Chapter 11

Not The Same Person I Used To Be

Changmin looked around. 

His mouth went agape when he realized where he was.

The place was beautiful. Cherry blossom conquering almost the whole land. Pink petals softly falling. Soothing wind gushing through.

Then he saw a figure, standing a few metres away from him.

"Oppa!! Saranghae!!" A familiar voice shouted happily

Changmin narrowed his eyes to get a better view of the person.

His eyes widened "S-sooyoung-ah?"

Without realising , his lips curved into a smile while his stomach, feeling butterflies.

He walked closer towards her. But suddenly Sooyoung frowned, tears streaming down her cheeks and she started running away.

"Wait! Soo! Where are you going?!" he yelled but she kept on running

"You hurt me oppa! I hate you!!" he heard her sob as her figure faded into thin air.

"Soo!! Dont leave me!!!" Changmin started screaming and ran faster to search for her.


Then, he finally found her.

She was in a white dress. A sweet smile plastered on her porcelain-like face.

He smiled but that smile soon faded away when he realized Cho Kyuhyun was next to her.

In a tuxedo

Changmin's eyes widened in shock at the sight. Are they doing what he thinks they're doing?

Sooyoung turned to him "Oppa...Thank you"

Out of nowhere, a priest started reading the vows.

His eyes looked like they were about to come out from its sockets.

"I-is this for real?!" He snapped but it was if he wasn't there as they didn't react at all.

"Wait?! What?! Yah! This isn't funny! " he panicked

Kyuhyun and Sooyoung kept staring into eachothers eyes as if they were lost in them.

The priest came to a pause and smiled at the two " You may now kiss the bride"

Changmin's eyes widened "WHAT?! NO!!!! THIS CANT BE HAPPENING!! NOOOO!!!!!"



"No...D-dont leave me...P-please..D-dont!"

"Yah...Changmin? Yo! " His best friend, Heechul yelled

Changmin stirred from his sleep and stared up at Heechul. He sighed in relief at the thought that it was just a dream.

He realized that he was soaked with his own sweat and yet it was almost 0 degrees outside.

"Some nightmare you had there. Dreamt of Yoona?" Heechul smirked

"Ughh.. Shut up for once will you?" Changmin groaned as he stood up from bed.

"Chill...Whats up with you?" Heechul furrowed his eyebrows,arms crossed.

Changmin sighed. He was just curious of the previous dream he had. He's been feeling frustrated and confused these days and has been wondering why. Sometimes, he just wanted to scream and dissapear.

Heechul stared at him for a while , giving him a worried look "You okay dude?"

"Im fine"

I think....

Kyuhyun walked to school with a fresh new attitude and aura.

He was actually... smiling

He didn't regret the fact that he didn't sleep a wink at all last night because he couldn't stop thinking of her.

He was inlove with her.

It was hard for him to believe it but.. when he realized it. He felt good

He walked up , with a smile on his face causing the students to gasp in shock and the girls to be awed by his charisma.

"Waaa~ I never knew that Cho Kyuhyun was such a hottie!! Kyaaa!!"

"He's so cute!! He looks so gentle and kind with that smile! He should smile more often!!"

But they obviously didn't know that he was finally smiling for a certain someone.

"Sooyoung!!" He waved, jogging his way towards her.

"Morning oppa~ Hehe" She giggled as her cheeks rose.

"Well you're in a good mood today" He chuckled at her smug smile.

"Of course I am!!" she squealed

"Well whats the occasion?"

"Prom. " She fiddled with her fingers. Kyuhyun automatically grinned.

"That's my chance!" he thought as His palms suddenly getting sweaty.

"Soo...Would you...." He was about to ask her to be his date for prom when she suddenly cut him off.

Her eyes suddenly fixed on something else "Oh! Oppa, i gotta go now. I'll see you later arra?Bye~" she waved.

"Mmm....Bye Soo.." He pursed his lips into a thin line, his shoulders deflated and walked to class.

This is so short.. I cant even.... Oh well XD Ooooo~ Changmin's having nightmares ^^ Oh! Will Kyuhyun succeed to take our Soo to prom?!

Guys ^^ Im so sorry i couldn't answer most of your questions but with who Soo ends up with ,is a mystery.. Isn't it confusing? I mean...yeah. You get what I mean XD

And these are one of my pointless chapters TT3TT Im sorry.. ITS GETTING NEAR TO THE PEAK!! DONT WORRY!!! D:

So, i'll be going to Singapore and Johor tommorow which means.. Not much internet?

So I wont be updating till....Sunday? I guess...Maybe.. Im not so sure :D

The next chapter will be the continuation of this one ^3^

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Chapter 1: update soon please
Chapter 10: Update soon pliss
Chapter 13: Kyuyoung for the win!
Chapter 13: Changsoo or kyuyoung? (>_<) so hard to decide.....update please...<3<3
Chapter 13: someone is being overly protective and JELLY ^^v
akxshi #6
Chapter 13: Jelly min 8D ihope the ending is kyuyoung :|
Update soon! (:
update pretty please :|
Update soon *-*
Ahhh Min, wae you gotta be so harsh to poor Yoona. That doesn't give you points to the next girl. Tsk tsk.. so slow bb.. so slow