Love Match WGM & 9dream is kidnapped?????!!!

9Dream - SM Entertainment & Pledis Entertainment New Girl group - Apply Closed!

LOVE MATCH - Location : A mall in Seoul.

Today the four couples are gonna be revealed. Who will be in WGM?

Shinyeong and the staff gathered the boys  in a cafe while the girls are waiting in a bookstore reading books. 

"Okay. We will reveal it now. Please step forward.... Heechul. Junyoung. Dongjun. and Kevin." Shinyeong commanded those four to step forward.

They stepped forward and Dongjun asked, "Are we the four boys chosen!!??".

"No. Only two of you four had been chosen. And two failed of course. So........ DONGJUN!!!!" Shinyeong shouted.

"Wow! Yeah! Sookyung we won!!!" Dongjun shouted.

"Sorry Dongjun!!! You were one of the failed ones!" Shinyeong said as she pats Dongjun's back.

"It's okay noona~" Dongjun smiled.

"Kevin! Heechul! Mazeltov!!!!" Shinyeong congratulated Heechul and Kevin who got chosen.

[Mazeltov = Congratulations, Ze:a's debut song :)]

"Yeah Mazeltov!!!" Heechul danced to their debut song.

"So noona, where do we go?" Kevin asked.

"Please wait go to your assigned shops or restaurants~" Shinyeong said ad she gave both Heechul & Kevin a small envelope  which contains their destination. Where they wait for the chosen girl.

Kevin & Heechul opened and read a paper then they ran quickly.

"Good luck!!!" The other members shouted and waved at those two.

"Next. Minwoo. Hyungsik & Siwan! Step forward please!" Shinyeong said.

Those three stepped forward looking nervous.

"Only one of you made it. Congratualations Siwan!!!" Shinyeon shouted and gave an envelope to Siwan too.

Siwan opened it and read the paper inside and he ran to his destination.

"Okay. Kwanghee & Taehun! Congratulations Kwanghee!!" Shinyeong said and quickly gave the last envelope to Kwanghee.

Kwanghee ran already. He didn't open the envelpe so he came back to them.

"Sorry I forgot. I was too excited noona!" Kwanghee said and the members & Shinyeong laughed.He opened it and read the paper then he ran too.

"Okay you guys who are not chosen, the staff will lead you to a secret room with a laptop where you will watch the chosen guys and girls!" Shinyeong announced and they all jump because really want to watch the chosen couples.

The not-chosen boys went with the staff while the other staff members tells the girls to come out of the bookstore.

"Okay girls! So the boys are chosen already and it's time for the chosen girls!" Shinyeong announced.

The not-chosen boys were watching the girls.

"Sookyung! I hope you are not chosen too! That means me and Sookyung are still partners right??" Dongjun asked.

"Yes I think so Dongjunnie~" Taehun said.

"They look specially pretty today!" Hyungsik said.

-The girls~-

"Okay we need to make this quick so if I call you, you are chosen okay?" Shinyeong asked.

"Yes eonni!!!" The girls replied.

"The chosen girls are...... Ming! Hana! Jiyeol & Nathalie!!!" Shinyeong shouted.

-The not-chosen boys-

"Wow! That means I'm still partners with MeiMei!" Junyoung said.

"Yay Sookyung-ah!" Dongjun said.

"That's it. Siwan hyung really ruined our JiWoo." Minwoo pouted.

"So that means me and Ming are broken too~" Hyungsik looked sad too.

-Shinyeong & the girls-

"Congratulations! Here is your envelopes which contains your destinations!" Shinyeong congratulated the four girls and gave the envelopes.

The girls read it then ran in different ways.

"So eonni, what will happen to us???" Misool said causing them all to laugh.

"Of course you are still part of the show! The other boys are watching in a secret room~ The staff and me will lead you there. So let's go!!!" Shinyoung said and they were on their way on the secret room.

-In The Secret Room-

The not-chosen girls entered. The still-together partners jumped in happiness.

They all watch the chosen boys wait for the girls.


"Ashley~~~ Will it be Ashley???" Heechul worried about his partner.

Then Ming entered.

"Heechul oppa??? You're my husband???" Ming was confused. She thought she was gonna see Hyungsik.

"So you are my wife?" Heechul asked and was confused too.

They both end up laughing.

"Let's eat first nae?" Heechul asked Ming.

"Nae oppa!" Ming sat and looked at the menu.

"What do you want?" Heechul asked.

After picking on the menu. The waiter cam and got ttheir orders.

After a few minutes more. Their food was there and they ate. 


Kwanghee was waiting. His expression changed when he saw Nathalie.

"Nathalie?" He went to the glass door.

"Oppa you are chosen? Congratualtions!!!" Nathalie said.

"You are not my wife???" Kwanghee asked.

"No. I just saw you so I came here!" Nathalie giggled.

"Okay Congratulations too!!!" Kwanghee said.

Nathalie said goodbye and ran. 

"What a relief! HANA!!! I hope it's Hana." Kwanghee said.

After a few seconds. Hana came inside.

"HANA!!!!" Kwanghee jumped with Hana and high-fived her with two hands.

"Yay oppa we won!!!" Hana said.

"Yah come here~" Kwanghee said and dragged Hana gently to a table.


Jiyeol was already at the door. Siwan can't see her because he was looking at his phone.

Siwan looked up after texting s and he saw Jiyeol can't open the heavy door.

Siwan smiled and opened the door.

"Oppa?" Jiyeol asked.

"Jiyeol~ Kkaja let' s eat first." Siwan said.

"Oppa, who was the other three oppas?" Jiyeol asked.

"It was Heechul, Kevin hyung & Kwanghee." Siwan said while picking on the menu.


Nathalie came in.

"Nathalie!" Kevin shouted.

"Kevin oppa! We won!!!" Nathalie said.

"Let's go eat!" Kevin said.


[Love Match WGM episode stops here]

After filming Love Match WGM.

The boys and girls went out to their vans. They said goodbye to each other and came in their vans.


Hana, MeiMei & Misool were sleeping peacefully. N was reading a book.

Sookyung, Ming, Jiyeol & Nathalie were singing & dancing to Ze:a's Phoenix which was playing on the radio.

Ashley was playing on her Ipad. 

"Camera!" N said when noticed a camera in front of her.

"Why are there cameras here?" Nathalie asked.

Then Ming noticed that their Manager oppa is going the wrong way to their dorm.

"OPPA!!! This is the wrong way!! You should have turned right!" Ming shouted.

"PD! What is this?" Ashley asked the PD who was sitting beside the manager.

"The incident of 9dream's kidnap. Take 1. Tsk Tsk." Jiyeol copied what Gongchan said in B1A4's Sesame Player Ep. 1

"Oppa~ Where are we really going???" Sookyung asked again.

They thought that the PD beside their manager was the PD of Idol Cam but she was the PD of Sesame Player.

After a few minutes of playing in the van, they came to a place in Seoul. They saw a house and many staffs and cameramen.

"Manager oppa! Seriously! What is this???" Ming asked before some staff eonni came to them.

"Listen carefully! You will all be given a mission card. Each card has a prize on its back. You peel  off the sticker to know the prize after you completed the mission" The Staff eonni came.

"So we have to go in the house to do the mission. Let's go in girls!!!" Ashley lead the girls.


"Wahhh Chincha!!! This is nice!" Ming said looking around.

"Let's do our mission quickly." Sookyung suggested.

"Let me do it first~" Nathalie said and read her mission card.

"Ohh why this??? I have to run around the house three times~" Nathalie whined after reading her card.

"Hwaiting eonni!! For our prizes!" Misool cheered.

"Arasseo~" Nathalie ran outside and started to circle the house.

"So I'll do mine now too~" Sookyung read hers. 

"What is it eonni?" Hana asked.

"Wae??? I have to shuffle for 30 seconds." Sookyung said and started to do the shuffle dance.

Nathalie came back inside. "Finished!!!" She said and a staff eonni made her peel the sticker behind the card.

"Our prize is..... WAHHH!!!! They will give us any food we want!!!!" Nathalie shouted and jumped with the members.

"I'm done!" Sookyung said after a staff eonni checked the timer. 

"Peel the sticker Sookyung!" MeiMei said.

"We have...... We can  buy clothes and they'll pay for it!!!" Sookyung said and the girls rejoiced.

"Now I'll do mine." Ashley said and read hers. "I have to drink a sour jiuce." Ashley said and an eonni gave her a small glass with sour juice.

Ashley dranked the sour juice and her expression became different. Then she requested water from the staff.

"Yay! So what did Ashley eonni won?" Ming said and helped Ashley peel the sticker.

"Wahhh!! We can invite any male group idol!!!" Ming shouted.

"Should we pick EXO?" N suggested.

"Eonni, they are busy going on shows remember?" Misool reminded N.

"Then how about ZE:A?" Hana asked.

"The husbands and partners are going to a fansign right?" Sookyung said.

"How about B1A4?" Jiyeol said.

"Baby good night! Jaljayo Good night!~" The girls suddenly sang.

"Look! The staff eonni agreed. Told you this is Sesame Player!" N said.

"I'll do my mission right now!" Ming said. "Hull! (What the) I have to pick at least ten apples from the garden outside." Ming said and quickly ran.

"Then I'll do mine too." MeiMei read her card. "I have to be Jessica eonni until all the missions are finished. Annyeonhaseyo Jessica imnida!" MeiMei said.

"My turn~" N said and read hers. "I have to say our 2nd title song News at the end everytime I talk.... News." N said and started her mission. The members were laughing.

"Hey I'm back guys!!!" Ming said with a basket of a apples.

"Peel the sticker news!!!" N said and they laughed again.

"Now I know N eonni's mission~"Ming said as she peels thes ticker slowly. "Yes! We won cooking utensils!!!" Ming shouted.

"Yes!!! Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby!!!" MeiMei said and they all burst out laughing including the staff and PD.

"Who's next?" Nathalie asked.

"I will!" Jiyeol said and she read hers. "Oh this is going to be fun. I have to act like Zelo." Jiyeol said.

"Hana do yours now news~" N said. The girls were laughing again.

"OK! I have to be Taemin." Hana said,

"Misool-ssi! Do yours too so we can stop! Yeah!" Jiyeol acted like Zelo and they all laughed again.

"Mine is.... Jump rope. 60 times. Uhhh~" Misool gets the jumping rop from an eonni and started jumping as the members count.

After 60 jump ropes. All the missions are finished.

"We all did a good job!! What do you think Jessica eonni?" Ashley asked MeiMei.

"Congratulations dongsaengs!!!" MeiMei acted like Jessica as she copied Jessica's Ice Princess look.

"N???" Sookyung asked N.

"Yay!!!!!!!!............News..." N said and the members laugh so loud again.

"Taemin-ah! How are you? Do you want to say something?" MeiMei asked Hana.

"Hi MeiMei-ssi!!! Oh! I'm curious! YEAH~" Hana sang like Taemin and they all laughed again.

"Zelo-ah???" Misool asked Jiyeol.

"Yeah! Sounds Good! We fly here! B.A.P! Leggo! Boom Clap Boom Boom Clap!" Jiyeol rapped like Zelo and she ends up laughing like the others too.

The staff eonnis and PD confirmed to them that it was Sesame Player. Catch the next episode!!!


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when will you update again? ^^
had so much fun reading :)
oh..9Dream has really gotten close to Ze:a ^^
EXO is getting jealous! :)
Hana wouldn't usually be so blunt (in my opinion) but yeah. It's cute all the way! :3
OMG I LOVE POISON AND TICKET! :D Nice performance in Japan <3
I wonder what's going to happen with their rivals... :O!
AngelInHisHeart #7
PORORO! :) I love Pororo! :3
#8 the double updates :)
WGM was funny especically when Kwanghee thought that Nathalie was her partner!^^
Sesame Player..the missions where so cute and fun!
Kwanghee, it would seem as though you got your girl. ;)
AHAHAHAHA! I love their missions though. :3