
Sunshine Day Care

After Christmas, just like Ninomiya Mama promised, everyone came back. Some kids bragged about the new toys they got (Masaki was so excited about his new green blankie, and Sho just loved his new shoes that lit up when you walked), but mostly everything was back to normal. Satoshi seemed to have gotten some candy for Christmas because when he came back he had a big package to share with everyone.

"I got lots of presents!" Masaki exclaimed. "Mama say that I had my birthday too! I'm three!"

Satoshi nodded. "Me too! Long time ago!"

"Everyone!" Minako-sensei said. "In a little while, you all will be going over to be with the three year old class! You're all getting to be so big!"

Jun smiled. Three year olds had more toys to play with! Kazunari smiled because three year olds got the big yards to run around in. The other three didn't really know or care about the three year old room. They were happy where they were at. 

A little while later, Sho ran into the classroom that morning while his mother brought in a large case of cupcakes. He ran over to his friends. "Mama says today's my birthday!" he said. "I'm three now!"

After naptime, everyone had their snack, which were colorful cupcakes with Yatterman rings on them. Yatterman was Sho's favorite superhero, so he got a blue and white cupcake with a Yatterman ring. Jun got a pink and white cupcake with Ai-chan on it, Kazunari got a red and white cupcake with Doronjo on it, Masaki got a green and white cupcake with Boyacky, and Satoshi got a black and white cupcake with Tonzora. 

"Everyone, what do you say to Sho-chan?" Minako-sensei asked. 

"Arigatou!" a small chorus of two year old voices rang out.

Carefully, Jun gave Sho a small kiss on the cheek. It was so gentle that if it hadn't have been for the frosting still stuck on his lips, Sho wouldn't have noticed. 

Then, for the rest of the day, the class spent it watching Yatterman cartoons for Sho's birthday. He was a big boy now. He could throw away his own trash, he could pick up after himself, he could listen and understand, and he could even go potty by himself! He was so happy to be a big kid like Masaki and Satoshi.

"When I have a birthday," Satoshi said. "I want it to be Kaibutsu-kun!"

"Me too!" Jun smiled. 


Sho looked over and smiled. "Mama!" he said running over to her. She scooped him up in her arms and smiled. "Mama, today I'm three!"

"Yes you are Sho," Sakurai Mama said. "You're big, aren't you?" Sho smiled and nodded. "Sho, say goodbye to your friends."

Sho waved happily. "Bye-bye!"

The four boys waved back. "Bye-bye Sho-chan!"




so cute~!!!!

me and my friend were talking about when we have our own babies one day, and I was looking at baby Sho and this came into my head ^_^

chapter four is up!! tell me what you think!! i love this story personally!!!

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Chapter 9: -giggles- this story is too cute!!! thx for the update and your hard work!!
Chapter 9: awww kawaiii! mai-chan came to visit...ehehehe kawaiii! update soon! gambatte na!
lmao!!! -falls over laughing at the cuteness of sho and jun-
omg! cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i swear! them with girls mao, maki and becky! so so adorable! sho: jun-chan marry me! jun: eww

that made m lmao :DDDDDDDD

update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
awww~ they are so adorable!!! kekekeke matsujun and aiba wanting a baby from sho had me squealing and laughing!
Aww~! It's always so cute! Makes me want to babysit again. :)
Hiwatarii #9
>////< awnnn~ cho kawaii!!
Sharing <3
sweet!!!!!!!! and so cute!!!!!!!!!!! i could imagine those five.....awwwww..........update soon! gambatte!