Chapter 6: Abilities

The Future and its Past.

"No, Jong In-ah. It's too dangerous. We don't even know if we are sure we can use them or not. So no," Luhan said firmly. 

"You don't have to do anything dangerous. Just follow my lead. Tell the girls about this," Jong In replied back.

"No, Jong In, it's not that-" Luhan got cut off by Jong In.

"What's the problem, then?" Jong In asked, seeming like he doesn't care about what Luhan has to say.

"It's Ji Eun. She's too weak to even stand up, Jong In," Luhan said as he saw the drastic change of expression in Jong In's face. Jong In ran a hand through his hair and sighed. 

"She'll be better by the time of the checkup," he answered. 

"Okay.. whatever you say," Luhan said as he got off his bunk and went to Jessica. Jong In looked at Jessica as Luhan told her the plan. She looked worried, but not surprised. She looked at Luhan. Luhan shrugged. She looked at Jong In. He pretended to ignore her.

"Lu-luhan?" all three of them froze and looked to see where that came from. Ji Eun was awakening. Luhan ran to her side and Jong In was about to also, but something stopped him. Images of her being taken away, not knowing what was coming, made him feel so guilty. He couldn't see her innocent yet pain stricken face just yet. He watched as Luhan helped Ji Eun get up and put her arm around his shoulder. He wanted to deny it, but he was feeling a small pang of jealousy. "I should be the one helping her... I'm the one who didn't tell her about the testing process earlier..." he said to himself. Jong In just stared at Ji Eun as she and Luhan passed him to get water. Luhan was getting her a cup of water and left her unattended. She began to wobble and was about to fall. However, Jong In reached out and grabbed her waist before she fell. He helped her up. 

Ji Eun slowly turned her head to the person who saved her and she was faced with a pair of deep, dark eyes, full of worry. She smiled weakly and thanked him.

"Thank you..." Ji Eun said, almost in a whisper. Jong In didn't answer. He was looking at her with soft eyes and he couldn't believe how weak and light she is. He went from holding her waist to carrying her bridal style to his bed, which was closer to the water fountain than her bed.

"What did they exactly do to you that you are this weak?" he asked as he set her down on his bed.

"They-they stuck like a thousand needles in me and like-like," Ji Eun stuttered, not wanting to talk about her painful memory. "The tests got worse..." Jong In thought. Back then when he was one of the only few captured here, they did nothing but a simple blood test and a body checkup. Then they input some kind of weird liquid and that's where he got the ability of having a body "made of steel" He was bulletproof and he couldn't feel any physical pain. The injuries show up on his body, but they don't hurt. He thought about how he could use his abilities, along with the others', to escape. Luhan had the ability to take over people's minds and Jessica had the ability to temporarily shapeshift into anything she wants, but she has to see an image of it first. But he didn't find out what Ji Eun's ability was yet. He was planning to ask her if she had any clue to what it is. "For now," he thought, "I'll just plan without her ability in use."

"Hey Luhan," Jong In said to him after they put Ji Eun to rest. 

"Yeah?" Luhan asked. Hearing them having a conversation, Jessica soon joined them too. She sat next to Luhan on his bed and stared at Jong In, who was standing in front of Luhan and Jessica, ready to speak. Luhan unnoticingly blushed when he saw how close Jessica was near him. Yes, he liked Jessica since the first week she came here, but she only had eyes for Jong In. "Snap out of it Luhan! You can never get her anyways..." he frowned mentally. He was thinking about Jessica too much that he didn't notice that both Jessica and Jong In were staring at him while he was staring at the space between him and Jessica.

"Am I bothering you somehow?" Jessica asked coldly.

"Wha-what? What happened?" Luhan snapped out from his thoughts.

"You were staring at the space between you and me. Am I bothering you?" Jessica asked once again, still cold.

"No, not at all!" Luhan waved, trying to give a smile. Jessica slowly transformed from her icey stare to a warm, yet firm stare seeing Luhan smile. She had to admit, Luhan was pretty cute for a guy that was older than her. She turned her attention back to Jong In who was looking into space, eyes empty.

"Hello? Earth to Jong In!" Jessica waved her hand in front of his face. 

"Sorry," Jong In said as he snapped out from his thoughts. 

"What were you going to tell us?" Luhan whispered, still embarrased. 

"About the escape," Jong In said, causing Jessica and Luhan stare at him with wide, worried eyes.

"What's your plan?" Jessica asked, even though she was worried and a bit scared.

"We'll use our abilities. I have the ability of a hurtproof body, so I'll distract the guards on the monthly test day. I'm pretty sure guards will come get us from our rooms.  I will fight them off and tie them in the corner of our room. Jessica will use her shapeshifting to transform into a guard and she will bring us out, acting as if a guard was bringing us out. To actually get out of the jail cell hall, Luhan will read the door guard's mind to find out the passcode to the lock. Jessica will unlock the lock with the number code that Luhan reads out. I don't know what Ji Eun's power is so I'll leave her out for now and she just follows us," Jong In told them. 

"Do you have any idea to what her power may be?" Jessica asked. 

"No, that's what I nee-" Jong In was cut off by Ji Eun who interrupted him, saying, "I have the ability to control bodies. With their blood," Ji Eun said, faintly.



Sorry for the late update once again :/ I was once again busy with  summer studies and volunteer work D:

I know it was late but please enjoy! :3 


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Chapter 11: Please update soon ouo
Chapter 11: PLEASE DON'T MAKE THE CHAIR INTO A SICK PEDO (no offense to the situations in India and in Ancient civilizations) who loves to mentally abuse and torture a poor boy..
Chapter 11: Oh I think Kai will have more superpower than he already have. Good Luck on your mid-term :))
MilkyCouple4ever #4
Chapter 11: OH NOOOO.
Chapter 11: oh ____! bom, please be fine >_<
jongin, sorry for my negative thinking about you. the reality is really hurt. i cant imagine how hurt it is T.T
please dont die, kim jongin! pleaseee
i wanna kill the chairman so bad ><"
oh and hwaiting for your test \^^/
Chapter 10: Oh they must saved him back. It's an amazing story :))
MilkyCouple4ever #8
Chapter 10: YAH YOU PABO JONG IN!!!!