Chapter 1: The New Girl

The Future and its Past.

It was silent in Room A-5; with the exception of Lu Han and his ongoing, loud mouth.

"Argh! I'm so hungry~ Why won't they give us food already? It's breakfast time! If I wait more, it's going to be lunch time already!" he whined. He looked down from his top bunk to see Jong In. 

"Hey Jong In-ah! Aren't you hungry?! You didn't eat dinner last night! Hello? Jong In-ah~" Lu Han said, calling out to Jong In. Kim Jong In was sleeping on the bottom bunk below Lu Han's top bunk and he woke up to Lu Han's talking. 

"What the hell does he want from me now?" Jong In grumbled. He tossed and turned before he actually got up and slowly walked to the water fountain. The water fountain was sort of like a storage for fresh water that the guards pour in every morning from the control room like a hose for 1 hour before they turn the water supply off.  Then the prisoners have to use that water for the whole day. Luckily, the water was still running and Jong In cupped his hands and scooped fresh, cold water and splashed it on his face. He then walked to the mirror and looked at his reflection.

"Kim Jong In, why are you still in this evil prison? I'm disappointed in you," his reflection said to him. He sighed deeply and turned around. He turned around to face the room where he was stuck in for 8 years. It was bright plain white because of the white cushioned walls. There was no furniture except for two bunk beds, the fountain, and the mirror. He felt like he was in a mental hospital patient's room.

"Ya! Jong In-ah! The guards are coming!" Lu Han exclaimed. Jong In snapped out of his thoughts and realized that the footsteps were getting louder. Then the cell door creaked open, revealing two heavily armed guards holding the arms of a girl. 

"Ow! Let go of me! What kind of school treats students like this on the first day of school?! I'm going to complain!" the girl was yelling at the guards.

"Shut up!" one of the guards commanded as he slapped her across the face. She looked shocked as they threw her into Room A-5. She bounced a little when she landed on the floor because of the cushion-padding on the floor. She stared at Jong In for a while, then Lu Han, then Jessica. Then she started sobbing. Lu Han, being the ladies' man, jumped from his top bunk and ran to the girl.

"Hey, are you okay?" Lu Han asked her as he helped her up from the floor. She looked up at him and he smiled back at her.

"Wow, he looks like a baby.." she thought. She stood up straight and wiped her tears and presented herself.

"Annyeong, my name is Lee Ji Eun! Nice to meet you guys!" she tried her best to sound happy.

"My name is Lu Han," Lu Han said, pointing to himself, "that tall guy over there is Jong In and her name is Jessica!" Jessica looked at her coldly, but at the same time with sympathetic eyes. 

"She looks so young... captured at a young age.." Jessica thought. 

"Where do *sniff* I sleep?" Ji Eun sniffled. 

"You sleep on the top bunk of Jessica's two floor bed!" Lu Han said. He grabbed Ji Eun's arm and gave her a tour of the room, which was soon to be like torture for the young girl.



So guys~ how did you like this chapter? It introduces Lu Han, Jong In, Jessica, and Ji Eun! Isn't Lu Han just so adorable? ><

Argh he is just so adorable. ><


*Author's Note*

If you are confused with anything, feel free to leave comments below and I will proudly answer them for you! 

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Chapter 11: Please update soon ouo
Chapter 11: PLEASE DON'T MAKE THE CHAIR INTO A SICK PEDO (no offense to the situations in India and in Ancient civilizations) who loves to mentally abuse and torture a poor boy..
Chapter 11: Oh I think Kai will have more superpower than he already have. Good Luck on your mid-term :))
MilkyCouple4ever #4
Chapter 11: OH NOOOO.
Chapter 11: oh ____! bom, please be fine >_<
jongin, sorry for my negative thinking about you. the reality is really hurt. i cant imagine how hurt it is T.T
please dont die, kim jongin! pleaseee
i wanna kill the chairman so bad ><"
oh and hwaiting for your test \^^/
Chapter 10: Oh they must saved him back. It's an amazing story :))
MilkyCouple4ever #8
Chapter 10: YAH YOU PABO JONG IN!!!!