The Things You Say When You Are Drunk

A Cup of Sugar

The Things You Say When You Are Drunk

“Ready for what?” you said in a not-so-pleasant tone. “Someone is definitely not a morning person,” Nick mumbled as he walked past you into your apartment. Your tilted your head. Did he just walk into your apartment? You slowly turned around and walked over to the couch where Nick was sitting. “Qi Gong.” He enunciated each syllable as if it were a precious gem. Suddenly, a scene rushes back into your head.

“Ma Ri,” you begin gleefully, “has a great body but so do I.”  Nick laughs and nods and you hit him playfully. He quiets down. “You want to know my secret?” You ask with a smile. He nods eagerly. “Qi Gong.”  You giggle excessively to the point where you start snorting. “You practice Qi Gong?” “There was a guy I had a crush on. He was known for doing Qi Gong. I asked him to teach me Qi Gong so I could get closer to him.” “Did it work?” You smile and nod. You then lung at Nick and pull him to his feet. “I’ll show you!” You are clumsy and unstable. You start to fall back after pulling him up. He pulls you up and your face crashes into his chest.

“Remember?” he asked. You were brought back to present. He looked at you as if he knew you had just had some recollection of what happened. “This is why I shouldn’t drink.” You said shaking your head. “I can’t-” “Hold on,” Nick interrupted. Nick began typing on his phone. “What are you doing?” “Nothing.” “Okay. Well-” “I’ve been talking to this girl. Her name is Ha Jeong.” You gave Nick a dirty look that he did not seem to catch. “Are you two dating then?” you ask wondering if he will take your bait. “You could say that,” he said smirking. “Anyway, you can’t back out of this.” Your mouth dropped open. “What?! Why?!”  “You promised.” “No I didn’t. When...” “I guess you did not remember everything that happened.” As if on cue, your memory reveals another brief moment from last night.

“I promise.” You say as you lock pinkies with Nick. Your face is very serious but your eyes are playful due to the alcohol you consumed. “You can’t back down.” “I won’t,” you say assuredly.

‘My self conscious is seriously out to get me,’ you think as your flashback ends. “I think you have low alcohol tolerance. You were buzzed after two shots.” You are brought back to Nick’s voice which is followed by laughter. “You aren’t supposed to believe what a drunk person says,” you say defensively. You walk over to the island and get something to drink. “On the contrary,” Nick says as he walks over to you and puts his hands spread wide on the surface of the island. “You can trust a drunk person more than a sober person.” It becomes quiet for a minute and you two are pretty much staring at each other. You dare not let a breath escape your lips out of fear. He smiles at the awkwardness of the situation and laughs it off.

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Nick says with a bit of disappointment. He makes his way to the door. “Wait!” You run to him but leave a few meters separating you two. “A promise is a promise,” you reach up and stretch. “Besides, you already woke me up,” you said with a good-hearted smirk. “You know that you can’t take it back now right?” You punch him in the arm and he pretends to jump back in pain. The punch actually hurt you more. You shake out your hand as if to shake away the pain. “So where do we start?” You think for a couple of minutes. “I guess it would be best to start out with the basic motions. First though, we have to move the furniture around. We’re going to need the space.” He nods. “Let’s do it!” He gives you a sideways glance and laughs. “ert,” you say under your breath.

First you guys move the couch. You end up hitting your foot on the corner of the couch. “Aish!” Your house slippers are not closed toe. You sniffle. “Are you okay?” Nick asks. He stops and walks over closer to you. You put on a brave face.  “I stumped my toe. It’s alright though,” you say as you put your foot back down, putting all of your weight on the other foot. He squats down and takes hold of your foot causing you to fall back onto the couch. “You!” “Your nail is pretty red but its not purple or broken. You should sit down.” “I said I was fine.” “Why are you moving things with open-toed shoes anyway?” You move to get up and he pushes you back down. “They aren’t open-toed, they’re peep-toed.” He scoffs. “What’s the difference?” “There is a huge difference!” You argue. You try to get up again and he forces you back down. “Just sit down and let a man handle this?” he says as he pushes the couch back a little more so that it is out of the way. “What do you mean ‘let a man handle this?’ are you saying women are weak?” “No. I’m saying you are weak. It will be faster if you just let me do.”

You, in defeat, sit quietly while he moves the living room table out of the way. You almost began dozing off before he finished. “Ready? I catch on pretty quickly so we will probably get through a lot of the poses.” He moves his neck from side to side and swings his arms. You pull yourself up. “How’s the toe? Should I call the hospital?” You give him a mean-spirited smirk. “Very funny. The toe is fine,” you say as you walk to his side. “The first thing we will do is learn to stand.” “Stand?” “Don’t question Teacher. You need to learn how to stand before we can go over the other exercises. I’ll demonstrate.” You relax your muscles and let your arms hang slightly. You put weight on the balls of your feet. You are standing gracefully and peacefully as if you are a ballerina about to make her first move. “Easy.” Nick does his best to imitate you. You walk over to him and use your right leg to widen the space between his. Then you then push him lightly for him to move his weight forward. He nearly falls and you grab him. Your face turns bright red as your forehead comes in contact with his back. The pose reminded you of the back hugs you see in those dramas you would watch. “Are you trying to knock me over?” he says incredulously. “Y-You need to put your weight forward.” “Why didn’t you just tell me to?” “It’s faster if you just let  me do it. He laughs light-heartedly.

You move back but leave your hands on his shoulders. “You know,” he begins, “I don’t mind having your hands on me but I think we should move on to something else.” The blush that was starting to flee came back again. “What?” You say in a high-pitched voice. “I-I was simply checking to see if your shoulders are relaxed. You seem to carry a lot of tension in there.” To your surprise, he accepts your lie. There is silence. You drop your hands and walk to face him. “Congratulations, you have mastered the art of standing.” He flashes a toothy grin at you and you let one escape from yourself as well.

“Like this?” You checked Nick’s posture. His body seemed very tense. “Relax more,” you repeated for the third time. “You are too wound up. Pretend you are a zombie. Let your shoulders and chest drop.” “Zombie?” Nick scoffed. “Don’t critique my examples. It works. You watch zombie movies right?” “Occasionally.” “My mother loves watching thrillers,” you began. “I hated them. She would make me watch them with her.” “Like this?” he asked again. “Better,” you replied. You walked over to him and, with all of your strength, pushed his shoulders down. Your heart skipped a beat as soon as your hands came in contact with his shoulders. Your heart quickly returned to its normal rate soon after. “Ouch. You are a rough teacher.” “You woke me up. I consider this payback.” Nick chuckled. “For a funny guy, you sure are stiff.” Nick straightened up and gave you a disapproving look. “What now?” “You think I’m funny,” he said and a smile crept on his face. You laugh lightheartedly.

Eventually, you were able to get Nick into three different poses. After the third pose, you noticed sweat starting to form on Nick’s forehead. “Let’s take a break.” You were tired as well. Nick was a big guy compared to yourself and moving and twisting him into the the different positions was hard, especially the centering step and the bow stance. You had to move his knees and feet but you managed to stay calm. At least you thought you did. His sense of balance was horrible. His body was probably being affected by last night’s drinking. Fortunately you did not have to move him too much. The fact that he was wearing a long sleeve shirt made it more comfortable for you to move him. (He also wearing workout pants. So you never came in contact with his skin.) You went to the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of water for him. You felt like fixing some hot tea. Nick took the bottle but his eyes followed you as you reached for a mug and  pour hot water from a kettle into it. “What are you drinking?” “Tea.” “What kind?” You looked back at him.

He had the most adorable, curious look on his face. You had to catch yourself to prevent your cheeks from turning red. You scoffed but in a good-natured way. “What?” “You look like a six year old.” “I’ll take that as a compliment.” You slipped a teabag in and came back to the island where Nick sat. “It’s Gyokuro Genmaicha Green Tea. Want some?” His head nods vigorously. You burst into laughter. “It has become easier to make you laugh,” Nick remarks. “That is because it is early in the morning,” you replied as you fixed him a cup as well.  “Tuesdays and Thursday mornings good for you?” Nick asks. You pause to think. “That’s fine. Let’s do this at nine. Seven  thirty is too early.” Nick smirks. “Sorry. I woke up sometime after eight and I could not fall back asleep.” “It’s okay,” you replied before taking a sip of your tea. “So what does your schedule look like?” you ask as you take another sip. “I’ve got to go shopping. I’ll go to a children’s center. Then I have to visit a friend in the hospital.” “You sound like an angel.” “Oh, didn’t you see my wings when I first came in?” he asks sarcastically. “You know, volunteering is very y.” “The girls must tell you that all the time when you use that.”

“They do. You’d be surprised at how well that works. Didn’t you feel your knees go weak?” He smiles. This smile however has a glimmer of something else in it. Something that for some reason made you uncomfortable. You quickly think of a way to end the subject. “I prefer bad boys. Like Big Bang.” “Oh,” he says slowly, “so you are one of those girls. You know, bad guys are no good for good girls. They think they can fix him.” “But I know I can.” He scoffs sweetly. "There’s a little bad boy in every guy.” Your heart beats faster as he locks eyes with you. You cannot tell if he is being serious or not. You think quickly as to make the situation go away. “I highly doubt that you are anything near being a bad boy,” you spin around and put your mug in the sink. “Why not?” he asks. You look back and see him pouting. “That.” “What?” “Bad boys don’t pout. Besides, you smile too much.” He looks at you offended by your words.

“Do you ever see TOP or GD smiling?” you ask, gaining confidence in your ability to dominate the conversation. “They probably smiles more than anyone. You just don’t see it. Anyway, I need to head out. Have to find a y outfit for my date.” “y? Only girls talk about finding a y outfit,” you tease. “Guys can’t be y then?” “They can. It’s just guys should not refer to themselves as y. Guys like that are obnoxious.” “Well, I guess I’m just a y, obnoxious angel then.” He makes his way towards the door. “By the way,” he says before leaving. “Ma Ri has a great body but you have better curves, skin, and better looking legs.” Your mouth drops open. “You should wear something figure flattering for your date tomorrow. Just letting you know.” He shuts the door and returns back to his room.


You could not believe that you took his advice. You were now standing outside in a pair of cute oxford flats and slightly-clingy patterned one strap dress. Your hair was pulled up in a cute side bun, like the girls in the dramas you watched. You remembered seeing Ma Ri wearing a dress similar to this. It was however much shorter and appeared to stick to her. You had arrived somewhat early for the date. You checked your watch again for the time. “Da Eun-ah!” You turned to the direction where you thought the voice had come. There he was running over to you. He was wearing a pair of dark khakis and a v-neck shirt. You used to think v-neck shirts looked horrible on guys but he seemed to wear it rather well. “I hope you weren’t waiting too long,” he said with a smile.

You shake your head and the chandelier earrings shake with you. “Oh no! I just got here too.” You give him a big smile. “Are you ready?” you ask. He nods and smiles back. You both walk to the counter and get your tickets. “Did you want any snacks?” he asks. “You looked over at the snack counter and your eyes are drawn to a pack of skittles. You start to frown slightly because you remember you wanted popcorn as well. Then, a solution hits you. “The kiddie snack,” you say affirmatively. He laughs. “Really? Aren’t you too old for that?” “Come on,” you begin defensively, “It’s cheaper than getting an adult popcorn, candy, and drink. I don’t need a lot anyway. There isn’t a cut off age either.  I think they still hand out toys with the kiddie snacks.” “Toys?” “Who wouldn’t want a toy?” He opens his mouth to say something then stops and gives it more thought. “You’re right.” He walks up to the counter. “Two kiddie snacks please.”

AN/// Hey guys! I know you have waiting for like EVER since the last update. Started school less than a month ago and I have been BUSY!!! I have very little free time thanks to work and school. The wifi at my school has been pretty odd, going in and out (mostly out) a lot so it makes it hard to update. I just want to give a little update on Nick. I put the little bit about him going to a children’s center because of the recent news of him volunteering. He’s a sweety pie. In my story, he still is, he’s just a bit more playful and realistic. I don’t want to say too much because it will ruin the twist I have planned. Stay healthy and continue to follow the story (as well as my other story)! Subscribe, post, and read (probably not in that order). I love the updates I get from you guys. The next chapter will hopefully be up soon (not three weeks later). I will try to write a little a day so it is not so time-consuming. :) Lastly, I have kind stopped proof-reading so if you catch a faux pas please let me know!
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namzUd #1
I loved it because I think you made a lot of effort to make it seem as real as possible. I think you could make it better giving more details on Nickhun's job. It's not very clear and its a bit suspicious that the OC doesnt question it although she seems to be falling for him.
Chapter 19: omg from the game to the bathroom part I was freaking hooked
great update *______*
Chapter 19: You make me nervous the more I scroll down the page when they were playing I Never, oh Goooddd
Everything's worth it though~~ Nick and DaEun FTW!!!
And I hope you'll update Noona Call Me Oppa, KOI~!! ^^
miss_curang #4
Chapter 19: update soon please
AvenAcademyNichkhun #5
Chapter 19: I WAS WAITING FOR THIS CHAPTER MY WHOLE LIFE!!!! Update soln..u.u
Nichkhunieee #6
Chapter 19: YAY!!!! You updated!!!! I loveee this chappieee!! FINALLY!!! YOU FINALLY CONFESSED!!!! update soon?
70V3LY #7
Chapter 19: I'm so happy you updated! Thank you so much! The whole confession thing is super cute! Love it! Keep it up! :D
Chapter 19: Thank you everyone for being patient! Chapter 19 is up!!!
Beastlovergirl #9
update soon author-nim!
AvenAcademyNichkhun #10
Chapter 18: update soooooooooooooooooonnnnnnn <3