The Official Pimp T.O.P

My minds spinning because of you

A loud buzzing sounded throughout the 2NE1 dorm causing Bom to wrap the pillow around her head. She was not a morning person. 'Just five more minutes ..' she murmured into her pillow, shutting her eyes tight. 

'Unnie! Wake up!' She heard the familiar voice of Minji nearby.

CL came in and added, 'Ne unnie, today Seunghyun arrives. We should be there on time so he gets a good impression.'

Groaning, Bommie sat up and grabbed her phone double-checking the date. Chaerin was right, it had been exactly one week since their meeting with Papa YG meaning Seunghyun was due to arrive today. She threw a hoodie on and rolled out of bed into their shared open kitchen where she found Dara.

'Morning Bommie!!' Dara smiled brightly. She was almost always happy no matter what the weather was like or what the time was, unlike Bom who grunted lightly at her. 'Still tired I take it?' she enquired with a chuckle.

Ignoring the question Bom opened the fridge searching for her morning dose of corn only to find that it wasn't there. 'Yah! Who stole my corn? And why do I have to be up so early?' The clock on the kitchen wall read 7:30am.

'Aish unnie, you sure are cranky in the morning,' commented Chaerin as she took a seat opposite Dara. Minji joined her confessing, 'Mianhe unnie, I stole your corn.' Bom glared menacingly at the maknae hearing this however Dara spoke before she could say anything.

'The reason you have to be up early is because of the new guy.'

A sigh escaped Bom. 'I thought he wouldn't be here until this afternoon?'

'He'll be here this morning,' Dara continued, 'but the rest of us won't be meeting him until this afternoon ...'

Bom almost spat out the hastily made coffee she was drinking. 'Mwo? Just me?'

'Aniyo, there is one member of Big Bang greeting him early too, though we're not sure who ...'

'I guess I better get ready then ...'

Dragging her feet to her room, she resisted the strong urge to get back into bed and stay there. 


Approximately an hour later, Bom had changed into a simple floral dress and had just left the dorm. Walking down the corridor steadily she was fumbling around with her purse and not looking where she was going. Without realising straightaway, she collided with something hard. Snapping to reality she composed herself and looked up to apoligize to the stranger but spent longer than intended simply staring at him. The man she had bumped into was tall, dark and handsome and .. his eyes. God, his eyes. Yah, snap out of it Bommie, she thought. 

'M-mianhae,' she bowed and snuck a last glance at him before continuing hurriedly on her way. The stranger was left stood in the corridor riveted to the spot by their brief yet powerful encounter with a dazed and confused look on his face. 



Never in Bom's life had she seen a man look so ... manly. Everything about him oozed masculinity even down to the small features like his eyebrows. She shook her head vigorously, YG seriously needed to lift this dating ban. 'I haven't had a boyfriend for five years, no wonder I'm obsessing over random guys in corridors,' she muttered irritably.


The elevator doors opened again and Jiyong stepped into the lift. A mini-wave of panic hit her as she thought she may still be a little flushed and if Jiyong noticed, she would have to explain everything. Jiyong looked as tired as she felt and it took him longer than a minute to notice and recognize her.

'Bommie noona?' he yawned.

'Jiyongieee~ .. You have to meet this Seunghyun early too right?'

Reluctantly he nodded. 'I know we haven't even met him yet but he sounds similar to me so I'm scared we will have a power struggle. I'm definitely not backing down as leader no matter how popular this guy gets.'

'PING! Elevator has reached maximum floor.' The pair left the lift together and headed to the office they were familiar with. Surprisingly, they saw Papa YG walking down the corridor towards them. 

'Ahh Bom, Jiyong, just the people I wanted to see, go and wait in my office. Seunghyun appears to have lost his way, he shouldn't be long.'

'Just the kind of guy we need,' Jiyong complained. 'Gets lost on the first ing day!'

Bom rubbed his shoulder. 'Ji, your leader position isn't at risk. Even YG said that himself.'

'I can't help it, I'm paranoid. You know how much I love my job.'

She nodded in understanding and then the waiting game began.


They waited 20 minutes and it was fair to say that impatience had taken its toll on both of them (along with lack of sleep) but by the time the CEO entered the office with the new employee it all disappeared. Bom forgot all her frustration and tiredness and her eyes widened as the man she had collided with that morning entered the room. Jiyong attempted to keep an unreadable expression however he could not completely hide the fact that he was pleased and satisfied with the new members appearance.

'Sorry about the delay, Seunghyun couldn't find the office,' Yang Hyun Suk chuckled. 

Seunghyuns cheeks turned crimson and he bowed. 'Mianhamnida.'

Aww he's embarassed thats cute ... Wait. I could have showed him the way when I bumped into him earlier, I feel so bad. ㅠㅠ



'I was just saying that the reason I thought Seunghyun should meet you and Jiyong first is because he was the rapper that was supposed to be featured on the song 'We belong together' years ago.'

Bom broke into a genuine smile. 'Annyeonghaseyo! Park Bom imnida!' 

'Jiyong imnida! Annyeonghaseyo!' They stood in front of him waiting for him to introduce himself.

Quietly, he did so. 'Annyeonghaseyo, Seunghyun imnida. My stage name is T.O.P though.'

'Nice stage name,' complimented Jiyong.


'Wait, if you were the rapper that was supposed to work with us, why isn't your stage name Tempo?' Bom asked.

'It used to be Tempo. I changed it to T.O.P. It sounds better', he nodded. 

YG directed them out of his office. 'I'd like you two to show Seunghyun around the builiding and introduce him to the others.'

'Arasso, thankyou boss.' responded Jiyong. Seunghyun bowed as the door closed behind them. Bom broke the awkward silence.

'So we would have known you years ago if you'd had shown up that day?'

'Thats right, but I guess they didn't think I was ready to debut. They removed me from the track ..' Both Jiyong and Bom felt bad for him hearing this. Seeing the expression on their faces Seunghyun continued, 'It's fine though, I'm glad I'm debuting now, I feel prepared.'

'Seunghyun-ah, where would you like to go first?'

Seunghyun was confused as to why she wasn't calling him oppa? Did they not call each other by titles in this company?

'To be honest I just want to meet everyone. Even if you show me around I'll still probably get lost,' he chuckled deeply.

Bom wondered why he wasn't calling her noona? Did he not realise how old she was? 

Jiyong prodded her. 'Shall we go straight to the dorms then noona?'

Seunghyun furrowed his eyebrows, puzzled. 'Jiyong, how old are you?'

Looking surpirsed at the question Jiyong replied, 'I was born in '88. You?'

'1987.' Seunghyun took a moment to do the math.If Jiyong was younger than Bom, Bom would be older than him unless himself and Bom were the same age.

'I guess I should call you hyung then', Jiyong laughed.

Seunghyun nodded and turned to Bom. 'So you were born in 87 too right?'

'I don't mind you thinking that ..'

Laughter crept towards Seunghyun's ears. 'Hyung Bommie noona was born in-'

Bom had covered his mouth with a grin. Jiyong was still speaking but the sound coming from his mouth was muffled and completely inaudible.

'Yah what did I tell you about keeping a womans age secret!' she whined letting go of Jiyong. 'Seunghyun-ah I was born in 1984.'

His eyebrows shot up. Damn hes y when he does that, Bom thought.

'Jinjja? You don't look that old.'

'Gomawo.' she smiled and nodded her head confirming her age. 

'I feel so young~.'

Seunghyun blinked down at the younger guy. 'Jiyong aren't I only a year older than you?'

'Ne, but both of you will hit 30 before me,' he stated with a GD style smirk.

'You calling us old?' Bom pursed her lips. 

'Ani, I'm only calling YOU old,' he winked.

Seunghyun watched them joke around and envied their closeness. He didn't have anyone he could be himself with like that ... 

'I am not old Ji!'

They reached the Big Bang dorm first and Bom whispered to Seunghyun: 'If you think Jiyongs a pain in the just wait til you meet maknae.'

'If hes anything like you two, I think I'll find him funny,' he replied. She smiled.

Meanwhile Jiyong had abandoned the tradition of knocking and had stormed into the dorm. Slowly and cautiously, Bom and Seunghyun followed.

'Oh and by the way, I'm sorry about this morning .. Walking into you.'

He looked bemused for a while but soon understood. 'Oh its fine, I was quite rude, I didn't even say sorry myself. I was stressing about not finding the office.' he chuckled awkwardly.

'I was a bit like that on my first day. This building is a big place so don't worry. You'll get used to it soon enough'

'ANNYEONG!' Their short conversation was interrupted by Seungri who charged at them from the other room. 'Noona!' He hugged her excitably like a child and she giggled. 

'Seungri, this is Seunghyun.' 

'Annyeonghaseyo hyung? Nice to meet you,' he bowed. 

Bom was shocked. 'Seungri ... you are ... using manners?'

'What do you take me for noona?' he complained. Seunghyun stayed quiet as much as possible. He wanted to get a sense of everyones relationship with each other before he started getting close to people. 'We have the same name hyung~! Lee Seunghyun imnida!'

'Choi Seunghyun imnida. The youngest and oldest members share the same name, thats cool!' A smile lit up his face. He decided to make an effort.

'Come through and meet the others hyung.' Seungri ushered him through the opposite door. Daesung rushed over, almost bowing all the way to the ground. 

'Annyeonghaseyo hyung! I'm Daesung!' 

'Nice to meet you Daesung. Seunghyun imnida.' He bowed in return to the overly bubbly man in front of him.

'They're probably only being this respectful because Jiyong rushed and told them how old you were ...' Bom muttered to him thinking no-one else could hear so she was surprised when Youngbaes smooth voice spoke.

'You make it sound like we're rude normally.' She span round and saw Taeyang smirking at her playfully. 'Youngbae imnida, or Taeyang,' he did the peace sign. Seunghyun introduced himself again and noticed Bom blushing out of the corner of his eye. Was there something going on between her and Taeyang he wondered? Hmmm. Frantic knocking was heard at the door.

'Who is it?' Daesung called out.

'Oppa!' .. Bom instantly recognized Minji's voice. 'It's us!' Letting out a small squeal Bom rushed to the door, swinging it open and embracing all the girls at once. Dragging them all in she yelled, 'These are my girls Seunghyun!'

'Minji imnida.'

'Leader CL, Chaerin imnida.'

'Dara imnida', the older girl bounced up and down, excited.

'Ladies, its a pleasure.' He decided to play around and act the gentleman so he kissed each of their hands, excluding Bom's. 

'O, oppa you missed out Bom unnie?' Chaerin said.

'Ani, since I already met Bom earlier maybe I shouldn't greet her like that.' Slightly disappointed, Bom chuckled trying to mask it. 'Although I could greet her like this instead ...' Seunghyun approached Bom and held his arms open. She quickly realised and wrapped her arms around him in a friendly hug.Although the hug only lasted for about two seconds everyone seemed shocked by the suddenness of it, including Bom herself.

'Aww that was cute hyung!'

'Ne I like you already oppa!'

The two maknaes seemed to overreact as usual.

Stood further away, distancing himself from the group slightly was someone who wasn't as pleased at seeing the interaction between his noona and his newest hyung. Only Dara noticed him and his unsatisfied eyes. She looked from GD to Bom and TOP who were deep in conversation. GD was transfixed and his eyes never left the pair of them. Dara bit her lip anxiously. Something was definitley suspicious.

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Chapter 12: Omg whatta cliffhanger. Dun do this. Pls pls update 1000000 times pls aaarghhhhh
theeKPOPlover #2
Chapter 12: What a big mouth seriously Daesung!!!!!& Aish stupid Taeyang....
Chapter 12: Yaaaa daeeeeeee >.< why you tell bom's feeling... >.< Baeeeeee why you treat Bom like that *desperate* I hope the acknowledgement of Bom's feeling doesn't make my poor Gtop heart shattering into pieces LOL Anyway thanks for this update, It's been long time since your last update <3
Chapter 11: Yaaahhhh GD.... Don't get over TOP pls.. This is your chance... Go after TOP...... And for you TOP just turn your head a little, you will see GD *wink*
Chapter 11: so TaeBom get caught!!!! so GD push Bom in Taeyang's arm & fight for TOP!!!! Oki that sound calculator but it could be not!!! GTOP fighting!!!
theeKPOPlover #7
I didnt even read the story yet but I am fighting for GTOP!!!!
Chapter 11: Still fighting for topbom :)
topbom_gbom #9
Chapter 10: so this story is gtop, topbom, gbom AND Bombae????...Hwaiting authornim!!!
hobuttlover #10
is this gonna end with gtop or topbom?
'cause i'm a hardcore gtop shipper.