I wish I could

In the Blink of an Eye

“Alex why are you standing here now?” Seungho looks at her “Not that I mind but…” he looks at YongGuk “You know your boyfriend is needy”

“I know” Alex chuckles and smiles at Seungho “But he can’t really replace my Ani”

Seungho smiles big “You have no idea how much I love hearing that. You should really tell me that more often”

Alex chuckles “I will then”

She leans her head against his arm “What do you think I should do?”

Seungho sighs and puts his phone away “I really don’t know”

Alex nods and moves away from him to the window seeing 3 very big fancy cars parked outside “Cars like that don’t come here”

Seungho waves YongGuk over and they all look out the window “Those look very official” YongGuk mumbles letting his hand find it is way to Alex’s.

There is a knock on the door and a second later a policeman comes in “Alex these gentlemen say you work for them”

Represents from every single idol agency Alex has helped out stands walks in one by one looking very slick in there suits. YongGuk recognizes one as being the man right below the CEO at TS Entertainment and he bows deeply Seungho sees a likewise big shot from his Agency and bows as well. Alex nods shortly.

The represents bow to her “Alex we are here because of that whole bloody thing you have gotten yourself into” one says.

MBLAQ’s manager comes in now and he hurries over to Alex “You look better than I thought. You know my fiancé saw you on TV and she actually fainted”

Alex looks down “I’m sorry”

Seungho and YongGuk are on either side of her. The manager looks at them “Give us a sec”

Seungho sighs and drags YongGuk with him towards the intimidating looking represents. The one from TSE crosses his arms and looks at YongGuk “So Bang YongGuk. Are you dating Alex?”

Seungho looks at how YongGuk turns pale “We all kind of forced them together” Seungho says and bows his head. YongGuk just swallows.

The represent nods “I know” He smirks “She told me”

YongGuk frowns “You know? She told you?”

“Yes” the man nods and grins “She has been babysitting my kids from time to time. They really like her and she has eaten with my family on several occasions. We talk. She told me 2 weeks ago that she was seeing YongGuk”

YongGuk swallows again and looks back at Alex who sends him a quick smile.

“I’m not gonna say you can’t but keep it on the low alright. I know she’ll be discrete about it”

YongGuk frowns “And I won’t?”

“Well you better” the represent says seriously

“Off course sir” YongGuk mumbles and looks down.

“You know you idols aren’t the only once she helps” another one says “She teaches my daughter english”

“She fixed my wife’s brother up” another adds in

“She got my son to start caring about school again”

The represents just keeps mentioning things and Seungho feels himself getting more and more proud. He was wondering what she was doing most of the time when she wasn’t doing favors.

“Off course this whole thing is not looking good for us” the one from JYP says

“Things have to change” the one from SM nods.

Seungho and YongGuk nods.

The manager and Alex walk back over. Alex asks if anyone wants to sit but no one does.

“We are gonna back you up on this. We know it was self-defense and we know you probably saved lives by doing what you did. We will publicly acknowledge you as working for us. We think that the increasing the number of fangirls being more invading of idols private life will think twice if we say you are responsible for that problem. That means we want you to be more visible. We don’t mind that you come off intimidating you can’t off course use violence if it is gonna reflect bad on us” one says

YongGuk huffs “Oh don’t worry about that. Alex knows all the ways to cover your when it comes to that” The one from his agency smiles a little “There will be a press conference as soon as the charges are dropped” they all bow again “That is it for us”

Alex crosses her arms “Seriously all you people had to come here just for that?” MBLAQ’s manager bites his lip so he won’t laugh.

A few of the represents do laugh

“We wanted all the agencies to show up to prove that we mean it when we say we are all behind you. We know this can get messy so don’t screw up”

“I’m doing my best” Alex mumbles and scratches her neck.

“You need some new clothes” one says as they start exiting the place. Alex looks down herself “Why?”

“Well you now represent us as well. You have to look good. YongGuk and Seungho explain it to her”

Alex frowns “I’m not a bloody doll”

MBLAQ’s manager chuckle “Oh trust me no one has that illusion”

Alex smirks “Good”

 When all the represents are out Alex crosses her arms “Great, me who moved here to get peace. Now I have to deal with bloody fangirls openly”

YongGuk walks over to her and takes her in his arms “It’s gonna be fine. You do realize that now you can dress as a girl and be around all of us more often and not just when we are sure no one is watching”

Alex places her hands on his sides and smiles at him “I know”

“Yeah but that means YongGuk has to learn to control the PDA” Seungho chuckles. YongGuk frowns at him “Me? Why me?”

“Are you really asking me that?” Seungho laughs and shakes his head walking away with the manager.

YongGuk makes a whiny face and looks after Seungho “I am asking…” Alex turns his head back towards her “Don’t worry about it baby”

“But I don’t get why it is always me” YongGuk sticks out his lower lip making Alex forget what she was saying because she gets too fascinated by the inviting plum lip in front of her. She bites her own lip and smirks.

“Alex?!” YongGuk whines.

“Huh?” she reluctantly moves her eyes from his lips to his eyes “What?”

“Never mind” he sighs

Seungho and the manager are discussing what this will mean for everyone.

“You told my bosses about us?” YongGuk says softly moving some of her hair behind her ear.

She looks down and nods “I… I thought I might as well tell him so he didn’t have to figure it out some other way”

“You do know what it means that you told him” YongGuk smirks.

Alex shrugs

“It shows how serious you are about us” He smiles “You have no idea how happy that makes me”

Alex gets a faint blush on her cheeks and she grins “More than telling you I love you?”

YongGuk smile becomes even bigger “No that was better” he looks down and frowns “But…”

Alex gives him a quick kiss “It is fine. I get that you won’t say it back. I’ll wait. After all you are still a boy”

YongGuk chooses to let that comment slide since he rather have that be the reason than the actually reason. He breathes relieved and hugs her closer “It doesn’t mean I don’t” he says softly in her ear

“Trust me Gukkie I don’t doubt you. No boyfriend would be so needy if they didn’t care” Alex chuckles and playfully nibbles at the crock of his neck.

YongGuk sighs “I’m not that needy am I?”

Alex moves her head back and looks him in the eyes “Then let go of me and promise you won’t hug me for 3 hours”

YongGuk frowns “No way” he hugs her even closer making her laugh.

“Yah! Lovebirds” Seungho calls and makes the two look at him. “We are gonna go. Guk you’ll probably stay I take it. I’m picking up G.O. and we’ll go shop for Alex’s new wardrobe and probably swing by everyone of her closest friends”

Alex nods “Uhm could you get me a new phone?”

Seungho smiles “Off course” He grins “A bright pink one” he walks to the door with the manager

Alex runs after him “NO PINK!” She is stopped in the door by the policeman. She pouts “I don’t like pink”

The policeman chuckles “Why doesn’t that surprise me” He crosses his arms “You are really the racer?”

She nods “Yea why?”

“My cousin is a policeman in Tokyo and he was involved with the whole thing. I just find it hard to believe that you pulled it off. The whole dying thing”

Alex shrugs “I didn’t really do anything”. The policeman gets a call and guides her back in closing the door. She sighs and walks over to the window spotting Seungho and the manager leaving.

YongGuk embraces her from behind “What’s on your mind?” He asks and kisses her neck.

“Just… worried”

“You worried?” YongGuk chuckles and Alex hits his arms “Yes I do actually worry”

YongGuk hugs her closer “Don’t. Let me worry for you”

Alex smiles a little and leans her head against his *I wish I could*







The end is getting closer. I know I could have made it so much longer but no It is time to end it. Still got quite a bit to write in here but for the first time the entire story is written. There is no holes I have to fill, no events that I think it needs. Now it will only go one way... How do you think this story should end?

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I am gonna rewrite In the Blink of an eye. No big changes but just improve the language and maybe add more details..


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Autumnaree #1
Chapter 34: Such a fine . So funny!
Chapter 108: Rest in peace Kei ^_^
Va-Nila #3
Chapter 108: R.I.P. Kei, but on the brighter side YES!!! im so happy its gonna be another long one!!!
Chapter 108: Omg that is so sad and shocking. R.I.P Kei :(
Chapter 107: Wow this was definitely interesting! Long...but definitely a good long!
user555 #6
Chapter 106: okay this was a beautiful story, thank you so much!
user555 #7
Chapter 100: well this chapter made me cry along with many others but this totally got me
ChuRin #8
Chapter 107: Woah such a good story~
Oooh sequal sounds fun but at the same time i have shipped yongguk x alex the whole time lol>w< so it sounds a bit intimidating with all the questions :3
Chapter 107: uhwfuiefiuiguyigruigvrgirvigyvsaukyi!!!!!!! I CANT WAIT!! XD quite late the message but untl now i could come ;-; huhu~ so, i cant wait! im getting anxious now XD Y U DO THIS TO ME!?!? XD ok you killed me the hole year ok? now you are going to kill my zombie form with a sequel? im waiting then! xD oh god, im too happy and excited out of nowhere xD, the most funny thing was when i looked at the updates and i saw "In the blink of an eye" updated i literally flip the table XD oh god, look what you have done!!!! XD hahah ok i will stop now ._. hmm quite long message XD ok soooo~ CANT WAIIIIIIIT!!!!!