Chapter 3

I Want to Be Bad!

Chapter 3




"Minhyun, come on!" Ren shouted as he bounded down the school stairway two steps at a time. "You need to get anything from your locker too?"

"No.. Don't run," Minhyun chided, quickening his pace to catch up with Ren.

"Hey, hey," a group of students gathered near the lockers whispered to one another, staring at the unlikely pair. "That's Minhyun right?"

Paying no heed to the oggling group, Minhyun strode past them without as much as a glance.

The students cringed when one of them asked a bit too loudly, "What's Minhyun doing with that loser?"

Ren's ears perked up and he turned angrily to the offending group. "Yah! You got something to say s?" He glowered, flourishing a middle finger on one hand and a fist on the other. "You got a problem with me hanging with Minhyun?!"

"Uh.. No.." The group of students backed away quickly, realizing they might have angered Ren enough for him to tell on them to JR and Baekho. They would be in big trouble if Ren tattled to his infamous friends. If the air-headed blonde remembered their faces well enough to point them out, that is.

"There's no problem, no problem at all," said a student, not wanting to take the chance.

Ren glared at them for a few more seconds for good measure before turning away to scan the area for Minhyun.

"Ren," came Minhyun's voice. Minhyun was already standing at the lockers and looking back at Ren. "I forgot my book on the rooftop. Can you go get it for me?"

"What?" Ren whined, flailing his arms exasperatedly. "Not again? You're always forgetting something!"

Minhyun gave an apologetic smile. "Sorry. I'll make it up to you, I'll buy you lunch."

"Fine.. I'll go get it!" Ren sniffed. Minhyun shouldn't be allowed to use that smile, grumbled Ren to himself he ran back up the stairs.



Minhyun stood in front of Ren's half-opened locker door, all traces of his earlier smile gone. He grabbed the pieces of paper stuffed inside Ren's locker and threw them in a nearby bin.

STOP DYEING YOUR HAIR, YOU'RE A DISGRACE TO THE SCHOOL, were some of the offensive scribbles on the paper pieces. In contrast to his seemingly calm exterior, Minhyun's eyes glinted with cold anger.  





Narrator: Ahh... Don't be pissed Minhyun... Have a nice walkie home with Ren later!!~


~~ Next chapter, Minhyun meets baby Ren's older brothers!! Their impression of Minhyun is..??

Introducing... Ren's older brothers!

Position: Oldest brother
Occupation: One of the top models in Korea

Unlike his untouchable model persona, at home Junsu panics easily especially when it comes to his clueless and slow baby brother.


Position: Middle brother
Occupation: University student
The tough guy of the family. Yunho wants his little brother Ren to learn how to be independent, the tough way. But he always ends up spoiling Ren.


P.S. .... wiping my nosebleed~!! (* ̄o ̄*)

Plot and lines are mostly from the Japanese manga "I Want to Be Naughty" by Sakuraga Mei [M18]. This is the NU'EST version!

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namaoto #1
Chapter 12: even though im not gay i wish MINREN was real ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 12: Oh!!!! sooooo hot..... Pls keep on.... I love MinRen.... :-) <3
animekpopfreak #3
Chapter 12: aahhhhh im hooked.......update dying
Usaaah, good story and I have actually read this manga like so many times, and then your story was just as good!!!:) thanks for making such a great story!^____^ teehee, the !!!xD kekekekek
thanks for the comments! :) okok, if i have the time i'll do more chaps! ^^
Teukicheonsa #6
oh my God..
its hooot.....
haha..i like ur MinRen story..i like Ren's character...
dicqxzsi #7
it was hot... will you continue? thanks
loveghost #8
did i just read this?loljk that was hot!
naughty minhyun,never want to lose any opportunity~no wonder he was chosen as the prsident(?) kk XD
ahh, i'd love if you could continue it some more~^^ hehe :D
Owh! You should continue.Don't stop. ;D
Will check your YunJae fic! :)