
Neoreul Saranghe(i love you)

Mnet backstage since sohee is an inspirit she was there


Sohee and L having conversation

S: oppa!!do you know jb? Jb im?

L (nodded):wae?

S:jiyeon~ssi and jb, I saw them ..they went out together, are they close? Cause they really look like they know each other for a very long time..if I didn’t know that jiyeon is dating you I might mistaken to be a couple..Although they really look good together

L faces aura changes. Obviously he does not like what he was hearing

S: or perhaps its because they grow up together overseas that they show soo much skinship..are they blood related or something?


S: oww..im sorry I didn’t mean to

L was mad whenever he hears JB’s name getting involved with jiyeon because he knows JB was jiyeon’s first love, her first Bf and he can’t bear the things he heard from sohee.Those words are enough to make L cold to Jiyeon. Jiyeon is clueless why L is acting that way.

When jiyeon went to woolim ent.(infinite company) to see L

J:oppa!(she greet L energetically)

L:why are you here?

J: why? Don’t you want to see my pretty face?

L: im busy...we are busy..

Jiyeon pouted then she wrap her arms around L arms but L removed her arms..

L: there are lots of people. Fans may also see us

J(glared at L): since when do you care..i used to do that it’s the 1st time you refused to..

L: im just saying, we need to be careful

Jiyeon rolled her eyes and sigh

J:you are !!So impossible..!

Then L grabs her arms and drags her to an empty room. L holds her arms tightly

J:L… that hurts let go..

Then l removed his hand and looked away

J:what is your problem?(rubbing her arms)


J:oh yeah?nothing?is that what you call nothing?

L:when I say it’s nothing..ITS nothing

J: you don’t answer my calls, out of 10 sms you gave me 1 response. Is that nothing?you treat me as if im a complete stranger,,

L:that’s not true.

J:stop doing this(raise her voice)

L:doing what?

J:doing that!!Doing cold shoulders..Lately you’ve been irritated and distant..Its full of crap.. I hate it..

L was just silent

L:why.---why did you have to see JB?

J:jb?i didn’t meet him at all..

L: someone saw you

J:if we did I might have told you.

L:but you didn’t

J:whot otld you that? Whoever did..that person is lying..

L:why would sohee lie?she don’t know a thing that goes on bet. The 2 of you

J:soo..since sohee cant lie you are accusing me that I am lying?

L:im not accusing you..

J:oh ..so you just don’t trust me?is that what your trying to tell me?

L:anniya.. just calm down

J:calm down?isthat what you want me to do now??huh?

L:I am just asking you to tell me the truth and then just apologized I guess,

J:why would I apologize for something that I didn’t do?

Jiyeon was about to walk out of the room

L:If you get out without clearing everything… then you are just telling me that everything was indeed true

J:I will do what I wanted to do..no matter how much I explain myself if your mind is close to the idea that I did that then you won’t believe me..I don’t want to waste my time explaining myside to you..People believe what they wanted to believe. And I understand what you wanted to believe..just do  your thing...

L leaned his body on the wall and hit hback of his head on the wall lightly for several times and sighs

L didn’t approach jiyeon at all. He don’t know how to approach her while jiyeon on the other hand is being stubborn she stil cant believe that L trusted a fanatic over her, his girlfriend. Is that how shallow his love for her?just one stupid lie and they can broke them apart easily?or perpahs she thought that they are just not meant for each other? She cant let that happen atleast she have to try fixing this up. And so jiyeon decided to make a Kimchistew and ask hyuna to give it to her brother L.

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Hello everyone this is the author of this story i have been locked out to this account if you wish to continue this story i know it has been several years since update message me in my new account 2Donghae861015. Thank you. Saranghaeyo <3
JansJY08 #2
Chapter 35: Pls update soon.. :)
Krystalized24 #3
Chapter 35: Please update I really like your story
Krystalized24 #4
Chapter 35: Im still counfused why jiyeon leave him with jb? Please I want a part that could explain it well
Chapter 35: update please T.T
Chapter 35: Please update soon. I want to see what will happen nexttt. New subsriber hereee hehe and u have a good storyline
moon_babydino #7
Chapter 35: Im really dying here wondering what will more happen in their lovestory...I have a lot of question in my mind .if myungsoo will forgive jiyeon and let his heart open to her. what is the main reason why she leave him and why is their abortion issue in jiyeon.is that really she abort or accidentally mistake that she really don't know she carried their baby. THIS REALLY MAKES ME FRUSTRATE AND SAD SOOOOO MUCH !!!!
i think this is the last chapter HUHUHUHUHUHUHU . I one thing that i can say Im not regretting reading this ! coz This story is soooooo great and amazing ! <333333 . Lot's of emotion,hates,curse and love which you really can feel while reading this.thank you authornim for making thing story .I hope one you change your mind and update this . if that one day happens,i gladly saying that i complete my life . :)
rosieaniesoler #8
unnie im still waiting this story... i believe u will update this story again.. someday..
rosieaniesoler #9
unnie im still waiting this story... i believe u will update this story again.. someday..
rosieaniesoler #10
unnie.. can u update this story again. huhuhu