A Spoonful [Updated 4/8]

A Cup of Sugar

Chapter 16: A Spoonful

You storm off. You are walk down the stairs, your heels clicking with each step.
The song changes to a funky electro tune. The lights spaz out of control as you make your way past the dance floor and to the bar.

“Three shots!” you holler to the bar tender. The bartender had his hair slicked back and appeared to be younger than 18.  You assumed he heard you amid the noise because he left and returned with the shots. “Is this Vodka?” You ask yourself out loud as you examine your shot glasses. ‘Maybe I should have specified what.’ The liquid inside did not have a milky color. You took a whiff of it and leaned back. It smelled strong! You decide to go for it. You quickly threw back your head and let the alcohol make it’s way into your mouth and down your throat. You coughed. You felt your headache creeping back. You down the next two hoping the buzzed feeling would somehow cancel out the throbbing of your head.

“Da Eun! There you are!”

You look back and see Ma Ri stumbling over to where you are. A man is linking arms to her and tries to guide her over to where you are. She smiles and takes a deep exhale. She reeks of alcohol. The guy standing beside her looked more like an older man (late 40s). ‘I guess she likes older guys.’

“I’m leaving!” Ma Ri announcing more to the crowd around us than to just me.

“What about your friend-”

“She’ll be fine. She is leaving in a little while with a guy of her uhp-own,” Ma Ri replied with a hiccup near the end.

“You should not leave by yourself Ma Ri,” you said sternly.

“Your friend will be fine,” the guy said. “I promise I are not up to no good.”

Your stomach felt queasy as the guy flashed you a smile. Before you can contest, Nick comes up up behind you. “There you are!”

“Nick-uph!” Ma Ri calls, a hiccup escaping at the end. He looks over and his face holds a skeptic expression.

Ma Ri pulls Nick over closer to her. “You! Distract her so I can go and have some fun!” she yells. She sways a little as she leans back away from Nick.

Nick looked up at the guys then back at Ma Ri and whispered something into her ear for only Ma Ri to hear. She smiles. “I will see you later Da Eun!” Ma Ri says waving before leaving with the guy in arm.

Nick walks back over to you with a satisfied look on his face.

“What was that about?” You ask. “That guy-”

“Ma Ri’s a big girl. Besides, her friend already told me Ma Ri and her had met a couple of guys and that they were going out for food. She won’t be alone,” Nick retorted.


“Still, you should have some fun. I was...am having fun. You should have some fun. You aren’t old and dead yet,” he said smiling.

You lean over on the bar with your hand to your head. “I’m getting there.”

Nick looks at you slightly confused before he takes hold of your arm. “Well if you are going to go, you might as well go having fun and dancing to Skrillex!”

Your feet don’t budge as you plant them firmly on the ground.

“Well if you won’t have fun then I will. When you decide you want to have fun, join me on the dance floor.” Nick begins walking over to the dance floor to a girl dancing with a group of friends. You watch as he gets extremely close to the girl for her to hear him ask her something. The girl smiles and leans in all too willing to socialize with someone of the opposite . They eventually wind up on the dance floor.

Not too long after the dj changes the song, you turn to see a guy standing beside you. He isn’t extremely handsome but he is cute and has an adorable toothy smile.

“Would you like to hear a pick up line or can I just ask you to dance with me?”

“What kind of pick up line did you have in mind?” You ask nonchalantly as you down another shot. You have to admit that your headache was getting better or at least you were getting buzzed so it didn’t phase you.

“Just one of the popular ones. ‘Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?’ You know,” he replied.

You can’t help but laugh. He is probably younger than you.

“I appreciate you being considerate of my feelings but I am dating someone.”

“Him? He looks like he is having fun over there,” the guy gestures to Nick who is still dancing with the girl from before.

You put down the shot you just drank and wave your hands in protest.

“Then come dance with me. You should have fun too.”

You look up at the guy. His smile was very honest and he did not come off as a self-centered jerk who would randomly kiss you or accuse you of flirting with your neighbor.

“I hope you are a good dancer!” you say pessimistically as you let him lead you to the dance floor.

You two dance for quite a while. He was an extremely goofy dancer. All of his dance moves were at least two decades old and very corny. You two end up competing to see who can do the cheesiest dance moves. You both get a few odd looks but you don’t care.

You two laugh hysterically as you did the bump and other moves. Eventually, you two take a break from the hot dance floor. He drank a water and you drank a little water as well.

You feel a tap on your shoulder and you glance over. You and Nick meet eyes for a moment. You hear someone clear their throat. You look to your left and the girl he was dancing with was standing right beside him.  

“It’s late. We should probably leave.” Nick said looking both at the girl then the guy I was dancing with before meeting my eyes.

You take out your hand phone to check the time.  It is almost 4am. “Yeah we should go,” you say slowly.

Nick walks away from the group. “It’s too early to leave,” the guy whines. “I’m sorry but I have to go. It was fun dancing with you. You are definitely the best dancer I’ve danced with.” You give him a thumbs up and he grins widely. You say your goodbyes and leave with Nick.

On the way home, Nick starts craving the Thai restaurant from before and you figured you should probably eat something too. Your stomach had been growling since before you guys got to the club. You stood near the front counter as Nick rambled with the woman behind the desk.

“What do you want?” Nick asks.

“Whatever you get,” you say in English. Your tone is giddy as the aroma of the foods tickle your nose.

Nick rolls his eyes and orders for you as well. You hand him the correct amount and he, in turn, handed it to the cashier along with his pay.

Your phone begins to ring. You pick up the phone, not looking to see who is calling.

Hello? It was Kyung Soo.

You hang up and slip your phone back into your purse. Your phone starts to ring again. Nick looks over at you. You check your phone screen this time. Kyung Soo’s name flashes on the screen. You are about to put the phone in your pocket when it is snatched out of your hand.

Kyung Soo! What’s up man?

You reach to try and take it back from Nick who has used his hand to push you at arms length.

You remember me right?

There is a brief pause. Nick starts laughing and nods.

We went to Cashmere! You should have come!

There was another pause.

Yea. Yea. Don’t work too hard! Hwaiting!

Nick gives the phone to you. “You need to get your boyfriend out so you two can have some fun.”

You put the phone to your ear. What? You ask.

I can’t believe you are still up this late.

What do you want?

“You know there is an midterm examination coming up right?

There’s silence.

I’m sorry Da Eun.


I don’t say anything that I don’t mean. I have a big interview coming up and let the stress get to me earlier. Can you forgive me?

The question isn’t ‘can’ I forgive you but ‘will’ I forgive you.

Well...Will you forgive me?

You pause and look up at the ceiling.

Hmm. I might be able to if you make the midterm examination a take home.
Da Eun, that is unethical. Besides, I don’t have the power to do that. I’m just a lowly teacher assistant. I can help you pass the class.


By studying like everyone else.

You laugh.

Are there really no perks to dating the teacher assistant? Why are we dating again?

Kyung Soo laughs and you smile into the phone.

I’ll talk to you later.




You put the phone back into your purse before looking up at Nick. “You-”

“Here’s your order!” An older woman says as she hands you the food. “Did you need any utinsels?” she asks. Your blood begins to boil and your face turns red. You say ‘no’ and take the napkins she offers you.

“Don’t worry kid. It is just a lover’s spat. It will be over soon,” she replied.

You resist the urge to shoot her down with your dagger-like eyes and run out of the restaurant.

“Are you going to apologize?” You ask as you walk into the apartment building.

“Apologize? You weren’t going to answer your phone.”


Relax, I didn’t mention the kiss.” He said before pulling the door open to the officetel. "Even though there was no tongue so I don't think that really counts as a real kiss." 

“What the hell Nick!?!” You storm up the stairs behind him.

“You were great!” Nick said with a smile. You refuse to look his way afraid to lose your fire.

“That kiss-”

“Was not planned. Like you said, you are great at thinking on your feet!” Nick interrupted.

“Nick!” You shouted as you followed him to the floor where your apartments resided.

“I’ll make it up to you.”

Your head began to spin. You stagger and reach for the rail.

“No. Y-you can’t. “ You clutch your head. “Nick..” Your phone begins to ring.

“Look-” Nick spins around but his expressions soften when he sees the state you are in.

You hear him call you name just before it all goes black.

Your eyes flutter. You feel a warm towel on your forehead. You also feel something heavy sitting on your stomach.

“She passed out.”

“No, I’m not sure why.”

“I don’t think she drank a lot.”

“I couldn’t stop her! She’s a grown woman. If you are so worried about her then you-”

There is a long pause.

“I will wait with her until you get here.”

Your eyes spring open and are bombarded with the bright LED lights of his one room.

“Ah..” You grown using your arm to cover your eyes.

You hear footsteps walking over to you. A few lights are turned off so that only the lights in the kitchen are on, leaving the living area dim. You open your eyes again and see Vanilla staring wide eyed at you.

“Did you get a roofie?”

“Ah.. I don’t think so. I just had a few shots.”

“How many are a few?”

“That’s a good question.”

“Your words aren’t slurred so I don’t think you are wasted.”

Your stomach growls noisily like a monster growling from the pits of a deep cave. Vanilla jumps off of you to escape the noise.

“Why are you being so grumpy tummy? I fed you cereal,” you say in a baby like voice.

“What else did you eat today?” Nick asks.

You thought back to this morning. You had cereal then you fought with Kyung Soo. “Hmm... To be honest, I think that was it.”

“You of all people should know it isn’t good to drink on an empty stomach. Shouldn’t doctors know how to take care of themselves?”

“It is actually the exact opposite.”

“Hold on,” Nick says before walking back to the island. He returns with your food and a spoon.

“No. I don’t want to be treated like a child.”

“You need to eat,” he said opening the container and digging the spoon into it.

“I can do it myself.” You prop yourself up but feel woozy soon after and sink back down.

“Little kid says what.” Nick mutters.

“What?” You reply not realizing it was a trick. A spoonful of shu mai and rice are shoved into your mouth.

“Jerk,” you mumble.

He ignores you and puts another spoonful in front of your mouth. This time you open your mouth willingly for him to put the food in.

“So who was that cute girl you were talking to at the club?” you ask with food still in your mouth.

“You shouldn’t talk while you are eating. Which one are you talking about?”

Your eyes open wide and he laughs at you.

“You are worse than Ma Ri.”

“Her name was Tiffany.”

You scoff. ‘She is one of those girls.’

“No she’s not like that,” he says quickly.

‘How can he read my mind?’

He smiles. “Your face is a dead giveaway. You should work on your poker face,” he says shoving more food into your mouth.

The doorbell rings and the screen beside his door lights up.

You didn’t realize how close Nick was to you until now. “I’ll get that,” you say trying to maneuver off of the couch only to sink back down.

“Don’t want you passing out again. I got it,” Nick replied in an unenthusiastic voice.

The door opens and Kyung Soo rushes in. You slowly sit up. Kyung Soo gives you a bear-like hug.




"I feel like you have been avoiding me."




He is silent.


"It isn't what you did that bothered me. It's that you didn't tell me. As if it were some kind of secret."


"It shouldn't mean anything to you," he said a little harshly.


"What is that supposed to mean?"


"We aren't dating."


"I thought at the very least we were friends." 


"A friend wouldn't look the way you did that day."

AN/// I don't want to give too much away (or put myself in the same situation I've put myself in multiple times as far as writing). I hate that this is coming MONTHS after my last update. I have been dealing with big college decisions the past few months and have felt no desire to write for Nick. (Sad but true.) Writing this chapter was fun. The chapter title I posted in my status update was supposed to be for this chapter but it will instead be the title for the next chapter. The two talking in the teaser are of course you and Nick. There will probably be two more chapters after this one giving this story 18 chapters total. If I can think up more then I will make it 20. Thank you for anticipating this chapter and sticking with me this time! As always, please let me know of any errors and feel free to leave kind comments and share this story. I also have another story that is just taking off so please support that as well. Love you all for reading and I promise I will update when I can!

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namzUd #1
I loved it because I think you made a lot of effort to make it seem as real as possible. I think you could make it better giving more details on Nickhun's job. It's not very clear and its a bit suspicious that the OC doesnt question it although she seems to be falling for him.
Chapter 19: omg from the game to the bathroom part I was freaking hooked
great update *______*
Chapter 19: You make me nervous the more I scroll down the page when they were playing I Never, oh Goooddd
Everything's worth it though~~ Nick and DaEun FTW!!!
And I hope you'll update Noona Call Me Oppa, KOI~!! ^^
miss_curang #4
Chapter 19: update soon please
AvenAcademyNichkhun #5
Chapter 19: I WAS WAITING FOR THIS CHAPTER MY WHOLE LIFE!!!! Update soln..u.u
Nichkhunieee #6
Chapter 19: YAY!!!! You updated!!!! I loveee this chappieee!! FINALLY!!! YOU FINALLY CONFESSED!!!! update soon?
70V3LY #7
Chapter 19: I'm so happy you updated! Thank you so much! The whole confession thing is super cute! Love it! Keep it up! :D
Chapter 19: Thank you everyone for being patient! Chapter 19 is up!!!
Beastlovergirl #9
update soon author-nim!
AvenAcademyNichkhun #10
Chapter 18: update soooooooooooooooooonnnnnnn <3