Time passes

In the Blink of an Eye


Over the next few months Alex spends a lot of time training. After having consulted with her docter and MBLAQ’s manager she came to the conclusion that the way to make sure ghost Alex don’t take over and lets someone kill Alex, Alex needs to be able to stop anyone in a heartbeat before ghost Alex gets a chance to take over. She was already quite good at reading what people have of intentions so it’s not that hard for her.

Whenever she doesn’t work she is training which means she doesn’t have that much time to see her friends or YongGuk.

She tries to make sure to see everyone once in a while but with their busy schedule and her own now packed schedule it is getting hard. She isn’t as visible as some of the agencies would like but it has kind of become a sport for her to be everywhere. Often the idols don’t know if she is around or not but Alex sees more than people think. She sort of got her own fans now. People who searches for her to get a picture.  They call her the red devil because whenever she spots someone taking her picture she narrows her eyes and smirks n the most devilish way. She is everywhere and no where. The pictures they take and put online showing her at endless idol related places makes the fans think she is everywhere. She is always well hidden or stays in a position hard to spot so no one ever dares think she isn’t around.

One fan had found her way backstage at a show and had entered Teen Top’s changing room. She had hid herself thinking she could meet them when they returned but the one who showed up was Alex who just sat on a table.

The girl, first afraid to do anything, stayed put until Alex picked up a chair and flung it through the room so it shatters against the other wall. It was nowhere near the girl and Alex laughed it off with a comment that she really should go get a workout because she feelt a bit tense. She had talked as if to herself only. That had made the girl run for it. Alex didn’t touch her or even talk to her.

The story of what happened was known to everyone. No one knew Alex had been at that show until they heard the story.

Another time a fan had been pulling Krystal from f(x)’s clothes. Alex had suddenly been there and the fan backed off. Alex acted like she was just passing by and showed her phone to Krystal asking if that wasn’t a great picture. Krystal was confused until Alex turned and looked at the fan showing her the picture with a smirk. It showed what had just happened and Alex stated that it was gonna be posted online. Then Alex got Krystal out of there.

Alex started taking pictures of all the fans who got to invading of idols personal space. She would post them on twitter where with the same sentence everytime I remember your face. Exposing the fans who give other fans a bad reputation made quite a few people back down.

The agencies were very pleased with her approached. She never really engaged in arcuments with fans and hadn’t once layed a hand on them but still people keeps calling her the red devil because of the way she acts. She always has a smirk on her face and not once has she seemed angry or surprised. It creeps people out that she is seems to know everything that goes on.

Then there was the time Super Junior was followed by fans in a taxi Alex had showed up on her motorcycle and without any sign of fear she pulled in front of the taxi but not before having circled it for a few times making the driver nervous. Alex then stopped in front of the taxi with her side to it forcing it to come to a halt. The driver got out and yelled at her but Alex just gave him a peace sign and drove off. Super Junior was long gone.

She still took her time to drive Dongho around when he had his busiest days which got known by fans who then tried to catch him when he was waiting for her. He had been standing outside the building looking after her when girls started calling his name. Alex wasn’t far away and she hardly slowed down when she pulled him on the bike and took off before the fans were anywhere near him. He later commented on a show that it was scary but Alex had held on to him with one hand until he was securely sitting.

It also became popular to hear about experiences idols had with her. DooJoon always had the best stories. His fans weren’t pleased with him being a victim of hers all the time but one of the other members from Beast would always add in that DooJoon didn’t like when she picked on anyone else of them which always made DooJoon look down embarrassed and everyone else burst into laughter.

MBLAQ tried not to be too vocal about their experiences with Alex but they often got mentioned by other idols in connection with her so they would had to say something. How she ended up in Korea doing what she do also became a topic so in the end Seungho stepped up and said he had met her before the crash and afterwards he stayed in touch. There was a short interview with Alex who with the approvel of MBLAQ’s agency said Seungho and MBLAQ had helped her out a lot back after she woke up and that she was forever in dept to them.

Fans accepted it and MBLAQ started sharing some pictures they had taken with Alex. The clear brother/sister relationship shown in the pictures got her more popular with fans who hadn’t liked her thinking she was after their biasses.

One time she made an appearance on a show with Seungho. It was just a talkshow but the way Alex and Seungho had teased each other had warmed up a lot of people’s hearts. It was a surprise for most to see how smiling Alex turned out to be after she started to relax. The others on the show commented that Alex seemed like she was quite nice. Seungho made everyone laugh by saying she was acting.

Alex had pouted at him and he smiled at her and said he was kidding, pausing and added “I think” which made everyone burst out laughing again. Alex had smirked at him making him frown and she then started telling them about the time she surprised ByungHee looking in a o magazine. She didn’t actually get to say because Seungho knows her well enough to see where she was going so he had jumped up and covered making everyone look at him all funny. Alex had started laughing and Seungho hit her over the head making her apologize but he couldn’t help but smile and people said they realy did seem close.

Seungho said they had marked her so they were sure the other idols know she is MBLAQ’s friend first. The host had been very interested in knowing how and Alex had showed the tattoo on her foot and said ChangSun had dared her to get it. She looked in the camera and said “Joon you still owe me money!” making the whole set laugh again.

After the show people was more accepting of Alex and she started being seen with more idols. She started following B.A.P. more. Some was wondering why she spend more time with them but the agency said that since B.A.P. had become so popular so fast they needed an exstra hand to make sure it didn’t become overwhelming.

For a short while there is a rumor of Alex and YongGuk dating because of a clip a fan took where Alex and YongGuk are chatting and smiling at each other. It’s nothing special really but some say the way they smile is surgesting something. The rumor died however when footage of Alex with Kei turned up. GunDog often filmed everyday life for them and posts it on their website. When Alex dated Kei she, off course, ended up in a few.  In one where GunDog is in the recording studio Alex is talking to Kei with a smile bigger than the one she had in the clip with YongGuk. Kei has his arm around her and is smiling very surgestively in her direction.

YongGuk was actually offended by the whole thing. He didn’t get why people thought Kei was more her type than he was and beside he just didn’t like being reminded of her ex.

Ghost Alex hasn’t made any appearences for a long time so Alex feels like everything is going better.






Because this is just some filler thing that I felt like I needed I might update again later..

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I am gonna rewrite In the Blink of an eye. No big changes but just improve the language and maybe add more details..


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Autumnaree #1
Chapter 34: Such a fine . So funny!
Chapter 108: Rest in peace Kei ^_^
Va-Nila #3
Chapter 108: R.I.P. Kei, but on the brighter side YES!!! im so happy its gonna be another long one!!!
Chapter 108: Omg that is so sad and shocking. R.I.P Kei :(
Chapter 107: Wow this was definitely interesting! Long...but definitely a good long!
user555 #6
Chapter 106: okay this was a beautiful story, thank you so much!
user555 #7
Chapter 100: well this chapter made me cry along with many others but this totally got me
ChuRin #8
Chapter 107: Woah such a good story~
Oooh sequal sounds fun but at the same time i have shipped yongguk x alex the whole time lol>w< so it sounds a bit intimidating with all the questions :3
Chapter 107: uhwfuiefiuiguyigruigvrgirvigyvsaukyi!!!!!!! I CANT WAIT!! XD quite late the message but untl now i could come ;-; huhu~ so, i cant wait! im getting anxious now XD Y U DO THIS TO ME!?!? XD ok you killed me the hole year ok? now you are going to kill my zombie form with a sequel? im waiting then! xD oh god, im too happy and excited out of nowhere xD, the most funny thing was when i looked at the updates and i saw "In the blink of an eye" updated i literally flip the table XD oh god, look what you have done!!!! XD hahah ok i will stop now ._. hmm quite long message XD ok soooo~ CANT WAIIIIIIIT!!!!!