Chapter 3

She's our Miracle

At least 30 subscribers already!?! Wow, although i doubt half of you read XD!! You probably just subscribe and leave...or silent reader XD!! It's all fine though..i write for my own enjoyment :)). Happy Reading~ and sorry if there's any mistakes (i had a headache while revising) ^^

secretlyinluv: Oh~ lol!! Yeah, she brings excitement in their life XD!

white_charm: Their argument can go on FOREVER~! Lol!!
mai994: Thank you~!! I hope it wasn't too cliche XD
Passionista: It just has 3 chapters and you already love it? Why, thank you very much :DD!!
_DyNaR_: I don't think it's that much of a mystery XD!! I try to make it very obvious, but it's okay all will be answer...soon <-- i always say that XD!
ClaireDeHannah: Correct~ XD!! Please do look forward to their now messed up life lol!!
miel123: Really? thank you very much :)) I thought it was going to be common with all the "a child pops up into a couple's life" XD
pinkalicious: As the story goes on, you'll learn more about Minjee..a lot more XD!!

Back at office, and the CEO was once again rubbing his temples. “Why do you guys cost so many problems?” He whined. “The press are already calling me, asking me to confirm the rumors going on.”

“Hey, you gave us that check to go shopping.” Yoochun pointed out.

“But I didn’t expect you guys to go to a famous public place, even so that’s why I assigned you guys to go early in the morning. How was I supposed to know that you guys will take hours?” The CEO replied and gave out a sigh. “For now, I’ll just say that Minjee is Yunmi’s niece and she’s left under her care for a while.”

“Why not Jaejoong’s niece!?!” Yunmi denied.

Chang Ju looked at Yunmi. “Fangirls knows at least all of Jaejoong’s family; you expect them to believe that?” Everyone gulped, fangirls can be creepy. “I’m sure by tomorrow morning you guys will be on the front cover of any newspaper, most searched on sights, pictures posted everywhere—“

“And don’t forget the anti-websites set up for Yunmi.” Hyeso interrupted. Everyone turn to stare at her, but she only shrugged with a “What? It’s only true.” Yunmi tilted her head down to look at her lap, upset and frustrated at the same time.

“For now, Minjee can’t be out of anyone’s sight and alone, so I suggest that both of you take turn taking her to your schedules.” Chang Ju said to Jaejoong and Yunmi.

“What!?!” They both protested.

“I have a photoshoot and after that I need to go for a script reading for my upcoming drama.” Yunmi whined. “I can’t have her around in a room full of people.”

“JYJ is going to have a recording for their new album and a talk with the composers; it’s going to go on for a full day today.” Jaejoong said. “We can’t have something loud in the studio.” Minjee looked back from Yunmi to Jaejoong, with big innocent eyes. “Yunmi should take her; after all we just decided that she was Yunmi’s niece.”

“What!? That’s just—“ Yunmi started but soon ended with her manager’s glare.

“We’ll take her with us first, the photoshoot isn’t a problem but once we get to our second schedule it’s going to be hard. I suggest that Jaejoong picks her up for the second half.” Taehyun reasoned with Chang Ju.

“Good, we’ll go with that.” The CEO confirmed. Everyone got up from their seats, dismissed: until Jaejoong and Yunmi abruptly turned around.

“Wait!?!” Jaejoong shouted.

“What about our rumor, we solved Minjee’s but what about our scandal?” Yunmi asked.

Chang Ju sighed for the millionth time that day.  “That is a rumor, I have no say in.”

More disapproval was going to happen and Jaejoong and Yunmi didn’t want to leave until this was solved. But being late for their schedules, s and her manager pulled them out of the room, with complaints unanswered.


Minjee was taking her nap at the backseat of the van, while Yunmi was deep into thoughts. They were heading to her ELLE photoshoot and truthfully she wasn’t in the mood to do anything. Taehyun was seated casually next to her, flipping through a magazine carelessly. Yunmi took a glance at Minjee’s sleeping face, and it only hit her that Minjee really does have her plump lips, her soft white skin, and if Minjee had grown up and lost her baby cheeks, maybe she would even have the same face shape. All the things that left Yunmi a little more frightened.

“Taehyun,” She called out to her manager in a whisper. He looked up from his magazine in response. “How does it feel like to have a child?”

He smiled at the thoughts of his son and wife. “Beautiful. I mean, sure you get a little frustrated at certain times but just the thought that your raising someone who shares the same genes as you and your love one, is beautiful.”

“What if, you do a bad job? You’ve got to make a mistake sometimes and—“

“Why are you so worried all of a sudden?” He asked her. They both shared a look at sleeping Minjee behind them. Taehyun sighed and patted her hand. “You’ll become a great mother, I’m sure of it. If Minjee really is your child, just know that you’ve done a great job. She’s so smart and bright.”

“W-wait, what do you mean if she was my child?” Yunmi questioned while Taehyun just furrowed his eyebrows at her sudden change.

“Nothing, it was just a statement.” He carefully said, observing her reaction.

Yunmi heaved a deep sigh. “This is all too freaky.”


“Because even I can see myself in her.” Yunmi gazed back at the girl. “We better find her parents soon.”


“Wah~!!” The cheerful girl ran around the studio. “It’s so big! It’s like a real fake house!” Minjee exclaimed, making no sense as she stared at the made set. They arrived on the set and today’s concept was a sophisticated woman, full of seduction.

Yunmi was having her make up done, and Minjee stared at her in awe. “Mommy looks so pretty~.”

Yunmi slightly blushed from her blunt comment. “Thank you.”

When she was all dressed up in her first outfit and came out of the room, Minjee, being the fangirl she suddenly was, clapped with all her might. “Pretty~.”

This time Yunmi couldn’t help but crouched down to Minjee’s level and pinched her cheeks lightly. “Thanks again, but I’m going to go on soon so don’t run around okay?”

Minjee nodded the cute way she always does. “I won’t mommy; you don’t have to remind me every time.” Her words stunned Yunmi once again.

“Yunmi!” Taehyun called her to set. Yunmi stood up and smoothed Minjee’s hair down before leaving. She cleared her thoughts from all the previous events and took a deep breath, and within seconds being the pro she was, Yunmi into her role.

Yunmi posed in all different ways, ways that only she could make it look y without even trying. Her eyes pierced the camera as it flashed at her multiple times. Minjee took a seat across the set and rested her chin on her palms, looking at her mother in glory. Taehyun sat next to her, and smiled at her awed gesture. Minjee’s leg swayed back and forth and her eyes sparkled at Yunmi’s every movement.

The first batch of photos was over and they quickly rushed Yunmi for her new do. Minjee finally straightened up and stared off at the direction her mother left. “Are you bored Minjee?” Taehyun asked her.

She shook her head no. “Looking at umma is never boring.”

Taehyun raised one of his eyebrows. “So who do you like more? Umma or appa?”

“Eck~, I hate to choose. Why choose who I love more, when they both love me.” She responded adorably, sticking out her tongue.

“So, how did you find mommy and daddy yesterday?” Taehyun questioned her. Maybe she’ll give a legit answer to where she came from.

“Look! Mama’s back out!” She pointed excitedly at Yunmi.

Taehyun ruffled Minjee’s hair and whispered to himself. “Smart girl.” For she had avoided the subject. Minjee heard him and looked up at him, giving him her cute eye smile with a mischievous glint.

Yunmi was back on a new set, a party theme. She wore a dress this time, a pearl pink one that made her glow. It was strapless and a bow was tied behind her at her waist as if puffed slightly down. Her hair was curled and tied into a messy bun. Everything shouted out pure beauty.

“Minjee, your father’s here.” Taehyun said, breaking her trance on Yunmi.

Minjee gasped and jumped down from her chair, running to Jaejoong who had just entered the set. “Daddy!” She squealed and ran to hug his legs. Yunmi, oblivious to the situation continued her shoot.

“Hi.” Jaejoong awkwardly said.

“Isn’t mommy pretty?” Minjee tugged on his hand and pointed to Yunmi from the distant.

When Jaejoong raised his eyes to the goddess before him, he tried hard not to drop his jaw. But how could he not, for she was beautiful in every angle. Her soft smile on her naturally red lips was tempting, something Jaejoong barely saw because when had she ever smiled at him? They saw and knew each other’s flaws like the back of their hands, but they have never flipped it over saw the heartwarming palm. Seeing her now was like a new Yunmi to Jaejoong, and he became hypnotized by her beauty.

The last shot was clicked, and the photoshoot was over. Yunmi stepped off the set, and that’s when she realized Jaejoong was here. A soft “Oh.” left , and an inaudible moan escaped Jaejoong’s lips as they made eye contact.

“Mommy! You were awesome!” Minjee jumped up and down. Yunmi broke their gaze and smiled at the girl between them. “Daddy’s here.” Minjee said and again tugged on Jae’s hand.

“I can see that.” Yunmi lips slightly curved. “Well I’ll see you soon, okay Minjee?”

The little girl pouted. “What do you mean? Won’t I see you at home?”

Jaejoong and Yunmi briefly glanced at each other. “Listen Minjee—“

“Pinky promise!” Minjee interrupted Yunmi and stuck out her pinky. “Promise me that after all your schedules you’ll come to the studio and from there we’ll all go home together.” Minjee demanded.

Yunmi and Jaejoong were in shock, never have they seen Minjee this persistent. From her puffed cheeks, her cute pout, and teary eyes, Yunmi couldn’t deny. One last nervous look at Jaejoong and Yunmi intertwined her pinky with Minjee’s.

“Okay, you promised!” Minjee stated as Jaejoong picked up into his arms.

Yunmi chuckled nervously. “Yes.”

As Jaejoong and Minjee left, Taehyun came to Yunmi’s side. “Get dress, we need to go also.”


Boring chapter I know =.= (when I promised something interesting T^T) But everything happens for a reason, I wrote this as a first step for Jaejoong to see her for once not a “” XD! And other reasons involving Minjee, I originally wanted to write Jaejoong’s part too, but it got too the next chapter okay? :)) 


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Oh my lovely subbies..I have not abandoned u, but my comp is being an idiot at the moment..please wait patiently TT TT


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Keahun #1
Chapter 15: nice one , thanks
yumizock #2
I just found your story and I think it's interesting...
Chapter 15: Awww Minjee you cutie bear :) cute story.
Chapter 15: Great story, enjoyed it very much. Wish it was longer though.
I think when you have time we need a sequel for this.
faridpraderago #5
Chapter 15: i love this^^
this is not so cliche and so many drama...this one is cute and funny!
You did a great job,authornim...
I expect more jaejoong story from you XD~
Chapter 15: great story ../.
loved reading it !!!!
by any chance are you going to write a sequel for this?
900204 #7
Chapter 15: This was such a fun and cute story to read! Thank you once again!
laulau #8
Chapter 15: Have you ever thought of writing a sequel to this story?
Aikarara #9
Chapter 15: just finish reading it.. cool story!! really.. wow.. author-nim.. i love this.. kkk.. >o<)b
Chapter 15: hey!! you subbed to my story i'll protect you. i was posting my thank you mssg on ur wall n i saw posts saying how good ur stories were. so, i decided to look. honestly, i really love this! its really sweet and romantic!! thanks for supporting my fanfic an i'll suppot yours!!