Diary of an Idol's Wife (Crazy but fun)
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Little kids can be gullible and easy to fool sometimes, but when they are introduced to the world of adults in an early age, there is a huge possibility that they will mature more than you expected. The Kwon girls are always around adults and they enjoy talking to people who are a lot older than them than to kids their age. Their eyes have been opened to the world of chaos, fun and maturity at an early age and there’s nothing bad about it, but these kids are a lot smarter than people think they are and it’s really hard to bend them once their minds have been set to something already.

Isabella, Gabriella and Daniella knows that their dad is now being showered with rumors and the scandals before has been washed out in just a split second for his new scandal is bigger than the past ones. Of course, as kids they can’t understand everything yet but one thing is for sure, their mum is hurting and they are not going to let that. They will do everything just to bring her up again and even if it’s hard to ignore their father, they have to endure it for he needs to learn his lesson and that is, to not hurt their mother anymore.

“Why is mum going back to Korea without us noona?” Danny asked after their mum left for Korea.

_________ has decided to go back to Korea right after learning about her husband’s alleged infidelity. She left their children in the care of her mother in-law and parents. What’s worst is, Christmas is already near and it’s going to be a sad one for the Kwon kids coz neither one of their parents are with them for that special day.

“What is happening? Why is Halmeoni crying in front of Grandpa and Grandma…she keeps on saying sorry as well” Russelle asked his sisters.

“We told you to just stay in your room…right? Why did you come out?” Isabella asked in annoyance.

The girls have decided not to tell anything to their brothers coz they are afraid that they will stop talking and will zone out of reality again. It is really hard to keep it for the girls are so open and transparent to the kids even if they’re not getting along that well with them.

“Noona…I want to call dad and tell him that Halmeoni is crying…maybe she’s missing harabeoji already…mum and Aunt Dami should’ve tagged her along with them to Korea” Gabrielle said, making the girls roll their eyes.

“Just don’t mind them…it’s adults stuff….remember what mum told us? We can’t meddle around their issues because it’s just going to make us crazy” DK told her brothers for them to stop.

Well, it is not that true though. The girls always want to know what’s happening to their parents. Their curiosity is always on its highest peak to the point that not knowing something will totally make them go crazy.

“I hate dad…it’s now official” Gabby told her sisters while they’re preparing for bed.

“Gabby! Don’t you dare say that! He’s still our dad” Isabella scolded her but her younger sister just gave out a smirk.

“He’s always making mum cry unnie…haven’t you noticed? Mum is always the one who cries and not in my whole existence have I seen dad shed a tear…not unless he’s touched by something that we did or something that mum did” she stayed firm, even though her heart is saying the total opposite.

“Gabby….we are angry at dad but we don’t hate him” the eldest of the three said.

“What’s the difference of those two? We are angry….that just means we hate him” Gabby argued, totally annoying the two girls.

“Unnie…I am angry at dad too…but I don’t hate him…anger and hate are two different things…trust me….hate is a heavy word and it’s not right to hate your own father…I’m sure that once mum hears that…she will scold you” DK told her big sister, making her sigh.

The Kwon’s second child is really affected by what’s happening and she’s in a major pain for she’s seeing her mum having a hard time because of what their dad is doing to her. If only she’s already in the right age to know everything, she will be the one fighting for her mum and she’ll make sure that she won’t cry tears of sadness anymore.

“Dad is so insensitive! He knows so well that mum is carrying the twins…she’s pregnant…how can he make her so sad? The babies might’ve been suffering inside mum already…I pity them” Gabby said and that made Isabella snap.

She went near her sister and stared straight into her eyes for a long time. As a big sister, she knows that she’s responsible of her siblings most especially with how they’re acting. She is so much like her father who is a true leader. Disciplining her sisters and the kids is what she do best and right this very minute, she’s mentally telling Gabby to stop her foolishness coz if not, she will get it from her.

“OK…I’ll stop now” Gabby said after a while.

“Ow gosh! I actually thought that Isabella unnie will punish you” DK said while holding her chest.

“Listen you two” Isabella said and crossed her arms across her chest “We can be angry at dad all we want…BUT WE CAN’T HATE HIM….we don’t even have the right to…I mean…just think about all the things that he has done for us…we will not be here if it weren’t for him…and we will not be able to enjoy all these as well…he has done something wrong….but there is no confirmation yet if the rumors are true or not…I’m pretty sure that dad won’t even think of replacing mum…maybe that girl is just a friend of his and it just happens that they went out together or dad invited her for coffee at home” she told them just to receive cold and blank expressions from the two girls.

“Unnie….isn’t the pictures enough for you? I mean…it’s so clear already…dad and that girl are living in our house and she even has a kid with her” Gabby said and it made her sister sigh.

“Unnie….I’ve noticed something” DK said while staring at the pictures that they have saved on their laptop.

“What is it?” Isabella asked while controlling her eyes not to look at the screen.

“This boy is really familiar to me….I have seen him somewhere and even this girl is a bit familiar as well” DK said and the three stared at the picture.

They have met the mother and child before and the moment they remembered them, the girls’ bloods begins to boil and they just can’t control their anger once again.

“He’s the one who calls dad…otosan!” Gabby said and they looked at their sister in surprise.

“YES! He lives in Japan…right?” DK asked and Gabby shook her head.

“Yes…..but I’ve seen them in Seoul as well…his mum is working for Uncle YG ….I’ve seen her before with mum….she’s even in my birthday party” Gabby said and now the girls are suspecting more.

They still trust their father. Thing is, it’s slowly fading for there is really a big possibility that he’s playing around. And they have sworn to themselves that once they’ve confirmed that he is really doing something bad, they will be the ones crushing his new girl down. This fierce attitude has been handed down to them by their mother and they will be using it now.

They slept with heavy hearts and with minds full of what ifs and worries. They are still fighting whether to hate or just be angry at their father, although Gabby has already dropped her decision. Yes, she hates her dad for now and it’ll fade once he’s proven innocent.

It’s a day before Christmas and their mum is not with them still. Their Halmeoni have told them that she’s going home soon but they just can’t wait for another day coz all they want is to spend Christmas with her and if only possible, with their dad as well.

“Kids!” their Grandpa called out and they all rushed to the living room right away.

“What is it Grandpa?” Isabella asked while carrying her youngest sister on her back.

“Aigoo…give Karielle to me…she’s so heavy…how can you carry her?” G-dragon’s mother got the little girl from her sister.

“Your mum and dad want to talk to you guys” __________ father said and the girls just looked at each other while the boys went in front of the computer right away.

It’s already Christmas in Korea and as expected, __________ and G-dragon will greet their children. It’s nerve wracking for both of them because they don’t know how their girls will react especially when they are aware of what’s happening.

“Hey babies!” ________ said right away upon seeing all the kids.


The little boys are really excited to see and talk to their parents while the girls are just standing behind them, watching and listening. As much as they want to give a smile for their mum to not worry about them, they just can’t for it’s so hard to hide their true feelings.

“How are our babies?” G-dragon asked and you can really see awkwardness on his face.

“We miss you already dad! How we wish mum brought us there” Danny said, making their parents chuckle.

“aww….don’t worry babies…dad will go back soon…just wait for me alright?” he said and the boys clapped in glee.

“Merry Christmas baby girls!” G-dragon tried breaking the ice but he failed.

“Thanks dad!” DK said and forced a smile.

“mmm….I have to go now mum…dad….I still have a lot of writing to do” Isabella said and left without even waiting for her parents’ agreement.

“I’m gonna leave now as well mum…I have to help unnie” Gabby said and blew a kiss.

“Need to go as well DK?” G-dragon

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aldimia #1
came back here bcuz i miss this sooo much
lienabudakbaik #2
Chapter 166: Ghoshhhh... i read this for the whole week.. i cant put down my phone down... such amazing. Btw, I didn’t read yet your 1 diary.. I’ll go for it now...
Rahmita #3
Chapter 167: holly, this fanfic is like a real family is. i just imagine how if I have a 9 kids? oh god this is best !! good job author-nim
dr3amers #4
Chapter 1: So far so good, seems like a unique plot! However, I'm confused if Jiyong and her have been together for 8 years how do they have a 12 year old?
omonachu #5
I have just finished diary of a fangirl and look where I am now... Haha
Can't wait to read this and the third book!
Author jjang!
Chapter 166: What great stories you have made
Chapter 166: this stories never fails to impress me :)
Zafffy #8
Chapter 166: I LOVE UR STORY!! Keep it up!
Chapter 166: Manage to finish this two stories in one day!!! But of course i did nothing the whole day ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ