9Dream ; Revealing member #oo3 ; Kim Misool~!

9Dream - SM Entertainment & Pledis Entertainment New Girl group - Apply Closed!


Username: Beautifulove

User Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/69793

Name: Kim Misool

Nickname(s): Soolie, SoolNae, MiMiMi

Age: 16

Birthdate: 25th of Dec, 1996

Birthplace: Korea

Ethincity: Full korean

Languages Spoken: korean & english

 Personality: Misool is very hyper-active girl who dislikes banana ... She likes to be active but tend to sleep more than half a day. She hates being alone and ignored. She was a tomboy before but changed. Misool likes to be happy and you rarely see a frown on her face. She has a bubbly personality but can be serious and angry when the people she loves is hurt or sad. She gets jealous very easyly .... Especially if her crush makes a close contact to another girl, You'll see DarkSool! So watch OUT! XDDD


Misool EXTREMELY HATES BANANA!!! She would freak out and such. She loves crashing bananas and throwing them ... *cough* Now, the actually appropriate stuff ... Misool is a clumsy girl. She's a not so perfect girl but you'll eventually have a sweet spot for her ... She is creative and playful. She is lovable and has a high chance of losing things. She likes to act and throws neat tanthrums at people. She can get very jealous. She has a curious attitude. She loves to find out things and is the person you would go to if you want to lose something .. LOL! She cannot cook and is very slow at things, even though she is slow she is consider a genius at school. She is a type of person you would want to cuddle and call 'dongsaeng', she can never be mature and is usually goofy, She's a fun one. Misool is cute and bubbly too, she can never be serious and sometimes get off the topic. She cries easily and is the last person you want to prank ... She's also a strong and hard-working person ...

Childhood History: Misool grew up in Seoul and was there since forever. Her family were a line of pure korean and she had a normal childhood :D


  • Going out in the rain
  • reading a book
  • playing
  • singing
  • food
  • fresh air & wide space & animals
  • plants & gardening
  • fluffy things
  • Killing bananas



  • blackouts & nightmares (she would cry when waking up)
  • when she has bags under her eyes that means being tired
  • clubs &smokers, drinkers .. anything of that sort
  • when someone lies to her
  • being alone
  • thunders & storms
  • not being able to eat as much as she wants



Misool's number 1 hobby is to crush bananas, since her pasionate hate for bananas is really strong, she tends to step on them when she have the chance to ...

  • ballet/acrobats

  • sports and arts
  • taking pictures
  • jogging in the morning
  • gardening
  • swimming and any other sports
  • arts
  • singing
  • rapping
  • dancing
  • beat-boxing



  • puffing her adorable cheek

  • nodding instead of saying yes

  • Hides behind a person she knows when meeting someone new

  • cries when she's lost, hurt or blamed

  • smiling when she's really sad

  • Glaring at a banana when she pass by

Family Members: Kim Jonghyun (brother), Kim Minjun (appa) & Yoon Jaemi (Umma)

Rich/Poor/Middle Class: Rich

Partner/Prince Charming/Romeo/Love of your life: Byun Baekhyun ... BACON XDDD (my EXO BIAS *^* )

Have a relationship?: [Later]

Friends: Yoona, Yuri & Sulli

Best friends: Park Jiyeol (yay~!) & Key (SHINee)

Position: Triple Threat

Rapping Link: (2+)


  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JM8BBEDpxMg
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IODgDk7vYw0
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-_u5sCCd_E
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMWSIrzs
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fa5PHagWezQ

Dancing Link: (2+)


  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvYaBvclOeo
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7uLbNEmBBc&feature=related
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RMQqJ-qraQ

Singing Link: (2+)


  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqN8J-f2ce0
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNeYY5nIkbg
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-6StXKEzzw

Solo Fanclub name: Valentines

Group Fanclub suggestions?: Dreamers? 

Other Talents: Acrobats/ballet, drums & violin, swimming & acting

Pre-debut: She was in a few MV also a child actress & former ulzzang

Persona: Adorable Fallen Angel

All you have to do is act like you are in a real audition and answer the questions that the judge will ask.


Judge: Annyeonghaseyo! Please introduce yourself.

Misool: Annyeong ! Kim Misool immida ~ ! 

Judge: Ahhh~ What do you want to be?

Misool: Ehh *thinks* I want to be the girl who can make people smile with my music

Judge: Hmmmm... Please show us a talent of yours.


Judge: Very nice! We would undergo our voting and please be patient... Kamsahamnida~!

Misool: Ah nee! Kamsahanmida *bows*

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when will you update again? ^^
had so much fun reading :)
oh..9Dream has really gotten close to Ze:a ^^
EXO is getting jealous! :)
Hana wouldn't usually be so blunt (in my opinion) but yeah. It's cute all the way! :3
OMG I LOVE POISON AND TICKET! :D Nice performance in Japan <3
I wonder what's going to happen with their rivals... :O!
AngelInHisHeart #7
PORORO! :) I love Pororo! :3
Oooh...love the double updates :)
WGM was funny especically when Kwanghee thought that Nathalie was her partner!^^
Sesame Player..the missions where so cute and fun!
Kwanghee, it would seem as though you got your girl. ;)
AHAHAHAHA! I love their missions though. :3