed and Sehun blushed, embarrassed that he had been caught. "Anyway, do you wanna go out to eat?"

"Yeah." Sehun ran his tongue over his top teeth making ling noises. "You like that?" Sehun laughed completely missing the unintended implications of what he had just said. Taekon gulped.

"What?" Taekon choked out. "You're gay?" Sehun's eyes widen and he finally began to understand what they implications of what he just said were. He was so not hip.

"No...No! I'm not gay! Trust me, I'm not gay." Sehun assured, throwing his hands in front of him and pushing them out in a gesture reassure Taekon. The latter visibly relaxed and let out a heavy sigh of relief.

"You scared me there for a second." Taekon laughed. And Sehun smiled nervously rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "So, where are we goin'?" Taekon inquired smiling. Sehun was glad they had moved on to a different topic and Sehun began to feel the awkward moment dissipate.

"Umm, how about Blue Ocean?" Sehun was glad the tension of the moment was gone. Taekon took the choice under consideration and Sehun waited anxiously.

"That name is so creative; and yeah let’s go there." Taekon wrapped an arm around his shoulder and walked him out of the studio exit and towards his expensive car. "I'm paying; consider it a present for your show, but two days early." Sehun grinned widely.

"Thanks." Sehun chirped. "I can't believe I got a TV special." Sehun groaned. He was so nervous about the TV production, in fact he had probably never been this nervous about anything before, well in his adult life, anyway. As a child he had been nervous constantly, his mom swore she watched his whole childhood run away without him because he was “too afraid to do anything.”

"You're gonna be great." Taekon assured. "I'm so encouraging, aren't you glad I'm your best friend?" He laughed.

"And manager." Sehun laughed with him.

"You didn’t exactly say you were glad, but I know that you are." Taekon smiled down at his best friend and Sehun gave a small laugh.

“I suppose you’re right, Taekonnie.” Taekon gave him a surprised look at what he had just called him. Sehun seemed to be feeling better.

“So, are you bringing anyone as a guest?” Taekon released Sehun’s shoulder and the spit up to go to opposites sides of the car. Sehun looked over the top of the car.

“Yes.” Taekon put his arms on the car, folding them in curiosity.

“Some beautiful young lady?” He laughed.

“No, just a friend.” Sehun smirked thinking about the encounter with this “friend” he was referring to. Opening the door Sehun slid into the passenger seat. “An interesting friend.” He spoke more to himself than to Taekon, who in turn just gave him a quirked expression.

“Whatever you say.” Sliding into the driver’s seat Taekon gave him a sideways glance and put the key in the ignition.

A/N: Considering it's summer and I have nothing else to do but write here's the second chapter. This week I'll be out though, but in between lifting ridiculously heavy objects and coordinating a move, I will attempt to get some writing done. So, I want your guy's opinion, should I write a section of Sehun's stand-up (but I can't guarantee it'll be funny, but it might be slightly amusing if nothing else), or just skip it and write that it happened. And I'm sorry if the suggestive content of this chapter with Sehun was not to your liking, I apologize.

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Awwwh, the ending was beautiful~!
I loved this fic a lot... I'm gonna be sad now that it's finishing TT^TT
Thanks for writing this, authornim~ <3
Omg only one chapter left. ;-;
I feel that Minho was ignored. O.o
Oh well. :)
darksanctuary #3
so what happen to this taekon guy?

Minho oppa, you did great. but seems like they don't pay any attention to you either others there XD
Sekai is in their own sekai (world). LOL
...Taekon, I hate u.
But WHAAT 2 CHAPTERS LEFT?? ;________;
darksanctuary #5
What the hell!? :o
This taekon guy came from nowhere??
And.. Sehun-ah, what are you doing!!?
kibum0923 #6
I like Taekon until this moment. OTL
Ah yay! A date!!! :D
Glad Sehun realized this! XD
darksanctuary #9
LOL and smile at this two guy..
Aww, jonginnie :3
Sekai ::‎​(σ‾▿‾)-σ♥♥♥::
Oh gosh Kai almost found out it was the same person! *wonders if he heard it*
Your jokes were funny. XD
To be honest I've thought about the whole door situation as well.