Reset (Chapter 7)



Chapter 7



Minho was sitting inside Sungmin’s car quietly


“Minho sweetheart, is there something wrong?”


He shook his head


“Are you not feeling well?”


He shook his head again


“Do you want us to go at the park and play?”


Minho shook his head


“Do you want to go at Uncle Kyu’s house, so you can play with him?”


Minho stares at her with teary eyes


“Where is Appa?”


Sungmin cough and continue driving


“Aunt Minnie, where is Appa?”


Sungmin smile at her nephew


“Let’s just call him”


She dials her brother’s number




Sungmin’s eyes widened upon hearing a female voice




She immediately hangs up. She dials Kyuhyun’s number




“Where are you?”


“I have schedules today, why? Is there something wrong? You sound like as if you see a ghost or something”


“It’s about Oppa”


“Oh, Hyung is not here. He doesn’t have schedule today”


Sungmin start whispering so Minho will not hear her


“Where is Oppa?”


“Why are you whispering?”


“Minho is with me. I don’t want him to hear me talking about Oppa. Where is he?”


“Maybe he’s in the hospital”


Sungmin shook his head


“Please don’t lie to me if you don’t want me to skin you alive”


“That was so brutal baby”


“Cho Kyuhyun, I’m warning you”


Kyuhyun sigh


“To be honest, I really don’t know where he is. You can ask Changmin Hyung if you want or maybe his manager. But I’m sure that he doesn’t have schedules today”




Sungmin hang up and look at her nephew. Minho is staring at her


“Where is Appa?”




Sungmin smile weakly


“Do you want to go in the hospital to visit Unnie?”


“Can I?”


Sungmin nod


“Appa is there?”


Sungmin shook her head


“He’s actually working. He’s with Uncle Kyuhyun”


Minho frown


“I hate him”




“I hate him”


Minho stares at the window. Sungmin stares at him. She just sighs and continue driving








Minho runs towards his mother. Sungmin carries him and put her down on the bed. Eunhyuk hug her son tight


“How are you baby?”


Minho’s tears start falling from his eyes


“I’ve heard what happen to you and to my baby sibling. I’m so sad Umma, why does he need to leave us soon?”


Minho start crying hard


“Why does he need to go? I’m excited to have a baby sibling, but why did he leave us?”


Eunhyuk cupped his face. She stares at him while controlling her tears from falling


“Minho, your baby sibling is now an angel. He will guide us and watch over us”


Eunhyuk wipes his tears


“I don’t want to see you crying. I’ll be sad if you will cry. You need to give me strength so I can recover fast. Please be strong because I need you”


Eunhyuk hugs him


“I don’t want to see you like that”


Minho nod and wipe his tears


“You’re going to be ok, right Umma?”


Eunhyuk smile


“Of course because you’re there for me”


She pinch her son’s cheek


“Smile now”


“Are you going to feel better if I smile?”


“Yes baby”


Minho flash his sweetest smile


“Thank you”


Eunhyuk ruffles his hair and stare at Sungmin who is wiping her tears away




“Sorry Unnie. I’m just being too emotional”


Eunhyuk laugh softly


“Kyu will be mad at me for making you cry”




Sungmin blush; Eunhyuk hold her hand and smile


“Thanks for visiting and bringing Minho”


“He wants to see you Unnie”


Sungmin ruffles her nephew’s hair


“Umma, where is Appa? I don’t even see him at all”


Eunhyuk her son’s hair


“He’s here awhile ago”


Eunhyuk lied


“Well, he’s working now”


Minho frown


“I hate him”




“He suppose to take care of you, but why does he need to work?”


Eunhyuk brush her fingers on his cheek


“Your father needs to work for us. He needs to work so he can pay the hospital bills or else I can’t go home. He needs to work to send you to school and give you the things that you want and need. Don’t hate your dad, he’s working for us and he’s doing it because he loves us”


“He will be here later right? I’m going to wait for him. I’ll make sure that he will be here to take care of you”


“, you need to go home early and sleep early because you have class tomorrow”


Minho shook his head


“I don’t have class every Saturday”


“Sorry, I forgot”


Eunhyuk smile and look at Sungmin.


“I’ll go out first because I need to call my secretary to ask about my meeting on Monday”


Minho nods at Sungmin


“I’ll be back in a minute”




Sungmin wink at her sister in law and go out of the room carefully. She grabs her phone and dials her brother’s number


“Minnie, why did you call awhile ago?”


Sungmin sigh


“Finally, you’re the one who answer your phone. Who is the girl awhile ago?”




“I didn’t know that she’s already your secretary”


Donghae cough


“Why did you call?”


Sungmin raised her eyebrow


“Oppa, you should be asking me where is Minho or how is he doing”


“Minnie, if you will ju—“


“Do you even care about your son or his mother? If dad and mom arrive, I’m going to tell them what you’re doing”


“Will you please stop nagging?”


Sungmin sigh


“You need to go here in the hospital now”


“I’m busy”


“Busy? You don’t have schedules today”


“I’m busy”


“What kind of man are you? How can you leave your wife alone here in the hospital?”


“Hyukkie understand”


“That you’re flirting with your ex-girlfriend?”


Donghae fell silent


“What? It’s true right? I guess it right. You’re flirting with her. Is that girl more important than your own family? Oppa, your wife just had a miscarriage. Do you know how painful for a mother to lose her own child? You suppose to cry with her and be with her at time like this, but what the hell are you doing?”


“I get it, just stop nagging. You’re being noisy”


“Minho wants to see you”


“Ok. I’ll be there, happy?”


“You’re such an and a loser”


Sungmin told him before hanging up. She takes a deep breath and calls her secretary


“Ms. Lee”


“I need a private investigator. A good private investigator, call me as soon as you find one”


“Arasso Ms. Lee”


Sungmin hang up


“I know that there’s something wrong, Unnie was just trying to cover up your stupidity”


Sungmin sigh and go back inside the room






“Unnie, I’m going home first. I’ll leave Minho here”


Eunhyuk shook her head


“Don’t worry. Oppa will be here. Just ask him to drop Minho”


“But Minnie...don’t leave me alone”


Sungmin stare at her sister in law’s scared face


“Is there something wrong Unnie?”


“Just don’t leave me alone”


“Minho is here and Oppa. I really need to go home now. I need to talk to my secretary, it’s an important business”


Eunhyuk sigh


“I understand”


“I’ll be here tomorrow. I promise to stay here all day tomorrow”




Donghae arrive at the hospital. He went inside Eunhyuk’s room




Minho runs towards him. Donghae carries his son on his arms and kissed his cheek


“How’s our Minho?”


Minho smile at him


“Fine, I’m not giving Aunt Minnie head ache”


Donghae ruffles his son’s hair


“That’s good”


“Where have you been?”


Sungmin and Eunhyuk stare at Donghae


“Is it true that you’re with Uncle Kyu? Aunt Minnie told me that you’re with him because you have work today. Umma also told me that”


Donghae manage to smile


“Oh yes, I’m with Uncle Kyuhyun awhile ago. I’m getting busy lately because I have a lot of schedules”


Minho pouts


“You suppose to spend time with Umma. She’s sick and she’s always alone herein the hospital. You need to take care of her no matter how busy you are”


Donghae look at Eunhyuk, but she turns her gaze away


“I’m taking care of your mom, don’t worry about it baby”


Minho smile and hug him


“Then I don’t hate you anymore”


Sungmin walk towards her brother and pats his shoulder


“I’ll go now”


“Why so fast?”


“I need to do an urgent business. My secretary and I need to talk about a serious matter”


Sungmin smile at him


“Just drop Minho at home. Take care of him and Hyukkie Unnie”


Sungmin emphasize Eunhyuk’s name. She hugs Eunhyuk and give her nephew a sweet kiss on his cheek before leaving the hospital


“Appa, let’s sit beside Umma”


“Minho, we can just play outside. Your mom needs to rest”


Minho pouts


“I want to sit beside Umma”


Donghae sigh and walk towards his wife. He sits beside her while Minho sits on his lap


“When are we going home?”


Minho stares at them sadly


“Why? You don’t like staying with Aunt Minnie?”


“Of course I want, but...”


Minho hugs his mother


“I want us to be back in our house. Me, you and Appa”


Eunhyuk smile at him




“We’re going home when your mother is already fine. Her doctor is not yet allowing her to go home”


Donghae ruffles his son’s hair


“For the meantime, you stay first to Aunt Minnie’s house. You need to watch over her against Uncle Kyu”


“But Uncle Kyu often visits her there. He is my playmate and he’s nice”


“Of course Kyu is nice, but you still need to guard her”


“Uncle Kyu is Aunt Minnie’s boyfriend”


Donghae stares at Eunhyuk


“Since when did he become Minnie’s boyfriend?”


Eunhyuk shook her head


“I heard them him calling Aunt Minnie baby”




Minho nods at his father


“He always bring flowers and chocolates for her and gummy bears for me”


“What is Kyu doing at Aunt Minnie’s house when he visits her?”


“Play with me. We always play SpongeBob on my PS3. After playing, we’re going to draw and color my coloring book. He will watch over me while Aunt Minnie is busy cooking our lunch and dinner”


Donghae laugh


“So Kyu is your babysitter”


“He’s my playmate and Aunt Minnie’s boyfriend”


“Who told you that he’s Minnie’s boyfriend”


“Him and I notice Aunt Minnie blush whenever Uncle Kyu visits her”


Donghae ruffles Minho’s hair


“You’re too young to meddle on their business”


“I’m not meddling. I’m observing”


“That’s still the same”


Minho stares at his father




“Yes baby?”


He rest his head on his mother’s lap while his feet on his father’s lap


“Can we just stay here and watch over Umma?”


Donghae didn’t answer. Eunhyuk brush her fingers on his cheek


“Baby, you need to go home”


“I want to stay here to watch over you”


Eunhyuk smile


“I’m fine baby”


“I still want to watch over you. I just miss you and Appa. I want to sleep with you and Appa”


“Your Aunt Minnie will be worried if you will not come home today. Nobody will watch over her”


Minho pouts


“Aunt Minnie is old enough to take care of herself”


“But baby, your dad can’t stay overnight because he still had a shooting for his new drama later”


Minho shook his head


“Appa will stay here with me”


“Aunt Minnie will be alone at home”


“Her helpers are there. Appa can give her phone call to inform her that I will be staying here with you and Appa”


Donghae look at his son


“Minho, your mom needs to rest. It will be hard for her if you will stay here because she needs to look after you”


Minho sits on the bed




He stares at his father sadly


“Please, I promise not to cause trouble. I promise to behave, let’s just stay here and watch over Umma. Just cancel your schedules later. Please”


Eunhyuk hold her son’s face


“Minho, you nee—“


Donghae raised his hand to stop Eunhyuk from talking


“Is that really what you want?”


Minho nods at him


“Ok. We will stay here with your mom”


Minho flash a bright smile while clapping his hands


“Thanks Appa”


“No problem baby”


Minho hugs his father. He holds his father’s hand and his mother’s hand and tangled it together


“We’re going to be happy always even though we lose my baby sibling”


His parents just stare at him. Minho smiles at his mother


“Appa and Minho will always take care of you Umma”


Eunhyuk manage to smile though she’s feeling sad for his innocent son who doesn’t had any idea about his parents’ real situation


“I can always have another baby sibling right?”


Minho stares at his parents


“Someday Umma can carry my baby sibling again in her womb, right Appa?”


Donghae smile


“You’re too young to meddle on those things”


He carries him on his arms


“Let’s just play”


Donghae start tickling his son. Minho’s laughter echoes inside the room. He starts running around the room while Donghae run to chase him. Eunhyuk’s tears start forming in her eyes while she watches her innocent son playing with her husband. She stares at him; all she wants is to see him happy always. She doesn’t want to see him crying and she wants him to grow in a complete family. But Eunhyuk knows that will never happen because Donghae already decide to file a divorce and leave her. She can’t understand why her husband suddenly change and start acting cold towards her. It breaks her heart into pieces whenever she thinks about it, but she needs to be strong for their son.





Sungmin was sitting at the living room, talking to her secretary


“Ms. Lee”


She stares at Sungmin


“I already found a good private investigator”




“You can meet him tomorrow. I’ll just arrange your meeting with him”


Sungmin nod


“Please keep it a secret especially to Umma and Appa”


“Arasso Ms. Lee”


“I just want to know something about Oppa”


Sungmin smile at her secretary


“Thank you and please just give me a call tomorrow. I can meet him anytime”


“Arasso Ms. Lee”


Her secretary bows at her and leave her condominium


“If Oppa is really cheating on Unnie...”


Sungmin sigh


“Please, I hope my instinct is wrong. Oppa will cause a big chaos if that happens especially if Umma and Appa know about it”


Sungmin answers her phone




“Minho will sleep here in the hospital with me”


“No problem”


“I’ll just drop him there tomorrow before I go to work”


Sungmin shook her head


“I’ll just fetch him in the hospital. I’m going somewhere tomorrow. I’ll just fetch him after my meeting”




Donghae was about to hang up




“Yes Minnie?”


“Where are you staying lately?”


Donghae fell silent


“I’m just wondering where you’re st—“


“You’re not my wife Minnie. Please stop asking stupid question. I don’t need to report all my activities and moves to you because you’re not my wife”


“I’m just concern about Unnie”


“Hyukkie and I are fine. Stop meddling in our married life”


Donghae hang up


“Let me see if you can still give me that stupid reason when I finally caught you cheating on your wife”


Sungmin sigh and close her eyes


“You’re so stupid Oppa. You just exchange a precious girl to a . You’re going to ruin your happy family in an instant”


Sungmin takes a deep breath while rubbing her forehead


“Such a head ache”





Donghae was walking outside the hospital while talking to someone over the phone


“Baby, please understand”


“Do you really need to stay at the hospital to baby sit your wife?”


“It’s not like that. Minho wants us to stay here to watch over his mom”


Jessica frown


“How about me? You don’t even care that I’m going to stay alone”


“My son was the one who ask the favor. I can’t say no and this is the only time that I’m going to see him again”


Jessica raised her eyebrow


“So, you’re blaming me for not seeing your beloved son and wife for a long time?”


“Baby, please don’t think like that”


“I’m jealous”


Donghae smile


“You don’t need to be jealous. I don’t love my wife. I only love you”


“But I want you to be home tonight”


“Please understand me. I’ll be home tomorrow”


“You’re just going to flirt with your Barbie doll wife”


Donghae shook his head


“No. I don’t love her anymore baby. I’m going to file a divorce and marry you”


“Is that real this time?”


“Of course, we will live together with Minho”


“Does your son need to live with us?”


“Of course”


“Your wife will never allow that”


“She can’t have Minho”


Jessica rolls her eyes




“Don’t worry too much. I’m going home tomorrow. I promise you that”


“I’ll wait”


“You take care. I love you”


“I love you too”


Donghae hang up and go back inside his wife’s room. Eunhyuk was lying on her bed while watching her sleeping son who is lying beside her while hugging her tight


“Minho already falls asleep”


Eunhyuk look at him


“Sorry to bother you, but you can go now if you want. I’ll just tell him that you need to attend an urgent business”


Donghae sit beside his son


“Please don’t ever use our son against me”




Donghae Minho’s hair gently


“Using him so I can stay with you”


Eunhyuk shook her head


“I’m not using Minho against you”


“Just shut your mouth”


Eunhyuk stares at him sadly




Donghae look at her


“Do you really need to go?”


Donghae can see sadness in her eyes


“I’m going to file a divorce when you finally go out from the hospital”


“Can we just fix it?”


Donghae shook his head


“My decision is final. I don’t love you anymore”


“Why? What happen to you? Why did you become like that”


Eunhyuk stares at him with teary eyes


“I just fell out of love”


“What did I do wrong?”


Eunhyuk was controlling her tears from falling. She’s already tired of crying everyday


“Hyukkie, please remember that I don’t love you from the start”


“You told me that you love me. Is that for real or you’re just playing with me at that time? Are you just playing on my emotions because you know very well that I love you so much?”


Donghae shook his head


“I love you”


“But why are you doing this to me? Tell me what did I do wrong? Just speak so I know. We can still fix this, please”


Donghae fell silent


“How about our son? What will happen to him? Minho is just five years old to be involved in this situation. He’s too young to carry a burden of a broken family”


“Minho will understand”


Eunhyuk shook her head


“Please don’t do it. I’m begging you for the sake of our son. Hae, please”


“Hyukkie, we don’t need to talk about it. I told you that my decision is final. I’m going to marry Jessica”


Eunhyuk’s eyes widened


“What? Since...when did you...”


Tears start falling from her eyes


“I thought...why are you doing this to me?”


“I love her”


“I thought you guys are already over? I mean...what the hell are you doing?”


Eunhyuk wants to slap him hard, but she controls herself. She doesn’t want to hurt him


“Hae, why? Since when did this thing happen?”


Donghae raised his eyebrow


“Do I need to answer it? It’s not my obligation to explain”


“You’re my husband and it’s you—“


“Shut up”


Eunhyuk hold his hand


“Hae, please”




Minho slowly opens his eyes


“Umma, Appa”


He rubs his eyes and stares at them


“Are you fighting?”


Eunhyuk immediately wipes her tears


“No baby. Your dad and I are just talking something”




Donghae Minho’s hair and smile at him


“Your mom will go home next week”


Minho smile


“We will go back to our house next week?”


Donghae nods at him


“That was wonderful”


Minho yawns






Minho moves closer to his father and hugs him


“Can we have vacation when Umma go out here?”


“I’ll check my schedule baby”


“Please. It will cheer Umma and I just want to spend vacation with you and Umma”


Donghae kissed Minho’s forehead


“I’ll check my schedules first”


Minho just nod


“You go back to sleep now”


Donghae hugs his son while Eunhyuk sing him a lullaby. Minho slowly close his eyes and sleep peacefully again




Eunhyuk look at her husband


“Please don’t make me change my decision. Please set me free”


“I love you Hae”


Donghae nod


“I know, but please understand that I love her more than you”


Donghae told her while watching Minho sleep peacefully

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Lichoiyin #1
Chapter 14: 5th reading this beautiful fanfic, each time crying my eyes out
ecargebeohp_10 #2
Chapter 14: Such a great story.. Is this the prequel of my oh my teacher ?
haepants #3
Chapter 14: i never cried this much for a fanfiction mygosh. this is a really great story and it's painful. i'm still crying
evil_cute #4
Chapter 14: it's the second time i read it but i still cried my heart out,,,,, T_T
this story is just perfect for me when i need a reason to cry,,,,,,,
this is reallly a greatstory,,,^^
jewelrii #5
Chapter 14: i'm speechless…
this is the second time I read this, but I still crying hard at each chapter…
poor hyukii… I love her character here… (and I love him so much in real life… hehe)

you did a really great job author nim…
Chapter 14: Well what can I say. You made me cry real hard. God that wasn't one single chap in which I didn't cry a river. You're so great at writing angst. Well done.
Chapter 14: can i say that this is one of the best ficts that i love.. i read it over n over again n crying till my eyes hurts.. thank u authornim for sharing this...good luck :)))
Chapter 14: You know, my tears flows like a river. When i type this, I'm still crying. This story is very sad. You're a great author. I cry so hard for this story. :'( Their love story make me cry :'( The saddest part is How Eunhyuk stands with Hae that don't love her. How Eunhyuk show her love. Her true love.
Thanks for sharing this story author nim :)
najinpi #9
Chapter 14: i crying so hard that my eyes hurt...
this fic is really awesome..
thanks for sharing...
snoopy77 #10
Chapter 14: unniiiee, my eyes hurt, i really cant stop crying, even thought it for nth i read ur story, it so hurt me, i really cant stop cry. . . TT_TT