Coincidence or Not?

Is It Love?


“Its Junhyung oppa!” the ponytailed-girl squealed.

“A-annyeong hasaeyo Junhyung oppa.” The other girl greeted.

You looked at them with such irritation and thought, “Pfft. Gone all fan girl again?”and you started to dust out the dirt in your clothes, but couldn’t move since your ribcage got slightly damaged from those two mean girls. Junhyung stopped in front of you and examined how you were. In pain.  So much pain. Its like you need to get to the hospital straight away. As he turned his head to look at the girls, he started to give them a glare.


“What the hell happened here?” he started talking.

The two girls froze at the sudden question. Then one girl started to answer, “J-Junhyung o-oppa, she was following you so we wanted to protect you.”

“Jeongmal-ya oppa, she’s a stalker!” the other explained.

Ypu thought to yourself, “Me? A stalker? To this guy? Why would I ever be? I ain’t like you b*tches.”  You tried to look up, but couldn’t. You guessed that these girls even broke your neck.

As Junhyung noticed you, he knelt down and tried to see if you were okay.

“Yah, gwaenchana?” he asked you, trying to get you come back to your senses.

As he held your face with both of his hands, you took a glanced at him and started to freeze. There, a handsome guy looking at you with worried eyes. A devilish-angel like face. Its like you’ve never seen that kind before. How he could sound so evil yet has the looks of an angel.


Could this be for real?






“Aishh. That guy. Wait till he gets it later at the dorm. Why did he have to push me? Why does it have to be me?” I thought to myself. As I walked towards the scene, I noticed two girls beating up someone. It seems like that girl just arrived at the airport judging by the luggage that’s around her. When those two girls noticed me they stopped beating her up. Great, now there’s a so-called “I-didn’t-do-anything” act once again.


“Its Junhyung oppa!” the ponytailed-girl squealed.       

“A-annyeong hasaeyo Junhyung oppa.” The other girl greeted.

I examined both girls and gave them a sigh. Then I looked at the girl they were beating up at. Gosh, she’s really in pain is she? What am I gonna do now? I glared at those two girls trying to tell them that I mean business.


“What the hell happened here?” I demanded in a cool tone.


The girls seemed to be caught off-guard by my question. I noticed one of them started opening their mouths.

“J-Junhyung o-oppa, she was following you so we wanted to protect you.”

“Jeongmal-ya oppa, she’s a stalker!” the other explained.


Hmph. Oh great. Fan girls trying to protect us. I appreciate it, but doing this to someone innocent is a bit too much. I stared at the girl again, and saw that she was really in pain. God, please help me. So I knelt down to her. I held her hand trying to see where she was covering. It seems she got a serious bruise by the stomach. I examined her other hand as she was holding her neck. “Wow, were these girls that brutal?”my mind went.

I held her face with my hands to see if she was unconscious. “Seems a bit okay, but its time for you to be in the hospital.” I thought to myself.


“Hyung! Need help here?” I shouted at them. Luckily, Doojoon came along, always the leader-like.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“It seems we need to get her to the hospital. It seems serious.” I stated.

Doojoon examined her and seemed to agree with me. He called out manager hyung and told him to take her to the hospital. As they were taking care of the situation, I had other business to finish. I stood up and looked at the two girls. Before I spoke, I sighed and gave them a fake smile.


“Look, I know that you’re trying to protect us. But you should at least notice that she must’ve been following us because she seemed lost.” I told them as I pointed at her luggage and the girls seemed to notice and gave those shocking looks.


“Jeongmal mianhamnida Junhyung oppa!” the two chorused and quickly ran away.


I sighed as I turned to stare at her luggage. Great, what will happen to this now? Then someone jumped over me and noticed that it was Dongwoon. Aishh. This kid.


“Yah! You’re too heavy!” I shouted.

“Hyung~ Oh… By the way, what are we gonna do to that?” he pointed at the girl’s luggage.

“I don’t know. Throw it?” I suggested.

“Andwae hyung! That’s too mean! I know! I’ll bring it to the dorm for now.” He thought to himself as he got off me and dragged that bag.

“Yah. Neo jinjja!” I opened my mouth wide while pointing at Dongwoon who is dragging the bag.


Narrator’s POV


Meanwhile, at the hospital… You regained conscience and slowly woke up. You found yourself blinded by white lights and tried to close your eyes at the sight of it. You heard voices around the room.


“Is she okay, doctor?” a male voice asked. You seemed to wonder who it could be.


“Yes, well… She just got a big bruise around her stomach and she seemed to hurt her neck during the fall. She’ll be fine in a week or two.” Another male voice said. You thought that its probably the doctor.


“Okay, thank you.” The other guy replied.

“Oh? You seemed to be awake now. Hello?” he added.


You tried opening your eyes again and found yourself in a hospital bed. You tried to get up but got hurt by the bruise in your stomach.


“Hey, hey now. Don’t move. You’re still unstable.” The guy told you.


You looked at him. He seemed to have that charisma that you would usually see in movies. You thought to yourself that this could be the leader of whatever. You looked around the room and spotted the doctor.


“Excuse me, but can I get out of this room now?” you asked him.

“I’m afraid not, Miss. You seem to be in serious injury right now. Maybe in a week.” He told me as he left the room.


You were devastated at what he told you. A week?! Of all time, why must it be today?! “Stupid girls.” You mouthed. So, you’d be staying here in a week. What could be the problem? Oh right. You becoming a trainee. You lied back down and pouted. Then you stared at the double-eyelid guy. Then you remembered something. You sat up again and looked around. None. Its not there. Your bag is not there. You tried to calm down. But it seems that the guy beside you noticed at your expression.


“Uhm.. Are you okay, Miss?” he asked you.

“M-My… bag… where is it?” you asked while still searching for it around the room.

“Don’t worry. It’s in our dorm. You could come pick it up when you’re discharged from the hospital.” He replied me, you felt at ease at what he said.

“Are you a foreigner?” he asked.

“I’m Korean-American. I study at Canada.” You replied.

“Oh, then what are you doing here in Korea? Taking a vacation?”

You stared at him who looked a bit interested at your story. You sighed and said; “I’m here to train at …” you were cut off when your phone rang. You checked who it was, and it was the CEO Cube Representative and answered the phone.


“Hello?” he said on the other line.


“Have you arrived in Seoul yet?” he asked with a bit of worry in his voice. It seemed like he might be in trouble if you haven’t arrived yet.

“Yes, I arrived.” You said blankly.

“Then why can’t I find you here at the airport?” he seemed to be more worried.

“Well… That’s because…” You trailed off as you stared at the leader. He looked at you questioningly.

“Is that your boyfriend?” he beamed at me. You gave him a glare and he gulped.

“Guess not…” he added.

“Hello? Are you still there?” repeated the representative. You noticed that he was still on the phone and replied, “That’s because I’m at the hospital. I got into a fight.”

“Mworago yo?! A fight?! How? When? Where? Are you hurt?” he demanded.

You got irritated at all those questions and blankly said, “I’m fine. Just pick me up here at the hospital.”

“Okay, Okay, I’ll be right there.” He said as he cut off the conversation.


You sighed with relief. “Thank God, it was good he called me. Now, how am I suppose to deal with this Mr. Nobody?” you slowly turned your head at him. He looked at you back and gave a cool expression. Like that would impress you.

“So, who was it that you’re talking to?” he asked again.

You glared at him.

“N-Not that I want to know…” he quickly added as he got scared with you.

“I’m here at Korea to become a ‘trainee’.” You blurted.

“Oh jinjja yo? In what company label?” he asked.

“CUBE Entertainment…” you sighed.

As you noticed he didn’t respond you looked at him who looked like he just won the biggest lottery prize. This time, you gave him a questioning look.


“CUBE?” he asked and you nodded.

“CUBE Entertainment…?” he repeated. He still was at shock.

He stood up still with that blank yet weird look on his face, and stared at you for a minute. You looked at him irritatingly. You thought what he could be thinking right now. He slowly started pointing at you. Then when he smiled, you got weird vibes from him.


“Well, why didn’t you say so?!” he shouted with glee.

You were dumbfounded at his reaction, and when he looked back at you, he coughed and sat down.

“Sorry. Well, you’re in luck. I’m from CUBE Entertainment.” He said coolly. “Is he bipolar or something?” you thought. But when you just heard him say that he’s from Cube Entertainment, you were shocked. Him?! From CUBE ENTERTAINMENT? THE Entertainment that your parents got you in to train as an actress?! Really, what’s with the world right now?


Then you thought to yourself… That guy who just helped you earlier… he couldn’t be from CUBE Entertainment too… can he?





A/N: Sorry, kinda short huh..? but I will try better next time! ^^" Comments well appreciated.. hehe.. Watch out cuz maybe there might be a chance that YOU and Junhyung will get to meet in the next few chapters! :))

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