Chapter 9

BaNa Kiss~

"Order up!" Mir brought the food out to the counter.

HaNi smiled and poked Mir's nose,"ThankYou~"

"Anything for you.. Honey (As if saying HaNi)" He smiled and did a 360 spin back to the kitchen.

JinYoung was mad watching them do those lovelydovey (LOL T-ARA) even though he knew everything was just a fake. He still was pissed. Tch. That's stupid.. Honey.. Aish.

HaNi placed the foor on the table and was about to leave when JinYoung complained.

"Yah. I didn't ask for this.. I wanted dumpling noodles." JinYoung lied.

HaNi turned around and took out her notebook from her apron pocket.  "Umm.. It says here that you orderd fish noodles.." HaNi placed the pen by her lip.

JinYoung pushed his bowl towards her," Well.. I want dumpling noodles now..". JangMi stared at him. She was alittle bit jelous that he talked to HaNi more than he did to her on their "date".

"Oppa~ Just eat the fish noodles.. It taste really-" She was cute off by JinYoung.

"ANI. I. Want. Dumpling. Noodles." JinYoung ordered.

HaNi's father came over, "What's going on here?" He asked.

JinYoung told him that he wanted dumpling noodles and HaNi's father ordered HaNi to make the noodles herself.


"Aigoo. Finally that boy left.." HaNi leaned back on the counter. "He's a pain in the .."

Mir laughed and placed his apron on the hooks. "Well.. I better get going now.. It was fun pretending" He winked and bid  goodbye to HaNi's father.

"HaNi.. I'm going to stay in the shop overnight.. You can head on home yourself.. Araso?" HaNi's father spoke.

"Araso Appa... Annyeong~" She took her stuff and lef the restauraunt.

*BOOM BOOM* It started to thunder. HaNi thought it was just going to by a slight drizzel, she was being stupid and didn't decide to go back to the restauraunt and grab an umbrella.

Minutes later it started to pour heavly. HaNi hid her face in her jacket and tried to walk as fast as she could to her house. She didn't live that far from the restauraunt.

"Excuse me miss.. Would you like to get in the car.. I can take you home.." A person drove next to the sidewalk and spoke to her.

HaNi rolled her eyes, "Tch. You ert. ANDWE!" HaNi walked alittle faster, but the car caught up.

"YAH. I ORDER YOU TO GET IN." The man higherd his tone, Which made HaNi look at him.

"J-JinYoung..* HaNi looked down and shook her head "Ani. You can't force me to do anything!" HaNi walked faster.

This time.. JinYoung drove past her and stuck out his hand out the window to wave.

"YAH. WAIT. WAIT. "HaNi ran to the car. And JinYoung pulled over.

"Here's the deal.. Take me straight home. And don't talk to me on the way.." HaNi said.

JinYoung laughed," Look I'm the one that's taking YOU home. So.. There are no deals.." JinYoung drove.

HaNi stayed quiet and layed back.

JinYoung went over and pulled the seatbelt on her, but he stopped when their faces met.

Omo.. What do I do?!


A U T H O R ' S  C O R N E R

Annyeong~ Here's an update!

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omgomgomgomg that's so cuteeeee ♥ LOLOLOL i was like, blushing for her omg /shot
OTL, Update soon ~~~ .///.
Can't wait man!! Jinyoung ♥ keke update MORE! :D HAHAHA
Fanficsftw21 #4
omg i kinda panicked when i saw my ID after the three dots on the foreword O.O :P btw, awesome story :D d (^.-) b
dun dun dun. LOL updateeeee! Even though that was like, your 3rd time updating today XDD
Waahhh~~ So cute ^^*
iazian #7
Lol omg... UPDATTEEE ;3333
uh-oh.what is gonna happen?!?!? lol
oooh! I loveee playful kiss! & jinyoung! So i have a feeling ima love this story xD
iazian #10
update soon soon soon~! :3