Chapter 6

She's our Miracle

SQUEEZED~ some time into writing this XD! Taking a break from my assignments...i couldn't concentrate with Jaejoong being injured and all :( so i decided to write :)

elisaaa: Lol, i think we all know those inappropriate dances XD! (i repeat them :X)
eyaaaxx: Ahaha, thank you. I'll try to update every chance i get
dark_butterfly: You welcome, i felt bad for not updating for so long ^^;
el4mjjeje: Yep! It finally sprouted..ish~ XD!
_DyNaR_: I miss writing this too T^T..updating as much as possible
white_charm: Love is starting soon~ so look forward to it ;)
Jun_KOI_Mi: Thank you very much, although it wasn't my best ^^
miel123: Here's am update ^^



Throughout the night the two adults had passed out in their position. It wasn’t until morning that little Minjee woke up first. “Mommy? Daddy?” She rubbed her eyes and went to check her father’s bedroom but saw no sign of them. Her eyebrows furrowed and she headed to the living room, closing the door with a bang. The loud noise rang through Jaejoong’s ear and he groaned and shifted under Yunmi, making her slightly conscious. But they weren’t completely awake, until.

“Mom—“ Minjee gasped loudly. The two idiots squint at the sunlight and when they spot Minjee in front of them, holding a trailing blanket behind, they shot right up noticing their position. “I’m sorry I ruined one of your intimate moments.” Minjee spoke rather quickly.

Yunmi fixed her hair and awkwardly cough. “I-I’ll go make you so hangover soup.” She said and left to the kitchen.

Jaejoong watched her leave and when she was out of sight he sighed heavily and plopped down onto the couch, ruffling his hair. “I’m sorry.” Minjee whispered, and Jaejoong lifted his head up to look at her in confusion. “I know I’m not supposed to come in between the mommy and you times, but I didn’t know.” She pouted and stared up at Jaejoong.

“Our what times?!” He had just woken up and was slowly processing Minjee’s unbelievable words.

“I promise,” She put the small palm of her hand to her heart. “Just say when and for that day I will not disturb you or umma.” She said loyally, but all Jaejoong could see was this dainty girl standing before him talking about the weirdest things.

“I’m gonna,” Jaejoong stood up from his seat and clutched his head. “Kitchen.” He pointed and left Minjee standing there staring at him with her head cocked to the side.

“Here you go.” Yunmi said when Jaejoong entered. She set the bowl of soup in front of him on the kitchen counter and turned back to the stove. “If you don’t mind I’m also making breakfast.” Jaejoong took a seat on the stool and grabbed a spoon and took a slurp of the deliciously made soup. He his lips and stared at her back, for she had refused to let him see her burned cheeks. They were so caught up with their thoughts of last night’s incident that they didn’t hear the doorbell ring and little Minjee screaming “I’ll get it!”.

“About last night—“ Jaejoong started but was interrupted by Minjee’s high pitch voice.“Jiji! Yoyo!” Yunmi stopped, confused. But Jaejoong literally froze. “Oh no.” He lightly whimpered.

“YAH KIM JAEJOONG!!!” Jaejoong snapped up from the stool and ran to the doorway, to see Minjee holding the two cats in a suffocating hug…and three of his sisters standing by the door, glaring at him for some answers of who is this little girl.


(No, I won’t be giving his sisters names for I only know about two of them XD! So this part maybe confusing ^^;)

“Well it’s so nice to meet you.” One of his sisters said gleefully and shook Yunmi’s hand ferociously. “Usually we don’t pay attention to scandals on TV or newspaper because Jaejoong will always tell us the truth anyway, but this is true.” She exclaimed.

Yeah, after seeing Minjee and Yunmi popping her head out of the kitchen to see who it was, they were caught. So they lied. What else could they say; Jaejoong got drunk last night and held Yunmi to sleep like a teddy bear. And to top it off Minjee is a mysterious girl who appeared out of nowhere to claim them as her parents. Psh~, yeah they’ll believe that. So they lied that they were dating and like Chang Ju had said, Minjee was Yunmi’s niece.

“Why didn’t you tell us you were dating someone?” Another one of his sister smacked his arm angrily, but she kindly turned back to Yunmi. “I’m a big fan.”

“Thank you.” Yunmi slightly bowed and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

“And your niece is so adorable.” She continued and squeal at Minjee as she chased the two scared cats around screaming “Kitty~!” “Minjee looks just like you!”

“So I have heard.” Yunmi replied nervously.

“Yeah, and her other features kind of look like,” His third sister cocked her head to the side to observe Minjee. Her eyebrow raised and she slowly turned to look at Jaejoong. He gulped.

“You two should hurry up and have your own kids too.” His other sister interrupted.

“What!?!” Jaejoong and Yunmi simultaneously shouted.

His sister put her hands up in defense. “Oh geez chill, I was just saying.” She chuckled and Yunmi bitterly laughed with her.

“Why are you guys here anyway?” Jaejoong asked.

“What? We can’t visit?” One of the siblings replied. “We just thought you’ll miss Jiji and Yoyo so we brought them over.”

Minjee ran into the center of the adults and collapsed tiredly on her bottom and sighed. “Hungry.”

“Oops! That’s right, sorry for our inconvenient visit. You guys didn’t get to have breakfast yet.” His sister said and stood up from her seat, going into the kitchen. True, when they came it was so much ruckus that the eggs Yunmi was cooking got burnt. “Hey, Jae do you mind going to the grocery store and pick up more food, your fridge is almost empty.” She shouted from the kitchen.

“Now?” Jaejoong whined tiredly.

Her head popped out of the kitchen wall and sternly glared at him. “Yes now.” And she went back in.

“Aw~ just think of this as a date, Yunmi can go with you.” His other sister nudged Yunmi.

“Yes, yes, go now.” The other one joined in and they both pushed the couple to the door.

“But—“ Yunmi protested and glanced back at Minjee, her big eyes staring back at her mother.

“Don’t worry about Minjee, we’ll take care of her!” They said in assurance and slammed the door close on them.

Yunmi carefully looked up and he did the same to her and when they caught each other’s eyes, they quickly averted. Jaejoong sighed in defeat while she bit her bottom lip nervously


“What should we get next?” Yunmi said quietly to herself and walked ahead as Jaejoong trailed behind her. This whole “date” thing was just plain awkward, they haven’t talked to each other once. Yunmi immersed herself into shopping while Jaejoong ran phrases over and over his head about last night trying to talk to her without sounding stupid.

So he cleared his throat and spoke out, taking this chance of them being alone. “Yunmi.” He called out as she paused to look back at him. “About last night—“

“It’s fine.” She quickly said and took a deep breath trying not to remember, as the heat in her cheeks rose again. “I get it, you were drunk.”

Jaejoong sighed in relief. “Thank god, ‘cause that meant nothing.” Ouch, even if she didn’t like him it still brought pain. Yunmi face instantly showed disappointment and he suddenly felt bad. “I-I didn’t—“

“It’s fine, remember.” She smiled slightly, although it stabbed her heart. “Let’s not have this argument in public.” Jaejoong, not wanting to say anything else anymore, only nodded. When her back was turned to him again he was mentally scolding himself and hitting his head. “Jaejoong ssi?” He froze as she looked back at him, catching his stupid actions.


“Would your sister be fine with pomegranates?” Yunmi raised the fruit up for him to see. (Ahaha, an author’s stupid moment please do ignore why I picked this fruit ^^;)

“Oh.” He breathed out and came to her side, looking at all the varieties of the fruit. “Ugh.” He shivered.

“What? You don’t like it?”

“No, I just have the strangest shiver down my spine.” Yunmi just stared at him. Jaejoong nervously cough and grabbed a few pomegranates and put it in her basket. “Let’s go.” He declared and took the basket from her and went to check out.


“We’re back.” Jaejoong said loudly.

“Oh good.” His sister said and grabbed the shopping bags from them. “Yunmi would you mind helping me cook?” She pointed to the kitchen.

“Ah, of course.” Yunmi agreed and they left.

Jaejoong slumped to the living room where everyone else was and plopped down on the couch. Minjee was crouching down, eye level with the cats as she playfully played with them and her other aunty. Jae’s only available sister scooted next to him and stated. “So Yunmi can cook.”

“And?” He lazily replied.

“Your last girlfriend couldn’t cook.”

Jaejoong rolled his eyes. “Oh my god, where is this going.”

“I’m just saying that Yunmi’s a good girl. You should keep her.”


“Jae, admit it. You at picking girls.” Jaejoong stared at her in shock, but she remained motionless. “I read her profile online and she’s perfect.”

“You looked at her profile online?”

“What? She’s a celebrity, besides I always do that.” Jae looks at her like some stalker. “Did you know that she only had two relationships, and they both lasted pretty~ long.”

“What are you saying?” His eyes narrowed at her.

“That she’s a catch! Keep her please! I mean, thank god she’s got great taste in men or else you’ll never meet another one again!”

“Are you saying I have bad taste in girls?”

“What? No, no, no,” She paused. “Yes, yes, yes, my god yes.”  Jaejoong gasped. “Aw~ Jae, I don’t mean it in an offense way. It’s just, come on I’ve met all of your girlfriends before and —“

“Okay I get it! I had some bad relationships.”

“Some?” Jaejoong glared at her. “I’m just saying, I want a great sister in law. Plus I want to see my baby brother’s effin cute kids. Damn I want a cute niece or nephew and brag about it, that this is Kim Jaejoong’s child. Like Minjee!” Jaejoong quickly look away and dare not to talk. “She’s effin adorable! When we were hanging out with her, she’ll call us aunty and talk about her mommy and daddy with so much enthusiasm. She’s so lovable!” His sister spazzed. “I should call mom.” She suddenly said and popped out her phone.

“What!? Why!?!” He panicked at her unexpected burst.

“That you’ve got a new girlfriend, she’ll be so happy.” She smiled and started going through her contacts.

“No!” Jaejoong shouted and tried to reach for the phone, but she jerked away, avoiding every attempt he tried.

“Why?” Her eyes harden at him.

“Because I don’t want her to hear it from your mouth.” He bit his lip hoping she’ll take it.

“Fine.” She put the phone away. “I’ll just tell her when we go back home.”

“Noona!” Jaejoong whined.

“What? The whole family should meet her.”

“Why, it’s not like she’s going to be my wife.” He spat out pretty loud.

Everyone in the room stared at him, especially Minjee with her smile upside down. His sister looked at him with wide eyes and it averted to the figure standing behind him.

“Ahem.” Yunmi broke the tension, and Jaejoong quickly looked behind to see her by the doorway of the living room. “Brunch is ready, and I need to go attend a schedule. It was nice meeting you all.” She bowed and headed to the door. Minjee swiftly stood up and ran to follow her, and Jaejoong unconsciously did too. At the door Yunmi brushed Minjee hair back and smiled at her, saying words of assurance.

“Yunmi, I—“

“It’s fine. How many times are you going to apologize today?” She smiled the best she can, but she would never admit that his words had meant a lot more than she expected. This wasn’t any drunk talk, he actually truly meant it. “We’re not even a couple anyway.” Yunmi said to him, and maybe even trying to convince herself for not having the right to feel this way. And with that, she left.

Jaejoong turned around to see Minjee holding onto his pants with a pout and all of his sisters (even the cats) staring at him.


“You didn’t mean that, right daddy?” Minjee asked Jaejoong when he was tucking her in bed. After a long day his sisters has finally left, and all day Minjee was disturbed with the current events. She has been wanting to ask him that, but with people around she knew she couldn’t.

Jaejoong sighed. “I don’t know.”

“Was it because this morning I ruined you guys—“

“No Minjee, it wasn’t because of that.” Jaejoong quickly covered up. “It was just a sudden burst okay; I didn’t mean it like that.”

Minjee nodded in understanding. “I can’t sleep.” She said.

“Why? It’s already late, and I’m pretty sure you’re tired from playing all day.”

“I wish mama could be here so she could sing me my lullaby.” She pouted.


She nodded. “Umma said that,” Minjee pointed at Jaejoong. “Wrote it.”

“And what song was this?” He asked, going through every song he ever created in his head.

“Um….” She thought for a while. “It’s the one that goes, hm hm hm~.” She hummed a tune that wasn’t familiar to Jaejoong’s ear.

“I don’t know that song.” He furrowed his eyebrows.

“Oh, I know!” Minjee exclaimed. “I’ll write you the lyrics, whenever I remember them.”

“O-kay, you do that. For now, go to sleep.” He said as she nodded obediently.

When Jaejoong turned off the lights and closed the door shut, Minjee tossed around to a comfortable spot and murmured. “Please do something, appa and umma needs to get married or I won’t be born.” And after that, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Up on the rooftop of Jaejoong’s tall apartment complex, sat a woman. Her long black hair flowed in the moonlight. Her dark blue robe shifted as the wind danced around her, exposing other colors like an aurora. She wore one long earring that almost reached her shoulder on an ear, two rings on the left hand and one on the right, and a long sapphire necklace, all colorful gemmed accessories that gleamed in the night. “I’ll do something.” She whispered to nobody in particular.


SO LONG THAT THIS DRAINED ME…so as you can see I started to lag as it went on XD! Sorry for any incorrect grammars, i only went by this once and sorry  I couldn’t describe this new character enough XD!


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Oh my lovely subbies..I have not abandoned u, but my comp is being an idiot at the moment..please wait patiently TT TT


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Keahun #1
Chapter 15: nice one , thanks
yumizock #2
I just found your story and I think it's interesting...
Chapter 15: Awww Minjee you cutie bear :) cute story.
Chapter 15: Great story, enjoyed it very much. Wish it was longer though.
I think when you have time we need a sequel for this.
faridpraderago #5
Chapter 15: i love this^^
this is not so cliche and so many drama...this one is cute and funny!
You did a great job,authornim...
I expect more jaejoong story from you XD~
Chapter 15: great story ../.
loved reading it !!!!
by any chance are you going to write a sequel for this?
900204 #7
Chapter 15: This was such a fun and cute story to read! Thank you once again!
laulau #8
Chapter 15: Have you ever thought of writing a sequel to this story?
Aikarara #9
Chapter 15: just finish reading it.. cool story!! really.. wow.. author-nim.. i love this.. kkk.. >o<)b
Chapter 15: hey!! you subbed to my story i'll protect you. i was posting my thank you mssg on ur wall n i saw posts saying how good ur stories were. so, i decided to look. honestly, i really love this! its really sweet and romantic!! thanks for supporting my fanfic an i'll suppot yours!!