Chapter 7: Escape

The Future and its Past.


There was a brief silence after Ji Eun's confession. Of course, their thoughts weren't silent. In fact, their thoughts were filled with confusion, enlightenment, and a dash of surprise. Jongin was using his intelligence to figure out a way to incorporate her power into his already thought out plan. Luhan was busy gawking at the fact that a fragile girl could have such a power. And Jessica, well, she feared the greatness of Ji Eun's power. The cold, ice princess who wasn't afraid of anything was afraid of a fragile girl with a great power. It was Jongin who broke the silence.
"Ji Eun, you could be in charge of the front gate guards if I don't make it in time to go with you guys," he told Ji Eun who had a hesitant look on her face. 
"What do you mean you might not make it? You better not-" Jessica said with a frustrated tone. The way he said that so simply made her heart drop. What if the worst happened to him? She didn't want to lose anyone, especially Jongin. Jessica fiddled with her hair and turned around to lay down in her bed. She didn't want to show anyone her mask full of worry. Seeing the ice princess melt into what seemed like a lost young adult, Jongin walked over to her.
"Jessica, don't worry about me. I'll be fine," he whispered gently. She didn't bother to turn around and face him. Once again, she didn't want to show him the weak side of her. Jongin sighed and turned around to face the group. 
"I-I don't think I can do it. I don't even know how to use my ability or what I'm capable of. I just can't do it. I never hurt anyone before," Ji Eun spoke up quietly. Jongin was just about to open his mouth and speak when Luhan spoke first. 
"Ji Eun, it's okay. I'll be there with you and so will Jessica. And don't worry about hurting the guards because they've done much worse things to innocent people to deserve the freedom they have now," Luhan encouraged her in an attempt to make her feel less pressured. Jongin did nothing but just stare at Ji Eun. That familiar pang of guilt washed over him again. 

- - -

It was finally reaching dawn, but of course, the captured wouldn't have known anyways. Instead, the inmates at Room A-5 observed the movement of the guards. The nightwatch guards were going to their own dorms to sleep while the daywatch guards were getting ready to do their task until the afternoon. By now, Jongin knew what time it was just by the movement of these guards. He definitely knew that it was time to put his plan into action. Jongin silently and stealthly snuck out of his bed and woke up Luhan, who was busy snoring away in dreamland. Jongin was exchanging glances from Luhan to the guards outside, just in case they discover him awake. 
"Luhan, wake up," Jongin whispered in a slight tone of a plea. Luhan continued to snore for a few more seconds until he woke up with an alarmed face. Just as he was about to ask if something happened, Jongin covered his mouth with his hand and shushed him while glancing at the guards once again. Nothing. That was good. Leaving Luhan to get to his senses, Jongin crept to Jessica, where she was sleeping like her regular self; no expression whatsoever. He slightly shook her arm, but the only thing that came back was silence. He tried Plan B.
"Jessica, wake up," he whispered softly near her ear. This time, he earned a response in the form of a groan, which was not good enough. He called over to Luhan who was now fully awake and alert. 
"Come wake Jessica up," Jongin whispered to Luhan as he used his tall structure to peek at Ji Eun. It seemed as though she was sleeping, but to his surprise, she was not.
"Is it time for us to go already?" Ji Eun asked gently.
"You didn't get any sleep?" he asked, ignoring her question. 
"I did, not just a deep one," she sighed, "I was too afraid to sleep because if I did, all that I dreamt about was those tests and the pain that came along," she whimpered. Ji Eun slipped off her blanket and came down from the top bunk. Jongin aided her side and slipped his hand into hers. He could hear her gasp slightly and feel her gaze on him. "Don't worry. You won't go through that ever again. This time, I'll promise," he told her. Hearing this, Ji Eun could feel her self loosening up and she held his hand firmly. When she heard that coming from him, she didn't know why but she felt as though he was saying this like he meant it. She could trust him. 
Jongin peeked out the small circular window that was on the door to check the situation outside. From what he could see, there were about five guards walking around in the hallway of all the Section A Rooms. They were all equipped with specialized guns for the experiments, tough armor, and walkie-talkies. Five wasn't much, but it was going to be hard for Luhan to control all of their minds at once. He then thought of a daring, but possible plan. 
"Guys, get back to bed and Luhan, get ready to use your ability," he said. The three scattered to their beds, still alert. Luhan hid under his blanket, slightly peeking at the door. Jongin knocked on the door to get the nearest guard's attention. The guard turned his head to the room the knocking was coming from. As the guard got up to see inside the window, Jongin hid in the shadows. Full of suspision, the guard opened the door and walked in, in a ready-to-attack stance. Just as his body was in the room, Jongin stood up and closed the door, which locked from the inside. Before the guard could alert the rest of his men, Luhan took over his mind and silenced him. From what Jongin could see, the guard was taking off his uniform and once he did, he walked over to the bed and handcuffed himself to one of the bed posts. Luhan took the uniform and was dressing into it.
"What are you doing?" Jongin asked. He was supposed to disguise as the guard, not Luhan. 
"The guards know your face, Jongin. If they notice that you're gone, they're going to know something's going on," Luhan said as he quickly changed. Jongin just silently and slowly nodded in the dark, worrying about Luhan. Jongin walked over to the guard, who was passed out from his mind getting taken over, and wrapped his mouth with a piece of a blanket. Luhan finished off the guard look with the weapon and looked through the window once again. 
"Are you guys ready for this?" he asked. Both Jessica and Ji Eun shook their head hesitantly, but surely. Luhan searched for the card which was hidden in the guard's uniform and whipped it out. He took a deep breath and let it out. He could feel his hands slightly shaking as the card was nearing to the card lock. Luhan finally slid the card down and the door made a slight click sound as it opened to freedom. 

- - -

One by one, the imprisoned at Room A-5 were exiting with their heads down and hands back. It was a custom for the prisoners to do that whenever they leave a room. The guards were glancing at them, but didn't seem to have much interest in them because they had a "guard" with them. Which was, of course, Luhan in disguise. They quietly left the hallway without being suspected and now they had to find a way to safely get out of the building itself. The four walked, without looking anyone in the eye. They wanted to get out of here, quietly without any disrupts. Luckily, the doctors and guards walking past them didn't even look their way a bit. They were approaching the doorway to freedom with no commotion when suddenly they hear something that makes their hearts drop. 
"Those four are the experiments at Room A-5! Code red! I repeat, code red!" a guard that was in their hallway was yelling into his walkie-talkie. Soon, everyone there started to run after them and called backup. 
"Run!" was the only thing Jongin said. Just then, Luhan took off his heavy helmet and ran towards the door. The door was less than a yard away and the guards were in their proximity. At last, the four reached the door, huffing while glancing at the guards that were close. To their unfortunate luck, the door wouldn't budge when the pushed against. Jongin kicked the door as hard as he can and soon, the four started to abuse the door until it finally gave way and it opened a peek. 
"Go go, hurry!" Jongin rushed them out of the tiny door space. Starting with Ji Eun, one by one, they exited from hell and into heaven. As Luhan squeezed out, the door closed shut. The group breathed in the fresh air and sighed happily. The thought of freedom was overwhelming to the three escapees. However, after a short moment of happiness, along came an unfortunate realization. To their horror, Jongin was nowhere to be seen.

Oooooh~ suspenseful (at least I tried xP)

Hey guys I wanted to update just in time for Jongin's 19th (or 20th) birthday today ♥

So enjoy guys~ ^o^ Don't forget to comment and subscribe! 

And happy late birthday to Kyungsoo and happy birthday to my lover bias, Kim Jongin! ♥




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Chapter 11: Please update soon ouo
Chapter 11: PLEASE DON'T MAKE THE CHAIR INTO A SICK PEDO (no offense to the situations in India and in Ancient civilizations) who loves to mentally abuse and torture a poor boy..
Chapter 11: Oh I think Kai will have more superpower than he already have. Good Luck on your mid-term :))
MilkyCouple4ever #4
Chapter 11: OH NOOOO.
Chapter 11: oh ____! bom, please be fine >_<
jongin, sorry for my negative thinking about you. the reality is really hurt. i cant imagine how hurt it is T.T
please dont die, kim jongin! pleaseee
i wanna kill the chairman so bad ><"
oh and hwaiting for your test \^^/
Chapter 10: Oh they must saved him back. It's an amazing story :))
MilkyCouple4ever #8
Chapter 10: YAH YOU PABO JONG IN!!!!