Where is YongGuk

In the Blink of an Eye

JunHyung is out dancing with his friends when he bumps into someone. He turns and sees TaMa who nods at him and grins “I didn’t get to congratulate you guys” TaMa reaches out a hand. JunHyung takes it and grins “Thanks. You guys are really good”

“Ah yeah. K got you” TaMa smirks “He is tough. We send him first to shake you guys but it didn’t really work”

“Nah” DooJoon grins “Nothing shakes the cool Joker from Beast” He gives JunHyung small push getting the guy to grin even bigger and proudly.

“You should have used Alex if you wanted to shakes them” JunHo from 2PM joins the group. TaMa nods “Probably” crosses his arms and grins “Actually if we wanted to win that bad we should just have let Alex on all of you”

“He is sick” JunHyung smirks “I felt bad for YongGuk”

“That’s his name? Right” TaMa nods “He was good though. I never thought he would have a voice like that. Alex was a bit surprised as well”

“He didn’t show it” DooJoon frowns. TaMa grins bigger “That’s Alex for you. It that he is leaving our group” He sighs and smiles at someone giving him a pat on the shoulder and tells him he was awesome

“He is leaving the group?” JunHyung asks curiously

“Yeah when we go home Alex stays here. Can’t blame him, really it can’t be easy for him” He gets distracted when the guy Pablo grasps his arm and drags him with him saying something about girls “I gotta go. Congratulations again” TaMa grins and walks away.

“What can’t be easy for him?” JunHo looks at JunHyung who shrugs “How should I know?”

Junho gives JunHyung a push “You were awesome by the way”

“Thanks” JunHyung smirks. DooJoon frowns “You are gonna get way to cocky after this”

JunHyung and Junho chuckles. “Then Zico is gonna be a major pain” Eli comes over with a huge grin and spread out arms. JunHyung laughs “You are right” Doo Joon looks around “Where is he anyway?”

“He is bragging to some female idols over in the corner” Eli points his drink in the direction they all look seeing Zico standing on a chair with a huge cocky grin.

“Thank god I’m don’t have to listen to him” JunHyung chuckles “It was bad enough at the meetings. If YongGuk hadn’t kept him silent I would have strangled the guy”

Eli grins “Yah YongGuk is used to the dealing with young guys. He isn’t that old himself”

“I wouldn’t wanna cross him though. He is a big guy and when he gets mad that voice freaks me out” JunHyung adds in.

“Every time he opened his mouth when you weren’t paying attention it freaked you out” Eli smirks. JunHyung starts blushing. Junho and DooJoon cross their arms and laughs.

“They didn’t have to know that!” JunHyung snaps at Eli who keeps smirking

“Your cool joker is seeming not so cool when it comes to the husky voiced badass rapper” JunHo looks at DooJoon who makes a fake disappointed face and shakes his head with a sigh “The illusion is busted” JunHyung glares at Eli who pushes his shoulders forward and tilts his head slightly back and to the side making him look bigger and more intimidating. JunHyung shakes his head and is gonna leave when DooJoon grasps the neck of his t-shirt “Where is the bear anyway?”

“Uhm I don’t know” Junho looks around “Ah I see a blond guy, gotta be one from B.A.P.”

Eli looks in the direction “Yah! AJ catch the blonde” He yells and hurries away

Doo Joon pulls JunHyung back. JunHyung scowls at him but DooJoon just pats him on the head “There there” JunHyung grunts and slaps the hand away. Eli returns with AJ and a slightly uneasy looking blond guy.

“That’s not the bear” Junho grins. Eli raises a brow “No ” The guy frowns “You are looking for YongGuk”

“Yeah” JunHo looks around “There is another blond!” He points

“Yeah that is HimChan” the blonde says.

“Which one are you again?” JunHyung looks at him. The blond points to himself “Oh I’m YoungJae”

“What about that one?” Doo Joon points to another blond. YoungJae grins “Yeah that is JongUp”

“God why do you guys have to look so much alike!” JunHo frowns and scans the room. “There, the tall one! Or the one next to that one” he sounds a bit unsure

YoungJae laughs “The tall one is Zelo and the one next to him is Daehyun”

“Then where the hell is YongGuk?” JunHyung frowns. DooJoon whacks the back of his head “No cursing”

“God damn” JunHyung smirks and rubs his head.

YoungJae looks around “I actually don’t know where he is. He went to get a drink”

“Who are we looking for?” Dari comes stumbling looking like he is in a very good mood.

“The bear” Eli grins.

“When did he get that nickname?” YoungJae frowns. DooJoon grins “Just now”

“It fits. I saw him with the panda” Dari chuckles.

“Panda?” YoungJae frowns. DooJoon laughs “Aish you rookies should really study your seniors” JunHyung Chukles. Eli gives AJ a push “You know who Panda is right?”

AJ scratches his neck “I’m guessing Seungho from MBLAQ”. “You are correct” Dari grins.

“So where is Seungho?” DooJoon looks around

“He isn’t that tall so he can be hard to find” Eli grins. JunHyung smirks “He is getting old he might already have left” Dari hits him over the back of the head “Respect your elders” JunHyung rubs the spot “Riight you are older” Doo Joon chuckles. He looks around and sees ByungHee “Ah G.O. then Seungho must be close by” He storms over to ByungHee followed by the others.

“Yah G.O. where is the panda leader?” DooJoon reaches ByungHee who steps one step to the side revealing Seungho right behind him.

“What’s up?” Seungho looks at Doo Joon. He tilts his head seeing the bunch of guys coming his way. “We are looking for YongGuk and you are the last to have seen him” Eli says with a smile. JunHyung pokes ByungHee’s drink so he almost drops it. JunHo is bringing YoungJae along.

YoungJae has no clue why he has been implicated in this whole thing but he does find it rather amusing to see the way the older idols interact.

“I left him in the bar” Seungho sends a look to YoungJae and then looks at Dari “Why are you looking for him?” Dari just shrugs. Everyone looks at each other not sure why they wanted to know where YongGuk was anyway.

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I am gonna rewrite In the Blink of an eye. No big changes but just improve the language and maybe add more details..


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Autumnaree #1
Chapter 34: Such a fine . So funny!
Chapter 108: Rest in peace Kei ^_^
Va-Nila #3
Chapter 108: R.I.P. Kei, but on the brighter side YES!!! im so happy its gonna be another long one!!!
Chapter 108: Omg that is so sad and shocking. R.I.P Kei :(
Chapter 107: Wow this was definitely interesting! Long...but definitely a good long!
user555 #6
Chapter 106: okay this was a beautiful story, thank you so much!
user555 #7
Chapter 100: well this chapter made me cry along with many others but this totally got me
ChuRin #8
Chapter 107: Woah such a good story~
Oooh sequal sounds fun but at the same time i have shipped yongguk x alex the whole time lol>w< so it sounds a bit intimidating with all the questions :3
Chapter 107: uhwfuiefiuiguyigruigvrgirvigyvsaukyi!!!!!!! I CANT WAIT!! XD quite late the message but untl now i could come ;-; huhu~ so, i cant wait! im getting anxious now XD Y U DO THIS TO ME!?!? XD ok you killed me the hole year ok? now you are going to kill my zombie form with a sequel? im waiting then! xD oh god, im too happy and excited out of nowhere xD, the most funny thing was when i looked at the updates and i saw "In the blink of an eye" updated i literally flip the table XD oh god, look what you have done!!!! XD hahah ok i will stop now ._. hmm quite long message XD ok soooo~ CANT WAIIIIIIIT!!!!!