The Date

A Cup of Sugar

Too Far

Your eyes sprung open. A traditional folk song rang loudly in your small one-room apartment. You had set an alarm on your cell phone since your alarm clock’s batteries needed to be replaced and you had not bought any new ones yet. This week seemed to fly by. Before you knew it Thursday arrived. Nick had bailed out on your date and did not tell you why. You stopped yourself. Was it weird to refer to you and Nick’s meetings as a date? Lying in bed, you go through a list of alternative names. After almost a minute, you decided to call your meetings ‘health sessions.’ You shake off thoughts of the ridiculousness of what you just did and get up from bed.

              You did the usual, make breakfast and got yourself ready for the day. This wasn’t a normal day though. Today was the day you were going out with Kyung Soo. You were extremely nervous. You wished you had not scheduled the date. You mulled over this during breakfast. As you were about to eat your first spoonful of omurice, at thought entered your mind. ‘Maybe I should cancel or reschedule?’ A wave of guilt swept over you. It would be mean to do that to him. Besides, the date could be perfect and he could be your future husband. Another thought popped up in your head. ‘If Nick was going on a date, then I should to.’ It wasn’t that you wanted to make him jealous. You just thought that he shouldn’t be the only one making advances in the romance department.

              After your one and only class for the day, Neurology, you headed over to the local mall. You were going to meet one of your friends Ji Hyun. You walked through the outdoor space. The small trees were spaced out perfectly. You watched the children play in the modestly sized play area. Their mothers, or rather their nannies, watched them build sand castles in the sand and swing and climb on the colorful equipment. “Da Eun-unni!!” You turned to your left and to your right before looking back and seeing a familiar face. Ji Hyun ran over to you. Her long hair swung in the wind. She looked like one of the girls from Baywatch. She was not the prettiest girl in high school but she was the nicest. In your opinion, that made her the prettiest.

              “Ya! Why are you arriving so late? You teased. “I’m sorry, grandma. I thought you wanted to meet at the food court.”  “I’m only a year and two weeks older than you!”  You said while giving her a soft yet firm punch in the arm. “Oww! It hurts!” she cried out exaggeratedly. “I missed you too!” you reached out and gave a side hug. “Why haven’t we hung out recently?” She looked down and thought of her answer carefully before giving it to you. Like a jolt that ran through her body, she jumped up and a smile spread on her face. “I’ll tell you about it while we eat. First, we have to find something hot for you to wear, y grandma.” “Could you quit calling me grandma!” “But you love it! You just won’t admit it!”

              You guys walked through almost every store. Ji Hyun dragged you into all of the more expensive stores and picked out a ton of very revealing clothing. You walked out of the dressing room tugging and pulling whatever it is you had on so that too much skin didn’t show. This, of course, did not work because Ji Hyun kept making you try on sizes that just barely fit you. You are not chubby, nor are you skinny. You were simply ‘curvy’ as you liked to put it. You blush as you recall Nick’s comment from a day or two ago.

              “By the way,” he said before leaving. “Ma Ri has a great body but you have better curves, skin, and better looking legs. You should something figure flattering...”

You do not admit it, to yourself, but you try to look for dresses and skirts that are at the thigh! Shocking, right? This is out of the ordinary for you because all of your skirts and dresses are at or just below the knee. Ji Hyun raised an eyebrow as she scanned through the items you had chosen. “He must be a special guy,” she said with a smirk as she hung the clothes on the hook inside and found a seat close by. You first walk out in the purple dress that Ji Hyun chose for you. “You know,” Ji Hyun started. “Purple is the color that is men find most sensual.” “Really? Where did you hear about that?” Ji Hyun looks up from the magazine she is reading. “Internet” She smiled and you scoffed. You walk over to the 180-degree mirror. “I don’t look bad.” “I know right?” Ji Hyun says as she puts down the magazine and walks over to you. “You have a nice tush and this dress definitely shows that.” “Ji Hyun-ah!”

You go through three more dresses before you get to the patterned dress you had picked out. Ji Hyun’s jaw drops when you step out. “You look great, Unni!” “Really?” “Oh yeah. This dress is a little casual but it really works for you.” She spins you around and shakes her head in disbelief. “Did you really pick this out?” You nod sheepishly. “He is going to love you in this!” You laugh and she smiles back.

You both decided that it would be best to eat at the healthy restaurant in the food court. You ended up getting a grilled chicken salad. By the time you had finished half of your salad, you both had fully caught up with each other. She told you about her new job as a designer and you told her about medical school. You even told her about Vanilla and Nick. “No wonder you were about to pick out such a cute dress. Maybe you should be going out on a date with him instead.” You did not tell her about the incident with the towel. “No, no. I don’t want to get involved with someone who lives next door to me.” “You are so paranoid. You should have more fun! Live on the edge. And you wonder why I call you ‘grandma.’” You took a few bites before you said anything. “So why haven’t we hung out since high school?” You look up and her expression changes. “I-I’ve been busy with some paperwork.” “What do you mean?” She begins to tell you about the restraining order. Apparently, her boyfriend from high school did not want them to break up after she asked them to. He ended up stalking her for months. He even broke into her house numerous times. “I decided to take classes online instead of going to class.” “Why didn’t you call the police then?” “I did. His parents own a chain of high-end bars. It took awhile, but two years after the abuse started I was able to file restraining order against him.”

It took a lot of hugging and a few corny jokes to change the mood back to a joyful one. You two went to a few more stores. Ji Hyun found a few scarves. “It was great seeing you!” “You too!” Ji Hyun was smiling effortlessly again. She was such a strong person to have been able to go through what she had. “Tell me all about your date!” “I will!” You say as you both hug tightly. “We should definitely hang out again sometime!” “I’ll call you! Maybe we can go to a club since you have grown some fashion sense!” You laugh and scowl as she skips off.

You could not believe that you took his advice. You were now standing outside in a pair of cute oxford flats and slightly clingy patterned one strap dress. Your hair was pulled up in a cute side bun, like the girls in the dramas you watched. You remembered seeing Ma Ri wearing a dress similar to this. It was however much shorter and appeared to stick to her. You had arrived somewhat early for the date. You checked your watch again for the time. “Da Eun-ah!” You turned to the direction where you thought the voice had come. There he was running over to you. He was wearing a pair of dark khakis and a v-neck shirt. You used to think v-neck shirts looked horrible on guys but he seemed to wear it rather well. “I hope you weren’t waiting too long,” he said with a smile.

              You shake your head and the chandelier earrings shake with you. “Oh no! I just got here too.” You give him a big smile. “Are you ready?” you ask. He nods and smiles back. You both walk to the counter and get your tickets. “Did you want any snacks?” he asks. “You looked over at the snack counter and your eyes are drawn to a pack of skittles. You start to frown slightly because you remember you wanted popcorn as well. Then, a solution hits you. “The kiddie snack,” you say affirmatively. He laughs. “Really? Aren’t you too old for that?” “Come on,” you begin defensively, “It’s cheaper than getting an adult popcorn, candy, and drink. I don’t need a lot anyway. There isn’t a cut off age either.  I think they still hand out toys with the kiddie snacks.” “Toys?” “Who wouldn’t want a toy?” He opens his mouth to say something then stops and gives it more thought. “You’re right.” He walks up to the counter. “Two kiddie snacks please.”

              “What?” Kyung Soo asked. You were taken over by a fit of laughter. Kyung Soo was not a small guy by any means. The look the hostess gave him was priceless. She probably thought he was crazy. You had to admit he looked humorous carrying his kiddie meal in his very muscular arms. You shook your head and waved your hand in front of you. “Nothing..” “It doesn’t look like nothing.” You regained your composure before speaking. “Did you see the look that hostess gave you?” He paused for a second before he started smiling. His smile was bright and his eyes shined as well. You both let the moment pass and headed into the theater. You noticed him steal a few glances at you. You began to question whether you should have taken Nick’s advice. You don’t want this guy to think you are easy.

There were many older men shouting throughout the theater, which created a cacophony of sounds. “So,” you ask spinning around grinning like a young child. “You should tell me what movie were seeing. So I can prepare myself.”  “Its a thriller,” Kyung Soo replied. “Really?” you said without thinking. Kyung Soo turned to you. “What?” “These old men could die from watching a movie like this. I don’t want to see one of them go into cardiac arrest.” He laughed. “Don’t worry. The closest hospital is only a few kilometers away. You both mock the previews that are showing before the movie. He has you in stitches the entire time. His commentary helps to counterbalance the seriousness of the overly dramatic movie previews. The older couple sitting next to you two try to shush you both and eventually you two quiet down.

The movie turned out to be better than you thought. Like always, you finished your popcorn before the halfway mark. Kyung Soo saw this and offered you his. ‘He’s a keeper.’ you thought to yourself as you took some popcorn from his box. Your hands touched a few times when you were both trying to get some of the popcorn. Your heart jumped each time. “The poor girl did it,” you whispered into his ear. He smiled and turned to face you. “I bet it was the driver. He has the motive.” “The poor girl is a psychopath. It’s always the psychopath that commits the crime.” He shook his head. “How much do you want to bet?” You think for a moment. “If I am right, then you have to come to my place and cook for me on our second date,” he whispers. “If I’m wrong, then I will come to your place and cook for you. I’ve been told that I am a great cook.” You think for a second. A free meal? “Deal.”

You both watch intently as the main character uses thread to connect all of the witnesses and suspects. You were all too happy at the end of the movie when the poor girl was revealed to be the culprit. “In your face!” you whisper loudly. “No fair. You read the spoilers for this movie.” “How could I when I didn’t even know what we were going to see?” you said innocently. You both continued to argue as the credits came on and one the way out of the theater. “I am just good at figuring out the plots of movies. It’s a gift,” you reply. “I am going to be pretty busy next week so how about I come over Wednesday night and cook for you. What is your favorite food?” he asked. “Ddeokbokki” you said quickly. He laughed. “Okay, I’ll come around five o’clock.”

You arrived back at your apartment later in the evening. You and Kyung Soo stumbled upon a cute food stand and decided to try it out. You talked about family and friends and candy. You were exhausted when you plopped onto your bed. You didn’t end up dreaming or even thinking about Nick again the rest of the night. You were that far gone.


              Nick showed up and was a little more excited than usual. He had a huge grin plastered on his face. Thursday, he said, he wanted to “try something different” for our next session. You thought he meant more difficult techniques. You were surprised when he asked if instead of you teaching him qi gong he could teach you some Thai martial arts moves instead. “I just want to show you how appreciative I am. Qi gong has really helped me relax my shoulder muscles.” “That’s great!” you said smiling. “So will you let me?” he asked. “You won’t hit me will you?” He smiles and laughs. “No. No I won’t.” You give in.

              “I’ve never done martial arts. Heck, I’ve never been in a fight before.” You say cautiously. He looks over to you. “Really?” “Well,” you begin. “I did get into a little bit of a fight with a girl in kindergarten.” He laughed. “How?” he asked as he slipped off his socks. “There was only one apple juice box left and we both wanted it.” “You won?” “No. I almost did but the teacher came and gave it to her.” He laughed again.  “Well, don’t worry. We’re not fighting. I’m just going to teach you a few moves. In case you ever get into a fight. “You smile and nod more confidently. “Okay! Let’s start!”

You were becoming more aware of Nick. Maybe it was because dating someone now changed how you reacted to the opposite . Maybe it was because of their meeting yesterday. Or maybe it was because of the fact that he had on a wife beater and shorts that were neither too tight nor too loose. You seemed to do everything wrong. Instead of telling you how to do it right he would just move you around to each position. This made you extremely uncomfortable. Your heart would either skip or beat extremely fast with his every touch. You were able to hide your discomfort for the most part. You blushed a little but not much until he put his hands on your waist. He stood directly behind you. You could feel his breath up against your neck. You had not felt this disoriented during your date with Kyung Soo. You nearly lost track of yourself. Your mind was so foggy that it took Nick’s voice to bring you back. “You okay?” “Yeah,” you said slowly.

              You were certain Nick was being more handsy with you than you were with him. ‘It was probably just his personality,’ you thought. Even though it seemed to take forever to do each move, you ended up learning to mostly defensive technique. It had only been thirty minutes yet you were already exhausted. “Can we stop?” you ask not attempting to hide the tiredness in your voice. You could tell Nick was just getting started. “Really?” “Have pity on me Nick. I’m a lover not a fighter,” you said as you walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out some Vitamin Water. “That’s no surprise.” You shot him a dirty look. “What is that supposed to mean?”

You reach for an orange and grab a knife. “You’re acting strange. Are you okay?”  “Me?” You asked wide-eyed. “You were freaking out every time I touched you.” You blushed furiously. “N-no I didn’t!” “Now that you are dating, you are gonna have to get used to physical contact with the opposite .” You scoffed. “I’ve dated before. I think I know how to handle intimate situations,” you snap back before slicing the orange. You tried to focus so intently on cutting that orange that you jumped when a pair of arms wrapped around your natural waist. He ran the tip of his nose up and down your neck. “Are you sure?”

AN/// I’m grinning like an idiot right now!! I apologize once again for the late update. I think my last update was a month ago. Once again, life and school have made my updates less frequent. I can’t post another chapter since I put off one of my papers for this. I’m not worried about it though. I made the teaser a little longer to make up for it. I’ve been in a good mood lately due to the fact that I am going to the BIG BANG concert in NJ. Super excited. Working early mornings, picking up shifts at work, and working super hard on my studies is going to pay off! Cannot wait! Anyway, I will update when I can. I thank you all for reading, subscribing, commenting, and sharing this story with your friends.

I forgot to mention. I'm super proud of Nichkhun for agreeing to do KOICA! 


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namzUd #1
I loved it because I think you made a lot of effort to make it seem as real as possible. I think you could make it better giving more details on Nickhun's job. It's not very clear and its a bit suspicious that the OC doesnt question it although she seems to be falling for him.
Chapter 19: omg from the game to the bathroom part I was freaking hooked
great update *______*
Chapter 19: You make me nervous the more I scroll down the page when they were playing I Never, oh Goooddd
Everything's worth it though~~ Nick and DaEun FTW!!!
And I hope you'll update Noona Call Me Oppa, KOI~!! ^^
miss_curang #4
Chapter 19: update soon please
AvenAcademyNichkhun #5
Chapter 19: I WAS WAITING FOR THIS CHAPTER MY WHOLE LIFE!!!! Update soln..u.u
Nichkhunieee #6
Chapter 19: YAY!!!! You updated!!!! I loveee this chappieee!! FINALLY!!! YOU FINALLY CONFESSED!!!! update soon?
70V3LY #7
Chapter 19: I'm so happy you updated! Thank you so much! The whole confession thing is super cute! Love it! Keep it up! :D
Chapter 19: Thank you everyone for being patient! Chapter 19 is up!!!
Beastlovergirl #9
update soon author-nim!
AvenAcademyNichkhun #10
Chapter 18: update soooooooooooooooooonnnnnnn <3