Chapter 5: A Plan of Escape

The Future and its Past.

"What is Jong In doing all by himself?" Jessica thought. Jessica watched as Jong In was laying in his bed, in deep thinking. As much as she wanted to ask him, she didn't have the courage to ask him. "Aish, what's keeping you from talking to him, Jessica?" she scolded herself. She was walking over to Jong In's bed and she poked his arm. 

"Jong In-ah, are you alright?" She asked.

"Oh um.. yeah.. I'm fine," he replied back without opening his eyes, almost as if he didn't want to talk to Jessica. She wanted to say something back, but she really didn't know what to say.

"Oh..okay then.." she said in a hushed voice, almost in a whisper. She began to walk away, but she felt a hand grabbing her arm. Her heart skipped a beat and turned around.

"Y-yeah? What?" she asked.

"Jessica, are you happy here?" Jong In asked, still eyes closed. She was surprised at the question. He obviously knew that this place was like a living hell, but why would he ask that?

"Obviously not," she answered with firmness.

"Okay then. Sorry for holding you here," Jong In said as he let go of her. He thought about her answer. "Obviously not... I wonder if it's how I feel also..." Jong In thought. 

Jessica walked to her bed and thought about the conversation she had right now with Jong In. The warmth of his touch was still on her arm, where he grabbed her. "What in the world are you planning to do, Kim Jong In? Please don't let it be dangerous like last time..." she shivered at the memory of the last time he did something dangerous.



A guard was checking up on the room. Suddenly Jong In spoke up, with Jessica and Luhan looking at him with worry.

"Let me go see him," Jong In demanded. 

"How dare you speak of the chairman like that?!" the guard asked, infuriated. Luhan and Jessica were sending Jong In mental signals to cut it out, but the passage to his thoughts were blocked. Jong In sneered.

"Then what do you want me to call him? Should I call him master or his majesty?" He taunted as he mockingly bowed down. The guard, so infuriated, he kicked Jong In in the stomach. Jong In got up and cracked his knuckles. Then he punched the guard across the face, sending him to the floor. The guard tried to kick him again, but Jong In dodged him, went behind him, and kicked his back. Other guards flooded in, looking at Jong In, the guard on the floor, and Jessica and Luhan. 

Jong In broke the silence saying, "Will this get me to see him?" he smirked. The guards roughly took him by the shoulders and brought him out of the room. Jessica and Luhan glanced at each other. 

"What's wrong with him? Does he want to get killed?" Luhan exclaimed, worriedly. Jessica was thinking of the way he acted; so daring and rebellious with a hint of mocking. She never saw that side to Jong In before.

He came back later, all beaten. 

"Jong In-ah!" A worried Luhan rushed to help him. 

"I'm fine," Jong In said, as he pushed him away. He headed over to the water fountain and washed the blood from his cuts away. It seemed like it didn't hurt. 

"How are you fine? You're beaten up! You don't have to act all cool in front of us!" Jessica finally exploded. She and Luhan were worrying about him, but Jong In was pretending nothing happened. She was mad at how careless he is. 

"I guess I have a high pain tolerance," Jong In shrugged and laid down in his bed. Jessica's mouth dropped open and she stomped to her bed and laid down. Luhan was caught in the tension and just tiptoed to his bunk above Jong In's bed. 

Luhan peeked down to see Jong In closing his eyes. 

"Why did you want to see the chairman?" Luhan whispered to Jong In.

"It's nothing. I guess I just wanted to see him," Jong In said back. "He's not telling us something... He has a secret....." Luhan thought. Then the three of them went to sleep with a lot to think about.

End of Flashback


Jong In was thinking of a way to escape. He needed a plan, and fast. Then he got it. "That's it. The monthly testing. That's the day we escape."

He opened his eyes and saw that everyone was in their bed, fast asleep or just laying down. He was going to tell Luhan first.

"Luhan," Jong In called to a sleeping Luhan above in his bed. 

"Hmm... yeah?" Luhan woke up, hearing Jong In call him.

"I have a plan. A way of escape," Jong In said. Luhan was half-asleep and didn't process Jong In's words. But then he replayed those words in his head and  he shot up. 

"What?! Are you crazy?!" Luhan whispered furiously. 

"Maybe I am, but me being crazy is the last of your worries," Jong In whispered back calmly.

"So let me hear this awesome plan of yours," Luhan whispered back.

"We are going to escape on the day of the monthly checkup and you don't have to do anything but listen to my orders," Jong In commanded.

"But that's like two days from now? How are we going to get out with all the heavy guarding?" Luhan asked, worriedly. 

"Easy, we use what we are in here for," Jong In said with a smirk. Luhan didn't know what he was talking about. Then he knew. Their individual dangers that make them different from normal people. Their skills. 

{A/N: Yes I know this is confusing, so let me write this to the readers :) So Jong In is planning to escape by using their each individual skills. This institute that they are in is like a lab kind of thingy. They kidnap kids and teenagers and experiment on them, giving each person their own individual skill. The national government are actually supporting them because they believe the kids and teenagers can make a skilled military, serving a good purpose. Their "superhuman powers" are given to them at the day of the testing. That's what Ji Eun had to go through. They take out 75% of your own blood, store it and inserts a type of manmade blood that makes you biological superhuman. So basically everyone has these skills.}


Any questions? I'm sure you have a lot :) Well, I don't blame you. This chapter was really confusing but TRUST ME, they will be solved later. So bear with me for now~

Comment below ALL of your questions and I will answer them in a separate page! But I can't answer anything that reveals any secrets so be careful! Remember to read the Author's Notes!







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Chapter 11: Please update soon ouo
Chapter 11: PLEASE DON'T MAKE THE CHAIR INTO A SICK PEDO (no offense to the situations in India and in Ancient civilizations) who loves to mentally abuse and torture a poor boy..
Chapter 11: Oh I think Kai will have more superpower than he already have. Good Luck on your mid-term :))
MilkyCouple4ever #4
Chapter 11: OH NOOOO.
Chapter 11: oh ____! bom, please be fine >_<
jongin, sorry for my negative thinking about you. the reality is really hurt. i cant imagine how hurt it is T.T
please dont die, kim jongin! pleaseee
i wanna kill the chairman so bad ><"
oh and hwaiting for your test \^^/
Chapter 10: Oh they must saved him back. It's an amazing story :))
MilkyCouple4ever #8
Chapter 10: YAH YOU PABO JONG IN!!!!