Chapter 7

I Want to Be Bad!

Chapter 7


Ren stood outside the door of the Student Council office, fidgeting nervously. He had secretly followed Minhyun over.

Holding his breath, he gently eased the door open and peered through. The students inside looked occupied and didn't seem to notice the intrusion.

Ren scanned the room and spotted Minhyun standing with his arms crossed near the Student Council President's table. The President four-eyes Aron was facing him, flipping through a file.

I'm gonna kick your if you pick on Minhyun, Ren mentally warned Aron.

One of the students bustled over to Aron with a new stack of files, announcing haughtily. "Vice President! Here's the latest gossip about the bunch!"

Vice President? Ren snorted softly. I thought he was the President! He acts like he rules the campus. And what are they, paparazzi?

"Thanks." Aron grabbed the files handed to him and turned to Minhyun.

"So, Hwang Minhyun," Aron remarked accusingly. "We need to hear from you since you've been hanging with the bunch."

Aron prodded a finger at Minhyun's chest.


"After all, you're the President!"



A surprised gasp interrupted the room as the door to the Student Council office swung open.

The students in the room turned to see a shocked Ren standing at the door with a hand over his mouth.

Wide-eyed, Ren backed slowly away and slammed the door shut, running off.

What's going on? Minhyun is the President? Ren thought as his footsteps pounded against the corridor floor. He's been hanging with me the whole time!


Ren was here? Minhyun stared at the door, startled. The Student Council is my enemy! Ren's words to him on the rooftop echoed in Minhyun's head.

Aron turned to Minhyun again, unperturbed by the disturbance.

"You happened to get cozy with one of those punk asses," Aron continued. "Give up the goods Minhyun!"

"Aron." Minhyun's voice was dangerously low. "Were you the one that called me in here?"

"Huh? Yeah." Aron answered flippantly, oblivious to the impending danger.

"What? You don't recognize my voice on the PA system?" Aron looked mildly offended.

Minhyun reached over and took the files from Aron.

"That's good, you've finally decided to take your work seriou-" THWACK! Aron winced in pain as his speech was interrupted by Minhyun ruthlessly smacking the files hard over his head.

An ominous aura filled the room as Aron slowly straightened up, adjusting his glasses.

"You're a dead man!" He called to Minhyun who was already making his way out the office.


Next chapter ~~ MinRen Rendezvous on the rooftop...

Plot and lines are mostly from the Japanese manga "I Want to Be Naughty" by Sakuraga Mei [M18]. This is the NU'EST version!


You're in trouble Minhyun!

"After all, you're the President!"

Hihi! I'm the President!


Shocked? No I wasn't shocked at all... You believe me right?


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namaoto #1
Chapter 12: even though im not gay i wish MINREN was real ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 12: Oh!!!! sooooo hot..... Pls keep on.... I love MinRen.... :-) <3
animekpopfreak #3
Chapter 12: aahhhhh im hooked.......update dying
Usaaah, good story and I have actually read this manga like so many times, and then your story was just as good!!!:) thanks for making such a great story!^____^ teehee, the !!!xD kekekekek
thanks for the comments! :) okok, if i have the time i'll do more chaps! ^^
Teukicheonsa #6
oh my God..
its hooot.....
haha..i like ur MinRen story..i like Ren's character...
dicqxzsi #7
it was hot... will you continue? thanks
loveghost #8
did i just read this?loljk that was hot!
naughty minhyun,never want to lose any opportunity~no wonder he was chosen as the prsident(?) kk XD
ahh, i'd love if you could continue it some more~^^ hehe :D
Owh! You should continue.Don't stop. ;D
Will check your YunJae fic! :)