
Baby, you might just fall in love with me

To my wonderful subbies. Thank you for bearing with me for this long, chapter is finally here! Lol, I'm so sorry for the long wait >< And this chapter isn't the greatest, a bit fluffy and bit of setting up the scene, but now things can get a bit more underway with this. I will try to double update today as a way of saying sorry for the wait, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to >< Anyway, enjoy!


“I’m still not sure how you managed to organize me a visa without my permission,” I teased Nickhun as I lazily reclined upon the plush airplane seat. Right now, after frantically packing most of my clothes and rushing about my small apartment, I was comfortably seated in a first class chair, with Nickhun right beside me.

“You forget,” he told me with a wide grin, “I’m the one who taught you your own signature,” he winked as he finished. I playfully narrowed my eyes at him as I was without any other comeback.

“And I basically know everything about you,” he added, “So, it wasn’t hard.”

I lightly shook my head in disbelief. Even after five years, he still remembered everything and could probably tell me things about myself that I didn’t even know. A soft sigh escaped my lips as I rested my elbow on the armrest and placed my head on my outstretched palm. I used this position as an excuse to simply gaze at Nichkhun’s handsome features.

With the whirlwind of events yesterday, I hadn’t really had too much time to simply look and drink him in. He was definitely still as handsome as ever, with that strong jaw line of his and carved lips. A gentle blush overcame me as I remembered how tender those lips felt and how they’d whispered words of adoration. I shook my head, wishing the blush away as I instead focused on his eyes. They seemed a safer option – the swirls of brown and flecks of gold. No matter the situation, his gaze was always intense, or maybe it merely seemed that way to me after I’d seen them at their most intense.

That thought didn’t help the blush.

And it certainly didn’t help when his lips happened to curl themselves into that smile of his; that heart-melting, soul-stealing smile of his that should be made illegal. I knew that that smile of his had stolen many hearts, even before he’d become an idol. All the girls in the small, quaint town we’d lived in had crushed on him at one stage or another.

I honestly couldn’t blame them – it’d simply been a little bit irritating when they’d showed up in the middle of the night, when we’d be having a sleepover, and then refuse to leave until he admitted his undying and unconditional love for them. It’d also been borderline creepy when he’d received underwear in his post.

I’d always felt so confident back then too and special – because he’d been my best friend and I was able to do the things with him that they never were.

“What are you so deep in thought about?” Nichkhun’s teasing voice reached me and I was brought from my thoughts. I shook my head in response, uttering a soft, ‘nothing’ as I did so.

I then lifted my arm from the armrest and proceeded to snuggle into the large, plush seat around me. I’d never flown first class before and I wanted to enjoy the experience as much as possible.

I didn’t know if I’d ever be-able to experience such a luxury again.

Since I was on the seat nearby the window, I quickly glued my eyes there. The plane hadn’t moved yet, but I was fascinated by the hive of activity outside the large plane. Forklifts were being driven here and there, carrying cargo from one end of the terminal to another. People dressed in boiler suits were scurrying around, flitting from one piece of machinery to the next.

I was so engrossed in my sightseeing that I didn’t notice Nichkhun’s creeping hand until it was placed on my abdomen.

I jumped at the sensation and quickly whipped my head to face him, my eyes wide. But I was greeted by a tender smile and even tenderer gaze. It was then that I realized that Nichkhun’s hand was almost directly on my womb – where there was a possibility of life.

My cheeks gained a life of their own as they flamed up and a comforting heat began to spread through my body. The simple touch was enough to make me melt into my seat even more than I had and a smile was curving my lips before I could even try to stop it.

“Felt anything yet?”

I giggled at Nichkhun’s childishness, “It takes more than a day you know,” I rolled my eyes at him. “I might not even know until three weeks from now you know,” I continued to tease.

“It can really take that long?” he asked with widened eyes and an expression of disappointment. I nodded and understood the feeling – I too wanted to know if last night had been… successful.

“Well, I’m sure in about a week from now we can start checking,” I told him and I smiled at the happiness that lighted his face. It gave him a wonderful glow and I hoped I looked as appealing to him.

“You promise to call me as soon as you know, right?” he asked me with a sense of seriousness laced in his tone. “I’ll drop everything and we can celebrate ok?” I nodded enthusiastically and my smile widened when at that moment, the plane began to move.

I immediately turned my attention to the window again and my eyes widened with fascination as the scenery began to change. Soon, I was seeing more than just terminal buildings and rushing people.

And it wasn’t too long after that that the plane had smoothly taken off and raised itself to a few thousand feet above the ground. It was a marvellous feeling, being airborne, and I knew that I wanted to experience it again if I could.

But, most importantly, Nichkhun hadn’t taken his hand off my womb.

My heart soared more than the plane.



When we arrived at Incheon airport, Nichkhun quickly led me to a more secluded part of the airport – one were there wouldn’t be potential fans waiting. I didn’t protest to this as I knew how obsessive fans could be – I’d read horrible reports over the last five years and I’d always hoped Nichkhun hadn’t ever been subjugated to them.

I felt warmth spreading through me when a hand enclosed over my own as we made our way through a series of passages, following an airport official. I resisted the urge to look over in my best friend’s direction as I was scared of the result.

He didn’t need to see me blushing again.

Soon, we were outside and I felt Nichkhun’s hand pulling me towards a nearby car. He ushered me inside and I complied obediently, not wanting to be spotted by anyone. The inside of the car was luxurious and I was sure the seats were completely made of leather. Nichkhun effortlessly slid in beside me and the door slammed shut.

“Won’t people still be able to see us?” I queried him as my eyes fell upon the window. Anyone who made an effort to look in would easily recognize him – especially if they were looking for him.

“Don’t worry,” he reassured me with a gentle squeeze of his fingers, “The windows are tinted.” I formed a perfect ‘O’ with my mouth as I nodded. I should have realized that. Of course idols would travel with tinted windows if they didn’t want to be seen.

“How far do we have to go?” I asked him as I ran a hand through my slightly tangled blonde locks. I made a mental note to brush them as soon as I could.

“It’s about a twenty minute drive to my apartment, but there isn’t too much traffic so it’ll probably only take about ten minutes.”

I nodded and then paid attention to the window. We were nearing Seoul and I was excited to see the city. I’d read so much about it, but I’d never thought of actually seeing it. Besides, this was my first time being outside of China and I wasn’t sure how the rest of the world looked.

I drank in the city hungrily as we began to approach tall, looming skyscrapers of different sizes and colours. My eyes raked up their length, trying to ingrain them into my memory. My eyes then rushed to fall upon the bustling city streets. People flew by, some travelling in groups or by themselves. I tried to observe their features, but I was unable to due to the car’s speed. I was amazed at the simple amount of people that we passed – I’d basically known everyone in my town by name and here, I wasn’t even sure that I’d ever be able to see everyone that lived here.

I watched the sign posts that we passed and frowned when I found myself unable to read the Hangeul on them. The directional lines meant nothing to my eyesight and I scolded myself for not thinking to learn them.

Then again, I’d never expected to ever come here.

Even when Nichkhun had gone off to be an idol, I’d always thought he’d return to the town one day. So in all honesty, I’d never had a reason to learn.

“It’s really different, isn’t it?”

Nichkhun’s voice was a tender whisper and I startled slightly when I realized he was right beside me, his warm breath close enough to feel on the side of my neck. I nodded, finding myself unable to speak and it wasn’t due to city outside.

“Ye… ah,” I breathed out and hoped it wasn’t misunderstood. I hoped he’d think it as a sign of my absentmindedness. When he said nothing in response, I inwardly sighed in relief. But it was short lived as I felt his smirk against my ear.

When Nichkhun pulled away, I relief and disappointment simultaneously – relief due to the awkward proximity and disappointment due to the lack of proximity.

I decided to ignore both of them.

But the pounding of my heart was not easily avoided.

Just… what was happening?



“So, this is it…” Nichkhun called out as he led me into a rather large entranceway.

My eyes widened, unable to simply take in the sight before me.

When he’d said ‘apartment’, I’d honestly thought it’d be akin to my apartment back in China – same size and simplicity, but I was gravely mistaken.

We were currently on the 20th floor, the highest floor, of an extremely modern and expensive looking building in what I gathered to be the centre of Seoul. I’d only been in buildings this tall once or twice before and they’d been commercial buildings.

The apartment was completely open plan, except for the two doors which I assumed led to a bedroom and bathroom. The floor was completely coated in a light wood, which was cold to the feet. To my right was the living room, yet, you had to step down two steps to reach the luxurious, beige couch of leather. In front of it was a wide white carpet and even from my distance, it looked softer than my bed back home. A large TV was placed not too far from the couch and its size made me wonder if we weren’t maybe in a cinema. I whipped my head to the left and found a kitchen with gleaming white marble countertops and sleek silver machinery.

But, that wasn’t the most impressive part of the building.

No, no, far from it.

In front of me, due to us being on the highest floor, was a wall composed completely of glass.

Seoul’s entirety stretched out before me and I believed that if I reached out my hand, I could grab it.

I would’ve tried too, if it wasn’t for the fact that I suddenly began lightless.

With a small gasp, I wrapped my arms around Nichkhun’s neck as he effortlessly carried me, one arm hooked under my knees and the other encircling the small of my back. It was a position I’d been in numerous times before, but I was sure that never before, had I paid this much attention to the rhythmic beating of his heart.

Soon, before I could question him, he began to walk in the direction of one of the closed doors. I decided to remain quiet, afraid of what my voice would sound like as he skilfully managed to open the door.

I’d been correct about one of the doors leading to his room.

A room nearly as big as my entire apartment lay before me, beautiful in its masculine simplicity and cosy in its entirety.

It reminded me of Nichkhun’s old room back home, minus the numerous posters and clutter of CDs and books.

For a moment, I began to miss that time and wished that instead of him and I being in this upgraded version, we were back in China, in his old room decorated with clutter.

But, I wasn’t granted any more time to linger on these thoughts as soon, I found myself airborne again.

I groaned softly as my back came into contact with the pillowed mattress of his bed, bouncing lightly on the cushioned material.

“Sorry about that,” was all Nichkhun cheekily offered me as he stepped to the other end of the bedroom, to where the vast cupboards were positioned.

I sent him a mock glare as I made myself comfortable on his bed, lying on my stomach and placing my head in my hands as I watched him rummage around the cupboards. I was amazed at the sheer amount of clothing the space contained and I knew that I’d never owned so many clothes in my life.

And then, Nichkhun was pulling his shirt off.

I squeaked as the material was carelessly flung towards me, only just not reaching the bed. I blinked at the discarded shirt a few times before looking up again-

Only to have my cheeks instantly aflame

Nichkhun was clothed only in his black, hugging boxers.

My eyes enlarged before I could stop them.

I then squeaked louder as he hooked fingers into the waistband and began to tug downward-

The tanned skin of his lower back was all I managed to see before my palms covered my eyes.

A deep chuckle reached my ears and I could just imagine the smirk on his face.

“You really shouldn’t be embarrassed Victoria,” his voice cooed, “It’s not like you haven’t seen me before you know. And I don’t just mean from last night either.”

The blush on my cheeks simply made itself worse.

“It’s not my fault you shower without closing the door!” I called out and lifted my hand from my eyes in momentary relapse.

I’d fallen into his trap.

Luckily, he had boxers on.

I willed my eyes not to linger on the oh-so-tempting looking skin presented to me and it took all the self control I owned in order to once again place my palms over my eyes.

“I hate you,” I lied out to him in a growl.

“You could never hate me,” he countered and I growled at the truth.

“Well, I wish I could.”

“No you don’t.”

“Damn you.”

No more insults were spoken as his laugh penetrated the air.

“You can look now.”

I wasn’t sure whether to trust him or not, so I opened a gap between my fingers.

To my relief (and disappointment, but I wasn’t about to admit that) he was fully clothed in basically skin-tight jeans and a white tank top. One that didn’t really leave much to the imagination, but that was probably its purpose. Nichkhun watched me with an amused smile as he pulled a chequered button-up over his arms.

“You’re still as cute as always,” he endearingly told me as he walked closer to the bed. “And as much as I don’t want to, I have to go to the fan meeting.”

My lips formed a perfect ‘O’ in response as I recalled him mentioning the fan-meeting.

“But, there’s a house phone you can use if you need to contact me ok? My number is written down next to it. I always answer the phone, no matter the situation, so you can call ok?”

I pursed my lips together and nodded, looking up at him.

“I might go out to dinner with everyone after that, so don’t wait up ok? But, I’ll try to be home as soon as I can. Otherwise, explore and go eat what’s in the fridge if you get hungry.”

“Yes mom,” I rolled my eyes as I shook my head.

He glared playfully, “I’ll see you later Princess.”

And with that, he leaned down to plant a chaste kiss upon my forehead.

But his lips were gone before I could process them.

All I was left with was a lingering touch.

And then he was at the door, sending me a final glance.

“Remember, call me.”

“I said next week only.”

He smiled that unique, breathtaking smile of his, “You never know!” he called in defence as he exited the room.

I paid attention to his fading footsteps, listening as they approached what I assumed to be the front door. When I heard nothing, I assumed he was putting his shoes on. And then, the door opened and closed.

I was all alone.

I made a sound as I rolled onto my back and stretched out, my hands grasping the ceiling.

This was the first time I’d been alone in over 24 hours.

It felt as though a Nichkhun induced haze was beginning to fade from my mind.

Suddenly, my mind began to think, began to realize.

My eyes widened as I shot up.

… What the hell had just happened?


So, now, Victoria finally has time to think about what exactly just happened. I mean, you know, she kind of just got caught up in the moment and well, now she finally has time just to realize what exactly happened in the past few chapters. So, I hope that makes sense?

But, I must go, so tell me your thoughts?

Once again, thank you for waiting!

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That time when I can't believe that this story has like 17 chapters o.O


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febgirl95 #1
Chapter 17: wow!just wow aurhor-nim...
Kpopcornluvr #2
Chapter 2: hi! will you be updating this story again soon?? i hope so...this story is TOO GOOD!!!
fighting! ^^
victory00 #3
Chapter 17: Love this,but what happen now...did u abandon this story... :( i hope not n please3 update...wanna know the ending.. <3 khuntoria
xmixerx #4
Chapter 17: I love this story! I hope that you will update, even if it takes you months. :)
sophie1990 #5
Chapter 17: when u will updates?:((
itismerobyn #6
When is the story going to be updated? Pleaseeee update soon
heartkhun26 #7
when will you update the story? T T
Kpopcornluvr #8
Pleaseeeeee update soon!! This story is so good! ^_^
waiting waiting~~ update soon~ <3