You II

The erted Ghost in the Apartment

Eun Mi just keeps silent. She mananges to move her hand and she, instead, holds Chanyeol's. She wants to erase all the pain he feels, but as much as she wants to, she barely knows what is wrong. So, she just lets him say whatever he wants to say and she will listen.. and understand. She thinks that is the best thing she could do for him.

"I feel like I just woke up from a deep sleep.. and when I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was you." Chanyeol says. "Since that, I promised to be better than whan I am before. It's a weird feeling for me, I don't know why my heart beats like it wants to let out of my chest, like it'll burst, the way it thumps like a drum to my ear, and the way my stomach churns everytime I come close to you."

"Why are you telling me all these?" Eun Mi asks, still not believing.. everything.

"I want you to know." He pauses, then opens his eyes to meet Eun Mi's almost teary eyes. "I want you to know that you are the reason of my beginning. You are the reason of my.. my life, now."

"You can't be serious. We just met a few days ago. And now you're telling me these kind of stuffs? I don't know anything about what you're spilling out and-"

"I'm serious." He says, pressing his index finger to her lips to hush her. "I know that I'm serious, for the first time.. with you."

"I don-"

"I said I'm serious! And you should believe me!" Chanyeol finally says. With all the feelings stirring up inside him, he gently presses his lips to Eun Mi's. All he wants to say that words can't explain, he hopes that with this, he can express everything. He doesn't know how crazily his heart beats so uncontrollably fast. He loves her, that's it, he loves her a billion times the entire number of shining stars peeking out of their window that seems like they are smiling and twinkling beautifully just for the two of them.

"I know this is stupid," she confesses. "but I love you.

"I love you more than anything else, more than my life."

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didn't type chapter 26 yet. busy @ school. physics!


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Hmmmm...I wonder if the others will be able to see chanyeol...if he shows up that is..
thelostwishes #2

CHANYEOL. "my club?"
"for exoplanet's sake" XD I RLAB there update soon its getting really interesting now
oh now i get it :)
Ok so he's definetly not human. And he believed in this spirit thing which is why he's not dead? And this spirit things going to take him to the after life soon? Ok... I think it's starting to make sense....
Ohkay do this is what I think is going on. Chanyeol is dead. But he believed in God, so God gave him a second chance to make things right. That is where Eun Mi comes in. I am not totally sure, but that is just my guess. Kinda reminds me of a movie called just like heaven. (i think that is what it was called anyways...)
.... So he's a spirit or a pidgeon turned human or a ghost or in a coma or hes just the loveable Yeollie who talks to pigeons in his free time...... .....I think I'm going with the last one..... Update soon I really wanna know
Yes! They confessed! :D Hope Chanyeol's just in a comatose state ^^
Awwwww they love each other. That's adorable. But wait is chanyeol a ghost or not? I'm still confused :(
Is Chanyeol reeaaallly a ghost? This fic is confusing in a good way. ^^