Chapter 22: Date 001


Chapter 22: DATE 001

A/N: Sorry it took so long I procastinate and forget instead focusing on being awesome such as pulling off photo shoots, having photos appearing in newspaper and a summer show expedition as well as other pieces of my work in the expedition. And handing in assignments before everyone else (cause they !) If anything I have wrote the ending... -ish. But anyway I made a trailer (which kind of !) [[You can tell how long this chapter had been half done, it was done during when college ended and finished when college started up again]]

Key has date with Minho. Oh and Jonghyun too. Why had he suggested that? A date with the two of them? Was he high or something when he did that... he blamed the kisses for the suggestion they must had sent him into momentarily insanity in which he said that. But it had been decided he would have Minho's date this week-end and Jonghyun's for the next, they had flipped a coin for it much to his mild distress and amusement. At the time he wasn't quite such which emotion to go for and it was the same even now just now it went along with disbelief. Disbelief at how they confessed, disbelief he had suggested such a thing and disbelief they had agreed to it.
He looked at his calendar (paper due to the satisfaction of crossing things out and he found it quicker to write things done on paper than type them) the date weekend with Minho was looming closer and closer each passing second. It made him nervous knowing that the date was in less than forty-eight hours possibly even twenty-four hours! He didn't know anything about the date, where it was to be, what they were to be doing. He didn't even know when it was happening! Minho had just said that he'll pick him up some time in the afternoon. The only thing he did know was who it was with.
Considering all the lack of information it was no wonder he was nervous not to mention they expected him to choose at the end of it! How on earth was he supposed to get his feelings and everything settled in two weeks? Give him two years and he might just get it done.
In the end he just buried his face in his arms and decided to sulk in general or rather self-pity himself for having two attractive men after him. Well when it was put like that it didn't sound bad at all but it was. In his head it was very, very incredibly terrible. If only it was not them two but some other guys he didn't care for, he didn't want to hurt one of their feelings or possibly both of their feelings as that would just seriously . In the end he decided to let sleep take him and hopefully take the head ache as well.
He awoke only a few hours later to the sound of his ringtone blaring loudly in his ears, gosh he was beginning to hate that song. One of these days his phone was going to end up smashed from his throwing it hard against a wall and it would be so satisfying. Until he realized what he had done then he would hurry to check that it still worked. Instead of smashing as he would rather like to do instead he had settled for answering with a groggy tone. "What?"
"You ready for our date?" Just kill him now, get it over with. Now Minho calls him for the date? He needed more prep time than a lousy phone call without warning. He was hardly even dressed! Unless you count a dressing gown and only a dressing gown as being dressed. Then yes, he was totally dressed, can you just taste the utter sarcasm? Key responded with a groan in reply to Minho, he had reached another issue... what should he wear? If the date was formal, he'll feel silly in jeans but if it was casual he'll feel just as silly in a suit.
"I'll take that as a no, I'll pick you up in half an hour, wear something casual." Minho said on the other side of the line, Key gave a small breath of relief well that was at least something to prepare on and he had the chance for a quick change rather than answering the door in no underwear. What? It had been mentioned he was wearing a dressing gown and only a dressing gown. Thirty minutes... would that be enough time for a quick shower and change? He deemed yes as he didn't really fancy going out on a date not as fresh as possible no matter who the date was with. Letting out a soft sigh he left towards the bathroom and began relaxing under the warm spray of the shower which was comforting in general.
Then he remembered the time. And he quickly rushed to get ready, it had already took too long in the shower. He had just dried his body when the doorbell rang. His hair was wet and his clothes were non-existant, he gave a small curse under his breath it would be rude to keep Minho waiting for too long outside his door... so therefore he slid on some underwear and trousers calling out that he'll be there in a sec before hurrying to the door.
Indeed Minho was there looking quite dashing in his outfit along with a bouquet of flowers... seriously Key wasn't a girl he didn't need flowers (although it was a nice and sweet sentiment) he would much prefer the chocolate rather some flowers. Even if the said flowers were gorgeous. Back to Minho though, his eyes were large.... well larger than usual. That was when Key remembered his lack of shirt in attempt to answer the door quickly he gave a small smirk at Minho's face... he'll feel some embarrassment later.
"Well, come in whilst I get some more clothes on." Key said simply before tapping his arm a little in wait for the other to close his mouth before he caught some flies and to get his inside. Which Minho eventually did, Key his heel after closing the door in a hurry to get a shirt on, a jacket just in case as well as some shoes. Now he was really curious on what the date was...
He ended up giving a small laugh as Minho decided to add an extra accessory. A blind-fold to make extra sure that he didn't know where they were going, despite his arguemnets that it would be too dark for him to really see anyway. The car journey was interesting, after all he couldn't exactly see but it was full of banter mostly with his trying to guess where they were guessing from feeding ducks to a meal, always getting a no for his efforts, so much so that Key was about to swear Minho was cheating and he had mentioned it. Either way when they weren't talking it was a comfortable silence filled with the background noise of the radio well until a song they both liked came on and instead they were singing. And laughing. So far, so good and they weren't even there yet and perhaps Key was starting to think they he didn't regret suggesting it. But he would have it under different circumstances.
"We're here." Minho stated out of the blue and Key was excited, how could he not be with this huge surprise building up. He was about to take his blindfold off at last but Minho told him off so in the end he just huffed a little and sulked a bit as they parked up but the sulking ended as he burst out laughing in surprise as he was lifted out of the car by Minho. "." He answered poking Minho goodness knows where but he aimed low to avoid the frog's massive eyes. Apparently though he hit the lips considering the plushiness of them compared to what the others body parts (e.g. nose) could be.
In the end he was put on his feet and the blindfold removed and he was greeted with the sight of a prestine sheet of ice. Well this was unexpected. Who would have thought of ice skating? It wasn't really a typical or expected date but it was a pretty awesome one. Especially with that view, the skating rink was beautifully lit with those blue-ish lights, not to mention those windows and sky-lights.
"Whoa." Key murmured before turning to look at Minho with a grin on his face. "This is pretty awesome." He stated practically giddily, he had never went ice-skating for a date before and he couldn't remember the last time he had even went ice-skating. Minho gave a relieved smile before giving a small laugh.
"Yeah, it's the reasoning of the uncertain time and date, my friend wasn't certain on when they could get it." Minho explained and it made sense to Key all of a sudden rather than the confusion and the annoyance over the not knowing when it was going to happen, if anything he would say it was all worth it. I mean they did have the rink to themselves and it was pretty gorgeous and unique. Minho had done well, and he had been far off with all his guesses in the car. Who would have phunk it, Minho had not been cheating.
"So are you ready?" Minho smiled gesturing to the ice skate section. Key just gave him a look before walking quickly there.
"Way ahead of you, slow-poke." Key teased softly already choosing out his size with a teasing grin upon his face, Minho made a small tsk noise in his throat before shaking his head and catching up to the other. Cheeky git.
Key was already getting his size on as Minho at last found his own. "Hey slow-coach, do you want to get on the ice or what?" Key taunted pulling a face towards the other before laughing lightly at the taller male as he attempted to rush but seemed to go nowhere with it. In fact his trying to rush only seemed to slow him down further much to Key's utter amusement. Soon Key was on the ice poking a tongue at Minho who was only just fitting a shoe on, only for his knees to fall out a bit and to fall on his rear end. Then it was Minho's turn to laugh.
"Not quite a big shot now, are you?" Minho said gliding upon the ice as his skates were finally tied and booted. He looked at the other smugly before humming a little as he took off on the ice skating around as if he was some kind of professional much to Key's annoyance as he struggled to stand up.
"Show off." He murmured "Must you be good at every sport, you ." Key complained to himself about Minho was like some kind of superstar athelete. Seriously it wasn't that fair to people like him who at most sports, he wasn't his fault that he found sweat gross and he would much rather read a book or magazine than going all red, smelly and gross.
"It's not my fault you . Or that I used to play ice hockey." Minho said, Key just gave him a look, did he really play or use to play every sport? He just wanted to find one Minho wasn't good at as it was much too annoying to see him be all perfect and stuff. Minho hummed a little before skating back to Key who wobbled as he attempted to stand up after he fell over yet again. "Shall I help you?"
"I can do it myself!" But after more potential bruises on his he accepted the other's help, upon helping up Key for the upteemth time Minho took Key's hands in his own before beginning to skate backwards as Key very wobbly skating forwards. He was Key's guide for this and soon Key was having much more fun skating now he was not on his for eight percent of the time. Though screw Minho for being able to skate backwards whilst he could hardly do so forwards. Show off. It was impressive. Sure it was but still. Show off. After skating for a while Minho pulled the other to a small removable platform set in the middle of the rink with seats on. Not doubt for the tourists and such.
"Look up." Minho said pointing upwards as they sat down onto a bench on the platform, Key followed the line of Minho's point to be amazed by the skylights yet again at the fact that they could really see the stars clearly through them. The view was stunning, Minho had done a good job.
"Thanks." Key whispered out before giving the other a peck on the lips softly.
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By Jove it took forever for that chapter to be finished writing, I've wrote 16000 words quicker than that. I just found myself at a stuck till then.


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If u ask what pairing u dislike the most,my answer is ,(sorry to say) Minkey. But... I think I will change it soon. The minkey here is nice!
Engravedintomyskin #2
Chapter 30: oh my gosh I love your story. and the minkey date is just so romantic.
SashaHRH #3
Chapter 30: What a sweet date! And with my OTP!!! I really did like their interaction since it seemed to go how I think two strong willed but affectionate types would act together. Great job, author-nim!!!
Saina96 #4
Chapter 30: Minkey is the best! keep writing about them *^▁^*and please update this story
Chapter 30: omggggggggggg! minkeyyyy ! this is cute <3
Chapter 18: HAHAHAHAHAHA Minho and jong, morons.... And key in onew arms <3 ;; onkey
Chapter 18: HAHAHAHAHAHA Minho and jong, morons.... And key in onew arms <3 ;; onkey
Chapter 11: Chapter 8 and i love it so much ;3; i fallen un love xD
I found this fanfic and after i saw the trailer.... Wo-Woah! ;w; OH MY GOD. Kibum is soooo cute, a totally cutie-pie ;w; I can't wait to start to read it! ;w;
I see you didn't finish it yet... Please! You must not let alone this story! ;W;