Summer Beauty

What is this life if, full of care.....
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Taemin’s POV :





I have been looking around for Kibum hyung for some time now, but I still couldn’t find him. I had checked in almost all the housing units. I hope Minho hyung finds Kibum hyung in the garden.




I saw Mrs. Akiyama walking about busily giving directions to a couple of Ryokan attendants. Poor lady, she never seemed to rest. Whenever I saw her she was always busy. But she was so soft spoken and kind. She always gave me a kind smile that reminded me of my mother.




“Natsu-chan, did you finish your school work?”, she asked a little girl who was running across the hall with a small pouch-like thing and a cat plush toy in her hands.




“Yes, mother. I did. Can I go play with Hiroki-kun and Hajime-chan now?”, she asked her mother with shiny expectant eyes.




“Alright. Tell Hiro-chan’s mother to come over with me to the shrine tomorrow. Don’t forget, okay?” was Mrs. Akiyama’s reply.




“Okay, mother. I won’t forget.” She replied and started running again, looking the other way and bumped into me.




“Oh, are you okay, little girl?”, I asked as I picked her up on her feet.




“Don’t call me little girl!!”, was her slightly angry reply.




“My name is Natsumi. It means “summer beauty”. But if you want, you can call me Natsu-chan.”, she smiled.




“where are you from, Onii-chan?” , she seemed a very jolly little girl.




“me? I’m from Korea.”




“waa...Korea? I wonder what that place is like?”, she sounded fascinated.


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Chapter 16: This sooo nice! The scenes described in here soo beautiful! I lv this story ans thanks for the Sequel! :D
kurniawatinia #2
i like it and eager to read this story, but i hope this story is one of best story i ever had read
fayrenz #3
Chapter 16: This was just amazing!!
The scenes you described were so vivid and beautiful in my mind...and the feelings in your words, so precious ♡
It was a very luxurious read x)
Chapter 17: Duuuuuude you should make movies <3
Chapter 17: I loved this fic!! <3
Your writing style *O*
Seriously love this!
It had a mysterious charm, a soothing effect!
I'm in awe of you *O*
kalistamaria #6
Annyeong unnie um do you mind if i give you comments? Hope you dont >.< First i'll gladly tell you that I LOVE your writting style so damn much it was sweet and flown smoothly like a river I love it so much but there's one thing that bothering me it's about the point mark (.) that you used so much - too much to be honest i just wondering why cause i didnt think it was nescessary except for giving a longer effect but it could be changed with space tho im sorry for critize your story unnie mianhae

anyway please check my fic too and give comments so i could be as good as you
kamsahamnida ^^
nomrawr #7
I loved how you had each line for the chapters. Like epic. No one would think so deep.

And Yes. The style u write is so different from the other fanfics you read anywhere else. <3
oh and PLEASE do criticize my shortcomings!! I want to improve my writing skills!!....and I will welcome negative ones too! I want to become a better author.
nomrawr #9
2Min. Ah! Finally! ^^ I loved the story.
So worth all the time i spent reading it :3
#10 doesn't that you know the symbolism behind the whole thing, if you ever read this whole fic the second time over, you'll get to see new things within it, that your mind's eye didn't catch before!! ^^