Chapter 5

I Want to Be Bad!

Chapter 5


Ren flopped face-down on his bed with a sigh, pulling a pillow over his head.

"Are you okay?" Minhyun asked, closing the room door.

Sitting up quickly, Ren nodded. "Yeah I'm fine." Absent minded as always, he had forgotten Minhyun was around.

Minhyun's eyes lingered on Ren who was looking cutely disheveled on the bed with a dazed expression.

"There's a snag on your shirt. You should take it off, before it gets worse." Minhyun sat himself next to Ren on the bed.

Ren looked to where Minhyun was pointing and sure enough, a stray thread was coming loose on his uniform.

"Mm.. I guess so.." mumbled Ren as he furrowed his brow at the top-most button of his shirt, undoing it slowly. One button. Two button. He felt Minhyun's gaze on him and looked up, his fingers pausing.

"What's wrong?" Minhyun asked with his hand propped on his chin, still staring unwaveringly at Ren who was growing increasingly flustered.

"Nothing!" Ren said quickly and jumped off the bed away from Minhyun to face his full-length mirror.

Is he still staring at me? Ren wondered as he chanced a peep through the mirror's reflection. Our eyes just met, Ren thought and he quickly averted his gaze, a pink flush creeping up his face.

"Um.. Well.. Will you stop staring?" he asked shyly.

"Hmm.. Sure." Minhyun gave an amused chuckle and turned his head away. 

Ren gave a mental sigh of relief. I've noticed that he looks at me a lot, thought Ren as he observed Minhyun's handsome side profile through the mirror. It's not like a friend looking at me, the way Minhyun looks at me feels different...

"Ren.. What are you going to do about the Student Council? No student has ever lasted after coming under their scrutiny." Minhyun asked suddenly.

Startled by the change in pace, Ren pursed his lips and stared into space, his mind hard at work.

"Then..." Ren's face brightened as he turned to look at Minhyun. "I'm gonna fight back!!"

Satisfied with what he thought was a great answer, Ren smirked to himself as he turned back to the mirror.

"In that case," said Minhyun, who before Ren knew it had walked up behind him and caught him in a protective back hug.

Ren's eyes widened in shock as he felt Minhyun's lips next to his ear.

"I'll back you up Ren," Minhyun murmured against his ear, staring intensely into Ren's eyes through the mirror's reflection.

Blushing again at the sudden closeness with Minhyun, Ren's breath caught in his throat as he felt his heart beating faster.

"It's faint but I smell smoke on you." Minhyun lifted Ren's chin with his finger and turned to stare directly into Ren's eyes. "You're a bad boy, aren't you?"

"Huh?" Ren's lips parted slightly. He thought back to the lunch break earlier today. He had been hanging with JR who was smoking as usual. The cigarette smoke must have rubbed off on him! How was he going to explain this without getting JR into trouble?  

"No! This isn't... It's not.." Ren tried to explain as Minhyun suddenly pressed his lips onto his, cutting him off.

Ren's eyes fluttered shut as Minhyun's arm around his back tightened, pulling him closer.

"Mi.. Min.." he tried to call Minhyun's name but the brown haired boy made use of the opening to poke his tongue into Ren's mouth, his other hand at the nape of Ren's neck holding him firmly in place.

Ren's mind clouded as he felt himself melting into Minhyun's warm embrace and the sensation of Minhyun's lips on his.

Before he knew it, Minhyun suddenly pulled away, resting his arms on Ren's shoulders.

"Good. I can tell you're not the one that's been smoking." Minhyun ruffled Ren's hair and turned away, picking up his bag.

"All right. I have to head home, thanks for having me over." He smiled and made his way out, closing the door gently behind him.

Leaving behind a speechless and confused Ren, still gaping silently at the direction where Minhyun had just left.

 A good few minutes later, Ren managed to stutter out loud to his now-empty room. "... That's it??"



Plot and lines are mostly from the Japanese manga "I Want to Be Naughty" by Sakuraga Mei [M18]. This is the NU'EST version!



Next chapter ~~ The next day at school... JR vs Minhyun mini battle?!!



"There's a snag on your shirt. You should take it off, before it gets worse."




Ren often has this dazed look on his face, it's so cute!!!!!~


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namaoto #1
Chapter 12: even though im not gay i wish MINREN was real ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 12: Oh!!!! sooooo hot..... Pls keep on.... I love MinRen.... :-) <3
animekpopfreak #3
Chapter 12: aahhhhh im hooked.......update dying
Usaaah, good story and I have actually read this manga like so many times, and then your story was just as good!!!:) thanks for making such a great story!^____^ teehee, the !!!xD kekekekek
thanks for the comments! :) okok, if i have the time i'll do more chaps! ^^
Teukicheonsa #6
oh my God..
its hooot.....
haha..i like ur MinRen story..i like Ren's character...
dicqxzsi #7
it was hot... will you continue? thanks
loveghost #8
did i just read this?loljk that was hot!
naughty minhyun,never want to lose any opportunity~no wonder he was chosen as the prsident(?) kk XD
ahh, i'd love if you could continue it some more~^^ hehe :D
Owh! You should continue.Don't stop. ;D
Will check your YunJae fic! :)