The break up????the end of eternity...?

Neoreul Saranghe(i love you)

When L went home He saw jiyeon standing outside their house

L: why didn’t you go inside?

Jiyeon didn’t answer she is looking away

J:We need to talk

L was trying to open the door

L:lets do that inside

J: I don’t want to..It’s better to talk here

L was annoyed he shut the door with force

L:ok..Let’s talk then..

J: Oppa, I can’t bear it anymore.

L:why are you acting like this? you’ve changed a lot.. you were not like this..

J: I didn’t change at all.. perhaps you just didn’t know me at all..and I think I don’t know you either anymore..

L:let’s stop this…

J:(bit her lips): do you believe that I lied to you?

L:it doesn’t matter

J:it does matter. So indeed you still dot believe me..

L:Lets forget about this..

J: forget what?this?

L:where is this conversation going hmm?

J: oppa I think we made a mistake


J: I think we should have not been together? I guess we are not meant to be together?

L: you told me before that your love its eternity?..where is those words now?

J: eternity?i did mean that..i was honest.. but im thinking otherwise..Eternity had come to an end? soo freaking tired..

L:bwo?(raises his voice abit)

J: what’s the whole point of this relationship>? You don’t trust me..

L:I do trust you..

J: you do??really??do you really trust me huh?L?? do you? Nevertheless you just trust your SOHee,,

L:what did sohee did to you that her name always come up with this argue? dont tell me your threaten by her presence?

J:see(raising both her hand)how can you blame me for not dragging her name in this conversation ..its her faul.. it’s her fault why we are here, in this situation., you always protect her ..Always.. and what’s even worse your protecting her from ME!!From your gf L,,,(inhaled deeply)you are doing that in front of hurts(touching her chest)

L: stop this jiyeon...have just need some rest we are just tired.. we both have a rest and let’s talk some other time..arraso/?

J: no!!!i don’t want to..i don’t think i want to see you again, I started to pity myself whenever im with you..(teary)

L glared at her

J: I don’t think I can handle this relationship anymore..

L: I love you.. and I know you feel the same way..Don’t do this..

J: (tears flowing )LOVe is not enough to keep this relationship think love can conquer all??not really…I know that now..(bit her lips)what is love if we don’t trust each other?its nothing .. you don’t trust me.. aND…. I-i-I don’t know if I could or SHOULD trust you..

L(rolled his eyes he is reallypissed off):Fine!!

J: fine?what fine?(she wrinkled her forehead)

L: lets break up then..i guess we need some space..

Jiyeon covered with both of her hands she is preventing herself to cry out loud.. although tears went down faster..Then she bit her lips and walked away…although her steps are really slowly She is waiting L to atleast stop her.

L please stop me..1,2,.3,…4…..5,..…6…….7…………..8………………9…………….(she is faraway form the house she already gave up) and 10…

Jiyeon cried the whole night.she intended to lock herself on her room,,its been quite some days, she is depressed and she intentionally starving herself to death that’s when she received email from JB.


To:      Jiyeon Park  [@pjy1234]

Sent:    Monday, June 28, 8:38 PM    

From:    Jaebom Im    [@jbjyp]

Subject: Jiyeon !!jiyeon jiyeon!!! dear jiyeon!!!

          Hey jiyeon, IU will perform on Mcountdown.Lets cheer her not sure if you could come.. but im hoping you could .. I knew iu is like your twin sister soo..just call me if you will be able to make it.. Take care.. bboing bboing


Even if jiyeon don’t have the urge ongoing she is dying to see the 2 closest friend she ever had..She feel sicked but she have to get herself ready she don’t want to make jb or iu worried..


Jiyeon walked at the hallway when she saw L and sohee walking and talking to each other. They looked like enjoying themselves whereas she wanted to beak down.She stared at them, it hurt her soo much tears are forming on her eyes..Just getting ready to flow down that’s when 2 hands covered her eyes.

JB: guess who

Jiyeon:your voice is too obvious. .. j.. b..

Jb removed his hand jiyeon turned her back so that she can’t see the 2 anymore..That’s when jb notice that his hands are a bit wet. HE notice that she was crying

Jb: are you crying?

Jiyeon rubbed her eyes

Jb:isn’t that L? is it about L?

J: I don’t want to talk about it..

Jb:ok.. if that’s what you really want.. I will respect it..

J: gomawo soo where is IU?i miss her soo much

It’s been a long time since they got a chance to see each other again .. so they talked for a very long period of time..

L’s perspective

He can’t believe that sohee is still with him..he just can’t believe her guts ..Though he is glad that sohee is doing better after what had happened.. ?he felt like he owe her a lot…When walking they saw jiyeon he was shock..HE saw how jiyeon lose weight, and her eyes gotten smaller because of puffiness…All the more he was shocked when Jb is with her..When he saw jb put his hand on jiyeon that’s what he confirmed that Jb and jiyeon are doing great together,, that he was not there to be a obstacle to the 2..


And so.. they have been distant to each other…Hours that passed became days then weeks and turned into months……

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Hello everyone this is the author of this story i have been locked out to this account if you wish to continue this story i know it has been several years since update message me in my new account 2Donghae861015. Thank you. Saranghaeyo <3
JansJY08 #2
Chapter 35: Pls update soon.. :)
Krystalized24 #3
Chapter 35: Please update I really like your story
Krystalized24 #4
Chapter 35: Im still counfused why jiyeon leave him with jb? Please I want a part that could explain it well
Chapter 35: update please T.T
Chapter 35: Please update soon. I want to see what will happen nexttt. New subsriber hereee hehe and u have a good storyline
moon_babydino #7
Chapter 35: Im really dying here wondering what will more happen in their lovestory...I have a lot of question in my mind .if myungsoo will forgive jiyeon and let his heart open to her. what is the main reason why she leave him and why is their abortion issue in that really she abort or accidentally mistake that she really don't know she carried their baby. THIS REALLY MAKES ME FRUSTRATE AND SAD SOOOOO MUCH !!!!
i think this is the last chapter HUHUHUHUHUHUHU . I one thing that i can say Im not regretting reading this ! coz This story is soooooo great and amazing ! <333333 . Lot's of emotion,hates,curse and love which you really can feel while reading this.thank you authornim for making thing story .I hope one you change your mind and update this . if that one day happens,i gladly saying that i complete my life . :)
rosieaniesoler #8
unnie im still waiting this story... i believe u will update this story again.. someday..
rosieaniesoler #9
unnie im still waiting this story... i believe u will update this story again.. someday..
rosieaniesoler #10
unnie.. can u update this story again. huhuhu