
In the Blink of an Eye

A few days later Alex is accompanying Beast as they are going to a fan meeting.

“It is really weird looking at you dressed like that” YoSeob looks at Alex who is looking fierce in her jeans and fitted leather jacket. She shrugs “I haven’t quite gotten used to it myself”

“What does YongGuk say about this new look of yours?” Gi Kwang smiles

Alex chuckles “Well lets just say when I am with B.A.P HimChan is always making sure there are at least two people between Guk and I” She winks at him “Guk is really annoyed by it”

JunHyung laughs “You aren’t?”

Alex shrugs “I like seeing Guk being irritated because he isn’t able to be close to me. I think it is flattering” She walks over to DooJoon who sends her a smile “What not gonna scare me today?” he asks.

She chuckles “When you least expect it bunny”

“Bunny?” DooJoon frowns “Seriously you are calling me bunny?”

“Yes” Alex pats his cheek “SooHyun is honey so you got to be bunny” She looks at the others “Don’t you think I should call him Bunny?”

The others laughs and nods but stops when DooJoon scowls at them “You guys better watch it” he snares and then glares at Alex “Stupid girl”

The others walk out and DooJoon looks after them until they are out the door. Alex turns to follow them but DooJoon pulls her back and hugs her “I hate you” he says in her ear and then lets go “But it is good to see you are doing well”

Alex chuckles “You just hate that you like me bullying you”

“How do you kn… I mean… no” he frowns and rubs his neck.

Alex laughs “SooHyun told me” She grasps his wrist and drags the moping DooJoon out.

Beast gets on stage and Alex takes her place in front of the stage. She doesn’t really have anything to do other than just be there. She was at a fan meeting with Shinee the other day and it turns out the fans behave just by the sight of her. Some fans even stopped her afterwards thanking her for helping their biases have a private life but no more than an hour later she was sent a mail saying she better get out of town. Alex had replied the mail saying the she was gonna be at a certain location in 2 hours and if they had something to say they could say it there.

The place was park and Alex went there as promised. She stayed there for an hour but no one showed. ByungHee had told her she should get a twitter so she while she was at the park she tweeted her whereabouts and about why she was there. When the hour had passes she posted a picture of an old couple walking away with the sentence Unless those two was the ones threatening me I think someone is full of hot air.

It had gotten a lot of responses, all of which was people saying Alex was awesome. JunHo had responded saying he wouldn’t wanna face her alone in the park attaching a photo of him and Nichkhun looking scared. Alex responded that there are scarier things out there. To that Junho responded and said as long as he is on Alex’s good side nothing really seems scary which got a lot of comments about how Junho seemed to be good friends with Alex which had made SooHyun call Alex and announce that he didn’t like Junho one bit.

Alex moves to the other side of the stage keeping an eye on the fans who sends her slightly nervous looks. Alex can’t help but smirk.

“Alex” DooJoon comes over towards her. She turns and looks at him. He has a microphone in his hand “One of our beloved fans asked us what kind of influence you have had. YoSeob said you made the friendship between Beast and U-Kiss stronger, care to tell how you did that?”

He crouches next to her smirks. She looks up and him and chuckles.

 “I think everyone would like to know” DooJoon looks at the fans who are all very loud. He moves the microphone over to her “Is this punishment for making you look like a fool in front of the others?” She asks with a devious smile. DooJoon hits her over the head “Stupid girl” he hides his eyes “Just tell them”

“Fine. I kidnapped JunHyung and Beast and U-kiss had to follow my clues to get him back” She explains to loud surprised sounds from all the girls. JunHyung hides his face in his hands and the other chuckles

“Thank you Alex” DooJoon stands up “It was actually quite fun” He walks back to the others “You know we found out she had actually asked our manager permission before going ahead with it”

Alex shakes her head and turns her back to the stage. One of the girls waves her over asking if she is close with Beast.

“I’m friends with them” Alex shrugs “They are nice guys”

“You seem close with them” Another girl says looking a little spiteful.

Alex keeps a polite smile “Is it a problem?”

“N-no” one says. The other is just glaring at her. Alex crosses her arms “Tell me why that is a problem”

“You can’t have them” the glaring girl says

“I don’t want them” Alex chuckles “You can feel very secure that I do not have an interest in taking them away from you guys” She narrows her eyes a bit “I will however make sure they get to pick who they want anywhere near them” She smirks “Nice meeting you” she turns and walks away.

She walks backstage and picks up her phone having noticed it ringing silently for a while.


Alex hey

“Chul Yong” Alex smiles “I haven’t heard from you for a while”

Not my fault you have been so busy lately

“I know” Alex sighs “All the managers want me to be seen with their group” She rubs her neck “For every group I’m seen with the amount of threatening mail sky rockets. Thanks to DooJoon I think I just made another enimies”

Want me to kick his ? I will

Alex laughs “That is sweet but no. I’m the only one who kicks asses remember”

Well we were just wondering if you were up for dinner… Or maybe you are too busy

“Hell no. Not for you guys”

Great. See you in 2 hours then

“Sure thing” Alex hangs up and sees Beast coming off stage. She steps back so she is hidden behind a door and when DooJoon is next to her she grasps his arm, pulls him back and pushes him against the wall before slamming her fist in the wall next to his head.

“YAH!” DooJoon yells in shock. He leans his head back against the wall “When I die from a heart-attack it will be your fault” He scowls at Alex who chuckles “I’m just keeping you on your toes” She pats him on the cheek “I’m taking off”

“Yeah please do” DooJoon huffs “The sooner the better”

Alex chuckles and pecks his cheek “Bye bunny” She takes off with a laugh waving bye to the others in the process.

DooJoon first scowls after her but then smiles a little and shakes his head.




“So she is coming?” ChangSun looks at Chul Yong as they get out of the van near the dorm. Chul Yong smiles “Yea”

Sang Hyun sighs “I can’t believe we have gotten to a point where we have to fight to get time with Alex”

Seungho nods “If it wasn’t enough that she had to find time for YongGuk and SooHyun who, if you ask me, knows something we don’t and that bugs the hell out of me. But DooJoon is starting to like being bullied and now all the managers wants her. I swear ever since she… uhm killed a guy… she is busier than us” He sighs and opens the outer door.

“You think she likes it?” ByungHee asks frowning. Seungho shrugs “We can ask her. I no longer have any idea what is going on with her. It is really killing me”

“I know” ByungHee moves an arm around Seungho’s shoulder.

They walk to their dorm and let themselves in. “Did you guys not turn of the tv?” ByungHee asks frowning.

“I did!” ChulYong frowns.

“Alex!” They all yells and runs in the living-room just to find it empty.

“Bummer” Sang Hyun pouts

“Ani!” Alex comes from behind and moves her arms around Seungho ”You guys are so noicy”

Seungho turns in her arms and hugs her “Alex. I missed you” She chuckles and hugs him back “I missed you too Ani”

“What about the rest of us?” ByungHee whines.

“I missed all of you” She tries to steps back to hug the others but Seungho doesn’t let go “Not yet” He chuckles and the others complain loudly.

A couple of hours later Alex is messaging Seungho’s shoulders as the group catch up. Or well Seungho isn’t really talking. He looks like he is in heaven. Alex was always good with her hands and he is almost drifting off.

“So no one demanded your attention tonight?” Joon asks. ByungHee and Sang Hyun are pointing at Seungho’s foolish smile and laughs among themselves.

“Well there was something but I said no. I might have signed a contract but I can still pick how much I wanna work. It is a perk of my job. I’m here 24/7 if there is anything that really matters but for smaller things like going to a fan meeting or driving someone around I can pick what I want”

“So it is your own choice to work so much?” ChulYong asks frowning.

“Somewhat” Alex nods “Right now I need to be seen a lot so everyone knows who I am. But I’m not gonna keep this up for long. It just isn’t me being so public. I don’t get how you guys can take it”

“Practice” ChangSun smirks.

“Well I’m glad I’m not in your shoes” Alex pats Seungho on the shoulders and then looks at his hair starting to mess around with it. Seungho just keeps smiling enjoying the attention.

“You really need to come around more often” ByungHee chuckles “Seungho hasn’t been this silent and calm for weeks”

Seungho leans back and looks up at Alex “I’m taking you away from YongGuk” He smirks and Alex laughs “Good luck” She pats him on the cheek and he sighs “Yeah I know” he closes his eyes and relaxes.

“So have you seen him since you the press conference?” Sang Hyun asks “I haven’t seen anything online about you and B.A.P.”

Alex frowns at him

“Yes we keep an eye on what fans write about you” ChangSun nods and smirks “We have to look out for our sister you know”

Alex smiles “I really miss the days when I stayed here”

“Me too” Seungho mumbles lazily making everyone laugh.

Alex looks at Sang Hyun “In order to for his agency to allow him to actually date me he has promised not to be seen with me until I have been accepted as a part of your world. Just in case you know”

“That might take a long time” ByungHee frowns

“I know” Alex nods “But he is busy and I keep myself busy so it is okay”

“What will you do if anyone finds out?” Sang Hyun frowns.

“I don’t know” Alex looks at Seungho’s half asleep face. She smiles his cheek “It does worry me. Just like if people find out about my relationship with you guys” She looks around at the faces “It would kill me if I didn’t have you guys”

ByungHee moves to her side and puts an arm around her shoulder “You don’t normally say something like that” he says and kisses the side of her head. Seungho reaches up and takes her hand “You have grown up Alex”

She leans her head against ByungHee’s shoulder “Nah Im just not as blind anymore. I’m not just answering to myself. That is scary”

“I never thought I would here you say anything was scary” Sang Hyun chuckles. Alex smiles “Things change”

The guys nod “You change a lot though” ChulYong says. Alex nods *You have no idea how much*


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I am gonna rewrite In the Blink of an eye. No big changes but just improve the language and maybe add more details..


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Autumnaree #1
Chapter 34: Such a fine . So funny!
Chapter 108: Rest in peace Kei ^_^
Va-Nila #3
Chapter 108: R.I.P. Kei, but on the brighter side YES!!! im so happy its gonna be another long one!!!
Chapter 108: Omg that is so sad and shocking. R.I.P Kei :(
Chapter 107: Wow this was definitely interesting! Long...but definitely a good long!
user555 #6
Chapter 106: okay this was a beautiful story, thank you so much!
user555 #7
Chapter 100: well this chapter made me cry along with many others but this totally got me
ChuRin #8
Chapter 107: Woah such a good story~
Oooh sequal sounds fun but at the same time i have shipped yongguk x alex the whole time lol>w< so it sounds a bit intimidating with all the questions :3
Chapter 107: uhwfuiefiuiguyigruigvrgirvigyvsaukyi!!!!!!! I CANT WAIT!! XD quite late the message but untl now i could come ;-; huhu~ so, i cant wait! im getting anxious now XD Y U DO THIS TO ME!?!? XD ok you killed me the hole year ok? now you are going to kill my zombie form with a sequel? im waiting then! xD oh god, im too happy and excited out of nowhere xD, the most funny thing was when i looked at the updates and i saw "In the blink of an eye" updated i literally flip the table XD oh god, look what you have done!!!! XD hahah ok i will stop now ._. hmm quite long message XD ok soooo~ CANT WAIIIIIIIT!!!!!