Chapter 3: Reality

The Future and its Past.

It was 5AM in the morning, after the confusing night for Ji Eun. She heard sounds, causing her to wake up. "Ugh, what is umma doing again?" she groaned, thinking she was still at home. However, she wasn't. When she opened her eyes, all she could see was a dark room with two bunk beds.

"So that wasn't a dream... *sigh*" she said. She kept hearing the sounds coming from outside the room. She wanted to see what it was, but there was no windows or anything, so she just sat down on the cushioned floor. The sounds got louder and louder and the louder it got, the more it sounded like footsteps. The footsteps stopped in front of her room. The door opened to reveal a bright light and three huge shadows. 

"Number 51693!" the shadow commanded. When Ji Eun squinted her eyes, she saw that those were not shadows; they were huge, scary guards. The guard repeated again. "Number 51693!" At first, Ji Eun was confused. Then, she looked at her nametag and to her horror, it read "51693". 

"Yes sir! Number 51693!" she answered, just like the way Lu Han taught her last night. 

"Why are you not answering faster! Next time, you will receive a punishment! Understood?" the guard shouted at her face.

"Y-yes sir," Ji Eun answered, shaking with fear. 

Jong In was watching this whole scene. He knew what they were going to do to her and what she has to go through. He grimaced at the painful memory when he got brought down like Ji Eun. They were going to take tests on her.

Ji Eun was being dragged by two guards by her arms. Each guard held one arm. She walked and walked until like what felt like forever, until the halted at this glass door. She couldn't see the inside because the glass wasn't transparent. However, when the door slid open to the guard's command, she wished she had never seen it.

Meanwhile, back in the room, Jong In couldn't fall asleep after what he saw. He was constantly worrying about Ji Eun. She was too cheerful and innocent to go through pain like this. "Whatever," he sighed as he his bed. He tried to fall asleep but he couldn't. He got up and sat at the edge of his bed. However, just a few minutes later, he fell asleep, having nothing to do.

"Bye, umma! I'm late to school!" 15 year old Jong In said. 

"Don't forget to say bye to your stepfather also!" his mother called back. Jong In groaned. When he saw his stepfather, Jong In ignored his stepfather's greeting and ran out of the front door. "You are not my father and never will be," Jong In grumbled. Jong In sensed something was wrong, but he thought it was simply the gloomy weather. He shrugged it off and went to school. Jong In was top in class, being very smart and attentative. He went home late because of the late night studies he had. He opened the door and-

"JONG IN-AH WAKE UP~~" Jong In heard a voice said. He shot straight up and bumped his head on the  top bunk. 

"Aish...." Jong In grumbled while rubbing his head.

"Finally you're awake!" Lu Han was staring at him, blinking. "He really looks like a baby and acts like one, too," Jong In thought. Jessica was just glaring at Jong In, like he did something wrong.

"Why are you sweating? Did you have a bad dream?" Lu Han asked. "Wait, that was a dream.... more like a memory..." Jong In sighed to himself.

He looked around and saw something that was out of place. Ji Eun wasn't in the room. "Is she still doing her tests?" Jong In thought.

"Lu Han, what time is it?" Jong In asked.

"Oh! You didn't say something mean to me for once!" Lu Han said while smiling from ear to ear.

"Where's Ji Eun?" Jong In asked. As soon as she heard Ji Eun's name coming out from Jong In's mouth, she felt a pang of jealousy.

~ ~ ~

"AHHH! HELP ME! ANYONE!" Ji Eun was yelling. There were needles from everywhere and they were going to enter her body anytime soon. 

"Don't worry; this won't hurt a bit..." a woman with a surgical mask and gloves and a white gown tried to calm her down. She looked like she felt bad for Ji Eun. She had it in her eyes. Unlike the people here, the woman was the only one who looked sympathetic. Ji Eun read her nametag, "Dr. Bom Park". Just then, her mind went blank. She couldn 't think of anything but the needles that were sticking into her body. "She was right. This doesn't hurt because my body just went numb." Ji Eun thought. Then came the pain. It felt like she just got injected by 1,000 shots. She couldn't even scream. They were extracting her blood from those needles. Ji Eun could see from the corner of her eye the red fluid going through the tubes and into containers. Then everything turned black. 



Hello my lovely readers! I am so SORRY SORRY that I didn't update. I promised to update a lot but I'm so sorry. However IN THREE DAYS is the last day of school for me so I will be updating pretty fast (I HOPE) and thanks for being patient :D

I'm also sorry for the painful scene here.... I felt like this chapter was kinda boring.. so tell me how it was :D

Oh and whoever is confused about Jong In's little flashback/nightmare, the truth behind it will come soon >:)


A/N: This place is not a school, just to clear it out :) it is an institute kinda place where they keep human experiments D: (evil right?)

Anyways thanks for waiting :)

I'll give you guys a little present to make up for my absense :)

Chanyeol and Bacon :) (his eyes.)


Aww ducky face baekhyun :3

Eating ice cream.... never looked better.


(Gifs and pictures all from tumblr)

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Chapter 11: Please update soon ouo
Chapter 11: PLEASE DON'T MAKE THE CHAIR INTO A SICK PEDO (no offense to the situations in India and in Ancient civilizations) who loves to mentally abuse and torture a poor boy..
Chapter 11: Oh I think Kai will have more superpower than he already have. Good Luck on your mid-term :))
MilkyCouple4ever #4
Chapter 11: OH NOOOO.
Chapter 11: oh ____! bom, please be fine >_<
jongin, sorry for my negative thinking about you. the reality is really hurt. i cant imagine how hurt it is T.T
please dont die, kim jongin! pleaseee
i wanna kill the chairman so bad ><"
oh and hwaiting for your test \^^/
Chapter 10: Oh they must saved him back. It's an amazing story :))
MilkyCouple4ever #8
Chapter 10: YAH YOU PABO JONG IN!!!!