Chapter 8: Punishment Part 1.

The Future and its Past.

Jongin's POV

It was working. We were finally literally a step away from freedom. Along with the others, I arrived at the metal door which was the only barrier between us and the outside world. I pulled at the handle, only to find it locked shut. For the first time in years, I panicked. The cries of the guards were getting closer and closer. I kicked the door as hard as I can and to my surprise, it opened a peek. Starting with Ji Eun, I helped the others squeeze through the space in the door. By the time Jessica escaped, the guards were coming into sight. They were literally about 10 steps away from us. In a hurry, I pushed Luhan through the door. Luckily, he slipped right out, meeting with the girls. By now, the guards were ganging up on me with crooked smirks and grins plastered onto their faces. They were holding weapons of all kind. I swiftly fit half my body out the opening and was about to bring my other leg out, but I couldn't. Just then, I could feel the whole world crashing down. I struggled to get my other foot out, but something was preventing that from happening. I could see the joyful look on the faces of the others quickly turning into a look of horror when they noticed I wasn't there. I could feel something pull against my leg and the grip on my leg was getting tighter; I was being pulled back. Gripping the door as hard as I can, I tried to fight against the force, but I just couldn't. My arms were the first ones to give in and then my whole body just gave in. "I'm sorry," was the last thing I could say to the others. I was caught again. 

The guards harshly pulled me and detached me from the door, causing me to fall on my head and face. I could feel the guards roughly handling me; they were flipping me over to my stomach, harshly pulling my arms back, and handcuffing me. I looked up once more to the metal door and pictured what the others would be like outside. Were they alarmed? Frightened? Devastated? 'Cause that's what I feel like right now. I continued to thrash out and struggle with the guards, but I was nothing compared to six burly guards and two scientists. The last thing I remember was a sharp pain on the back of my neck and head. Then I out.

End of Jongin's POV


The guards were holding down the struggling boy. They knew he wasn't going to stand a chance with the guards against him. A scientist hurriedly stuck a needle filled with chloroform and injected the drug into the boy, making him pass out immediately. The guard who held Jongin in place by placing his knee on his back, stood up as soon as the boy stopped squirming. Another guard slung the lifeless boy over his shoulder and brought him to the lab, instead of his cell. The guard placed him on the lab table, while the doctors hooked the poor boy up with needles of all kinds.

"Why are we bringing him here, doctor?" a guard asked. 

"It was handed to us as an order from the chairman himself," Dr. Park gulped, looking distressed. 


20 Minutes Ago...

Dr. Bom Park was watching the madness from her lab, gasping at the daring prisoners. The ringing of the phone made her jump in her chair and she went to go pick it up. It was the chairman.

"Dr. Park! Is it true that the prisoners of Room A-5 have escaped?" he yelled into the phone, damaging the doctor's eardrums. 

"No, sir. All but one have escaped, sir," she replied firmly.

"Who may that be?" he said in a tone that made her shiver.

She gulped while answering hesitantly, "Prisoner number 11494, Kim Jongin, sir."

"Jongin, huh? Well, it doesn't surprise me. You know how special he is in this experiment, right?" She could swear he was smirking on the other side of the phone.

"Y-yes, sir," she stuttered. 

"Good. Now I want you to take out every part of manmade blood there is from his body. Is that clear?" he ordered the poor doctor.

"B-but sir. That is way too dangerous for the experiment. If we take out the superhuman blood, he will only be left with a small blood amount, which can kill instantly," she warned the chairman.

"Do you want me to do what I did last time when you didn't follow my orders?" he asked with a sinister tone.

Dr. Park bit her lip. She trembled at the thought of that time and she could feel the tears well up again. "N-no s-sir, I apologize f-for my ignorance," she managed to say. Then he hung up and left her trembling, tears dangerously about to fall from her eyes. No matter how much she tried to forget it, the memories of that day kept haunting her thoughts. The way how a cup of tea progressed into an unexpected crime. Yes, she was that night. 

- - -

Here she is, sticking a bunch of needles into the poor boy's body. She looked at his face sympathetically and wondered how he got here in the first place. She remembered the time when he was 15. He was so frail, young, and depressed. She remembered the first time he got his blood switched around and it wasn't very pleasant to watch. She would often look away, not wanting to watch the little boy howl in pain and not even having the energy to cry. Now here he is again, 5 years later, laying down on the same bed. She observed his features. He had grown up to be a handsome and tall man, with deep eyes full of hurt and the fullest lips. But all she could see in him was the 15-year old Kim Jongin.

She sighed as she pushed the button to activate the machine that out the inhuman blood. It was heartbreaking to see the boy grimace in pain, even though he was passed out. After all the blood was out, she took the needles out. She replaced the needles with new, clean ones and stuck them in him again. Although she wasn't ordered to, she was going to fill the rest of his blood with blood preserved for an experiment. She looked around if anyone was still in the lab and when the coast was clear, she snuck to the blood storage and took out a container. It read "Sample Blood #0132; DO NOT TOUCH!" She ignored all that and poured it into the machine. She pressed the button to activate it and she watched the virtual diagram as it displayed the amount of blood rushing into his body. After he was filled with enough blood a human should have, she stopped the machine, took the needles out and put the rest of the blood back into the storage. 

Bom walked back into the lab while wiping her hands on her lab coat, only to find the guards putting Jongin over his shoulder like a rag doll. 

"What do you think you're doing right now?! Put him down this instant!" she exclaimed as she ran over to the guard. 

"Move out of the way doctor! This is a command!" the chief guard spat back at her face.

"The boy is not even awake yet! Do you really want him to di-" she was cut off by a hard, stinging slap to her face which sent her to the floor. Dr. Park just stayed on the cold floor, on her knees and touching her red, hot cheek. She was frozen for a few seconds, until she just lost it. By this time, her fellow lab mates were gathering around her, consoling her. Her tears just poured out nonstop and it didn't look like it was going to stop anytime soon.

Hey guys! This chapter was pretty sad to write... Dx poor Jongin../.

This chapter includes PARK BOM /claps ^^

Remember her in the past chapter? Yeah, she's pretty nice :) The chairman basically her brutally for not following his commands asdfghjkl go die chairman! Anyways~ always remember to subscribe and comment below! Thank you for reading! 

P.S: I probably won't be able to update soon because of midterms... eff you midterms T^T

P.P.S The next chapter will be rated M for violence! 





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Chapter 11: Please update soon ouo
Chapter 11: PLEASE DON'T MAKE THE CHAIR INTO A SICK PEDO (no offense to the situations in India and in Ancient civilizations) who loves to mentally abuse and torture a poor boy..
Chapter 11: Oh I think Kai will have more superpower than he already have. Good Luck on your mid-term :))
MilkyCouple4ever #4
Chapter 11: OH NOOOO.
Chapter 11: oh ____! bom, please be fine >_<
jongin, sorry for my negative thinking about you. the reality is really hurt. i cant imagine how hurt it is T.T
please dont die, kim jongin! pleaseee
i wanna kill the chairman so bad ><"
oh and hwaiting for your test \^^/
Chapter 10: Oh they must saved him back. It's an amazing story :))
MilkyCouple4ever #8
Chapter 10: YAH YOU PABO JONG IN!!!!