Reset (Chapter 6)



Chapter 6



Eunhyuk notice her fiancé frowning




Donghae ignores her


“Excuse me, Donghae-shi”




Eunhyuk jumps because of fear


“I’m sorry, but...are you mad?”


Donghae didn’t answer


“I just want to ask why you are frowning.”


Donghae sighs


“I hate this vacation”


“Why? We just arrive in your rest house. I mean, you see...”


Eunhyuk stares at him


“You’ll have the chance to spend your vacation with your family and my dad, and...of course, with me”


Donghae frown at her


“That’s why I hate this vacation because I’ll spend it with you. Aish!”


Donghae grabs his phone and calls Jessica, leaving Eunhyuk outside the house


“What’s with that boy? He’s always mad”


Eunhyuk sigh


“I guess he will never learn to love me”


Tears start to form in her eyes


“But...I’m still hoping that he will love me soon”


Eunhyuk hit her head


“Aish! Why are you so desperate? Aish!”


Eunhyuk sigh and start walking to look for Sungmin






Eunhyuk and Sungmin were sitting at the field while watching Donghae playing on soccer ball


“Oppa really loves soccer”


“Does he know how to play it?”


Sungmin nod


“He’s a varsity player during his high school days”


“I see”


Eunhyuk look at Sungmin who is watching her brother happily




Sungmin stares at her while smiling


“Can I ask something?”


Sungmin nods at her


“Does your brother really get mad easily?”


Sungmin shook her head


“Well...he usually gets mad easily if he’s tired, but knowing Oppa, he rarely gets mad. Well, he hates people who always nag. Why?”


Eunhyuk shook her head and smile


“I just want to know because it seems that he gets mad easily”




“Well, he’s always mad at me”


“Maybe because he’s still adjusting to the situation”


Eunhyuk stares at her curiously


“I mean,’s an arrange marriage. Maybe Oppa is still adjusting because...”


Sungmin smile weakly


“You know...”


Eunhyuk nod


“I know that he loves someone else. He told me about his girlfriend”


Sungmin’s eyes widened


“I know everything Minnie. I’ve heard dad talking to your dad and I actually confronted my dad before I went here in Seoul”


Sungmin fell silent


“But do you think your brother will like me? I mean, is there any chance that he’ll like me?”


Sungmin nod


“Oppa will learn to love you. You’re nice and a very wonderful girl, just give Oppa some time to adjust”


Eunhyuk nod


“But I really hope that he’ll treat me well after the wedding”


Sungmin laugh softly


“Of course he will. Oppa is nice, don’t be afraid of him. He’s snobbish and serious sometimes, but he’s nice. I’m sure Oppa will take care of you”


Sungmin hugs her


“I really like you to be my sister in law compare to his ex-girlfriend. Well, Jessica is nice but I just don’t like her attitude sometimes. She can be sometimes and we’re not that close anyway”


Eunhyuk smile at her


“Thanks. I also like you to be my sister in law”


She pinch Sungmin’s cheek


“I don’t have any siblings at all. You can treat me as your real sister since I’m going to be your brother’s wife soon”


Sungmin nods happily


“It will be my pleasure to have a big sister like you”


Eunhyuk smile




Sungmin hold her face


“I almost forgot about the cake that I’m baking”


Sungmin stand up


“I’ll just go inside Unnie. I need to watch the cake that I’m baking before I completely burn it”


Eunhyuk nod


“I’ll be back after baking”


“Do you want me to help you?”


Sungmin shook her head


“Just spend some time with Oppa”


Sungmin wink at her before going inside the house. Eunhyuk smile and focus her eyes upon Donghae


“He’s so lovely”


Eunhyuk giggles happily while staring at him. Donghae notice her watching him happily. He stops playing with the soccer ball and slowly walks towards Eunhyuk. Donghae smirk when she notices her spacing out. He coughs to catch her attention, but Eunhyuk keep on staring at him. Donghae throws the soccer ball towards her, hitting her head




Eunhyuk hold her head as tears start forming in her eyes because of pain


“Are you done daydreaming?”


Eunhyuk look at him with teary eyes


“Why are you so rude? I’m not doing anything”


“What are you doing here?”


“Minnie and I are watching you. Well, your sister went inside to continue baking cake”


“Why don’t you join her?”


Eunhyuk shook her head


“She doesn’t want any help. She wants to do it alone”


Donghae sit beside her


“Do you know how to cook?”


Eunhyuk shook her head


“You want to be my wife though you don’t know how to cook?”


Eunhyuk nod; Donghae raised his eyebrow


“To tell you the truth Barbie girl, I hate girls who doesn’t know how to cook”


“So...I need to learn how to cook?”


Donghae nod


“Jessica knows how to cook. She’s good in cooking. If you don’t want me to exchange you from her, you better start studying how to cook”


Eunhyuk gulps nervously while staring at him


“But I’m scared of the fire on the stove. I actually don’t know how to open it”


Donghae laugh sarcastically


“You better learn Barbie girl or else I won’t marry you. How can you be a good wife if you don’t know how to cook? How can you take care of me, if you can’t do simple things like cooking?”


Eunhyuk just stare at him


“I know that you’re damn rich, but you should also learn simple household chores and cooking. I need a wife and not a working girl”


Donghae sigh


“I’ll bet that you’ll cause a lot of head ache and my life will be miserable because of you”


Eunhyuk shook her head


“I’ll learn how to cook for you. I’ll learn how to be a good wife for you”


“Can you really do it?”


Eunhyuk nod


“Let’s see”


Donghae smirk and left her


“Of course I can do it”


Eunhyuk stand up


“I’ll hire a good teacher to teach me, but for the meantime I’ll let Minnie teach me first”


Eunhyuk takes a deep breath


“Lee Eunhyuk fighting”


Eunhyuk smile and went inside. She went straight at the kitchen. Donghae was sitting there, chatting happily with his sister. He stares at Eunhyuk


“What are you doing here?”




Eunhyuk look at Sungmin who is busy decorating the cake


“I’ll cook our dinner today”


Donghae shook his head


“You don’t need to do that. You’ll burn the house and beside our parents will have dinner outside. I’m not going to eat dinner later”


Eunhyuk pout




Donghae shook his head. Sungmin look at her brother




“I’m going somewhere later”




Donghae smile at his sister


“I’ll have party with my friends”


Sungmin pouts


“This is a vacation then why do you need to have a party with your friends?”


“This vacation is really boring”


“You’re going to leave me and Unnie later?”


Donghae nods at her


“If you want to come, you can come with me”


Sungmin frown


“Never mind”


“You just don’t want to see Kyu”


“Honestly Oppa, how can you bring them here in Jeju Island?”


Donghae laugh


“I didn’t bring them here. Kyu was having a shooting here with Changmin for their new movie”


“I see”


“If you want I can invite Kyu here or maybe Changmin?”


Donghae smile to tease his sister who start blushing




“Why are you blushing?”


He stands up and walks towards his sister, pushing Eunhyuk away from his way


“YAH! The kitchen is so big, why do you need to stand on my way?”


Eunhyuk moves away


“You’re really cute Minnie”


Donghae smile while pinching Sungmin’s cheek. He stares at Eunhyuk before leaving the kitchen


“What’s wrong with your brother?”


Sungmin shook her head and hold Eunhyuk’s hand


“Unnie, let’s start cooking the dinner”


Eunhyuk nods at her


“But you need to teach me because I don’t know how to cook”


“No problem”


Eunhyuk smiles brightly


“I’m going to cook some food for your brother”


“I’m sure Oppa will love it”


Eunhyuk blush


“Let’s start now Unnie. I’m going to teach you a lot of things and how to cook Oppa’s favorite dish”




Eunhyuk flash a bright smile and wears her apron





Eunhyuk was following Donghae at the living room


“When will you stop following me?”


Donghae stop walking and look at her


“Do you really need to go? You can have dinner with me and Minnie”


Donghae ignores her and start walking towards the door. Eunhyuk block his way before he can opens the door


“What are you doing?”


“Blocking your way?”


Donghae stares at her seriously


“Go away. I need to go now”


Eunhyuk shook her head


“You’ll stay here and have dinner with us. You’re not going anywhere. I’m the one who cook your dinner, so please stay”


Donghae suddenly laugh


“I don’t want to die Barbie girl. I’m still young to die and I’m still planning to marry Jessica in the future”


Eunhyuk felt a little bit of jealousy and pain because of those words. She stares at him sadly


“Please stay”


“I don’t want to eat the dinner that you made for me. I’m sure that it will never taste good”


Eunhyuk pout


“Just give it a try. I’m the one who cook it and I did that for you”


“I don’t care and I don’t even tell you to cook for me”


Eunhyuk stares at him with teary eyes


“You told me that I need to learn how to cook. I give all my best to cook a good meal for you. Just give it a try please”


“What if I don’t want?”


Donghae push her away


“I’m going now”




“Get lost”


He walks towards his car


“I’m going to wait for you. Let’s have dinner together”


Donghae ignores her. He went inside his car and start driving it. Eunhyuk sigh


“What will I do to him?”


She holds her tummy


“I’m so hungry”


Eunhyuk pout


“But I told him that I’m going to wait, so I need to wait for him before I eat my dinner”


Eunhyuk sigh and throws herself on the sofa






Eunhyuk was staring at the wall clock. She was sitting at the living room while rubbing her tummy


“I’m so hungry now”


She takes a deep breath while watching the wall clock


“Seriously, when will he plan to go home?”


Eunhyuk pouts


“It’s already ten in the evening. Minnie is already sleeping but Do—“


Eunhyuk stop talking when someone opens the door


“What are you doing here?”


Eunhyuk manage to smile


“I’m waiting for you”


Donghae stares at her blankly


“I promise to wait for you so we can eat dinner together”


Donghae sigh


“Please give up. I already told you that I’m not going to eat the dinner that you cook for me”


Eunhyuk stand up and wrap her arms around his shoulder


“Please, just one bite”


Donghae look at her


“I already eat dinner with my friends”


“Just give it a try...please”


Eunhyuk flash her puppy eyes




Donghae sigh




Eunhyuk smile brightly. Donghae push her away from him


“We’re not close so don’t wrap your arms around my shoulder like that”


Donghae told her before going at the dining room


“He’s really a grumpy old man”


Eunhyuk laugh softly and follows her fiancé inside the dining room





Donghae stares at the food


“We can eat now”


Eunhyuk smile brightly at him


“Minnie help me cook your dinner”


“Who cook your food?”




Donghae just nod


“It’s so unfair. Why do I need to die like this?”


Donghae whisper


“Excuse me, what is it?”


Donghae shook his head


“I’ll eat now”


Eunhyuk nods happily. Donghae grabs his chopsticks and gulp nervously before eating his dinner.




Donghae wants to puke because the food doesn’t taste good. Well, it was so salty and spicy. He can’t even describe the taste. He immediately grabs his glass of water and drinks it


“So? How does it taste?”


Donghae stares at her seriously. Eunhyuk gulps nervously while staring at him. Donghae was about to complain and scold her when he notice some wounds on her hands.


“What happen to your hands?”


Eunhyuk immediately hides it and shook her head


“Let me see it”


Eunhyuk keeps on shaking her head. Donghae pulls her hand and hold it so Eunhyuk can’t hide it from him


“What happen to you? How come you have a lot of wounds?”


“It’s nothing”




Donghae raised his voice


“ you really need to shout?”


“I’m asking you so you need to answer me or else I’ll get mad at you”


Eunhyuk stares at him


“I want an honest answer. I hate liars so don’t lie or I won’t marry you”


“What’s the connection?”


Donghae raised his eyebrow


“I need an honest wife. Being honest is being loyal”


Eunhyuk frown


“Hey, I’m not a cheater and I won’t do that to you”


“I just want to make sure”


Eunhyuk sigh


“I cut keep on cutting my fingers because I’m not used on holding the knife. I told you that I don’t know how to cook and I’m scared of the fire. I almost burn my face awhile ago. It’s good that Minnie and the helpers are there to help me”


“Who told you to cook?”


Eunhyuk drops her head


“I just want to make you happy. I want to be a good wife to you that’s why I keep on trying my best to learn all those things for you”


“You’re pathetic, stupid and desperate”


“I know and I also know that you won’t love me even though I learn those things. But it’s ok at least I don’t give you head ache”


Donghae cupped her face, he notice the tears that are forming in her eyes


“Barbie girl, it’s not good to eat if someone is about to cry”


“I’m not crying”


“You’re just about to cry”


Eunhyuk look away




“Will you please look at me?”


She stares at him


“Please smile now and let’s continue our dinner”


Eunhyuk smile


“How does it taste?”


Donghae clears his throat


“Well, you put a lot of salt and spice, but you can do better next time right?”


Eunhyuk nod


“I’ll cook better next time”


Donghae just nod and continue eating. Eunhyuk smile and start eating her food


“Barbie girl”




Donghae smile


“Oh, you know how to smile”


“Excuse me but I’m also human so I know how to smile”


“Because you always look so serious and get mad at me all the time”


Donghae laugh


“Did I scare you all the time?”


Eunhyuk nod


“Sorry about that. You just irritate me sometimes that’s why”


“But I’m not doing anything”


“Just forget about it”




Eunhyuk smile


“Barbie girl”




“Thank you”


Donghae smile at her and continue eating. Eunhyuk smile and watch him happily. She feels so happy because Donghae somehow appreciate her though she knows exactly that the food doesn’t taste good and she’s happy because Donghae smiles at her. That was the first time that she saw him smiling brightly at her


“Is there something wrong?”


Eunhyuk shook her head


“I love you”


Donghae nod


“Thank you”


Eunhyuk just smile and continue eating

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Lichoiyin #1
Chapter 14: 5th reading this beautiful fanfic, each time crying my eyes out
ecargebeohp_10 #2
Chapter 14: Such a great story.. Is this the prequel of my oh my teacher ?
haepants #3
Chapter 14: i never cried this much for a fanfiction mygosh. this is a really great story and it's painful. i'm still crying
evil_cute #4
Chapter 14: it's the second time i read it but i still cried my heart out,,,,, T_T
this story is just perfect for me when i need a reason to cry,,,,,,,
this is reallly a greatstory,,,^^
jewelrii #5
Chapter 14: i'm speechless…
this is the second time I read this, but I still crying hard at each chapter…
poor hyukii… I love her character here… (and I love him so much in real life… hehe)

you did a really great job author nim…
Chapter 14: Well what can I say. You made me cry real hard. God that wasn't one single chap in which I didn't cry a river. You're so great at writing angst. Well done.
Chapter 14: can i say that this is one of the best ficts that i love.. i read it over n over again n crying till my eyes hurts.. thank u authornim for sharing this...good luck :)))
Chapter 14: You know, my tears flows like a river. When i type this, I'm still crying. This story is very sad. You're a great author. I cry so hard for this story. :'( Their love story make me cry :'( The saddest part is How Eunhyuk stands with Hae that don't love her. How Eunhyuk show her love. Her true love.
Thanks for sharing this story author nim :)
najinpi #9
Chapter 14: i crying so hard that my eyes hurt...
this fic is really awesome..
thanks for sharing...
snoopy77 #10
Chapter 14: unniiiee, my eyes hurt, i really cant stop crying, even thought it for nth i read ur story, it so hurt me, i really cant stop cry. . . TT_TT