
Baby, you might just fall in love with me


Excitement - - 

"Luna, the food here is just as good as the last time!"

The four girls around me laughed and nodded their heads as they agreed me. It was about a week after Nichkhun and I had spoken with Mr Park and the girls had messaged me earlier to ask if I was free tonight. Luna's mother was apparently trying out a new recipe and thus needed guinea pigs and with Nichkhun at a late practice, I was more than happy to be one.

"I'll tell mom that we all approve of the new dish," the bright girl cheerfully replied after finishing her last bite of pasta.

I hadn't seen any of them in a bit and I was surprised to see that they'd all changed in some way. Well, maybe change wasn't the right word, but they'd all changed their hair colours and styles.

Luna's hair was now jet black and perfectly middle-parted while Sulli had cut her locks shoulder length and dyed them a lighter shade of brown. Amber's cropped locks were still the same, platinum blonde, but it was Krystal who'd undergone the most drastic change. Her locks were now pink, very pink.

They'd caught me staring a few times, but none of the girls had explained yet, thus I assumed it was a teenager thing.

"Ahh, but Victoria, we have something we'd like to tell you," Sulli piped in as she laid her eating utensils together.

I raised an eyebrow, "Well, I have something to tell you guys too." I purposefully had been hiding my ring finger from them and well, my pregnancy wasn't at the stage of being visible yet.

"Well then, we'll go first," Luna beamed.

My heart began to pump a bit faster as an air of excitement began to radiate from them.

"Well, remember how we said we were all studying singing at university?" Krystal began and I nodded, "Well, actually, we're all trainees too."

My eyes widened in surprise. I did think that they were all more than pretty enough to be idols, but I didn't know that they were already halfway there.

Smiles curved all of their lips, "We didn't tell you because at that time... that's all we were. But now..." Krystal paused as they all snuck glances at one another.

"We're going to debut!" they sang out at the same time.

My eyes widened even further and I even felt my jaw threatening to job. Excitement filled me and a sense of pride as I looked at their joyful faces.

I even felt tears beginning to well.

Even though I hadn't known the four of them for very long, they'd been my first friends here in Korea and I felt motherly towards them.

"Our group's name is F(x) and we're set to have a showcase in a month's time," Amber now spoke, "And we'd like to invite you to come watch us."

This time my jaw really did drop.

"Really, it would mean a lot to us if you came," Sulli pouted, "So you can't say no!"

I hadn't even been thinking that.

I was still so surprised that they wanted me there.

And with that, the threatening tears began to spill.

"Unnie! We didn't mean to make you cry!"

And that's what set all of them off as tears too began to drip from their eyes.

Well, at least I could blame ever-changing hormones due to my pregnancy.

"I'm just so happy for you four," I managed to speak, "And I'm so happy that you want me there too."

Krystal reached over and grasped my hand, "Of course we'd want you there. We've only met up with you a few times, but it really does feel like we've known you for awhile," she reassured me as she wiped her tears away.

This made my heart soar.

Korea was simply getting better and better.

It took a few minutes for all of us to calm down, but soon we'd all dried our faces and were laughing at the puffiness that was left.

"Now, it's your turn to tell us your news."


I'd almost forgotten all about my current state due to all the excitement.

With a deep sigh I felt a tender smile grace my lips, "Well..." I began as I slowly brought my left hand into view.

Immediately, all four girls gasped.

"HE PROPOSED?" they all chorused at once and I giggled at their reaction as they all blinked wide-eyed at the beautiful jewel. A sense of 'specialness' raced through my veins. It really was a magical feeling to stare at the ring and know that the man who gave it to me was serious about loving me forever.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Sulli whined as she folded her arms across her chest, pretending to be annoyed.

"Well, a lot happened in between him proposing and now..." I trailed as I briefly remembered the past few weeks. A lot had happened really. Firstly, I'd found out that Nichkhun loved me as much as I loved him, then we'd... done that again(my cheeks reddened at the thought), then I'd found out that I was pregnant and then, we'd gotten permission from his boss to actually date and he'd accepted me with open arms.

Honestly, it was similar to a hurricane - something that just completely swept you up and swirled you around with a whole bunch of other things before eventually dying down.

"Tell us everything!" Luna exclaimed as she remained partially shocked.

Well, it was a story I'd never get tired of telling.

I took my time to explain everything to them, from the night I'd gotten sick to the next day when he'd proposed in the best detail possible. I left out the part where we'd made love again though, I could barely remind myself without tingling all over! I then told them about my pregnancy and they'd squealed mercilessly at this, so much so that I nearly covered my ears as Luna had very, very good vocal chords. They'd asked the gender, but it was still too early to tell. Then finally I told them about the meeting with Mr Park last week, but once again I hid identities - I'd simply called Mr Park 'boss'.

"I think your news is way more interesting than ours," Krystal said in slight shock at the end of my tale.

I shook my head, "No, you guys are going to become famous. I don't think my story quite matches yours."

However, a silence then ensued.

I instantly tensed.

"Unnie..." Luna spoke, "I don't mean to pry... but why did you have to go and talk to his boss?"

I'd actually been expecting this.

And I knew that it was safe to finally tell them.

"Well... that's because my fiancé... he doesn't have the average job..." I averted my gaze, "He's actually an idol."

"I knew it!" Sulli called out triumphantly, "I knew it! You're way too pretty to be with an average man!"

I chuckled at that, "I guess I will take that as a compliment."

"But then, can you tell us who he is?" Amber queried with curiousity written all over her features.

I nodded, "But you guys can't say anything ok?"

They nodded rapidly in agreement.

"His name is..." I intentionally paused, "The one and only..." I added for dramatic effect, "Nichkhun of 2PM."

The look on their faces deserved a picture.

"Really?" was all Luna could utter and I nodded before retrieving my cellphone.

It was easy to prove it to them as my wallpaper was a picture I'd taken of Nichkhun and I yesterday.

It was all they needed.

"This is so amazing..." Krystal trailed as she sat back in her seat, "Of all the people in the world... I wouldn't have thought it to be him..."

"But you two make a beautiful couple," Luna added as she stared at my wallpaper, "You really do complement each other well."

I beamed at that.

"But I have just one question."

Amber's suspicious tone worried me.

"Is his body really that built in real life?"


- - - -

"Thank you so much for inviting me out again tonight," I bowed as we left the restaurant, "I'm really glad you did."

"Any time unnie!" Sulli eagerly replied as she crouched before me. I blinked at her in confusion.

"And as soon as you're born, we're going to bring you here too. Your first meal has to be a good one little baby!"

I couldn't help but smile as this.

"Of course!" I agreed and hugged the girl as soon as she stood up.

I wasn't sure what I'd done to suddenly deserve these wonderful moments.

"But we'll message you soon," Krystal told me as she hugged me, "We're going to be busy preparing for our showcase, but whenever we have a free moment we'll come keep you company! We'll even teach you the dances."

"I don't think I'd be very good at them though," I shook my head.

"Well, you need to do something to keep your body in good shape," the pinkette teased, "Pregnancy can do horrible things."

"Then I think I'll take you up on that offer!" I then turned to hug Amber, but the girl seemed preoccupied with something in the distance.

"Amber, is everything ok?" I questioned her as I placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah..." she mumbled as she continued to gaze at the darkness, "I just thought I saw someone... but it must've just been my imagination."

"I think you guys are just a little stressed," I reassured her while enveloping her in a hug.

"Pray for us unnie?" Luna asked sweetly and I smiled.

"Of course I will."

And with that, we went our separate ways. With a content sigh escaping my lips I checked my watch. It was 10:30pm, which meant by the time I got home, Nichkhun would be home too and I couldn't wait to tell him about the girls.

Maybe I could even get him to come with to their show-

A shiver then cascaded down my spine.

It felt like a pair of eyes were watching me.

I halted as I frowned and turned my head to look behind me.

But I saw nothing but darkness and streetlamps.

Luna's parent's restaurant was in a quieter, more secluded area of the city and there weren't many people about at this time.

I shook my head as I continued my walk.

Maybe I was the one who needed sleep too.


- - - -


Double update! Well, sort of xD I really did feel inspired by all the comments about the people who still adore my story so really, thank you all so much <3 Also, I have found my muse so (he) makes it a lot easier to write and update ^///^ But anyywayy, well, no Nichkhun in this chapter because the girls needed some time together! But yay! I have more of a plan of where to take this story now too so stay tuned! I have a busy week again, but I promise I will update as soon as I can!

Thank you all so, so, so much for your encouragement <3

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That time when I can't believe that this story has like 17 chapters o.O


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febgirl95 #1
Chapter 17: wow!just wow aurhor-nim...
Kpopcornluvr #2
Chapter 2: hi! will you be updating this story again soon?? i hope so...this story is TOO GOOD!!!
fighting! ^^
victory00 #3
Chapter 17: Love this,but what happen now...did u abandon this story... :( i hope not n please3 update...wanna know the ending.. <3 khuntoria
xmixerx #4
Chapter 17: I love this story! I hope that you will update, even if it takes you months. :)
sophie1990 #5
Chapter 17: when u will updates?:((
itismerobyn #6
When is the story going to be updated? Pleaseeee update soon
heartkhun26 #7
when will you update the story? T T
Kpopcornluvr #8
Pleaseeeeee update soon!! This story is so good! ^_^
waiting waiting~~ update soon~ <3