Reset (Chapter 14)


A/N: I would like to thank everyone who supported and love this story. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. My readers are my inspiration and of course Super Junior :) I love you all <3





Chapter 14



Donghae was watching his sleeping wife. He carefully brushes his fingers on her pale face




Eunhyuk didn't move


"Are you awake?"


He whispers to her




Eunhyuk answer him. She slowly opens her eyes. She stares at her husband for the meantime before closing her eyes again


"Will you please come closer?"


Donghae follows her. He moves closer, Eunhyuk slowly hold his face between her hands. She was touching his face gently, feeling his soft skin




Eunhyuk shook her head


"I just want to touch your face"


"With your eyes closed?"


Eunhyuk manage to flash a bright smile


"Yes. I just want to see your face even though I can't actually see you"


"You're being weird again"


Eunhyuk laugh softly, ignoring the pain that she's feeling on that moment. She try her best to flash a bright smile even though she wants to cry because of sadness and pain...pain of not seeing her husband's face when she opens her eyes. Her sight is already blurry and she can no longer see Donghae's face clearly. She can no longer see clearly and she's getting weak. She knows exactly that her time will be coming soon


"These are your eyes"


She touches his eyes gently


"Your eyes are so lovely and it is the window to your heart. Whenever you feel sad or bothered and you won't tell it to me because you don't want me to worry about it, your eyes will tell everything to me. I know when you're sad and when you're happy because your eyes are the one who speak when your lips can't tell it"


Eunhyuk brush her finger on his nose


"Your nose...your beautiful nose that I love to pinch whenever you act like a child. You have the same nose as our Minho"


Eunhyuk smile


"Both beautiful and sensitive"


"Honey, I love brushing my nose to your nose. Don't forget that"


Eunhyuk laugh softly and pinches his nose


"Of course I won't forget that"


Donghae smile and brushes his nose from hers


"Next is..."


Eunhyuk lightly brush her fingers on his lips


"Your wonderful lips"


Donghae kissed her


"The lips that kisses you"


Eunhyuk smile when her husband kisses her again


"Your lips that speak the words of love"






Donghae her hair gently


"I want you to listen to what I'm going to say to you right now"


Eunhyuk nod; Donghae hold her cold hand and place it on his heart


"My heart will speak through my mouth"


Eunhyuk can feel him staring at her eyes though her eyes remains closed


"I love you. I love you always and will love you forever. I'm sorry for hurting you and making you cry. I'm such a jerk for doing those things to you and for trying to exchange you from Jessica. I'm sorry honey, but can we start all over again? I love you and that's the truth and I don't want to lose you. I actually stop processing our divorce because I don't want to have a divorce anymore and I already told that to Jessica last week. I want to be with you and you're the woman that I love. Can you forgive me?"


Eunhyuk hold his hand tight


"I never hate you and I already forgive you just before you ask for it"


"Do you still love me?"


"I always love you and that will never change"


Eunhyuk smile


"I will never forget your face. I can see you even though my eyes are close. I can see the tears that were about to fall from your eyes. Please smile honey or I'll be very sad"


Donghae controls his tears from falling and flash his sweetest smile


"Now it's my turn"


"Your turn?"


Donghae nod like a kid. He slowly brushes his fingers on her face and touches her eyes gently


"Your beautiful eyes that only focus on me. The eyes that flashes a smile when you laugh and tears when you're sad. The eyes that keeps on telling me how much you love me. The eyes that see my strength and weakness"


Donghae brushes his finger on her nose


"What can I say about your nose? All I know is that we both have beautiful nose"


Eunhyuk laugh


"Thanks for the compliment honey"




She shook her head


"I'm serious Hae"


Donghae smile and touches her soft lips


"Your soft lips. I think it's the most attractive part of your body. Your lips are really beautiful especially when you wake up. The lips that never fail to flash a bright smile though you're already hurt and mad. The lips that sing a sweet melody whenever Minho will sleep and whenever I want to hear your voice before I sleep"


Donghae smile brightly and lay down beside her. He moves closer. He can hear her heart beat


"Lastly, your heart that keeps on beating for me. No matter how weak I am and no matter how hard I hurt you, you still accept me and love me. I never heard the word 'I hate you' because I always hear you speaking that you love me so much. I'm so thankful that you're my wife. The girl who accept me completely into her life and never shoo me away. The girl who loves me unconditionally and the girl who always stay by my side no matter how much I hurt her"


Donghae hugs her


"Thank you honey"


He kissed her lips and smile


"You see, you're so beautiful Hyukkie. You're beautiful inside and out"


"Because you're my husband and you bring out the best on me"


Eunhyuk smile and pinches his nose


"You better go to your work now or else you'll be late on your schedules"


Donghae kissed her


"Please wait for me"


"Just go home early"


"I will"


Donghae brushes his nose from hers


"I love you so much Hyukkie"


Eunhyuk smile


"I love you too so much Hae. Be careful"


"I will"


Donghae smile


"I'm going now. Wait for me"


"I will"


Donghae kissed her before going out of the room. Eunhyuk slowly opens her eyes as tears start falling from her eyes


"I will wait for you. I want to hug you before I completely close my eyes. I will wait for you"





Donghae was sitting inside his dressing room while reading the script for his new commercial. He stops reading for awhile and get his phone in his pocket. He dials the number at home


"May I speak with my lovely wife please?"


Eunhyuk smile upon hearing his voice




Donghae smile brightly hearing her voice


"I just want to tell her something"


"Go ahead, she's listening"


Donghae giggles happily


"I just want you to choose between Hong Kong and Japan"


"We went to Hong Kong Disneyland last year. We've been to Japan for almost 5 times, can we just have vacation in Italy?"




"I'm sure Minho will love Italy"


Donghae shook his head and cough


"Who told you that Minho will come with us?"




"He needs to go to school. I already talk to Minnie to look after Minho while we're on our vacation. That will be our honeymoon"


Eunhyuk fell silent


"You don't want?"


Eunhyuk takes a deep breath. She tries her best not to cry and to sound normal


"Or course I want. It will be a great vacation"


"And when we comeback, Minho will surely have his baby sibling"


"Hopefully. Hae, please go home early"


"How early?"


"I want to watch the sunset with you ok"


"No problem"


Donghae smile


"One more thing Hyukkie"


"What is it?"


"I love you so much. Hugs and kisses"


Eunhyuk laugh softly


"I love you too so much Hae. Hugs and kisses"


"That was so sweet. I'll be home later"




Donghae hang up. He smiles brightly and continue memorizing the script when someone enters the room


"Hae, can we talk?"


Donghae stares at Jessica


"I'm busy and we don't need to talk. I told you that we only talk whenever we're in the set of our drama"


Jessica slaps him hard


"How can you do this to me?"


"I'm sorry. I know that I hurt you and I'm sorry"


Jessica raised her eyes


"Sorry? Is that all you can say?"


Donghae stares at her eyes


"I made a stupid mistake Jessica. I hurt my wife, the girl that I love most"


"You don't love her"


"I love her, that's the truth and that's what I know"


Donghae stand up


"Please leave us alone. I love my family especially my wife. Don't bother disturbing us anymore. We don't need you in our life"


Donghae was about to leave but Jessica stop him


"How about our wedding?"


Donghae shook his head


"I already clear it to you right? I'm not going to file a divorce anymore and I'm not going to marry you. I only have one wife and that is Lee Eunhyuk, the love of my life"


"How about us?"


"There's no us because I only belong to Hyukkie. It's only me and Hyukkie and you're not included"


Jessica hugs him but he pushes her away


"I will not exchange my wife for anything else, not even to you. I hope I make myself clear"


Donghae told her before leaving his dressing room





"Nanny dear"


"Yes young lady?"


Eunhyuk hand her a white envelope


"I'm going to ask you a favor"


Her nanny nods at her


"Please give that to my husband when he's already done crying because of me"


Her nanny stares at her blankly. Eunhyuk smile


"You'll understand what I'm talking about. I also want you to take care of him and our Minho ok?"


"Yes young lady"


Eunhyuk hugs her nanny


"Thanks for taking care of me my dear nanny. Thank you so much and I love you"


"It's been my pleasure to take care of you my young lady. I will always take care of you and young master and of course the young Prince Minho"


Her nanny smiles at her


"Where is my driver?"




"Please tell him to drop me at the beach and please tell Hae that I'm waiting for him there. Tell him to go their fast because I'm already tired. I just need to wait for him before I sleep"


Her nanny stares at her with worried face


"Young lady, is there something wrong? What are you talking about?"


Eunhyuk shook her head and smile


"I'm fine nanny dear. Don't worry. Please call my driver now"


"Yes young lady"


Her nanny bows at her before going outside. Eunhyuk put her recorder on top of her piano and start playing a lovely melody





Donghae was driving his car when his phone rings




“It’s me Junsu”


“Junsu, why?”


Junsu takes a deep breath


“Where are you?”


“I’m going home now. Hyukkie wants me to be home early, why?”


“Can I disturb you for awhile?”


“What is it?”


“Can we see each other at Byeokje Galbi? I really need to talk to you. It’s very important”


“Ok. I’ll be right there”


Donghae hang up and drive his car at Byeokje Galbi





Junsu was sitting quietly inside Byeokje Galbi. He was thinking so deeply and didn’t even notice Donghae sits on the chair


“Excuse me?”


Donghae cough to catch his attention


“I’m here”


Junsu stares at him


“What is it that you want to tell me?”


Junsu clears his throat


“I’m not going to make you stay here for so long”


Donghae nod


“Fifteen minutes. I need to go home after fifteen minutes. Hyukkie is waiting for me”


Donghae notice Junsu’s tears falling slowly from his eyes


“Is there something wrong? Why are you crying?”


Junsu wipe his tears and stare at him


“It’s about Hyukkie”


Donghae stare at him curiously


“What about my wife?”


“Well...she doesn’t want me to tell it to you, but you need to know”




Junsu takes a deep breath. His tears start falling from his eyes again


“Hyukkie...she’s suffering from cervix cancer”


Donghae’s eyes widened. He can’t believe what he just heard


“’s not a good joke”


“I’m telling you the truth”


Donghae’s heart starts beating fast. He suddenly feels weak. His hands and knees are trembling and he feels like vomiting. He feels so cold and his tears start falling from his eyes




Donghae was lost for words


“She tells me about her condition yesterday. I saw her at Paris Grill yesterday before she goes home. I don’t know what she’s doing there. I was having a meeting there. I was about to go home when I saw her sitting quietly, soaking wet and crying”


“That’s why she’s getting skinnier and so pale. I’m so stupid, why didn’t I notice it? It’s all my fault. I didn’t pay any attention to it”


“She doesn’t want to tell it to you. She carries it alone”


“But why?”


“She doesn’t want to see you sad. Donghae she needs you now”


Donghae stand up


“I’m going now. I need to talk to her doctor. I need to find ways for her to live longer. Hyukkie will not die. She will not die”


Donghae leaves Byeokje Galbi. He went inside his car and drives it fast





Donghae went at his wife’s doctor. He went inside her clinic, crying so hard


“Why didn’t you tell me about my wife’s condition?”


Eunhyuk’s doctor was shock to see him


“Mr. Lee”


“Why didn’t you tell me? Why did you keep it to me? WHY?”


Donghae sit on the floor as he cries really hard. He feel so lonely and weak knowing about his wife’s real condition. His heart wants to die too. His body is trembling and he felt so much pain


“I’m sorry Mr. Lee”


She stares at him sadly


“Your wife doesn’t want to tell it to you”


“But why? Why?”


She shook her head


“It’s her decision”


Donghae stares at her


“Please tell me that my wife will not die”


Eunhyuk’s doctor just stares at him


“Tell me that my wife will not die”


“I’m sorry, but...she’s counting her days”


“LIAR! You’re lying! Hyukkie will not die! She will not die, please tell me that you’re lying. You’re lying, right? It’s all a lie”


She shook her head


“The cancer already affects her body. She’s already on her final stage. We can’t do anything, it’s already late”


Donghae covers his ears


“How can you not do anything? You’re a doctor. You must do something to save her. Why are you telling me that you can’t do anything to save her? You’re a doctor!”


“I wish to save her life, but I can’t. I really can’t do anything Mr. Lee and it’s also painful for me. It’s very painful for a doctor when she can’t do anything to save her patient’s life. I know how you feel, but I really can’t do anything”


“Please do something...please, I’m begging you”


He start to cry hard again


“I need her and Minho also needs her. Please don’t let my wife die. Hyukkie will not die. She will live and we will live together forever. Don’t tell me that she’s dying soon because she will not die! Do something for her to live longer! Please, do something”


“I’m really sorry Mr. Lee”


Her tears start forming in her eyes


“But I can’t do anything. I’m sorry, but I fail”




Donghae lay down on the floor while crying so hard


“Please do something. She will not die, tell me that she will live. Please”


Eunhyuk’s doctor kneel on the floor to have the same level with him


“Doctor, please save my wife. I need her so much. Don’t do this to me. She needs to live. I don’t know how to live without her. Hyukkie will not die, right? Please tell me that she will not die”


She his hair gently


“Hyukkie needs you now. You need to be strong for her and for your son”


“She will not die”


“She needs you now and be strong. She doesn’t want to see you like that”


“I need my wife”


“I know, but you need to accept the truth. You need to accept the truth”


Donghae hide his face on his palms and continue crying hard, releasing all his sadness and pain. He doesn’t know what to do. His world suddenly stops and the only thing that he can do on that moment is to cry. If only he can do something to cure her. If only he can bring back the time. He wouldn’t hurt her and he wouldn’t make her cry. He will make her life happier. If only he can do something...if only...but he knows that it’s already late and he can’t save her anymore. That’s the truth that saddens him and it makes him weak.




Donghae was driving his car blankly. He was thinking about his wife. The days that are left for her to live with him. He was thinking about his son, how will he tell Minho about the real condition of his mother? His tears keep on falling from his eyes. The pain keeps on growing; it is as if he already dies. His phone keeps on ringing. He grabs it and answers his call


“Young master, young lady is waiting for you at the beach. She told me awhile ago that she will wait for you there. Please hurry, I think there’s something wrong with her”


“Why did you let her go?”


“She wants to go and we can’t do anything to stop her”


“Where is Minho?”


“He’s still in school”


“Please call Minnie for me. Tell my sister to fetch Minho and take care of him for the meantime”


“Yes young master”


Donghae hang up and drives his car fast





Eunhyuk was sitting on the shore. She was staring at the sun while humming a lovely melody. She closed her eyes, feeling the cold wind when someone hugs her tight


“You’re here”


Eunhyuk smile and slowly opens her eyes. Donghae was hugging her tight. His tears are falling from his eyes


“Please don’t leave me”


“I need to go. I’m already tired”


Donghae shook his head


“Hyukkie, please. I need you. Minho needs you. We need you”


“I’m sorry”




Eunhyuk stares at him. She brushes her fingers on his face


“It’s really painful for me to leave you and Minho”


Tears start falling from her eyes


“It’s really painful. I want to live with you forever. I want to grow old with you and die with you, but that will never happen anymore”


She wipes her tears and smile


“But it will be really painful for me to leave if I see you crying like that. Please, I want you to smile”


Donghae shook his head


“Please don’t go. Hyukkie, I love you and I need you. I don’t know how to live if you will leave me. You’re my life, don’t you know that? Don’t close your eyes. Don’t leave me please. I don’t want you to go”


She holds his lips


“You need to live for our Minho. He might lose his mother, but he still has a father. You need to take care of him. You need to be strong for our son. He needs you too”


She holds his face


“You will live for him. Promise me that you will continue living and you will be happy with Minho. I’m just giving you one year to mourn for me. After one year, you must move on and live a new life with our son. I’m sorry if I’m being selfish, but I want you to stay happy even if I leave you. Can you promise me that?”


Donghae nods at her


“You will continue to live happily. I’m not going somewhere because I will stay in your heart”


“I love you Hyukkie”


Eunhyuk smile


“I’m sorry if I keep you for so long”


“No. You don’t need to be sorry. I want to stay with you; it’s not your fault”


“But you’re free now”


Donghae shook his head


“You’re the only girl that I love. Nobody can ever replace you in my heart. I always love you and you’re my one and only”


“But you need to find someone that will make you happy”


“You’re the only one who can make me happy. You’re the only girl in my heart”


Donghae kissed her


“Why didn’t you tell me about your illness?”


“I don’t want you to stay because of pity. I already become selfish for keeping you so long. You already suffer for a long time and I don’t want you to suffer anymore. I don’t want to be a burden. I don’t want you to be sad. I want to live my remaining days happily with you and I don’t want to see you crying. I’m sorry honey. I’m sorry for being selfish and for keeping you so long”


Donghae hold her lips


“Shhh, it’s not your fault. I stay because I love you. I love you not because you’re rich, beautiful, smart or something. I love you not because we have Minho. I love you because you’re my you. I love you for who you are. I love you because that’s how I feel. I love you Hyukkie and that’s how I feel and that’s what I know. I love you and it will never change”


Eunhyuk manage to flash a bright smile


“I love you too Hae. I’m happy because you love me and I will bring your love to heaven. I’m going to be happy when I leave because you love me. Thank you honey”


She wipes his tears


“You smile for me”


She hands him her recorder


“Awhile ago, I play the piano and record the lovely melody. Whenever you feel sad and you miss me, just play it. I want you to smile while listening to it because I’m going to be sad if I see you crying. I want you to think all our happy moments together. I want you to remember the day when we first meet and until my last day with you. I want you to be strong”


He holds her hand and places it on his chest


“You will always remain in my heart. Will you wait for me in heaven?”


Eunhyuk smile


“I will wait for you. No matter how many years it takes, I will wait for you and there, we will live together forever”


Eunhyuk hug him


“The sun is hiding it’s beauty now”


Donghae hold her in his arms


“I love you Hae”


“I love you too Hyukkie”


She smiles at him


“Since you’re already here, can I sleep now? I’m already tired and I want to rest now. If I fall asleep, don’t ever wake me anymore ok? Just carry me in our house. Our humble home that I love. The home that holds all our happy and painful memories. I love you Hae. I always do and that will be forever. Can I sleep now?”


Donghae kissed her


“I love you too Hyukkie, please wait for me. I love you so much”


Donghae hugs her tight


“You can sleep now, close your eyes. I love you and sleep peacefully”


Eunhyuk smile and slowly close her eyes. She closed her eyes happily and forever


* * *




A young man on his thirties was sitting on the grass, holding a bouquet of flowers. He puts it carefully on the vase and lights the candles. He stares on the grave of the girl he loves, tears start falling from his eyes


“I’m sorry. I know that you can hear me wherever you are. I know that no matter how many times I ask for forgiveness, I can never bring back the time. I was a fool for hurting you. I hurt the girl who becomes part of my life, the girl of my life. The girl whom I love and the most precious girl in my life. I’m sorry honey, it’s all my fault”


He lay down on the grass, beside his wife’s grave


“If only I can bring back the time. If only...”


Donghae was crying hard while lying on the grass. His tears keep on falling. He misses his wife so much. He feels so lonely and sad. He wants to hug her again and be with her again




Sungmin sits on the grass


“We need to go home now. Minho is waiting for you”


Donghae just stare at her


“Unnie will be sad if she will see you like that”


“What will I do Minnie? I can’t live without her”


Donghae rest his head on his sister’s lap


“You need to go on Oppa. Minho is still there for you, please think about him. Unnie will be very sad if you won’t continue leaving. Minho needs you. He lost his mother, will let him lose his father too? Life must go on no matter how painful it is”


“I hurt Hyukkie. I’m such a fool for hurting her. I should make her happy until her last breath, but I hurt her. I try to leave her and I’m such a fool for doing that”


Sungmin shook her head and her brother’s hair gently


“Unnie died happily because you love her and she knows that. She never hates you and she never blames you for that mistake. Unnie died happily because you tell her how much you love her before she closed her eyes forever”


“I can do it right?”


Sungmin nod


“Of course you can do it and you will do it for Minho. Unnie will guide you and she never leaves you completely because she will always stay in your heart”


“Hyukkie will always stay in my heart. I love her Minnie”


“I know and Unnie knows”





Donghae arrives at home


“Where is Minho?”


“He’s sleeping in his room”


Donghae nod


“Young master”


Eunhyuk’s nanny hand him a white envelope


“The day when young lady died, before she went at the beach she gives me that. She told me to give it to you when you’re already done crying because of her”


“Thank you”


He gets the envelope on her hand and went to his room. He sits on the chair, staring at the window sadly. He feels sad again and his tears are falling again from his eyes. Donghae gets his wife’s recorder and plays it. He heard the lovely melody of the piano. It was the melody that Eunhyuk’s was playing every Friday night before they have their movie marathon. The lovely melody that he will never forget, hearing that lovely melody makes him happy. He wipes his tears and opens the white envelope. It was a letter. A letter that Eunhyuk wrote before she died. Donghae unfold the paper carefully and reads it



Hae honey...


Do you still remember how we met? Do you still remember that day? It was a very special day for me because that’s the day that I finally met my husband. To be honest, I’m really afraid when daddy told me that I will be flying in Seoul to meet my future husband. I’m afraid because of the fact that you might not like me and love me at all. You’re so snobbish and I’m really scared of you. I’m really sad when I find out that you don’t love me and it’s really painful to know that I ruin your relationship with Jessica. I’m really sorry honey. I don’t want to hurt you. I really love you and I really don’t know why, but I love you and that’s the truth. Maybe you’re right. I’m such a desperate woman, but you learn how to love a desperate, weird and childish woman. You learn to love the girl who has so many rituals. I’m really happy when you told me that you love me too. It was the happiest moment in my life and of course the day when our Minho arrives in our life. Minho is never an accident. He is our blessing, the fruit of our love. He will forever remain as the symbol of our love. The love that grows every second, every moment, every hour and every day that we spend together. I thank daddy for bounding me to marry you. I now understand what he keeps on telling me. He always told me that the true love that you have planted in one’s heart will eventually grow and reciprocate. That’s our love Hae. I give my best love and you return it back to me and because of that we have Minho. I’m really thankful for you and to Umma and Appa. I thank them for bringing you here in the world and I thank you for arriving into my life. I have a very wonderful seven years with you. I wish to extend it longer, but I need to go and I’m really sorry. I want to stay, but I can’t. Thank you for the seven years. Seven years of living with me together and seven years of loving me and making me happy. I never regret loving you from the very start because you give it back to me until the last day of my life. Hae, I want you to be happy. I’ll be your guardian angel from now on. I might not be with you physically, but in your heart I will always stay. I will still be with you. I want you take care of yourself and always be happy. Smile always because your smile makes me strong and seeing you smiling makes me happy, so never take that smile away from your face. I love you Hae. I always do and I will love you forever. Someday we’re going to meet again and when we meet again, I promise that we’re going to live happily together forever. I love you Hae. I always do and when you close your eyes to sleep please always remember that my heart will always beat for you because you’re the only man that I love most. I love you Hae. I always do and when you open your eyes in the morning, my love will give you strength to go on throughout the day. I love you Hae. I always do and if you feel lonely, don’t hesitate to cry because I’m always here to ease that pain away. I love you Hae. I always do and if you feel alone just hug Minho and he will remind me of you. He will remind you to keep on smiling and that I love you so much. I love you Hae. I always do and if you feel so tired and weary, you feel so down and don’t know what to do, just close your eyes and feel your heart beat because in your heart you will find me. I love you so much my Donghae, but as for now I need to say goodbye. But this goodbye is just only temporary because we will meet again in heaven. I will wait for you my love and when we meet again we will live together happily and forever. We may die and be separated, but our love will always remain in our heart. I love you so much honey. You become a good son, husband and father. I love you so much honey. I love you always and forever. I’ll see you soon, until the day we meet again. I love you so much, don’t forget that






Donghae fold the paper and put it inside the envelope. He puts the envelope inside the drawer. Tears keep on falling from his eyes. How can he become so blind? Eunhyuk loves him with all her heart and soul and he still dare to leave her for the sake of her ex-girlfriend. He hurt the girl that he loves most because he becomes so blind. Now he realizes why his wife asks for one month. Eunhyuk ask for it not because he wants him to stay with her, but because she wants him to realize that he loves her. Eunhyuk make him realize that he really loves her and because she wants him to look great in front of their son. She doesn’t want Minho to hate him that’s why she begs for one month and through that one month he realize that he loves his wife and not Jessica. He realizes that Eunhyuk accepts him even though he made a biggest mistake. He never heard any blame from her. His wife loves her so much and he loves her too so much. But it’s already late and he can no longer bring back the time. He feels so sorry. He needs to be happy for Eunhyuk and for their son. He needs to live for him. Minho needs him and they need to live happily for Eunhyuk. She’s right. She might not be present physically, but she will always remain in their heart. He loves her and he always do and he believes that someday they will meet again in heaven. They will be together forever and happily. Donghae wipes his tears when someone enters the room




He turns around and found his son standing at the doorway


“Can I stay here? I miss Umma”


Donghae nods at him. He sits on the bed


“Come baby. Please go inside”


Minho carefully closed the door. He runs towards his father. Donghae carries his son on his arms and hugs her tight


“I miss your mother too, but we need to be strong”


He wipes Minho’s tears


“It’s really sad to lose her. I miss her so much, but I promise her before she closed her eyes that we will live together happily. I promise her that we will continue living and that we will be strong. I promise mommy that we need to be happy no matter how hard it is and no matter how sad we felt because of her lost”


He kissed his cheek


“Please don’t cry anymore or else mommy will be sad in heaven. She’s our angel now and she’s guiding us always”


Minho hugs his father


“Umma told me to always take care of you”


“That was wonderful and of course I will also take care of you baby. Let’s be strong and stay together and be happy ok”


Minho nods at him


“You smile now ok. You’re going to be my strength Minho. I need you to be strong for me or else Appa can’t make it”


Minho nods


“I will take care of you Appa and I will love you just the way Umma did. I will be strong for you”


Donghae ruffles his hair


“Please smile now for me”


Minho flashes his bright smile. Donghae smiles brightly and hugs him tight


“I love you Minho baby”


“I love you too Appa”


“Umma will always stay in our heart”


Minho nods at his father


“Go to sleep now”


Minho lay down on the bed. Donghae his hair gently and start singing a sweet lullaby until his son falls asleep. Donghae smile while watching him sleep peacefully


“Thank you honey. Thank you so much for giving me our Minho. I can make it through because of him and because you’re guiding us. I know that you’re happy in heaven. Thank you so much for the love that you give me. I love you so much honey. I will always love you and I will love you forever. Let’s meet again, so please wait for me. We’re going to be together again someday. I love you Lee Eunhyuk. I always will”


Donghae kissed his son’s forehead and grabs his wife’s picture. He stares at her picture


“Good night my love. I love you, watch over us ok”


Donghae smile and kissed her picture. He lay down beside his son, hugging him with Eunhyuk’s picture in between them. Donghae stares at Minho for the last time and slowly close his eyes. Sleeping peacefully while hugging his son and his wife’s picture closer to his heart

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Lichoiyin #1
Chapter 14: 5th reading this beautiful fanfic, each time crying my eyes out
ecargebeohp_10 #2
Chapter 14: Such a great story.. Is this the prequel of my oh my teacher ?
haepants #3
Chapter 14: i never cried this much for a fanfiction mygosh. this is a really great story and it's painful. i'm still crying
evil_cute #4
Chapter 14: it's the second time i read it but i still cried my heart out,,,,, T_T
this story is just perfect for me when i need a reason to cry,,,,,,,
this is reallly a greatstory,,,^^
jewelrii #5
Chapter 14: i'm speechless…
this is the second time I read this, but I still crying hard at each chapter…
poor hyukii… I love her character here… (and I love him so much in real life… hehe)

you did a really great job author nim…
Chapter 14: Well what can I say. You made me cry real hard. God that wasn't one single chap in which I didn't cry a river. You're so great at writing angst. Well done.
Chapter 14: can i say that this is one of the best ficts that i love.. i read it over n over again n crying till my eyes hurts.. thank u authornim for sharing this...good luck :)))
Chapter 14: You know, my tears flows like a river. When i type this, I'm still crying. This story is very sad. You're a great author. I cry so hard for this story. :'( Their love story make me cry :'( The saddest part is How Eunhyuk stands with Hae that don't love her. How Eunhyuk show her love. Her true love.
Thanks for sharing this story author nim :)
najinpi #9
Chapter 14: i crying so hard that my eyes hurt...
this fic is really awesome..
thanks for sharing...
snoopy77 #10
Chapter 14: unniiiee, my eyes hurt, i really cant stop crying, even thought it for nth i read ur story, it so hurt me, i really cant stop cry. . . TT_TT