Reset (Chapter 13)


Chapter 13



Eunhyuk was driving her car blankly. She was thinking deeply; thinking about her remaining days. She just went to her doctor and receives a very bad news about her condition


“Your body is getting weak and the cancer is affecting your body part. I know it’s hard for you, but you need to prepare yourself. You might not be able to reach one month. I’m sorry Mrs. Lee, but...”


Eunhyuk’s tears start falling from her eyes. Her head is already aching thinking about her condition and her body pains are killing her so much. She feels so weak each day and she feels like dying every minute. She feels a great pain and sadness in her heart. She was thinking about her husband and her son. Minho is too young to lose a mother; it will be very painful for him. She wants to watch him grow; guide his every steps in life. She wants to be by her husband and son’s side every day and love them every day. But she knows exactly that it will never happen because she will die soon. Eunhyuk keeps on crying when her phone rings. She wipes her tears before answering her call




“I’ll see you in Paris Grill”


“I’m sorry, but who is this please?”


“It’s me Jessica. I want to talk to you. I’ll wait for you here”


Jessica hangs up. Eunhyuk sigh and continue driving








Jessica was sitting quietly inside the Paris Grill when Eunhyuk arrives


“Please have a seat”


Eunhyuk sit on the chair. She focus her eyes upon her


“What do you want?”


“I just want to have dinner with you”


Eunhyuk shook her head


“I’m sorry, but I need to go home before dinner. My son calls me awhile ago; he wants to have dinner with me and with his father at home”


Jessica flashes a sarcastic smile and drinks her wine


“How long do you plan to keep him?”


Eunhyuk didn’t answer her


“Hae doesn’t love you ok. Don’t force yourself to him because he loves me and not you”


“I’m just asking for one month Jessica”


“I’ve waited for so long. You’re really selfish and I just can’t understand why Hae still follows your order. You’re just a rich y dolly girl”


Tears start forming in Eunhyuk’s eyes


“Does it hurt?”


Jessica smile brightly when she notice her tears that were about to fall


“Does it hurt Lee Eunhyuk?”


Eunhyuk remains quiet


“I’m sorry”


Jessica claps her hands while laughing softly


“Sorry? Is that all what you can say after all what you did to us? You ruin our relationship dolly girl. You take him away from me. I am supposed to be his wife and not you. You just use your wealth to get him and shame on you for doing that”


Jessica slaps her


“Now, I’m asking you. Does it hurt? Do you already realize the pain that I’ve gone through because you steal the boy that I love? Can you already feel it? How can you live every day knowing that you steal the property of other people? You’re really a ”


Eunhyuk controls her tears from falling. She looks at Jessica


“I’m sorry for loving him so much. I’m sorry for ruining everything and for hurting you. I know that I already keep him for so long, but don’t worry. I’ll set him free”


Jessica smirk


“Of course you need to do that because he’s mine. Hae never loves you at all and I feel so sorry for you. He just stay for Minho and not because he loves you. Nobody can love a girl like you, well if ever there is, they just love your money and not you. That’s the reality dolly girl and I feel sorry for you. You’re just a pathetic girl”


Jessica grabs her glass of water and pours it on Eunhyuk’s face


“I’m going to get what is mine. It’s time for you to give him back to me”


“I need him”


Eunhyuk whispers


“What? You need him?”


Jessica flash a sarcastic smile


“But Hae doesn’t need you”


“We have Minho”


“I don’t care. Donghae is mine not yours”


Jessica shoots her a deadly glare before leaving the restaurant. Eunhyuk sits quietly, her tears start falling from her eyes when someone holds her shoulder




She ignores him


“What’s wrong?”


Junsu stares at her with worried face


“What are you doing here?”


He grabs the table napkin on the table and wipes her face


“What happen to you? Who did this to you?”


Eunhyuk start crying hard


“Let’s go. I’ll drop you home”


Eunhyuk shook her head. Junsu stares at her. She continue sobbing




Junsu sit beside her


“What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”


She lean her head on his shoulder


“I hate myself Junsu. I hate myself so much”


Junsu stares at her blankly


“I’m so selfish, but I love him”


“Did you and Donghae fought? Is there something wrong?”


Eunhyuk’s tears keep on falling from her eyes


“Hae was asking for a divorce”


Junsu’s eyes widened


“You’re kidding right?”


She shook her head


“Junsu, what will I do? What will I do? Why is it happening to me? Why?”


Junsu hugs her


“I love him so much, but he still chooses her. I don’t know where did I go wrong, why does he need to leave me? Why? I love him, but he needs to go. Why?”


Junsu cupped her face and wipe her tears


“What happen?”


“Hae don’t love me anymore. He wants to leave me”


“But...why? I mean, how could that happen? He loves you”


“I thought we’re fine, but I was wrong. I become selfish Junsu and I hate myself for doing that. I steal him away from her”






Eunhyuk hugs his arm. She was sobbing hard


“I’m paying now. She wants him and I don’t know what to do. Hae will leave me soon. This is my punishment for being selfish, for stealing him away from her. You see, I’m paying for the price now. I ruin their relationship because of my selfishness”


Junsu shook his head


“It’s not your fault Hyukkie. Don’t blame yourself. Misunderstandings happen to married couple, you just need to talk to each other”


“I already try, but he won’t change his mind”


Junsu stare at her pale face


“Hyukkie, are you ok? You look so terrible and why are you skinny?”


Eunhyuk stare at him while crying


“What will I do Junsu?”


Junsu start to get confuse, he can’t understand the things that Eunhyuk was talking about


“What will I do? I’m so scared. Each and every minute, I become so scared. I don’t want to hear the clock ticking because I’m scared of what will happen”


“What do you mean?”


Junsu start to get nervous as he stares at her pale face


“Hyukkie, is there something wrong? Are you hiding something?”


“What will I do now Junsu? I don’t want to die soon. I don’t want to leave Minho and Donghae. What will I do? Answer me! Junsu, please...”


Eunhyuk hold his arm tight as her body start aching badly


“Junsu, I’m scared. What will I do?”


“Of course you will not die. What the hell are you talking about? Don’t talk like that”


She stares at his eyes full of sadness and pain


“I have a cervix cancer. I’m on the final stage and there’s no more cure for me”


Junsu was shock to hear it. Tears start forming in his eyes as he stares at her


“You’re kidding right?”


Eunhyuk shook her head


“I hope that my doctor will just tell me that she’s kidding, but she’s serious and there’s nothing else that we can do to cure me. I’m already counting my days”


Junsu hold her face between his hands


“No Hyukkie. Please don’t say that, you’re not going to die. No”


Junsu hugs her tight. Eunhyuk start crying so hard again


“I’m so scared. I don’t want to close my eyes and sleep because I’m so afraid that I might not be able to wake up on the next day. I don’t want to leave my Minho. He’s too young for this and who will take care of him when I die? What will happen to my son if my husband marries Jessica? Tell me what to do, please tell me that I will still live for a long time. I still need to take care of my son Junsu...please tell me...”


Junsu was lost for words. He doesn’t know what to say to comfort her


“Just tell me that I would not die...just tell me please...please tell me that my doctor is lying. Tell me that she’s lying”


Eunhyuk stares at him


“I will still live with Hae and Minho, right?”


Junsu remains quiet


“Why don’t you answer me? WHY?”


Junsu hugs her in his arms


“I’m sorry Hyukkie...I’m sorry”


“Why it has to be me? Why not anybody else? It’s so painful”


Junsu her hair gently


“Did you tell Donghae about it?”


Eunhyuk shook her head


“Nobody know except you and my doctor”




“I need to carry it alone and suffer alone”


“But why? Why are you doing this to yourself?”


“Because I deserve it and I don’t want to be a burden. I need to do this alone and I don’t want to see my family sad especially daddy. I don’t want him to cry and of course I don’t want my son to be sad. He’s too young to suffer. I just want him to enjoy being a kid and I just want him to be happy all the time. I don’t want him to worry about me. It will be hard for me to go when I see them in pain and sadness”


“But at least tell Donghae about it. He deserves to know because he’s your husband”


Eunhyuk shook her head


“Please Junsu, promise me that you will keep your mouth quiet. Promise me that you will never tell anyone about my condition especially to my husband. Please”




“Just do this for me. I want to be happy with them. I want to see them smiling until my last breath. Please promise me...please”


Junsu nods


“Thank you”


Eunhyuk’s phone rings. It was Donghae, she immediately wipes her tears and takes a deep breath before answering the call




“Where are you?”


“I just went somewhere. I just have a road trip. I feel so lonely awhile ago, why?”


“Please come home now. Let’s have dinner. Minho and I are waiting for you”


“Arasso, please wait for me”


“Be careful”




Eunhyuk hang up


“I need to go home now”


Junsu nod


“Please be careful”


Eunhyuk stand up. Junsu hold her hand


“Are you sure about it?”


Eunhyuk nods at him


“Don’t worry about me. It’s my decision”


Eunhyuk wipes her tears and manage to smile


“I’m sorry Junsu, but I guess I can’t attend your wedding next month. I wish you and Sooyoung all the luck. Please be a good and loving husband and I know that you will love her with all your heart. I’m happy for you and thank you for everything”


“Please take care of yourself and I promise that Minho will be safe if ever Donghae marries his ex-girlfriend”


Eunhyuk nod


“Good bye Junsu”


“I know that you’re going to be happy in heaven. You take care”


Eunhyuk nods at him. She wipes the tears that falls from her eyes. She flashes her sweetest smile and waves her hand and left the restaurant. Junsu drops his head as tears start falling from his eyes





Eunhyuk look at the mirror and fix herself before going out of her car. She walks slowly, feeling so weak. She holds the door knob


“Just smile brightly Hyukkie”


Eunhyuk told herself. She slowly opens the door, smiling brightly




Eunhyuk was shock to see her husband, son, father and in laws. They are smiling brightly at her, greeting her on her birthday. Well, she was surprised because she actually forgot that it’s her birthday on that day. She controls her tears from falling. Her emotion is a mixture of joy and sadness. Donghae walk towards her, bringing her birthday cake


“Happy birthday honey”


Eunhyuk smile at him. They start singing the happy birthday song


“Make a wish”


Eunhyuk close her eyes and make a simple wish. She opens her eyes and blows the candles. They clap their hands and greet her happy birthday




Eunhyuk nods at her husband


“Minho and I plan this last week. It’s good that everything turns fine”


Eunhyuk hug him tight


“Thank you”


Donghae can feel something wrong


“Honey, is there a problem?”


Eunhyuk shook her head


“Are you sure? I know you, please tell it to me”


Eunhyuk smile brightly


“I’m fine. I’m just happy that you’re here to celebrate my birthday with me. I’m also happy to see Umma, Appa, Minnie, Kyu and of course daddy and Minho. This is the happiest birthday that I ever had. Thank you”


Donghae wipe her tears


“Honey, don’t cry. You suppose to be happy”


“I am happy”


Eunhyuk wipes her tears and flash a bright smile. She run towards her father and hugs him tight


“I miss you daddy”


“I miss you too my Princess”


Her father kissed her cheek


“How are you?”




Her father suddenly frowns


“Are you sick? You look so pale”


“I’m just tired”


“You better rest now”


Eunhyuk pouts


“Of course we need to celebrate my birthday first”




Eunhyuk’s father smiles brightly at her. Minho run towards his mother and gives her a card


“You made this?”


Minho nods happily


“Happy birthday Umma”


Eunhyuk carry him on her arms


“Thank you so much baby”


“I love you so much”


Minho gives her a sweet kissed on her cheek


“Are you happy Umma?”


Eunhyuk nods at him, controlling her tears from falling


“Thank you so much baby. I love you too”


Minho hugs her happily


“Appa is really great for planning this surprise birthday”


Minho smiles, Eunhyuk ruffles his hair


“Thank you. You must take care of your father always ok?”


Minho nods


“I’ll take care of Appa and of course I’ll take care of you too. I love you so much Umma and of course Appa too”


Donghae walk towards them and carries Minho on his arms


“Ok, it’s time for dinner now”


He holds Eunhyuk’s hand and smile


“And you need to eat a lot because you’re getting skinnier”


Eunhyuk just smile


“Let’s go?”


Eunhyuk nods happily




They were having a peaceful and happy dinner. They celebrate Eunhyuk’s birthday happily


“By the way”


Sungmin smile at them


“Kyu and I have some announcement”


They focus their attention towards Kyuhyun and Sungmin


“Minnie and I plan to get marry next year”


Donghae laugh


“Are you serious about that Kyu? You’re going to marry my sister who is a war freak and always pouts?”




Donghae smile brightly at her


“Just kidding, of course I’m happy for you and Kyu”


He pinch Kyuhyun’s cheek gently


“You take care of Minnie or else I’ll grill you alive”


“Of course brother in law”


Kyuhyun smile and punch Donghae’s shoulder


“Finally, you guys decided to get married”


Mrs. Lee told them happily. Eunhyuk smile brightly at them






“Don’t make Minnie cry ok?”


Kyuhyun nod


“You need to love her all the time”


“Yes Noona”


Eunhyuk stand up and hug her sister in law


“I’m happy for you Minnie. You’re going to be the best bride”


Sungmin smile at her


“Thanks Unnie. You’re going to be my maid of honor”


Eunhyuk fell silent


“You don’t want?”


Eunhyuk shook her head and smile


“Of course I want”


Eunhyuk Sungmin’s hair gently


“I wish you and Kyu all the best and happiness. I also wish you guys to have cute kids”


“Like Minho”


Eunhyuk smile and go back to her seat


“Is it true that you won’t go to work anymore?”


Eunhyuk nod at her father






Donghae smile at his father in law


“Daddy, it’s much better if Hyukkie will just stay home so she can take care of us more. I don’t want to make it hard for her and Hyukkie wants to stay home and it’s not a bad idea after all”


“Hae is right daddy. I need to rest and...well...”


Her father smiles at them


“You guys are planning to have a baby again?”


Eunhyuk drops her fork. Sungmin and Kyuhyun stares at Donghae


“There’s nothing wrong on having a baby again. Minho is already five years old”


“You can just forget about the miscarriage incident. You guys can try again. Minho wants to have a baby sibling”


Minho smile at his grandparents


“Umma and Appa promise me my baby sibling”




“Yes. I just need to wait for him, right grandma?”


Mrs. Lee ruffles his hair and smile


“Of course baby”


Minho holds his mother’s hand


“Umma, my baby sibling will be arriving soon right?”


Eunhyuk remains quiet. She was controlling her tears from falling


“Right Umma?”


Donghae cough to catch his son’s attention


“Minho, don’t get so excited”


“I’m just asking”


“You’ll know it soon, but not now”


Minho nods his head. Donghae smile at him


“You finish your food now”


“We’re going to play later after dinner, right?”




Minho giggles happily and continue eating his dinner





Eunhyuk was sitting at the garden, watching the stars sadly


“Minho is already sleeping”


She stares at the owner of the voice. Donghae smiles at her


“It’s cold out here”


“I just want to watch the stars”


Eunhyuk focus her eyes on the stars. Donghae sit beside her


“Did you already see a shooting star?”


Eunhyuk shook her head


“I guess there’s no shooting star this night”


“Hae honey...”




“Can we dance?”




Eunhyuk nod


“I want to dance with you here, then just carry me if I fall asleep”


“Not a bad idea”


Donghae stand up. Eunhyuk hold his hands, she removes her shoes and carefully step on his feet. She wraps her arms around his neck while Donghae hold her closer to him


“Thank you for this day. I have a very wonderful birthday. I actually forgot that it’s my birthday today”


“I know”


“You know?”


Donghae nod


“Because I keep on observing that you’re always spacing out. I mean, it seems that you’re thinking a lot of things. I’m worried”


Eunhyuk look at him


“There are times when you skip meals. Nanny dear was telling me, you always told her that you don’t have appetite. You look so pale and so skinny. Are you having an eating disorder or something?”


Eunhyuk shook her head


“And then there are times when you cry at night”


She stares at him blankly


“I’m not blind Hyukkie and I’m not that insensitive. I can see you crying and I can feel it even though you keep on hiding it. Is there something that you’re hiding from me?”


Eunhyuk shook her head


“Don’t worry about me. I’m fine”


Donghae stare at her with worried face


“Honey, if it’s about our divorce, well I al—“


Eunhyuk hold his lips


“Let’s not talk about it anymore, ok?”


“But I just want to tell you th—“




“Ok, if that’s what you want”


Eunhyuk manage to smile. She rest her head on his chest, Donghae hug her tight and start singing


“Brother bought a coconut, he bought it for a dime. His sister had another one, she paid it for a lime. She put the lime in the coconut, she drank them both up. She put the lime in the coconut, she drank them both up. She put the lime in the coconut, she drank them both up”


Eunhyuk start laughing


“Come on honey. Let’s dance”


Eunhyuk sit on the garden swing and start clapping her hands. Donghae smile and start dancing happily while singing the ‘Lime in the coconut’. Eunhyuk watch him happily. She start laughing hard when her husband start dancing like a crazy drunken man


“Put the lime in the coconut, you drank them both up. Put the lime in the coconut, you drank them both up. Put the lime in the coconut, you drank them both up”


Eunhyuk sings with him until the song ended. They stare at each other and laugh


“I miss those days when we always sing that song at the karaoke club and dance like crazy drunken people”


Eunhyuk nods happily


“Can we do that again right?”


Donghae ask her. Eunhyuk just smile while controlling her tears from falling. Donghae takes a deep breath and sit beside her






“Did you ever regret loving me?”


Eunhyuk shook her head. She stares at him


“I never regret loving a man like you”


“Even though I hurt you?”


Eunhyuk nod


“That’s part of loving someone and misunderstanding is part of married life. You don’t hate the person you love just because they hurt you badly. It’s like me and daddy. He still loves me no matter how many times I commit mistakes that hurt him badly”


“But that’s different”


“Of course, it’s the same. Daddy loves me that’s why he never hates me. I love you and I never hate you even though there are times when you hurt me”


Eunhyuk lean her head on his shoulder


“Hae, I want to stay with you forever”


Tears start falling from her eyes


“Please always take care of yourself and of course Minho”


“Hyukkie, why are you telling me this?”


Eunhyuk wipe her tears. She shook her head and stares at him


“I always want you and Minho to be safe”


“Of course you’re going to take care of us, right?”


Eunhyuk manage to smile


“Yes I will. I’m going to be the best wife and best mother”


She brush her fingers on his face


“Please always smile and never take it away from your face. I always want you to be happy no matter what happen. I love you so much honey and that will never change”


She hugs him tight


“Please always be happy for me and for our Minho. Can you promise me that? You’re going to be happy ok”


Donghae cupped her face


“I will always be happy because of you”


Tears start falling from Eunhyuk’s eyes


“Honey, why are you crying?”


“If only I can be with you forever. I’ll exchange everything just to be with you forever”


Donghae hug her


“Of course we’re going to be together forever. Please don’t cry”


He wipes her tears


“I also want to see you happy. Please stop crying now”


Eunhyuk nods at him and flash a bright smile


“Can we go to our room now? I want to take a rest now. I’m really tired”


“No problem”


Donghae gives her a piggy back ride, carrying her inside their room. Eunhyuk lay down on the bed. Donghae pull her in a hug. He cuddles her in his arms


“Can we stay like this forever?”


Eunhyuk told him. Donghae stare at her


“Yes, of course”


Eunhyuk smile and slowly close her eyes


“I love you Hae. I love you always and forever. I’m not scared anymore because you’re here with me”


Donghae kissed her lips


“Sleep tight honey. I love you too”


“Thank you”


Eunhyuk smile and hug him tight

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Lichoiyin #1
Chapter 14: 5th reading this beautiful fanfic, each time crying my eyes out
ecargebeohp_10 #2
Chapter 14: Such a great story.. Is this the prequel of my oh my teacher ?
haepants #3
Chapter 14: i never cried this much for a fanfiction mygosh. this is a really great story and it's painful. i'm still crying
evil_cute #4
Chapter 14: it's the second time i read it but i still cried my heart out,,,,, T_T
this story is just perfect for me when i need a reason to cry,,,,,,,
this is reallly a greatstory,,,^^
jewelrii #5
Chapter 14: i'm speechless…
this is the second time I read this, but I still crying hard at each chapter…
poor hyukii… I love her character here… (and I love him so much in real life… hehe)

you did a really great job author nim…
Chapter 14: Well what can I say. You made me cry real hard. God that wasn't one single chap in which I didn't cry a river. You're so great at writing angst. Well done.
Chapter 14: can i say that this is one of the best ficts that i love.. i read it over n over again n crying till my eyes hurts.. thank u authornim for sharing this...good luck :)))
Chapter 14: You know, my tears flows like a river. When i type this, I'm still crying. This story is very sad. You're a great author. I cry so hard for this story. :'( Their love story make me cry :'( The saddest part is How Eunhyuk stands with Hae that don't love her. How Eunhyuk show her love. Her true love.
Thanks for sharing this story author nim :)
najinpi #9
Chapter 14: i crying so hard that my eyes hurt...
this fic is really awesome..
thanks for sharing...
snoopy77 #10
Chapter 14: unniiiee, my eyes hurt, i really cant stop crying, even thought it for nth i read ur story, it so hurt me, i really cant stop cry. . . TT_TT