Chapter 1

I Want to Be Bad!

Chapter 1



"First year, Choi Minki!" Aron looked up from the file containing reports on the school's delinquent group compiled by his over-zealous Student Council mates. "The Student Council has noticed that you have been hanging out with your delinquent friends in an empty classroom, correct?"

Ren folded his arms and looked away, sulking silently. So the four-eyes has been watching me, he thought. And why am I always the one who has to go to the Student Council room when the delinquent group is summoned? JR and Baekho would pay for this. Somehow. Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe just Baekho would pay for this. Baekho was weaker. Ren sighed.

Aron actually thought Ren looked too cute trying to act tough with his blonde bangs and scruffy ponytail, and if things were different... If it was 2 years back when Aron was jjang of the neighborhood... As gang leader he probably would have taken Ren under his wing, like he did with JR. Before he got sent to America by his parents. He mentally shook himself and banished the sacrilegious thoughts. Things were different now, new neighborhood, new start as an upright student of the Student Council!

He propped up his glasses and cleared his throat. "Your attitude and grades are bad enough, but you're showing a bad example to other students with your dyed hair and sloppy uniform!"

Seeing he wasn't getting through to the blonde who was now staring mournfully at the clock, Aron relented and said, "If you understand, you may go now."

Ren bit his lower lip still refusing to speak and quickly gave a half hearted bow before making his way out of the Student Council room.

"And tuck in that shirt!" Aron called out to Ren's retreating form.


Aron in glasses.. Instant top student transformation?

Banned scene from inside Aron's head


~~ Next chapter, Minhyun the ice prince appears!

Plot and lines are mostly from the Japanese manga "I Want to Be Naughty" by Sakuraga Mei [M18]. This is the NU'EST version!

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namaoto #1
Chapter 12: even though im not gay i wish MINREN was real ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Chapter 12: Oh!!!! sooooo hot..... Pls keep on.... I love MinRen.... :-) <3
animekpopfreak #3
Chapter 12: aahhhhh im hooked.......update dying
Usaaah, good story and I have actually read this manga like so many times, and then your story was just as good!!!:) thanks for making such a great story!^____^ teehee, the !!!xD kekekekek
thanks for the comments! :) okok, if i have the time i'll do more chaps! ^^
Teukicheonsa #6
oh my God..
its hooot.....
haha..i like ur MinRen story..i like Ren's character...
dicqxzsi #7
it was hot... will you continue? thanks
loveghost #8
did i just read this?loljk that was hot!
naughty minhyun,never want to lose any opportunity~no wonder he was chosen as the prsident(?) kk XD
ahh, i'd love if you could continue it some more~^^ hehe :D
Owh! You should continue.Don't stop. ;D
Will check your YunJae fic! :)