Saying I Love You ft. Im Yoona and Cho Kyuhyun.

Endless Music To My Ears (One-Shots)

Saranghae, Wo Ai Ni, Mahal Kita, I Love You. Those are the words I wanted to hear for ever since me and my boyfriend, Cho Kyuhyun got together. We’ve been an item for six days already and I haven’t heard him say any I love you to me even once or twice. Sometimes I wonder if he really does love me because normal couples say I love you to each other always, right? But us.. I don’t think we’re a normal couple. Everyday, when he sends me at home after school, he just gives me a little pink teddy bear with little heart near its belly button and immediately leaves. I badly wanted to ask him why he doesn’t say I love you to me but then I’m too shy to ask. Maybe he will get offended or something. Im Yoona.. do Cho Kyuhyun really love you or he’s just fooling you?

“Fishy, what should I do? I think he’s just fooling me..” I frowned as I faced my closest guy friend, Donghae. He used to be one of my suitors when we’re still in elementary but I told him we can't be together and fortunately,he accepted it. Actually, we became closer after that incident of me, dumping (not actually dumping) him. Donghae is a very kind guy and he’s always there for me whenever I need him. I call him Fishy and he calls me Deer. Funny nicknames, right?

“Deer Yoona, you know.. I said those three words to you when I was still courting you but him, you two are together now and then not even a single ‘I love you’ came out from his mouth.” Donghae said, scratching his head as I hit him playfully in his arm and said, “At least he is giving me a small plushy everyday!”

“What does a plushy even symbolizes?!” Donghae said as I looked down the floor. He’s right. What does even a small plushy symbolizes? What does it even have to do with our relationship? Ugh, negative thoughts keep entering my mind. Maybe.. this is just a rebound relationship? I heard Kyuhyun’s girlfriend before me is the sought-after maknae of the Queenkas named Seohyun. Maybe he’s just using me to forget her or make her jealous. Things just like that could possibly happen, right?

“I’m such a fool, Donghae.” I said and stood up. I went to the nearest wall and started banging my head softly on it.

“Yah! Im Yoona! You might sprain your head.” Donghae said as he placed his hands on my shoulders and shook me. “Just talk to him and clear everything. Killing yourself won’t do any good.” I laughed at what he said.

“I’m not killing myself.” I laughed more. “I’m just waking up myself to reality, okay?”

“I know. I’m just trying to make you laugh.” Donghae said as he showed his fishy smile to me. I really love this guy (as a friend only, kay?) so much. He really manages to makes me smile always when I have a gloomy day. He’s the one who always helps me in any kinds of problems too. He’s a life saver too. What’s not to like about him, right?

I tiptoed and looked around. I was shocked with what I saw; a jealous Kyuhyun that looks like he can kill somebody anytime. Once he saw me looking at him, he immediately walked away. What should I do? Shall I follow him or not? And why does he look like that? Is he mad or something? Is he mad at Donghae? Or maybe.. me? What did I do again?!

“Donghae, you saw Kyuhyun?” I asked and faced Donghae with a scared look.

“Yeah, looks like he’s going to kill someone.” He said, narrowing his eyes on me. I glared at him and said, “It’s you.” Donghae gave out a surprised look and pointed himself saying, “Me? Why me? What did I do?”

“Maybe he’s jealous?” I asked, not sure of what I have said. Donghae gave out a laugh as I hit him in his said.

“Im Yoona! What was that for?”

“It’s for you being stupid over a thing like this.” I said as I rolled my eyes at him. Maybe Kyuhyun is jealous of Donghae. Oh, I remember! I told him before that Donghae has courted me and I told him lots of stories about me and Donghae. Well, about our memories together. Maybe he became jealous because of that thing. Ugh. He really do gets jealous easily.. Why is that so?

“Eh, what should I do?” I said, giving Donghae a serious look. He knows it when I’m really serious already. I really need a plan for me to know the reason behind Kyuhyun’s not saying ‘I love you’ to me.

“Just like what you are doing right now..”

I was totally confused with what Donghae said. It’s with what I am doing right now? Like what? Like.. breathing or playing or I don’t know. “Like what, Fishy?” I asked, with a confused look in my face.

“Make him jealous. You are really a kid, Yoong! You don’t know things like that, huh.”

“I have a plan already!  We’ll have dinner later.” I smirked. “The three of us..”


“When is he coming, deer?” Donghae asked as I impatiently waited outside of the restaurant. I told Kyuhyun this afternoon that we’ll have a dinner in this restaurant but there’s still no signs of him in here. It’s been 3 damn hours already! It’s been 3 hours of waiting.. waiting for nothing.

“I don’t know with him.” I said, almost crying. H-he promised me..

“Let’s just eat then go home already, Yoong. We’re waiting for nothing.” Donghae said as I agreed. We went inside the restaurant and started eating the food we ordered awhile ago but I feel like not eating. I didn’t even eat or touch my food. I just stared at it while Donghae dug on his food just like a pig. He made me laugh again..

I really don’t know what will I do right now. A part of me says I should end this relationship because this thing is really going nowhere already. I feel like crying but I can’t, I need to be strong. Im Yoona is known for her willingness and strength. I should fight for this.. if this relationship is even worth fighting for.

“Do you think it’s worth fighting for?” I suddenly asked, causing the eating Donghae to be startled. Tears started flowing onto my cheeks now. I can’t control it. I’m not a crybaby but this thing suddenly made me cry. Does he deserve these tears of mine? Does he.. does he?

“Im Yoona, don’t you have trust in your relationship? Don’t think that way and please don’t cry. This is just a small thing that you two could talk over.” Donghae said. He gave me his hanky so I could wipe my face clean.

I accepted his hanky and started wiping my face then said, “I don’t even know if there’s this word trust in our relationship. He doesn’t even say I love you to me and then you’re expecting us to have trust. What a lame word.” Tears started flowing again. “Yeah, it’s a small thing, a very small one.. but it made me cry.”

“Let’s just go home, okay? I’ll pay for this. Wait a second.” He said.


“Honey, someone is looking for you. Go down here, fast.” I heard my mom shouted from downstairs. I didn’t go to school today so I could clear up my mind on everything that is currently happening in my life. But, who could look for me at this time? Oh, maybe it’s Donghae only..

“If it is Donghae, let him go here.” I shouted back.

“Sorry honey but it’s not Donghae. He said he’s Kyuhyun and he badly wanted to talk to you..” I was struck with what mom said. I-It’s Kyuhyun? What is he doing here? Oh yeah, I’m mad at him right now because of last night so I’ll not talk to him. EVER. What he did to me last night was cruel, very cruel.


“Sigh, youngsters nowadays.. He’s outside. Talk to him through your window.”

I peep through my window and saw him there. Once he saw me, I immediately went off the window.

IM YOONA. PLEASE TALK TO ME OR ELSE I WON’T LEAVE HERE.” I heard him shouted. Let’s see how long can you stay over there. W-wait, am I cruel to him? But he’s cruel to me last night!


It’s 10 pm right now and I peeped on my window. WHAT THE HELL IS HE STILL DOING THERE! It’s freaking 10 pm already and it’s very dark outside! Ugh. Should I go down and talk to him now so he’ll leave. I care for him so much. But.. he needs to feel what I felt last night, waiting for nothing. Ugh.

Minutes later, I heard him shouted, “IM YOONA, I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT YOU! TALK TO ME NOW.” And it’s on a FREAKING MEGAPHONE! It’s so loud and I’m sure many people in our neighborhood could hear it. What is he thinking? I peeped again on the window and saw him holding a bouquet of flowers too.  Then it suddenly rained hard. He’s going to get sick! He shouted again over the megaphone and suddenly, people came out from their houses already.. Uh-oh!

“Yoona! Please talk to this guy over here already!” I heard one shouted.

“It’s so noisy, we’re sleeping.” Another one said.

“Noona, I pity him! It’s raining cats and dogs but he’s still here waiting for you patiently.” A little boy said.

I looked around my room and saw the bunch of plushy he gives me everyday. That’s it. I’ll go and talk to him now. I need to clear everything now. I got my umbrella and hurriedly went downstairs.

I stepped outside the house and I heard the people clapping as they all entered their houses again. Kyuhyun smiled too, freezing because it’s cold. We’re the only ones left outside the house now.

“What do you want now? After letting me wait last night for nothing then you’ll talk to me and even say you can’t live without me over that freaking loud megaphone! Can’t you see I’m sleeping already and you are so damn noisy!” I shouted at him. It’s my first time shouting on him..

And you can’t even say I love you to me.” I mumbled under my breath. He laughed at me. Oops, he heard it!

“WHY THE HELL ARE YOU LAUGHING?” I shouted and he laughed once again. UGH! I hate him! I suddenly motioned myself to go back to the house. I was about to reach the gate when he held me by the wrist and let me face him. The umbrella I’m holding suddenly slipped of my hands. Afterwards, he cupped my face and immediately kissed me. My eyes grew wide with what he had done but then after a while, I just closed it. I’m cherishing this moment..

He broke the kiss and I hit him on his head. I was about to shout once again but he cut me off by saying, “HEAR ME OUT FIRST, OKAY?” I just nodded at what he had said.

He let out a heavy sigh before continuing, “First, I didn’t come last night because I was so jealous of that Donghae guy. I’m sorry but I saw everything that happened before that in school. He’s just too sweet towards you and I badly wanted to punch him. I know I’ll cause a trouble if I come last night because I really could have punched him. Second..” He stopped for a while and held my hands. “Remember those plushy that I gave to you everyday? Do you know what that symbolizes?” He, then, gave me another one.

“Then, what is this thing for? Again.” I answered, coldly as I rolled my eyes.

“Please press that little heart button and you’ll see.”

I lazily pressed the button and I was totally shocked with I have heard.. I love you, Im Yoona. Saranghae, Im Yoona. Mahal Kita, Im Yoona. Te Amo, Im Yoona. Wo Ai Ni, Im Yoona.”

“You mean every plushy that you gave me has this voice record?” I asked, shocked as he nodded at me.

“Yes and I am not saying ‘I love you’ to you personally everyday because I wanted to say my ‘I love you’ in a special way and in a special day.” He looked down then faced me and said, “I LOVE YOU, IM YOONA.”

Tears of joy started flowing onto my cheeks. He made me cry for the second time. He’s the first human being who made me cry consecutively for the second time in my whole life. I’m so happy because I have heard him say ‘I love you’ to me personally for the very first time. I really felt his love for me at this very moment..

“And I know you wonder why today is a special day because I said ‘I love you’ to you.” He said. I nodded in confusion as he continued, “It’s our one week today. We have been together for a week now.” I laughed whole-heartedly at what he had said. He really is giving importance to our relationship.

“You really are smart in dates, huh.” I laughed at him as he suddenly placed his arms around my waist.

“Well, that’s me.” He said proudly. “I love you Alligator Yoong..”

“Yah! It’s my turn now to not say ‘I love you’ to you.” I smirked. “I’ll take revenge on you..”

Kyuhyun pouted. “I’d rather die than not to hear those three words from you.

Aww, I love you more my EvilKyu.” I suddenly felt Kyu’s lips on mine for the second time around. And then we lived happily ever after. Well, let’s see.. LMAO.



Hey little_miss_psycho! ^o^ Here is you’re KyuNa request. I seriously had fun making this story. Keke~ 

Some parts are derived from my FAVORITE drama of all time, My Lucky Star! Who wouldn’t love that drama, right? And from saying that, I’m totally missing my Jimmy Lin right now. ROFL. Okay, next story will be fanficsforever’s request. >:D< Gomawo to my readers! I love you all.. ^o^


PS : You can request more than once. ^o^


Signing off,



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SuGen32 #1
Sunny and kyuhyun!!! !!!
SungHaJoon #3
Chapter 2: It's so sad :"(
killthemall #4
love it!! :DD
I'm okay as long as it's going to be a Sunny fic. <: I'll be waiting! :D
Update soon.
Made soon as sunny fic^^
@Kyusunlover: Nah, it's fine. I'll do all your requests, I promise! Hihi. Thank you for requesting! :D

HI GUYS!!!! I MISSED YOU ALL!! I've been really busy but I'm now working on some stories. Wait for it, kay? LOVE YA ALL! XOXO
Are you still accepting requests? If so, I'd like to request a couple pairings...
Sunny and Kyuhyun
Sunny and Donghae
Sunny and Yesung
Sunny and Shindong (I know, right!)
Sunny and Heechul
Sunny and Onew
Sunny and Siwon
Sunny and Taemin
Jessica and Donghae
YoonA and Siwon
Hyoyeon and Eunhyuk
Yuri and Yesung
Sooyoung and Ryeowook
Taeyeon and Leeteuk
Tiffany and Heechul

Is that too much? Probably... Sorry! You can choose one of the Sunny ones... Preferably the Sunny and Kyuhyun... I'm really sorry! You can think of them as ideas. Update soon!
tasyayufirswoon #9
oh so it's just a story turns out well I think the imagination just a real :(