The First Meeting

The erted Ghost in the Apartment

Eun Mi took a warm shower before settling her self in the couch to watch her favorite korean drama and to continue her left half cup of hot chocolate, which isn't that hot already.

She hums as she walks back to the living room, drying her long wet hair with a towel. Just when she reaches the divider between the kitchen and the living room, she sees a tall, slim guy with fluffy brown hair, back facing him, stomping his right foot in the rug like he's the owner of the place he is in.

"E-excuse me?" Eun Mi asks nervously, stuttering as she grabs the broom for defense.

The tall guy turns around to face her, brow raised. "Who are you?" he asks in an accusing tone.

His voice is deep, which is a lot in contrast to his cute, beautiful face. His eyes twitch like he's a retard doll, but, Eun Mi thinks, he is attractive.

"I-i'm sorry?" Eun Mi raises her brow as well. "Who are you?"

He chuckles, raising his index finger up in the air, wide excited eyes, as if he got an interesting idea, which he thinks he really got.

"So.. you were sent here? That's cool! You know, your look, your.. uh, shape, are actually my type. You can be my girlfriend now if you want?" A creepy smile forms in his lips as he sits down the couch.

"What? What the hell are you talking about uh-" Eun Mi growls in annoyance, face starts to blush from anger. "You! You-"

"Chanyeol." he playfully adds.

"Chanyeol!" Eun Mi repeats angrily. "How the hell did you came in?"

He smiles, well, beautifully smiles."This is my apartment so I can come in anytime I want. And, w-wait! Who are you then?" Standing up, Chanyeol furrows his brows at her. Eun Mi raises her broom, pointing it bravely at Chanyeol.

"Yours?! This?" Eun Mi laughs sarcastically. "I am the new occupant here since last week so how did this be still yours?"

"For more than five years now, this is mine." he says.


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didn't type chapter 26 yet. busy @ school. physics!


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Hmmmm...I wonder if the others will be able to see chanyeol...if he shows up that is..
thelostwishes #2

CHANYEOL. "my club?"
"for exoplanet's sake" XD I RLAB there update soon its getting really interesting now
oh now i get it :)
Ok so he's definetly not human. And he believed in this spirit thing which is why he's not dead? And this spirit things going to take him to the after life soon? Ok... I think it's starting to make sense....
Ohkay do this is what I think is going on. Chanyeol is dead. But he believed in God, so God gave him a second chance to make things right. That is where Eun Mi comes in. I am not totally sure, but that is just my guess. Kinda reminds me of a movie called just like heaven. (i think that is what it was called anyways...)
.... So he's a spirit or a pidgeon turned human or a ghost or in a coma or hes just the loveable Yeollie who talks to pigeons in his free time...... .....I think I'm going with the last one..... Update soon I really wanna know
Yes! They confessed! :D Hope Chanyeol's just in a comatose state ^^
Awwwww they love each other. That's adorable. But wait is chanyeol a ghost or not? I'm still confused :(
Is Chanyeol reeaaallly a ghost? This fic is confusing in a good way. ^^