
Neoreul Saranghe(i love you)

Everyone was looking at their president who is  panicky running out of their office.. Still carrying his secretary former model park jiyeon. . some are gossiping what happened, while others are worried what happened to the lady that he was carrying, some others are making thoughts that L might have done wrongly to jiyeon thats why she was at that kind of state.

Nevertheless L manages to brought jiyeon to the hospital and lucky there is nothing serious going on. According to the experts that it was due to lack of sleep and stress. Aside from that her immune system isnt doing really well she got cold and fever often not she forgot to notice because of the loads of work.

As soon as L returned to her room she was already sitting .

J: oppa?why am i here?

L: you fainted.


L: what have gotten into you? why didnt you took care of yourself>?

J ►aish... did i make you worried?

L: worried? .. .. ofcourse..


L►ofcourse you are my employee.. if something happens to you company and or I will be held liable ..

J►why could you just say that you care?(mumbling)




J►come to think of it.. i am really indeed in this position because of oppa..

L►pardon ?

J► if oppa didnt fall unto that conclusion i could have not been here at the first place

L ► that is just b*****t. you are not the one who  got..

J►enough oppa,,, I want to be alone..

L►are you asking me to leave?

J►neh.. im still mad at you i cant even look at you ..(looking at the window)


J►im dead serious...im just not in the mood,,, bianhe..(lowering her voice)


L went out shutting the door. He is really pissed off.

How did it beome his fault? it was her fault that she didn't take care of herself,,, now she is even blaming me? what a guts!

He was on that state when he saw his employees arriving  with flowers and balloons..Apparently yewon already told them that she was doing just fine. These are the employees that received punishment from him.  Those employees suddenly stiffens their reaction as they bowed.

jisook►president... good evening.. is jiyeonnie awake?

L► she is inside..

hyein► we will go inside now..


They just went passed him and go inside....  The room were crowded by their company jiyeon laugh and jokes around with others. As soon as L went back inside the atmosphere went to awkwardly formal.

L►i didnt know you had so many friends Jiyeon~ssi

J►ahh neh.. i started to get along with them

Seyong► we didn't know that our president is very caring to his employees/?(he said sarcastically)

Leeyoung hit lightly seyong with her elbow.

Gunwoo in► bianhe president perhaps seyong was just curious  that you are still here..

L► is there something wrong if I visit and care for the employee who faint in MY company? MY office? and even in front of ME?? (emphasizing words my and me while glaring at seyong)

Se ►its just that it isn't your thing boss.. /.. ... ..  perhaps i was just quite surprise? (raising his left eyebrow)

Jiyeon cough...

SE►gwaenchanna? (seyong gave jiyeon bottled of water)

L was just staring.. no glaring ..this seyong isn't he getting too concerned with HIs wife? he have thought

J ►kansahamnida..

L► you guys really dont have to come over, she isn't that bad condition.. she will be discharged today yewon was just arranging the hospital bill

hye►chinjae? president?!!!waah!! chukahae.. we are glad it wasn't that serious jiyeon

J► neh.. that why i wish for you guys to go home and have rest. I know that WE have been working are off this past week.. too bad it just didn't go on our way...


L didn't utter any words he just left the room and wait till jiyeon was discharge.. Luckily her "visitors" went ahead ...

--L' home--

L►do you want to eat?

Jiyeon didn't answer she just went pass him..

L►yah!! (pulling jiyeon's arm)


L►answer me when im talking to you..

Jiyeon without looking at him ►i dont want to eat i want to rest

Right then she pulled her arm...and left L...L can't believe how jiyeon is acting ..

-next morning L didn't saw jiyeon.. probably she went to work early.. when he arrive at his office she was just working and looking through several files, she didn't even bother to greet him.

L(trough phone)►ms.park?


L► bring me the files that i need to review as well as those that need my signs,\


Jiyeon holding unto the files just put the files in front of L's desk without even looking at him... .She just stares at the documents without giving eye contact to L. L just shook his head,,

L► aren't you acting a bit childish?


L►are you going to give e the silence treatment.? have you forgotten that i am your boss?

J►i did not forget.. and you never seems to let me forget.. that you are just my boss.. (glared at him)

L► will you stop this okay?

J►are you done? i still have loads of work ..

She turns around and made a few steps.. then an idea occurred to her. She slowly turns around

L►why? are you going to yell at me?

J► i wanted to do that.. but i won't.. instead i would ask you to please lift the suspensions and reprimand the decision you have made with regards to them..

L►if i dont?

J►its all my fault? can't you see that.?

L►no i can't..

J► if you want you can fire me instead

L►i dont want to.. i still need you...


L► i still need you around since eunbi have already teach you everything,

J► well in that case you leave me no choice..

Jiyeon kneeled down..

J► im asking you not as your employee.. not even as wife.. but as friend.. a friend of your sister .. and my oppa..he is very close to kibum oppa.. as heechul's younger sister..chebal...

L► stand up.. even if you kneeled down i won't lift my decision.

Jiyeon stands up

J► then i will kneeled down to all the employees.. to let them know that it was all my fault,,

Jiyeon went outside his office and just beside the door she kneeled down.. L didn't believe that she would do that but went out he saw jiyeon kneeling down.. and that employees starts to gossips and look at her..

L just lowered his body to talk to jiyeon

L► don't do this to me.. don't do this to yourself...Please

J►i will stop doing this if you would take back your decision.

L►i wont.. once i made my decision i don't take it back.

J►then i won't stop...i will kneel down until forever..

L grabbed jiyeon's hand but jiyeon harshly pulled it..

J►dont touch me..

L►fine suit yourself

L just stands up and left her..

Lunch have passed and still she is still kneeling down.. not really kneeling down she is now sitting like how Japanese sits.. since her back hurts she was at that state since morning,, Even if her colleagues are giving her food she won't accept it.. she just drinks mineral water that one of the employee gave to her.


L(over the phone)►she isn't eating yet?

girl employee►no sir

L►then make her..!!

g►s--sir we already tried several times but she insisted that she won't eat...  she really is persistent and she won't even budge ..


g►okay sir..

L just stares at the ceiling.. His heads starts to ache.. he can't think well.. Jiyeon is driving him crazy..

L dials another number on his phone..




L explains to his brother in law everything that is happening

B►so?? you are having a hard time.. ? (laugh) jiyeon is really persistent.. she gets what she wants.. or at least she wants to..so your decision?

L►thats the reason why i called.. i want noona to convince her to stop doing what she is doing..

B►you know that your noona is in favor of your sister in law right? girls would usually back up each other,,, you should know that..

L►you are right.. good thing that I've talked to you first before talking to her

B►so whats the plan?

L►honestly hyung? i dont know.. she is driving me nuts...


L►will you stop laughing.. im having a hard time here,,

B►its just that you are becoming human again,,


B►i mean.. you started to act human again..

L►bum hyung.. i think you are crazy..

B►just saying.. and im happy that you started to feel emotions.. hahaha

L►not helping hyung..

B►okay okay.. sorry so ..


B►if you want to do what she wanted..then... carry her out of the office.. i dont think she can object

L► are you crazy?

B►thats the only thing i can think of..

L►what an idea hyung.. really didnt help me.. i got to go.

--drop the call--

(bum and soeun resident)

S►who is that?

B► your brother... myungsoo

S►chinja?why did he called?

Bum told his wife everything.. and

S►that myunggiie!!!im going to hit him hard

Bum pulled his wife,,

B►stop okay?it would be bad for our baby

S►but i can't let jiyeon kneeled there.. i can't believe he would even let her..

B►you wouldnt stick your nose to their business okay?

S►weh?how about jiyeon?

B►arent you curious what would L do?

S►what do you mean?

B► let them be.. let's see how  would a kim myungsoo handle his wife.. this situation.. (both eyebrow raising)

S►you are right .. (pouting)


Thank you for your wat.. i have to revisit my story to continue the story.. bianhe.. but i swear to finish this.. kamsahamnida for you support... i dont know if you still remember this story.. but i hope you will keep on subscribing thanks!

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Hello everyone this is the author of this story i have been locked out to this account if you wish to continue this story i know it has been several years since update message me in my new account 2Donghae861015. Thank you. Saranghaeyo <3
JansJY08 #2
Chapter 35: Pls update soon.. :)
Krystalized24 #3
Chapter 35: Please update I really like your story
Krystalized24 #4
Chapter 35: Im still counfused why jiyeon leave him with jb? Please I want a part that could explain it well
Chapter 35: update please T.T
Chapter 35: Please update soon. I want to see what will happen nexttt. New subsriber hereee hehe and u have a good storyline
moon_babydino #7
Chapter 35: Im really dying here wondering what will more happen in their lovestory...I have a lot of question in my mind .if myungsoo will forgive jiyeon and let his heart open to her. what is the main reason why she leave him and why is their abortion issue in jiyeon.is that really she abort or accidentally mistake that she really don't know she carried their baby. THIS REALLY MAKES ME FRUSTRATE AND SAD SOOOOO MUCH !!!!
i think this is the last chapter HUHUHUHUHUHUHU . I one thing that i can say Im not regretting reading this ! coz This story is soooooo great and amazing ! <333333 . Lot's of emotion,hates,curse and love which you really can feel while reading this.thank you authornim for making thing story .I hope one you change your mind and update this . if that one day happens,i gladly saying that i complete my life . :)
rosieaniesoler #8
unnie im still waiting this story... i believe u will update this story again.. someday..
rosieaniesoler #9
unnie im still waiting this story... i believe u will update this story again.. someday..
rosieaniesoler #10
unnie.. can u update this story again. huhuhu