Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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During these times, good news will always and forever be sweet and totally amazing but after everything that happened, I don’t believe in positivity anymore.

“Who are you?” I asked the man on the other end of the line.

I suddenly felt nervous. My whole body went cold the moment I heard the man say that there’s an emergency. As much as possible I don’t want to worsen everything and jump to conclusions right away but I have a feeling that this call will surely shock the hell out of me.

“’s Youngbae” the man said and I checked the number of my caller right away.

Well, it really is Taeyang for his name is showing up on my phone screen. Yes, I’m not used to checking who my caller is before picking up which brings me to total troubles at times coz I often mistaken a caller as another person (I once answered TOP’s call and called him “y babe” for I thought that Jiyong is the one on the other line).

“Hey! What’s up?” I asked, still nervous and alarmed.

“How come you didn’t know me?” he asked and I chuckled.

“Bae…you know so well that I’m not used to checking who my callers are…sorry…anyway…what emergency are you talking about?” I asked curiously.

“_________....Daryl is now in labor and she’s totally asking for you and Railey…..I just want to ask if you guys can comfort her or something coz she’s freaking out right now and nobody can even calm her” Taeyang said and I don’t know if I’m going to laugh or what coz I can already imagine Daryl freaking out.

Gosh! Big is already in labor after days of being overdue (she’s about to give birth last December 27 but it seems like their little girl is not yet ready to show herself to the world). This is SUPER exciting and fun!

“We’re about to go to the mall actually coz the kids and Railey wants to go shopping….but I’ll tell them that we’ll head home already for Daryl is in a major panic attack as of the moment” I told him and he laughed.

“She really is…thank you ________....message me once you guys are already home…take care and drive safely!” he said.

“Alright….tell Daryl that we’ll be freaking her out more….bye!” I said and hanged up.

My nerves are shooting up for I can’t wait to see Daryl and Taeyang’s baby girl already. Actually, big is  freaking out for she’ll be undergoing a surgery and when she had her  ultrasound, the baby looks like she’s got her big forehead (Daryl have a HUGE one and I’m telling you, she’s just hiding it behind the bangs).

“We need to go home now…as in NOW” I told the kids and Railey the moment I joined them inside the car.

“What? SIS! We’re still going shopping!” Railey protested like a little kid.

“We have to go home now coz Daryl will die already if she wouldn’t be able to see us” I told her and she looked at me weirdly.

“What the hell are you talking about? Daryl is dying? What?” Railey asked in confusion and I laughed so hard for she just can’t get it.

“Well sis....big is already in labor and Taeyang called me minutes ago asking if we can calm his dear wife for she’s totally freaking out right now” I informed and she gasped in shock.

After that, we head home right away. The kids aren’t happy about it, so I promised them that I’ll take them out to the park later this afternoon to play and run around. For now, I have a mission and that is to make one of my best friends calm and relaxed.

“HAPPY NEW YEAR!” Railey and I said in unison with our hands extended in happiness.

“WAAAAHHHH!” Daryl cried as Railey and I squeeze our faces in front of the screen so that she can see the both of us.

“Hey Big ! Isn’t this a good day? Wazzup?” Railey asked in a very cool and cheerful way.

“What the heck! How can you be so cool when I’m here dealing with so much pain?” Daryl asked, making us laugh.

“Sis...seeing you in that state is just so refreshing… I mean…your puffy eyes and scared-nervous look is such a good sight….not to mention…you cannot bully us for you’re too weak to even curse” Railey said and I nod my head in agreement.

“Ow YOU TWO!” Daryl shouted and everybody in her hospital suite laughed.

“I can hear a lot of people in there” I told her and she turned the camera around for us to see everybody.

I can spot the Big Bang boys and some of our magazine staffs in there but didn’t saw my husband. It’s just so weird coz everybody is present to support Daryl and I know so well that he wouldn’t miss this for the world coz he’s going to be Taeyang’s support.

“Honey!” Railey said the moment she spotted TOP.

“I love you” TOP kissed the screen and they had this literal screen kiss.

“uhmm….excuse me? I know that you two are dying to see and kiss each other but it’s not right to make-out via a laptop screen….gosh!” Daryl said, making everybody laugh again.

“I love you too honey! See you soon!” Railey said and TOP blew a kiss for her.

They are really a sweet couple. I know that TOP is dying to be with Railey already especially now that her situation is not that good at all. Oh well, I know that these two will soon be together again and I just can’t wait for that day coz I know that Railey will be so happy once she got to hug her husband again.

“So…how are you feeling?” I asked Daryl after all the hi’s and hello’s that we made.

“This ! Why is it harder than my first?  Can someone please tell me that this is normal so that my mind can be at peace already” she answered, making me and Railey laugh.

“We actually don’t have a clue as to why you’re being ed up right now…but what we do know is that pregnancies and labors are different from each other…ask _______...she’s an expert when it comes to these things for she’s been going in and out of the hospital for giving birth almost every year” Railey exaggerated, receiving a smack on the head from me.

Well yes, I’ve been really going in and out of the hospital coz of giving birth almost every year but I’m not an expert. As a matter of fact, I’m totally afraid of delivering a baby to the point that I’ll always go in panic mode whenever I remember it. I can still remember when I gave birth to DK, she’s so huge that they have to use a vacuum just to get her out of me. Yes, a vacuum that her head for the doctor to be able to pull her out.

“I already had an epidural but I’m still uncomfortable…my contractions are hell awhile ago and now…I feel like the doctors are going to cut my belly in half which is worth all the panic and shoot up nerves” Daryl said and I rolled my eyes at her.

“You know what? You’re thinking too much” I told her and she just sighed.

“Gosh sis…this is your first Caesarian experience right?” Railey asked and I can already sense that she’s going to trip on Daryl and scare the hell out of her.

“Yes…why?” Daryl asked and I just wait for buttery to continue.

Railey and I have been to two Caesarian births already and we are so damned about it. Well, I’m so used to giving birth in a painful way (yes, I don’t use any anesthesia. I have felt solid pains in five of my deliveries and it might sound crazy but it’s totally worth it).

“When I gave birth to Tabitha and the doctor announced that I have no choice but to go under the knife already coz my daughter is just so big that I cannot push her to come out….I was so scared and what frightened me the most is the feeling that I might die coz once the doctors do something wrong…you’ll go into coma right away or be a damn human vegetable forever” Railey started but it seems to not have any impact on Daryl.

“What the ! Sis…I know you…you’re not the type of woman who will get scared just because of a major surgery…as a matter of fact…you can pull out your babies using your bare hands without any sweat…do you think I’ll be afraid of your crazy stories? Huh? I’m sorry but I’m not even shaken at all” Daryl defended but I can see in her eyes that she’s somewhat worried for her own life as well.

“Sis…I know this might sound crazy but…all I can say is that you have to be prepared for the worst….you know…the doctors might screw up your innards or something” I ride along the whole joke and Railey looked at me with her That’s-super-good-baby! Look.

I know that what we’re doing to Daryl is really bad but this is the only way to let her out of her worries. We have to scare her a bit and make her laugh later. Don’t worry, we know what we’re doing. Gosh! Just by thinking that Daryl is the kind of woman who doesn’t even care about any pain, is now crying because of worry. Actually, this is the first time that she ever cried like a baby. I can feel her nerves just by looking at her and it’s not only her who is sporting some shoot up nerves for her husband is also dead nervous about this whole thing.

“Is she going to be fine girls?” Taeyang asked when Daryl handed him her laptop.

“She is Bae! Don’t worry….Daryl is just overacting…she’s under epidural already so there’s not much pain…trust us…your wife is just ruled by her nerves that’s why she’s feeling crap” Railey answered and I nod in agreement.

“I’m really worried since this is her first time of having a Caesarian birth…I know that she can take it…thing is….she’s really frantic and paranoid of so many things that I don’t even know how to calm her down” he said and you can really see worry and in his eyes.

Gosh! Daryl is really getting all the crap out of Taeyang’s body and I swear! It’s so hard on B

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ