Papa YG's announcement

My minds spinning because of you

'Eat the last slice!'

'No, you eat the last slice!'

'I don't want the last slice!'

'You're just saying that so I eat the last slice!' 

Bom and Jiyong were sat debating who should eat the last slice of pizza when both their phones made a bleeping sound simultaneously. Looking to each other in curiosity, Jiyong was the first to check his phone. His eyebrows shot up and Bom was extremely curious.

'Who is it?' she nudged him, trying to get a view of his mobile screen. Jiyong turned to her.

'It's Papa YG. He has an announcement to make so he needs us all at the YG building as soon as possible.'

Bom took a moment to think.

'By all do you mean all of Big Bang or all of YG family?'

He reached into her hoodie pocket making her jump in surprise as he flashed her his signature grin. 'Your phone noona? You received a text too remember?'

Bom blushed in embarassment that she'd forgotten already as she silently handed Jiyong her phone.

'Papa YG wants you and the girls there too', he confirmed. 

She nodded and he just looked at her amused. 'Pabo noona, you really are forgetful sometimes.' 

'Yah! Respect your sunbae, I am older than you.' Bom's grin told Jiyong she found this as amusing as he did and it made him laugh watching her pretending to be offended. 

'That means I can't insult you noona but I can still be honest,' he smirked and slid to the side escaping his seat. 'And seeing as you're my sunbae like you just reminded me, you can pay the bill,' he winked at her playfully and ran from the diner before his favourite noona could chase him. 

'I'm gonna kill him', she muttered with a small chuckle as she left the money for the pizza on the table along with a small tip. 

Walking outside, she discovered Jiyong stood leaning against a wall signing an autograph for a young fan. The wall hid her from view and she watched in awe at the delight on both the fan's face and Jiyong's. He had transformed from the silly playful Jiyong she knew and loved to the professional work-minded G-Dragon who she loved equally.  He finished signing the autograph and reverted back to Jiyong mode, his face peering around curiously looking for his noona. Because they had somewhere to be, Bom decided to stop messing with him. She stepped away from the wall and approached him quietly from behind. Jiyong was unaware and continued to tilt his head in the opposite direction.

'Bom noona~~ I'm out here~ MIANHE~ I'll buy you free corn for a year!'

'I'll hold you to that.'

!!! He his heel as if he were about to be ambushed by a vicious creature. 'NOONA!'

Bom blinked innocently at him, fluttering her eyelashes. 'Sweet revenge Jiyongie!'

He glared at her and crossed the road to his car, leaving her jogging to catch up.

'C'mon admit it, you deserved that!'

'I never admit to anything noona, you should know that by now.'

Bom momentarily paused, trying to decipher a hidden meaning from his words but found she could make no meaning of them so she shrugged and got into the passenger seat, switching on the radio. 

Jiyong smiled and rolled down the windows. 'We haven't done this in a while.'

Bom rolled hers down too. 'I MAKE IT RAINISM, RAINISM~~'

Laughing, Jiyong covered with one hand. 'The song's almost finished Bom, just wait for the next one. 

She nodded and removed his hand.  He called her Bom instead of noona; she liked it. It seemed more personal and didn't make her feel as old. The next song came on and it turned out to be Taeyang's 'Wedding Dress'. She clapped her hands together excitedly. 'Youngbae!!' 

From the corner of his eye, Jiyong saw her reaction and couldn't help the pang of jealousy he felt. He'd never seen her react like that to one of his songs on the radio however he decided to let it drop as he knew she'd always been a fangirl of Taeyangs.

'Cuz you should be my lady ... ~

Nega ibeun wedding dress ~~ '

Peacefully, he stopped the car outside the YG building. Bom's voice really was one of the best and he wasn't just saying that because she was his best friend, he truly meant it. She rushed out of the car towards the tall building.

'Are you that eager to get away from me noona?' Jiyong lagged behind, locking his car with ease.

'Well we can't keep Papa YG waiting can we?'

He ran to catch up with her. 'I don't like to be kept waiting either and you know I can run faster than you.' 

'Arrogance is a bad qua-' She was cut off as Jiyong grabbed her hand, running and pulling her with him through the main entrance and up the long winding staircase to the CEO's office. When they finally reached the top floor Bom leaned a hand on the wall, gasping for b reath. 

'We should - take -- the -------- elevator ----- next time ...' she panted.

He laughed, slightly out of breath himself, but not as much as she was. 'I was just trying to prove a point Bommie.' He released her hand and moved closer to the door. Bom followed and they knocked for a split second before proceeding to enter the office to find everyone else already there. 

'Sorry we're late boss,' Jiyong bowed.

Bom did the same without speaking as she was still red in the face from Jiyong's 'workout' (=_ =) and didn't want to draw any more attention to herself. Instead she quietly joined her 2NE1 girls all lined up on the left side of the room.

'Unnie, what took you and Jiyong oppa so long?' Minji whispered. Bom simply shrugged patting the younger girls head affectionately. Chaerin and Dara gave a small nod in her direction acknowledging her arrival. Staring directly ahead of her in the cramped office she saw Daesung, Taeyang and Seungri, greeting their fellow band member Jiyong. Taeyang smiled at her from across the room and she was thankful her face was already red so the blush on her cheeks didn't show as she gave him a small shy smile in return. Other than Jiyong, Youngbae was definitely the Big Bang member that she was closest to even if it was because she was a self-confessed fangirl of his.

Yang Hyun Suk cleared his throat and every pair of eyes in the room focused their attention on him. 'Thankyou all for coming, some later than others,' he added with a quick light hearted glance at Jiyong and Bom. 'I'm going to get straight to the point and tell you my big announcement. Now this will affect all of you, but most noticably Big Bang members. ' He turned to them as four pairs of eyebrows shot up in curiosity. 'Now this may come as a shock to you but I've decided to add a new member to the group.'

Everyones jaw dropped. The maknae, Seungri, looked as if he wanted to protest but was too stunned to say anything. The girls looked to and from each other exchanging looks which expressed their early disapproval of their CEO's decision.

Jiyong piped up, 'Sir will I still be leader?'

Papa YG nodded and Jiyong's facial expression relaxed as he breathed an inward sigh of relief. 'Yes Jiyong, you will remain leader however the new member is also a rapper so I will expect you two to get along as you will be working closely together and if he proves popular with the fans I may develop a rap based sub-unit in the near future.'

Jiyong seemed to absorb the information he had just been given for a moment before nodding obediently and remaing quiet.

'Girls,' Yang Hyun Suk shifted his gaze to them, 'I also want you to make him feel welcome. As you know we all like to be a close family here at YG and it will be so much easier if you all get along.'

'Ne sir', the girls nodded their heads in unison. Silence spread across the room like a spell that nobody was willing to break.That was until Daesung spoke.

'What's his name?'

Papa YG smiled at their acceptance and answered immediately.

'His name is Seunghyun and he will join us in a weeks time.' 

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Chapter 12: Omg whatta cliffhanger. Dun do this. Pls pls update 1000000 times pls aaarghhhhh
theeKPOPlover #2
Chapter 12: What a big mouth seriously Daesung!!!!!& Aish stupid Taeyang....
Chapter 12: Yaaaa daeeeeeee >.< why you tell bom's feeling... >.< Baeeeeee why you treat Bom like that *desperate* I hope the acknowledgement of Bom's feeling doesn't make my poor Gtop heart shattering into pieces LOL Anyway thanks for this update, It's been long time since your last update <3
Chapter 11: Yaaahhhh GD.... Don't get over TOP pls.. This is your chance... Go after TOP...... And for you TOP just turn your head a little, you will see GD *wink*
Chapter 11: so TaeBom get caught!!!! so GD push Bom in Taeyang's arm & fight for TOP!!!! Oki that sound calculator but it could be not!!! GTOP fighting!!!
theeKPOPlover #7
I didnt even read the story yet but I am fighting for GTOP!!!!
Chapter 11: Still fighting for topbom :)
topbom_gbom #9
Chapter 10: so this story is gtop, topbom, gbom AND Bombae????...Hwaiting authornim!!!
hobuttlover #10
is this gonna end with gtop or topbom?
'cause i'm a hardcore gtop shipper.