The Light outside the tunnel

What is this life if, full of care.....
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Key’s POV :






It had rained a little last night. But, the morning seemed cool and fresh. A beautiful summer morning.




I had decided to come to terms with my feelings for Onew hyung and Jonghyun hyung, because I realized that Jonghyun hyung has feelings for him and I want to support him in his confession to Onew hyung.




I’m really surprised that I’m actually capable of giving up what I want for people whom I love and hold close to my heart!! I didn’t know I had it in me.




I was wandering around the Ryokan garden again. I liked wandering alone here somehow. It gave me time to myself. A space to think.




But today, all my space to think seemed to have been occupied.




“Natsu-chan, try to run to the other side, we’ll corner him from either end” , came someone’s loud voice, a girl's voice, a girl who sounded not much younger than myself.




“Aoi-chan!! Don’t jump about everywhere like that!!”, the little girl, whose name seemed to be Natsu-chan, shouted.




I came a bit closer to see what the commotion was all about and saw two girls, trying to catch hold of a puppy that seemed like it had been playing in the mud. I recognized that puppy. It was the one that had come to me the other day and sat with me when I was feeling down.




One of the two girls, who seemed just about my age, spotted me and said, “Why don’t you make yourself useful? Don’t just stand there! Help us catch Aoi-chan. He needs to take a bath.”




“Onee-chan!! don’t be rude to the customers. Mother will be angry if she finds out!!”, the little girl said.




“He’s a young man who has strength. He’ll be able to catch Aoi-chan quicker”, was her nonchalant reply.




Okay. I had NEVER been treated in an indifferent way like that before, forget being ordered around! I was so taken aback that I didn’t know how to react.




“Well? what are you waiting for Mr.?”




She was so

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Chapter 16: This sooo nice! The scenes described in here soo beautiful! I lv this story ans thanks for the Sequel! :D
kurniawatinia #2
i like it and eager to read this story, but i hope this story is one of best story i ever had read
fayrenz #3
Chapter 16: This was just amazing!!
The scenes you described were so vivid and beautiful in my mind...and the feelings in your words, so precious ♡
It was a very luxurious read x)
Chapter 17: Duuuuuude you should make movies <3
Chapter 17: I loved this fic!! <3
Your writing style *O*
Seriously love this!
It had a mysterious charm, a soothing effect!
I'm in awe of you *O*
kalistamaria #6
Annyeong unnie um do you mind if i give you comments? Hope you dont >.< First i'll gladly tell you that I LOVE your writting style so damn much it was sweet and flown smoothly like a river I love it so much but there's one thing that bothering me it's about the point mark (.) that you used so much - too much to be honest i just wondering why cause i didnt think it was nescessary except for giving a longer effect but it could be changed with space tho im sorry for critize your story unnie mianhae

anyway please check my fic too and give comments so i could be as good as you
kamsahamnida ^^
nomrawr #7
I loved how you had each line for the chapters. Like epic. No one would think so deep.

And Yes. The style u write is so different from the other fanfics you read anywhere else. <3
oh and PLEASE do criticize my shortcomings!! I want to improve my writing skills!!....and I will welcome negative ones too! I want to become a better author.
nomrawr #9
2Min. Ah! Finally! ^^ I loved the story.
So worth all the time i spent reading it :3
#10 doesn't that you know the symbolism behind the whole thing, if you ever read this whole fic the second time over, you'll get to see new things within it, that your mind's eye didn't catch before!! ^^