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In the Blink of an Eye

“What the hell is going through your mind right now?” Sang Hyun gives Seungho a push.

Seungho looks at him a tad flustered “Uhm nothing” He frowns and returns to reality. He has been struggling so hard to not think about her in that way. She has no clue what went on between them and he has no intensions of making her uncomfortable by telling her that they used to do sleep together. She calls him her big brother for god sake.

*God how erted I feels right now*

He never told her he had feelings for her. It would have made her call the whole thing off. That he is certain of. To her he was just a friend with benefits. He didn’t mind at first. Let’s face it, she wasn’t really girlfriend material and he got to have with a hot girl with no strings attached. But it’s not his nature to keep and feelings separate and he did fall in love with her.

 “Ani where is your head?” Alex tugs on his sleeve. Seungho looks at her and swallows. He smiles sweetly and cubs her cheek running his thump over it caringly “I was thinking how nice it would be if you didn’t get into fights all the time. Life would be so much simpler”

She frowns “Are you sick or something?”

He sighs and lets his head drop “No” He looks at Sang Hyun who chuckles and looks at Alex “Yeah Alex without bruises is hard to imagine”

Alex pouts and crosses her arms “I don’t have bruises all the time”

Seungho raises a brow. She shakes her head slightly and pushes him “I need a glass” She gently pushes Seungho out of the way and takes a glass filling it with water. She finds a couple more pills. She walks back to YongGuk and places them next to him. He sighs “thanks”

“How is your back?”

“Better than my ” He tries to jokes and smiles a little. Strangely enough he doesn’t really feel that awkward with her. The whole standing up for her really did help. Nice knowing he saved the girl who helped him. She chuckles and removes a strand of hair from his face. She looks down his back. Seungho walks over with Sanghyun and some food “Could you eat?”

Alex smiles and nods. YongGuk pushes himself up slowly and switches painfully into a sitting position making room to the others.  He moves into the corner to have plenty of support for his back. Alex drops next to him and makes a hungry expression at the food. Seungho hands a plate to YongGuk who thanks politely and Sang Hyun hands one to Alex with a grin “You look like you haven’t eaten in a while”

She smirks “It’s because the food you make look so good”

Sang Hyun grins and it looks like his ears turn a bit red.

Seungho drags the table over and sits on that. Sang Hyun sits next to Alex. He looks around “Where did you sleep?”

Seungho raises a brow looking at Alex. She points to the corner “There”

“There is nothing there!” Sang Hyun frowns

She shrugs “Well no. Didn’t sleep that much anyway” She returns to eating. YongGuk kind of lost his appetite. *What kind of man is he to let a girl sleep on the floor in her own home?* Seungho sees his expression and smiles friendly “Don’t worry about it she could just have bought those furniture I told her to get 3 days ago”

“I was busy!” Alex exclaims.

“Right you were driving around and… what else?” Sang Hyun grins.

She chuckles “That’s something too you know”

Seungho shakes his head “Foolish girl. Tomorrow you are finding a new apartment and then you are gonna get some furniture. If you don’t I will let Mir do it”

“My place would be filled with manga stuff” Alex frowns. “Let that be your threat” Seungho smirks.

Alex scowls at him “Yeah yeah”

“All that stuff you had in Japan what happened to that?” Sang Hyun says with his mouth full of food. Alex pokes his cheek “Almost as big cheeks at ani’s” Seungho chuckles looking at his food.

“Well” She pouts slightly thinking “I gave it away. All excepts the cd’s and the painting from above the couch”

“So you got nothing?” Sang Hyun frowns

“Pretty much” She nods and takes another bite. She looks at Sang Hyun “What are you doing here?”

Sang Hyun makes an offended face “What are you only noticing me now? You been talking with me you know”

She smirks. Seungho smiles slightly “She means, why did I bring you, you fool. They all wanted to come but they have things to do so I told them they couldn’t. Sang Hyun has time of and threatened to mess with my stuff if I didn’t bring him” Seungho raises a brow and glares at the youngest in the room. Sang Hyun grins “Well it’s always you and G.O. who goes. I’m her friend too!”

Alex gives him a nudge and smiles “Off course you are” Sang Hyun smiles at her and then makes an I-told-you-so expression at Seungho. YongGuk just sits with his head hanging.

“Oh by the way JunHyung, DooJoon, Eli, Junho and Dari were looking for you” Seungho looks at YongGuk “They were dragging one of the guys from your group around”

YongGuk frowns and looks up “Who?”

Seungho frowns “Uhm the blond one?” Sang Hyun chuckles “They are all blond”

Seungho scratches his neck “Uhm it was… Aish I’m too old to remember all the new names. Who was the idiot who decided they should all be blond anyway!” He shakes his head and sighs. YongGuk smiles slightly “Agency. You know the drill”

Seungho smiles and nods “Oh yeah” He runs over his short hair.

“I still think it suits you” Alex leans forward and run her hand over the short hair, digging her fingers in it.  Seungho just smiles happily. Sang Hyun pouts “You don’t like my hair?”

Alex turns to him and grins. Seungho glares him “Quit being a baby” Sang Hyun grins leaning away.

Alex chuckles “Ah I’m gonna get my laptop so we can see if we can help Ani figure out who it was” She is about to get up but Sang Hyun pulls her down “I get it” He jumps up and runs over returning within a second handing it to her. He drops down beside her and smiles big. He turns his cheek towards her puffing it up and she gives it a kiss “Thanks baby” She grins and kisses is cheek again making him grin foolishly. Seungho raises a brow “What happened to being shy around girls?”

Sang Hyun scratches his neck “This is Alex” Seungho smirks “Are you implying she isn’t a girl?”

YongGuk looks from one to another silently.

“Aish no” Sang Hyun waves a hand “I would never want a guy to kiss my cheek” He leans against Alex hugging her arm. She laughs and pats him on the head.

“You are so needy” Seungho shakes his head and sighs.

“You are just jealous I’m so cute I can get away with it” Sang Hyun smirks. Seungho sends him a glare. Truth be told Alex has so much skinship with all of them there would be a lynching if the fans found out. It’s not in a romantic way but still. She has managed to get a place in all their hearts not just his.

Alex turns the computer on “Ani sit here” She moves back and Seungho takes her seat getting the laptop in his lap. She sits on her knees behind him with her left arm around his neck resting her chin on his shoulder. He pats the side of her head with his right hand. YongGuk looks at the floor in front of him. They really are close. He feels horrible that Alex is hiding something from them because of him.

“There was HimChan” Alex says. She smirks at YongGuk “It’s the only name I remember”

“You didn’t even listen to me did you?!” Sang Hyun complains giving her a push which makes Seungho tilt as well “Cut it out!” He frowns at Sang Hyun. She just grins.

YongGuk nods “Yeah Himchan is the second oldest”

Seungho thinks “I’m pretty sure it wasn’t him. This guy looked kind of intimidated being dragged all over the place”

“Then it’s not HimChan” YongGuk smirks “He loves attention”

“Then I’m out” Alex grins. “Try Daehyun” YongGuk looks at the screen. Seungho searches and looks at the pictures coming up “Uhm no I don’t think that was him”

“JungUp” Sang Hyun then says. Seungho searches “No his eyes weren’t that narrow”

“Hmm I’m quite sure you would have known if it was Zelo” YongGuk smirks “So that leaves YoungJae”

Seungho nods and searches “Ah off course yes that’s the guy” Seungho points. He turns his head looking at Alex who has fallen asleep on his shoulder. Seungho chuckles her cheek.

Sang Hyun grins “She must be tired”

“I don’t think she slept a lot” YongGuk mumbles a bit guilty

He looks at her face. She looks so innocent sleeping like that. She makes a little noise and her right arm goes around Seungho’s waist so she is hugging him from behind and she buries rest her face against the back of his shoulder. Sang Hyun takes the covers from the bed and lays it over her. Seungho her hand brotherly.

Sang Hyun takes the spot Seungho was sitting on at the table. Seungho looks at YongGuk “We aren’t gonna ask what happened with you. I guess I’m a bit over protective of her” He sighs “But you must already know that she…”

“Is stupidly fearless” YongGuk says looking at the floor. Seungho grins “Yes”

YongGuk nods. He knows very well. If he hadn’t snapped out of his fear god knows what would have happened. That is a dangerous game.

Seungho sits with her laptop going through her music. “She doesn’t even have any of our music on this” He complains. Sang Hyun leans over “You are kidding me! She has to have our music check under M”

Seungho smacks him over the head “Right I wouldn’t think to look there” He shakes his head and looks at the names. “Mass missile, Metronome, MUCC.... We aren’t there” Seungho pouts “I can’t believe she still hasn’t bought any of our music”

“I’m so disappointed” Sang Hyun crosses his arms

YongGuk leans over “Does she have any Korean music?”

Seungho looks at him for a bit. He nods “I should check” He looks back at the screen. He mumbles some names “Alien Huang?? What the hell is that?” He presses play turning on the track Guns & roses. The three guys sit silently and listen. It’s a sweet Chinese song pretty calming with a chorus with a bit more rock sound but clearly it’s pop.

“Why does she have that but not us!” Sang Hyun pouts “What else does she have?”

Seungho is still listening “It’s not bad is it?”

YongGuk shrugs “Maybe a bit boring. I don’t understand a single word”

“I don’t actually know if she speaks Chinese” Seungho frowns. He looks back at the screen “Ayaka Hirahara? Uhm I think I heard that name before” He presses play on the track To be free. It’s really gentle and soft music. Like something you could fall asleep to easily. Alex lets out a happy sighs and hugs Seungho a bit closer making him chuckle. YongGuk and Sang Hyun look at her smiling face and grins.

“Aw she looks so cute” Sang Hyun gently pats her head. YongGuk nods “Hard to believe it’s the same girl”

Seungho looks at him “Yeah but you’ll find out that Alex is more sweet than anything else. That changed” He chuckles. You could say many things about Alex but sweet was never her thing. Every time she had said something sweet she would finish with a mocking remark. It just wasn’t her nature.

He smiles to himself. Alex really changed.

Sang Hyun sways from side to side “I feel calm just looking at her” Seungho smiles “You should try sitting here then”

YongGuk looks at his face. Seungho does look very peaceful and he actually feels pretty calm himself right now. “Is it only when she sleeps?” YongGuk chuckles

Seungho grins “No. It might not seem like it but most of the time she is quite calm and that just calms the room”

The track stops “What else is there?!” Sang Hyun asks impatiently. Seungho looks at the screen “I don’t know any of these… Babylon, Baelscope, Bloody mary… Isn’t that a drink?”

“It is” YongGuk nods. Sang Hyun grins “Play it!”

Seungho chuckles “This track is called gasthly” He presses play and a somewhat scratching sounds comes with a voice they can’t quite hear. A few seconds later a roar is heard making them all jerk back “” YongGuk leans over “What the hell!”

Seungho laughs “That gave me a scare”

Sang Hyun looks at Alex “She is still sleeping. How can she still be sleeping?!”

“Bump of chicken…” YongGuk reads “Is that a band as well?”

Seungho shrugs and presses play “This is called everlasting lie”. They sit and listen. It’s also pretty calming with a nasal vocal. “So far it’s all been pretty pop dominated” Sang Hyun says

“Yeah but no Korean” YongGuk adds in. Seungho sits and enjoys the music “I like this” He grins. Sang Hyun and YongGuk looks at him “It’s boring” Sang Hyun frowns. SeungHo shakes his head and sighs. He looks further down “Oh she has Dalmation” Seungho moves his head forward

“What? But they aren’t even known in Japan!” Sang Hyun complains YongGuk scratches his head “I think she might know Day Day. He knew them at least”

“Oh” Sang Hyun suddenly sits up “She did tell me she knew him. That one Pablo had introduced her to their music. She said the mix of English and Korean was funny”

Seungho glares at him “I didn’t know that” He looks back at the screen “Dio, Diura” He mentions random names that catch his eye. “Dir en grey…” He pauses “That tells me something. Ah wait I know that’s the band from the picture she kept. It’s her favorite, or used to be” He looks at the tracklist for the band “ there is a lot with them!” YongGuk frowns

“Play one!” Sang Hyun leans over looking at the screen upside down.

“Which track?” Seungho frowns “Beautiful dirt? Garbage? Child Prey? Red soil? The deeper vileness? My god these names… Agitated screams of maggotsGrief. Rotting root.. Obscure, decayed crow, the fatal believer does anything sound like something you wanna hear?”

“Can’t you see what has been played the most?” Sang Hyun asks.

Seungho check “Hmm Grief is the number one most played but it’s only one more than Child prey and 10 other tracks” He presses play. A heavy guitar starts and is joined by drums and the vocal making a very strange sound before roaring Shut up! Shut the up I say

“Oh my god” Sang Hyun frowns “That’s her favorite?!”

Seungho nods. He actually did hear them before. Once he was at her place “Ah right I remember. A lot of her music is in this genre actually” Seungho nods. YongGuk and Sang Hyun looks at him. “The cute sleeping girl on your back listens to that?” Sang Hyun says sarcastically. Seungho grins “You forget the same girl races motorcycles, raps and get’s in fights with no care for her own well being”

“Ah right” Sang Hyun nods “Next!” He grins

Seungho looks further down and chuckles “There is one called Funky monkey babies”

YongGuk chuckles “Seriously?”

Seungho nods and presses play on the track called Lovin’life. It’s very happy music. The chorus makes them chuckles “ that’s a contrast” Sang Hyun smirks.

“Wah that’s rap!” YongGuk frowns as the verse comes. “Cute” Seungho chuckles.

“Next!” Sang Hyun looks at the screen upside down. “I can’t see anything for your head!” Seungho complains. Sang Hyun takes over scrolling down upside down. Seungho crosses his arms and leans a little back. YongGuk removes some hair from Alex’s face “I had no idea she was a girl”

Seungho smiles at him “She is dressing like a guy because of us. If in any case a fan would see us with her it would be a problem if they knew she is a girl. Well that and she wanted to lay low which isn’t really happening so far”

“You do have a lot of skinship with her” YongGuk almost mumbles. Seungho blushes a bit and runs his tongue over his lip

“That’s because it’s Alex” Sang Hyun looks up “When it’s her it doesn’t seem weird or awkward. She is not easily embarrassed and with her around everyone just lowers their shields”

Seungho nods “I think her European is still stuck in her. She told me before the accident that when she got to Asia it was hard to get used to the formalities. She was used to being casual at all times and that rubs off when she deals with her friends. It was and still is completely casual”

YonGuk listens attentively

“I was amazed when I first met her. Mostly because Seungho Hyung is very much about the whole formal thing” Sang Hyun smirks

Seungho looks at the hand around his stomach holding on to his shirt. “I think those things are very important but with Alex it doesn’t matter. That’s just a part of her” He breathes deeply.

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I am gonna rewrite In the Blink of an eye. No big changes but just improve the language and maybe add more details..


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Autumnaree #1
Chapter 34: Such a fine . So funny!
Chapter 108: Rest in peace Kei ^_^
Va-Nila #3
Chapter 108: R.I.P. Kei, but on the brighter side YES!!! im so happy its gonna be another long one!!!
Chapter 108: Omg that is so sad and shocking. R.I.P Kei :(
Chapter 107: Wow this was definitely interesting! Long...but definitely a good long!
user555 #6
Chapter 106: okay this was a beautiful story, thank you so much!
user555 #7
Chapter 100: well this chapter made me cry along with many others but this totally got me
ChuRin #8
Chapter 107: Woah such a good story~
Oooh sequal sounds fun but at the same time i have shipped yongguk x alex the whole time lol>w< so it sounds a bit intimidating with all the questions :3
Chapter 107: uhwfuiefiuiguyigruigvrgirvigyvsaukyi!!!!!!! I CANT WAIT!! XD quite late the message but untl now i could come ;-; huhu~ so, i cant wait! im getting anxious now XD Y U DO THIS TO ME!?!? XD ok you killed me the hole year ok? now you are going to kill my zombie form with a sequel? im waiting then! xD oh god, im too happy and excited out of nowhere xD, the most funny thing was when i looked at the updates and i saw "In the blink of an eye" updated i literally flip the table XD oh god, look what you have done!!!! XD hahah ok i will stop now ._. hmm quite long message XD ok soooo~ CANT WAIIIIIIIT!!!!!