Chapter 6

I Want to Be Bad!

Chapter 6


I wonder if he's on the roof, Ren thought wistfully as he stared out of the classroom window. The classroom was empty save for JR, Baekho and himself. The scene of Minhyun kissing him yesterday was replaying itself over and over in his head.

Ren sighed, angry at himself for being so flustered and turned to glance at his friends, hoping for some distraction.

Baekho, supposedly the strongest fighter in the area, was taking a nap, slouched over a desk using his muscled arms as a pillow. Ren snorted to himself at the sight of the carefree blonde mohawked guy drooling in his sleep.

Next to Baekho, his buddy JR was lazing on a chair with his legs propped up on a desk, looking like a young mafia prince and smoothly lighting up his last cigarette.

"Ahhh this is my last one!" groaned the handsome guy with rebellious long fringe as he played with his lighter, his dark eyes watching the lighter flame flicker on and off.

Ren's head jerked towards the smoking JR's direction; the cause of all.. That... Yesterday!

Getting out of his chair, Ren stormed over to JR and grabbed him by the collar.

"Yah JR! You bastard!" He yelled. "Thanks to your stupid habit! My... My first.. Ahhhh!" Ren looked to the ceiling in frustration. He couldn't possibly tell JR his first kiss was taken yesterday, It was too embarrassing!

JR chuckled at Ren's sudden outburst and attack, it reminded him of a kitten pawing at a lion's tail. "What's wrong Ren? You're acting upset!" JR ignored Ren's hands which were still gripped onto his collar and patted Ren's head.

"You're like a cute little kitten!" JR laughed at Ren who was now sulking and glaring angrily at him.

"I know, let's go hang out on the roof and blow off some steam! I'll finish up my cigarette there!" JR grinned and stood up, slinging his arm around Ren.

"The rooftop?" Ren looked at JR, shocked. But.. It's my secret place with Minhyun! Ren thought worriedly.

"Yup! I'll teach you how to pick the lock properly this time!" JR snickered and dragged Ren along. "Leave the sleeping tiger here, he's too hard to wake up," he gestured carelessly at the still-sleeping Baekho's direction.


"We can't go up there!" Ren protested, trying to stop JR in vain.

"Come on, we're already at the door!" JR gave the rooftop doorknob a test turn.

"Whoa, it's open!"

JR stepped through the rooftop doorway with Ren following behind, pulling futilely at the back of his shirt.

"Huh? Someone's already here." JR stopped suddenly.

Ren peeped out from the side of JR's back and saw Minhyun, his back half turned towards the two newcomers.

Minhyun's eyes narrowed as he strode over slowly to the two boys, his expression cold.

He looks angry, Ren thought. "Minhyun I'm sorry! I wanted to stop him... But.." Ren pleaded apologetically.

Minhyun grabbed Ren's arm and pulled him away from JR, glaring coldly at the latter and the cigarette stick held between his fingers.

"So you're the one who's been smoking. It's disgusting, it's gonna rub off Ren." Minhyun said icily.

JR frowned at Minhyun and paced forward menacingly, placing himself in between Minhyun and Ren.

"Yah Ren, are you friends with him? He's not one of us." JR tilted his head slightly and stared Minhyun up and down.

Minhyun and JR locked gazes with each other in an aggressive staring match. "Ren. Come over here." Minhyun said.

"Minhyun.." Ren stammered, feeling lost. Minhyun was not like his usual self at all!

SCREEE!!! The intense standoff was interrupted by the sound of the school's PA system being .

Hwang Minhyun. Please come to the Student Council office. Right now.

The PA system clicked off and Minhyun sighed, rubbing his neck, suddenly looking tired. "I guess they want to talk to me," he turned away and walked off. "Gotta run."


"Minhyun... Wait!" Ren panted, finally catching up to Minhyun who was on his way to the Student Council office.

Minhyun turned to face Ren and cocked his eyebrow at the breathless blonde.

"Minhyun! Yesterday... Why did you kiss me?"
"Ah.. Sorry about the thing on the rooftop just now," Minhyun gave a small smile at Ren. "I've got split personality after all. My blood type is AB."

"Oh... My blood type is O.." Ren replied distractedly, not yet registering in his mind that Minhyun had changed the subject.

"Well, see you." Minhyun said.

"Yea.. Bye.." Ren watched Minhyun's back as he walked off, feeling like there was something he should be remembering.


Next chapter ~~ Meeting the Student Council President..!! Ren follows Minhyun to the Student Council Office!!

Plot and lines are mostly from the Japanese manga "I Want to Be Naughty" by Sakuraga Mei [M18]. This is the NU'EST version!


JR is staring

Guys don't fight over me.. Hehehe

Yawns.. where did everyone go?

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namaoto #1
Chapter 12: even though im not gay i wish MINREN was real ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 12: Oh!!!! sooooo hot..... Pls keep on.... I love MinRen.... :-) <3
animekpopfreak #3
Chapter 12: aahhhhh im hooked.......update dying
Usaaah, good story and I have actually read this manga like so many times, and then your story was just as good!!!:) thanks for making such a great story!^____^ teehee, the !!!xD kekekekek
thanks for the comments! :) okok, if i have the time i'll do more chaps! ^^
Teukicheonsa #6
oh my God..
its hooot.....
haha..i like ur MinRen story..i like Ren's character...
dicqxzsi #7
it was hot... will you continue? thanks
loveghost #8
did i just read this?loljk that was hot!
naughty minhyun,never want to lose any opportunity~no wonder he was chosen as the prsident(?) kk XD
ahh, i'd love if you could continue it some more~^^ hehe :D
Owh! You should continue.Don't stop. ;D
Will check your YunJae fic! :)