Fun Times

A Cup of Sugar

Fun Times

“Are you okay?” a voice calls from the other side of your door. You vigorously wiped your face and looked into the peephole. It was Ma Ri. You don’t know why but you opened the door. Ma Ri’s eyes were filled with concern as she looked down at you. She was wearing six inch heels and a tight dress. “I heard shouting. Are you okay?”

You smiled meekly. “Are you free tomorrow night?”

“Yeah. Why?”

“I need to go out,” you said running your hands through your curly hair.

“Really?” Ma Ri forgot about everything once you mentioned going out. “You’re not going to bail out on me are you?”

“Nope,” you answered shaking your head.

“This is great! I’ll have to invite some other people. Two is fun but five is a party!” Ma Ri clapped her hands with glee.

‘Maybe this wasn’t a good idea..’ you thought as Ma Ri began rambling about what to do in preparation for tomorrow night.

“Nick!” Your ears perked up at the mention of his name. “You should invite him. He seems like the clubbing type.”

“I don’t know about that. Guys just-”

“Guys just what?” You both turn and look at Nick who has a grocery bag in hand. “Da Eun thought it would be great if you would go out with us tomorrow night.” You elbow Ma Ri’s side. “You’re not busy right?”

“He’s probably busy with-” “I can go.” Your head spins back to Nick who is smiling. “What time should we meet?” “Around eleven tomorrow night. We can meet outside of Da Eun’s door.” You open your mouth to speak but only to be interrupted. “Sounds good,” says Nick. “I thought we would go to Cashmere. I went there a few weeks ago. The atmosphere is good,” said Ma Ri. “I heard of that place,” said Nick. “I’ll see you two tomorrow.” “Okay!” Ma Ri said a little too enthusiastically.

You slept in since it was Saturday. You woke up and fixed yourself a bowl of cereal and sifted through your phone for messages. Your mother called twice, Kyung Soo called three times and sent four text messages.

Don’t tell me that my mom got to you.

She was just drunk. She didn’t mean it.

Are you okay? Your dad nearly passed out after you left.

I chewed out my mom about last night. Please tell me you are okay?

You are about to text him back when a call comes through. Your phone's screen reads ‘Kyung Soo <3’.


Kyung Soo?

Da Eun, I was so worried about you. I couldn’t sleep at all last night. Are you okay?


Did you get my texts?


Everything went silent.

Well this is awkward.

I'm sorry you feel that way.

He laughs.

Listen, I’m right outside your door.

You shot up from  your seat.

Will you let me in?

What if I don’t?

I guess I’ll have to bust in. You cannot avoid me forever.

I don’t have to avoid you forever. Just until you or I die. I should be able to ration my food so that I can last a few weeks.

He laughs. I have ramen.


Chicken flavored ramen. You know you want some Da Eun. You can’t stay mad forever.

You hang up and open the door.

“You know me too well. Where’s the ramen?”

You move him from side to side and spin him around.

"Ramen isn't good for you."

"Neither are insensitive boyfriends. I think you should leave." You turn to go back into your place. Kyung Soo grabs your wrist and swings you around.

"The wrist grab? Seriously? Those only work in dramas.," you say harshly.

"It kept you from leaving didn't it?"

You blush.

"Touché," you managed to reply. You were becoming flustered, being so close to Kyung Soo. Your lips are only centimeters away from his lips.You anger was waning. He proceedes in planting a soft kiss on your forehead.

"My mom has already agreed to apologizing to you."

Then your nose.

"She wants to have brunch Sunday."

Your cheek.

"With you."

Your other cheek.

"Just the two of you."

Finally, your lips.

"How does that sound?"

You take a deep breath.  "I don't know.."

His hands hold your face as he presses his lips to your's for what felt like the sweetest kiss. Butterflies were fluttering as all your frustration seemed to to drain out of you.

"Trust me."

You couldn't think of anything else to say but, "Okay".

"I guess kissing does solve everything."

You scoff.
“What are you doing tonight?”

“I’m just going out with my neighbors. You should come too,” you say as you wrap your arms around his torso.

“I was hoping to spend boyfriend and girlfriend time together. Just us. Your neighbor Nick crashed our dinner date a while back.”

“He’s just nosy,” you say reassuringly.

“Is he going?” Kyung Soo asks. “I don’t like the two of you being together all of the time.” You didn’t tell him about your work out sessions every Tuesday and Thursday. It wasn’t that you were trying to keep it from him. You knew he wouldn’t react well if he found out.

“It was just that one time. He’s my neighbor,” you add. “And Ma Ri is going as well.”

“Hmm. Can’t you not go and go with me to the movies?”

"We went to the movies last week. Besides, I promised Ma Ri. She will give me grief if I don’t go,” you reply.

“Oh well,” Kyung Soo lets go of you and steps back. “Let me know when you are free so we can go on a date every so often.”

“Kyung Soo,” you whine.

“I’ll call you,” he replies. He takes a quick glance at Nick’s door before leaving.

“Love you too,” you say just above a whisper before going back inside.

“Da Eun, you look good!” Ma Ri cries out as she rushes to your door. Her heels are in hand as she looks you up and down.

You are standing outside your door wearing a peek-a-boo  purple cocktail dress. Ji Hyun insisted on you buying  this dress a couple of weeks ago when the two of you went to Coex Mall. The back was open and a bow placed just above the opening in the back. You had on gold wedge heels. Your curled hair fell gracefully past your shoulders. Your blue eye shadow complimented your purple dress and brown eyes. Your face was also adorned with a modest amount of blush and magenta pink lip gloss.

“Thanks! You look good as always!”

“Could you zip me up?” She asked, turning around so that you were facing her back.

Ma Ri had a tight strapless dress on that had ruffles that gave her the illusion of curves. Her dress was much shorter than yours, which was already short to begin with.

“No problem,” you say as you tuck your clutch under your arm and take hold of the zipper.

“Most of my friends bailed on me. It will just be four of us. My other friend is going to meet us at the club.”

“Sounds good,” you remarked.

You finished zipping the dress all the way up.

“Has Nick shown up yet?” Ma Ri asked.

“No.. It’s almost eleven too.”

You both walk over to his door and knock. The door swung open and Nick stepped out in a black v neck, chestnut colored leather jacket, metallic colored jeans, and high top sneakers. The power of his cologne hit you like a ton of bricks.

“Are you planning on killing everyone with your cologne!”

“No. It’s to draw the women in,” Nick says defensively.

“Or away,” you retort.

“I like it,” Ma Ri adds.

"Ahhh.. It’s making my head hurt,” you whined stepping back and fanning the smell away from your nose.

“Let’s go!” Ma Ri yelled as she takes hold of Nick and runs down the stairs.

“Guess I’m going to be the third wheel tonight.”

Ma Ri's friend So Hee was nice enough. She, like Ma Ri, became infatuated with Nick. Not that it bothered you. When you entered the club you were bombarded with flashing white lights. There were mostly girls at the club.

You decide to sit and wait with So Hee. It isnt long before she becomes drunk and runs off to find a guy to dance with. as soon as she leaves, a cute guy approaches you and asks to dance. You turn down the guy because you felt guilty. However, when you realized how much fun you were missing out on you decide to dance with the next guy who asks you out on the dance floor.

The guy was a a great dancer. You weren't too bad yourself. Your were able to forget your aching head for a while and enjoy yourself. You two danced to what felt like twenty electric pop songs before you had to get some water. Your family had low alcohol tolerance and you didn't want to risk getting wasted and putting yourself in a bad situation.

The club is dark and neon spotlights jumping back and forth. Your headache had not yet gone away. The music is blaring from all sides. You squinted looking in the crowd for a familiar face. There were none. A high-pitched voice that you were pretty sure belonged to BIG BANG’s leader GD could be heard throughout the club. It was getting late and you knew that the further away you are from your friends the more dangerous it was for you.

Your family always diagnosed and analyzed stories on the news about girls and guys going missing or worse after being left alone. We always were able to relate it back to a horror or mystery movie we had seen.  

“She should not have trusted that stranger!”

“Guys are shallow! They will trust a pretty girl even if she told him to jump off a cliff.”

These conversations were lively in your home but you did not want to become one of them. You climbed up the stairs to get to the second floor. More of the VIP seating was here. You searched for two familiar faces through the crowd of bimbos and classy men and women. You could have sworn you saw Kim Ah Jeong but you dare not take a second look. You were about to lose hope when a voice called from behind.

“Da Eun!?”

You are wiped around.

"Thank goodness!"

Nick leans over so that his lips are right on your ear. His breath tickles your ear.

"This girl has been stalking me for the last half hour."

"Where is she?" You try to find her.

"Don't look!"

"She's cute!"

"She's crazy." He looks back. "And she's coming."

"You should turn her down like a real man."

"I've tried. Save me!"

"Fine. I'll-"

"Let me lead."

Before you knew it Nick's had his hands on your waist and holds you snuggle so they there was no gap between you and him.

"Hi.. This is my girlfriend. She gets really jealous."

"Yeah. He's mine."  You reply with the most devilish smirk you can do.

The girl's face falter before she turns and leaves.


"No problem," you reply stepping away from Nick.

"I didn't think you would do it."

"It was fun. You're lucky I can think on my feet.  You owe me dinner."


You both turn and see the girl with her hands on her hips facing both of you.

“Come again?” you ask.

“If you two are dating, kiss. If you don’t then I will,” she said with a smile.

“I-I can’t just do that on the spot,” you retort turning to look at Nick.

“We don-”  His lips crash into your’s. His lips are soft and help set your own to a slow and rhythmic pace. His lips had taken advantage of your’s at the moment when your lips were parted.

“Okay. You two can stop,” the girl interrupts.

You try to pull away but Nick’s lips wont let you break the kiss just yet. The butterflies from before but this time it feels like a frenzy is taking place in your stomach. Every part of your body is becoming heated and you were afraid. Afraid to let go and afraid to continue.

“Whatever,” the girl says as she storms off for what appears to be the last time.

Your mind tells you to do something amid your heart’s violent thumping. You head was pounding as well. You bend your index finger back with your thumb and pop his ear.



“What the hell Nick!?!” You storm up the stairs behind him.

“You were great!” Nick said with a smile. You refuse to look his way afraid to lose your fire.

“That kiss-”

“Was not planned. Like you said, you are great at thinking on your feet!” Nick interrupted.

“Nick!” You shouted as you followed him to the floor where your apartments resided.

“I’ll make it up to you.”

Your head began to spin. You stagger and reach for the rail.

“No. Y-you can’t. “ You clutch your head. “Nick..” Your phone begins to ring.

“Look-” Nick spins around but his expressions soften when he sees the state you are in.

You hear him call you name just before it all goes black.




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namzUd #1
I loved it because I think you made a lot of effort to make it seem as real as possible. I think you could make it better giving more details on Nickhun's job. It's not very clear and its a bit suspicious that the OC doesnt question it although she seems to be falling for him.
Chapter 19: omg from the game to the bathroom part I was freaking hooked
great update *______*
Chapter 19: You make me nervous the more I scroll down the page when they were playing I Never, oh Goooddd
Everything's worth it though~~ Nick and DaEun FTW!!!
And I hope you'll update Noona Call Me Oppa, KOI~!! ^^
miss_curang #4
Chapter 19: update soon please
AvenAcademyNichkhun #5
Chapter 19: I WAS WAITING FOR THIS CHAPTER MY WHOLE LIFE!!!! Update soln..u.u
Nichkhunieee #6
Chapter 19: YAY!!!! You updated!!!! I loveee this chappieee!! FINALLY!!! YOU FINALLY CONFESSED!!!! update soon?
70V3LY #7
Chapter 19: I'm so happy you updated! Thank you so much! The whole confession thing is super cute! Love it! Keep it up! :D
Chapter 19: Thank you everyone for being patient! Chapter 19 is up!!!
Beastlovergirl #9
update soon author-nim!
AvenAcademyNichkhun #10
Chapter 18: update soooooooooooooooooonnnnnnn <3