Reset (Chapter 9)



Chapter 9



“Off you go baby”


Minho wears his back pack while yawning


“Study hard”


Minho nods


“What time are you going home later?”


Donghae smile at him


“I’ll be home early. Seven in the evening so we can have dinner together”


“That’s good”


Minho kissed his father’s cheek


“Drive safely Appa and don’t tire yourself too much. I’ll see you at dinner later”


Donghae nod at him. Minho went out of the car and run towards his nanny. He wave his hand as his father start driving his car





Eunhyuk was lying on the bed, holding her tummy


“What is happening to me?”


She grabs her phone and dials her manager’s number




“Yes Hyukkie?”


“I can go back to work next month”


“Are you sure?”


Eunhyuk nod


“I just don’t want to be alone when my husband goes to work and my son goes to school. I feel lonely. I need to work again to forget about the miscarriage”


“You talk first to your doctor. We don’t need to be in a hurry. Don’t worry about your career sweetheart. Your health is more important and your fans will always wait for you”


“But Unnie”


“Hyukkie, don’t be so hard headed. I understand how you feel and I feel for you but you still need to consider your health. I will allow you to work again when your doctor give us go signal. You also need to consult Hae about it”




“Just have a break for the meantime and be healthy. Don’t worry too much”


“Arasso Unnie”


Eunhyuk hang up


“I think I should take manager Unnie’s advice”


She holds her tummy tight


“Aigoo! Why is the pain growing? I can’t take it anymore. I’m so scared now because my period just stops last week and now I’m bleeding again”


Eunhyuk’s phone rings




“Mrs. Lee”


“Yes doctor?”


“I need you to come in my clinic now”




“It’s urgent. Please, I need to see you now”




Eunhyuk hang up. Her heart start beating fast


“Please, no. No”


Eunhyuk’s tears start forming in her eyes. She takes a deep breath and went inside her walk-in closet to change her clothes






Jessica throws the flower vase on the floor


“Damn it!”


“Baby, please listen to me”


Jessica stares at Donghae seriously


“Listen to you? Do you want me to understand you?”


“I need to go in London because my son requested for it”


“Aish! I just can’t accept the fact that you spend one week vacation with your wife. Damn her!”


Donghae hold Jessica’s hand and pulls her closer to him


“I’m sorry baby”


Jessica start crying


“You didn’t even answer my call when you’re in London. You don’t even call me. I feel so jealous, don’t you know that?”


Donghae wipes her tears


“Please stop crying. I don’t want to see you crying”


“It’s all your fault”


He kissed her lips


“I’m sorry. That will never happen again. I just want to make my son happy and that will be his last vacation with a complete family because I’m going to leave his mother soon”


“Is that true?”


Donghae kissed her


“Of course it’s true. I’m going to marry you. I already talk to my lawyer and we’re already processing the divorce papers secretly. I don’t want the public to know about it”


Jessica frown


“You’re not proud of me being your wife?”


Donghae shook his head


“It’s not like that. I love you Jessica baby. I just want to keep it a secret until the process is done. I don’t want the media to talk about it for the sake of my son. He’s still innocent about it”


“When do you plan to tell him?”


Jessica brush her fingers on his lips




Donghae smile at her


“Please don’t get mad at me anymore”


Jessica wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him


“Be a good boy next time”


“I’m always good”




Donghae nod and start removing her clothes


“I miss you baby”


Donghae kissed her


“I miss you too Hae. It’s good that our recording for our drama ends early”


She takes off Donghae’s shirt


“We can have our intimate time together”


Jessica whispers to him. Donghae kissed her lips. He carries her and went inside her room





Eunhyuk was sitting inside her doctor’s clinic. She was waiting for her doctor nervously. Her heart keeps on beating fast. She feels so scared and nervous because she can feel that there’s something wrong with her. She holds her tummy as the pain grows. Her doctor came inside holding a brown envelope. She sits on her chair and stares at Eunhyuk


“Is there something wrong to me doctor?”


Eunhyuk ask her nervously




Her doctor takes a deep breath


“Mrs. Lee”


She stares at Eunhyuk


“Base on the result of the entire test that we perform to you before you go for a vacation in London”


Eunhyuk stares at her doctor sadly


“Base on the things that you told me while you’re in London and the things that you just told me awhile ago”


“What is it doctor?”


Eunhyuk can see her doctor’s sad face


“Tell me what is it?”


“Mrs. Lee, you’re bleeding is not actually normal and it’s not a monthly period”


Eunhyuk’s tears start forming in her eyes


“Base on your health history, your grandmother in both side died because of cervix cancer”


Eunhyuk nods at her


“You also told me before that you were diagnosed with cervix cancer. You’re just lucky that it was detected earlier”


Eunhyuk nods again


“But are you aware that it can recur?”




Her doctor nods at her


“Do you want to have a second opinion or third? But I’m afraid that we can no longer do that”


“What do you mean doctor?”


“Mrs. Lee, it’s really hard. I’m sorry to say that you have a cervix cancer”


Eunhyuk’s hands start trembling. Her tears start falling from her eyes


“It actually recurs,’s already late, you’re already in stage four. In your case it’s already a metastatic stage IVB cervix cancer”


“We can do something about it right?”


Her doctor shook her head


“We can do certain treatment but it won’t kill the cancer cells, it will just prolong your life but will never treat you”


“I’m still young for this”


“You have a greater chance to have it because it’s hereditary. Your family in both sides has it”


Tears keep on falling from her eyes


“How long...”


Eunhyuk start crying hard


“It’s one of the main reasons why your previous pregnancy is risky”


Eunhyuk wipes her tears and stares at her doctor


“How long will I stay?”


Her doctor stares at her sadly


“One month or less”




Eunhyuk bite her lips to control her tears from falling again


“Please don’t tell it to anyone”


“But, you need your family’s support especially your husband”


Eunhyuk shook her head


“Please don’t tell them. I don’t have any plan to undergo treatment since it won’t change anything. Just don’t tell anyone about it. I’m begging, just leave this to me”


“Mrs. Lee”




Eunhyuk holds her doctor’s hand






“Thank you doctor...thank you”


Eunhyuk drops her head and start crying hard





Sungmin and Kyuhyun were having a peaceful dinner at Sungmin’s condominium


“Who is over the phone awhile ago? It seems that you guys are talking very seriously”


Kyuhyun ask Sungmin




Sungmin sigh and stares at her boyfriend


“Baby, I’m going to ask you something”


Kyuhyun nods at her


“Do you observe something about Oppa?”




“Some changes about him. I mean, is he acting weird or different lately?”


Kyuhyun drinks his wine and shook his head


“I don’t usually see Donghae Hyung since he’s busy filming his new drama. I just saw him once before he went in London for vacation”




“Well, he’s still handsome”


Sungmin frown


“That’s not what I’m asking you”


“What? I mean, he’s still the same. I didn’t notice something and I’m also busy with my schedules so I don’t have time to observe him or what”


Sungmin continue eating


“Why are you asking?”


She put down her knife and fork


“There’s something going on. Oppa is cheating”


Kyuhyun’s eyes widened


“Are you accusing your own brother?”


Sungmin shook her head


“I’m not accusing him because it’s already proven”




“I hire a private investigator and he’s the one that I’m talking over the phone awhile ago”


Kyuhyun stares at her blankly


“I know Unnie is hiding something from me and I start being curious when Oppa doesn’t go home and doesn’t even take care of his wife at the hospital”


“Are you sure about that baby?”


Sungmin throws a brown envelope at the table. Kyuhyun grabs it. He opens it carefully and was shock to see some pictures of Donghae and Jessica together


“Tell me, is Oppa not cheating?”


Kyuhyun shook his head and saw some documents


“What is this?”


“That’s the timeline of Oppa’s stay at Jessica’s condominium. He was staying there all the time when he’s not at home”


“Is this even true?”


Sungmin raised her eyebrow


“I know that Oppa is your friend, but please stop defending him”


“I’m not defending Hyung. Baby, I think you’re just being paranoid. There are no issue about Hyung and Jessica. Your brother just went in London to have vacation with his family”


“But that’s not a good reason for you to defend him. So what if he goes in London to spend vacation with Minho and Unnie? It doesn’t mean that he’s not cheating or something”


“I just can’t believe it”


Kyuhyun return the evidences inside the brown envelope


“It’s not on his nature to cheat. I mean, Hyung loves Hyukkie Noona a lot”


“Don’t forget their marriage is an arrange marriage”


“I know but Hyung loves Noona. I can prove that”


Sungmin nod


“I know, but he’s really cheating on Unnie. I also can’t believe that Oppa can do it and I don’t understand his reason for doing it. Unnie is such a nice and sweet wife. She takes care of him and loves him unconditionally, but still”


Sungmin sigh


“I don’t know. Oppa is such a head ache. Umma and Appa need to know it”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“Don’t meddle first in their business baby. Just let them talk first”


“What? How about my nephew?”


“Just let them fix it first before you tell Umma and Appa. Leave it to them, it’s their married life not yours”


“But Kyu”




Sungmin sigh




Kyuhyun kissed her


“I know that you’re worried and concern about them, but let them fix it. If in case they can’t fix it then that’s the time that you need to tell it to Umma and Appa. It will cause a big chaos so let them handle it first”


“What if Oppa ask for a divorce?”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“Hyung will never do that. I know him; he will not do stupid things like that”


“Baby, he already cheated. If he can do that, of course he can also file for divorce”


Kyuhyun hold her lips


“Don’t be so paranoid baby”




“Shhh, don’t worry too much. Just trust your brother. He will never do that”


Kyuhyun hugs Sungmin


“I hope so. I’m just worried about Minho”


“Hyung loves Minho so he won’t do that”


Sungmin just nods at him






“Umma, you don’t like the food?”


Minho ask his mother who is just staring at her food


“It’s delicious”


Eunhyuk smile at her son


“Of course I like it”


She grabs her fork and start eating


“Look Umma”


Minho shows his hands to her


“Teacher gives me three stars because I’m a good boy today and I got A+ in my recitation awhile ago”


Eunhyuk smiles brightly


“That’s good. I’m happy that my baby is studying hard”


Minho smiles and shows it to his father


“I’m proud of you son”


Donghae ruffles Minho’s hair


“Keep up the good work and study hard. As for your reward...”


Donghae smiles brightly


“I’m going to buy you Nintendo DS tomorrow”


Minho claps his hands


“Can we also go at the amusement park this Saturday?”


“I’m sorry baby but I have schedules”


“How about on Sunday?”


“I also have schedules, maybe next week?”


Minho nods at him


“Ok, next week will be just fine”


Donghae smile and ruffles his son’s hair


“Finish your food”




Minho looks at his mother


“Umma, are you ok?”


Eunhyuk nods while chewing her food




“Yes baby”


“You really look so pale”


Eunhyuk kissed his cheek


“I’m fine, don’t worry about me. I just need to sleep a lot”




Minho smile and continue eating








Eunhyuk stares at her husband. Donghae hands her an envelop


“What is this?”


“I already talk to my lawyer and he’s already processing our divorce paper”


Eunhyuk’s knees start trembling. The day that she doesn’t want to happen is already happening. Her husband is already asking for a divorce and he was already processing it




Eunhyuk’s tears start forming in her eyes


“Can I ask you a favor?”




Tears start falling from her eyes


“Please...just please, don’t process our divorce yet”


“Hyukkie, we already talk about it. I’m going to marry Jessica that’s why I need to process our divorce fast”


“Please, not now”


She holds her husband’s hand


“Not now Hae...please”


“Why not?”


Donghae shoot her a deadly glare




“Just give me one month...just stay here for one month”




Donghae was shock when his wife kneels in front of him, begging him


“Just give me one month...honey, please. I’ll let you go after one month. Let’s just live happily for one month, please”


“What the hell are you talking about?”


Eunhyuk start crying hard


“Will you please stand now?”


Eunhyuk shook her head


“Hae, please...just give me this favor. I need you for one month”




Eunhyuk shook her head






Donghae grab her arm and lift her up. He stares at her seriously while holding her arm tight


“What the hell are you doing? Even if you beg in front of me, I won’t change my decision. Stop acting Lee Eunhyuk. I know that you’re good actress, but your drama won’t work on me”


“Hae ple—“


Donghae slaps her hard


“I already said no! We already talk about it. I’m going to marry Jessica whether you like it or not. I DON’T LOVE YOU ANYMORE”


Eunhyuk hold her cheek while crying


“I’m not asking you to stay for me. I asking you stay for Minho”


Eunhyuk look at him


“I’m just asking you for one month extension, was it hard on your part? Jessica can wait, just one month Hae...please give it to Minho”


Donghae hold her arm tight


“I told you not to use your son against me”


“I’m not using him. I’m doing this for him”




Donghae push her hard on the floor


“You’re using Minho just to hold me. You’re using him for me to stay with you!”


Eunhyuk shook her head while holding her tummy


“That’s not true. I never use our son ju—“


Donghae pull her arm. He pushes her on the wall


“Hae, please stop hurting me. I’m not feeling ok, please”


He holds her chin tight


“You want me to stay for one month right? Then you need to take the consequence. I think your being selfish here Barbie girl”


Her tears keep on falling from her eyes


“Let go of me. Please let go of me. Don’t do this to me. Stop it, please”


“What if I don’t want? Let’s just put it this way Barbie girl. I’ll stay for one month, if you’ll be my slave for one month”


Eunhyuk shook her head


“You don’t want? It’s just for one month. I become your slave for seven years. I’m just asking you for one month. Since I’m going to give you that one month, you need to repay it. You see...”


Donghae hit her beautiful face. Her lips start to bleed


“You keep me that long and you just make my life miserable. Jessica is supposed to be my wife and not you. You keep me for seven years and now you’re asking for one month, what for? I’m just sick and tired of you or you just can’t understand it? I don’t love you Hyukkie and I never love you at all”


“That’s not true”




“That’s not true, stop lying”


Donghae push her causing her to hit herself on the table


“I never love a woman like you and it’s my fault because I impregnate you”


“Minho is never a fault”


“I only love him and not you”


“That’s why I’m asking you to stay for him, just for one month”


Eunhyuk wipes the blood on her lips




Eunhyuk was breathing hard. Her entire body was aching and she feels so dizzy and weak. She holds her tummy as the pain grows, the pain which makes her weak and kills her little by little. She starts crying hard. She feels so weak and she just wants to die that night. But she needs to stay strong and make sure that her son will be just fine before she leaves




Eunhyuk whisper, she crawl towards her husband




She hugs his feet, begging him. Tears keep on falling from her eyes


“I’m just asking you for one month. Let’s be together for one month, just for your son”


“I can explain it to Minho”


“He’s still young for this. I’m just asking you for one month. I just want to be with you and Minho for one month. Just do this favor to me. I’m sorry for being selfish, I’m begging you. One more month and you can be with her forever”


Donghae kneel down to have the same level with her


“We can never fix this Barbie girl. If you’re still hoping that we can still fix our married life, well, don’t hope anymore. I’m going to leave you no matter what happen”


“I know, but let’s just try. One month is not that long”


“Give me one good reason why I should stay with you for one month”


Eunhyuk brush her fingers on his cheek. Donghae can feel her cold hands on his cheek


“I’m willing to take the consequence Hae, just stay for one month. I don’t care if you want me to be your slave. I don’t care if you hurt me every day, just stay for one month”


Donghae smirk


“You’re really desperate”


“I’m begging you. This will be the last time that I’m going to ask you to stay. I just want to be with you for one month. I know that no matter what I do, no matter how hard I try, our married life won’t be the same. I know that you don’t love me anymore, but please give me one month to be with you”


Eunhyuk hold her husband’s face and stare at him sadly


“One month Hae and you won’t hear anything from me again. I just want to see Minho happy. I just want him to know that we love him always. Let’s give him a complete family for one more month”




“Thank you”


Donghae push her cold hand away from his face


“I love you much”


“Well, I’m sorry but I just don’t love you the way you want me to do”


“I know...I know”


Donghae stare at her seriously


“One month is enough, arasso?”


Eunhyuk nod


“Don’t worry. I won’t keep you that long this time. You can be with her after one month and I promise you that”




Donghae stand up and leave the room. Eunhyuk sits at the corner. Her entire body is aching badly, the pain keeps on growing as well as the pain inside her heart. She feels so hopeless and abandoned at the same time. She buries her face on her knees; tears keep on falling from her eyes. She cries hard. She can’t do anything, but cry.

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Lichoiyin #1
Chapter 14: 5th reading this beautiful fanfic, each time crying my eyes out
ecargebeohp_10 #2
Chapter 14: Such a great story.. Is this the prequel of my oh my teacher ?
haepants #3
Chapter 14: i never cried this much for a fanfiction mygosh. this is a really great story and it's painful. i'm still crying
evil_cute #4
Chapter 14: it's the second time i read it but i still cried my heart out,,,,, T_T
this story is just perfect for me when i need a reason to cry,,,,,,,
this is reallly a greatstory,,,^^
jewelrii #5
Chapter 14: i'm speechless…
this is the second time I read this, but I still crying hard at each chapter…
poor hyukii… I love her character here… (and I love him so much in real life… hehe)

you did a really great job author nim…
Chapter 14: Well what can I say. You made me cry real hard. God that wasn't one single chap in which I didn't cry a river. You're so great at writing angst. Well done.
Chapter 14: can i say that this is one of the best ficts that i love.. i read it over n over again n crying till my eyes hurts.. thank u authornim for sharing this...good luck :)))
Chapter 14: You know, my tears flows like a river. When i type this, I'm still crying. This story is very sad. You're a great author. I cry so hard for this story. :'( Their love story make me cry :'( The saddest part is How Eunhyuk stands with Hae that don't love her. How Eunhyuk show her love. Her true love.
Thanks for sharing this story author nim :)
najinpi #9
Chapter 14: i crying so hard that my eyes hurt...
this fic is really awesome..
thanks for sharing...
snoopy77 #10
Chapter 14: unniiiee, my eyes hurt, i really cant stop crying, even thought it for nth i read ur story, it so hurt me, i really cant stop cry. . . TT_TT